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Rated: E · Poetry · Experience · #2030875
My only ailment: my hair’s grey ... A Senior Forum Entry
Grey Hair Syndrome

My daughter called me, just today.
“How are you, Dad?” said with concern.
My only ailment: my hair’s grey,
a lesson she will someday learn.

It used to be that adding years
denoted wisdom. Now it seems
that it’s just one of many fears
that threatens those with youthful dreams.

It’s true. I can’t do all I did –
well, not as fast as in the past –
when I was young and just a kid
but I enjoy more, in contrast.

A glass of wine shared with a friend,
a leisured stroll along the beach,
are treasures, not the latest trend
that, somehow, I must strive to reach.

Each moment’s sweet upon my tongue.
I savor time; its unique taste
I never knew when I was young.
With age I’ve learned it’s not to waste.

Life is a journey ruled by fate;
our best laid plans go oft astray.
I’ve learned to never hesitate,
to live each moment of each day.

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An entry for the February round of "Senior Center ForumOpen in new Window.
Prompt: Open
Form: Quatrains in tetrameter – abab rhyme

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