Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2026507-Chapter-1---UNFINISHED
by MGM
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2026507
Casual writing about a space adventure. Suggestions welcome.
"Time to wake up, Jasper. Mr. Safavi wants to see you"
// Describe Bill //
"What? Is that you, Bill?"

Jasper knew that he was in trouble. This had been the fourth time he'd fallen asleep on the job, and since "baldy" himself had been sent to retrieve him, Jasper knew that, this time, the boss meant business.

"Yeah, it's me, and if you don't wake up, you'll meet my boot too."

"Alright, alright! How'd you find me here anyway?"

The two shipping yard workers were tucked away in one of the numerous back alleys of the New Axum Intergalactic Shipping and Merchantile Port of the planet Oban. This alleyway in particular was riddled with trash from the residents living in the apartments above. Jasper had been laying on a makeshift bed of waste bags and torn garments and, despite the spaceships roaring overhead, was sleeping rather peacefully until Bill arrived.

"Get a move on. Mr. Safavi isn't taking too kindly to your absences." Bill told Jasper. The two of them walked out of the alleyway and into the bustling backlot of the Maxwell Interplanetary Shipping complex.

Located just off of the coast of Lake Cevdet, MIPS owned an interesting location. Directly in the middle of New Axum, MIPS had more than its fair share of business. From the incessant online orders of the common man to the massive and often classified shipments of fellow corporations of New Axum, all shipments to and fro went through MIPS.

Bill and Jasper continued to move quickly to Packaging Plant D, the building they both were employed in. On this side of the MIPS compoud, far from public eye, the down-and-dirty work of a shipping company took place. Men and women clad in identical blue jumpsuits rushed back and forth between buildings and while pushing carts, boxes, or even lifting large crates of products to be shipped. To be heard, workers had to yell over the incessant sounds of vehicle motors roaring, vacuum-proof crates being organized and set rather clumsily, all on top of the scream of merchant and personal ships up above.

As Bill and Jasper darted in between speeding forklifts and cranes, Jasper glanced over past the packaging plants towards the MIPS Merchantile Ship Port. Lined up in neat rows on metal platforms along the coast were MIPS' fleet of transports, twenty four Iron Horse Aerodynamics CST-5080's glistening sliver and navy in the afternoon sun.

Although he never told anyone, Jasper had always envied the crews of the 5080s. Ever since he had arrived on Oban four years ago, his eyes would occasionally drift up at the cottonball sky, longing to see a 5080 flying high above.

He had always wanted to be a crew member on a space ship. It didn't matter what for - military, merchantile, or transport; as long as he was sailing through the obsidian sky he would be content. Which was why Jasper came to Oban in the first place, to find work as a ship crew member.

Finally Jasper and Bill reached Packaging Plant D. Passing through the bustling work floor, they entered the break room, which was on the way to Safavi's office. The duo passed fellow workers, some of which waved to the pair. The news screen nearby activated, announcing reports of pirating in local systems as well as an update on the freak weather taking place on the planet Korsk. Bill and Jasper continued through the room and soon found the trim door of Safavi's office. Jasper entered.

Delicate harmonic music drifted in the air of the professional office. A burgundy leather couch sat alone against the left wall of the modestly sized room, while on the right sat a small aquarium. In the center of the room, a grand oak desk took residence, with a balding, wiry man hunched over it, flipping through papers.

"Mr. Safavi, Jasper is here." Bill announced. Mr. Safavi glanced up, pushing his half-moon spectacles further up his nose.

"Ah, thank you Bill. You may wait outside." Safavi replied half-heartedly.
© Copyright 2015 MGM (nativemaxican at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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