Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2023964-Seduced-by-a-Succubus
by Llya
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #2023964
2 princes brothers bound by lust and passion by an evil being must save themselves.
        When I was younger, my grandfather told me a story about a curse that has haunted my family for centuries. However, as I got older there were signs that the story about the curse was no myth or fairy tale. But, a stone cold reality. Though now I can't really remember the full detail of the fairy tale; the only things I can remember are the main things. A curse, a dance, and something about evading an unwanted lover.

        That unwanted love has suddenly come into my life recently, she is the devil in a woman's figure. Every time I look into those emotionless, grey eyes and her stone cold face, it strikes fear into my very heart. Fear is the one thing that made me fall in love with her. Although, I will never fully admit it to myself or anyone else that I have fallen in love with her. However, when I started bringing her around more often my family told me to stay away from her, to stay away from her conniving ways. I chalked it up to them just being jealous.

        Due to her being so sinfully and beautifully evil, I could not obey the warnings for my concerned family. Each time, she spoke my name or her cold grey eyes would suck me into the chasm where her soul is supposed to be, she grew more and more mysteriously alluring to me.

        My family started to really pull away from me for chasing my new love. They did not understand what she does for me. She kindled my every desire and lit a deep fiery passion and sensation within my soul. I know that one day that extreme fiery passion will be the painful death of me.

        As of now, I have no care in the world. I will continue to chase and court her with every fiber of my being.

Due to me being in love with someone that my family does not approve of, they nearly started rejecting me. Most of them won't even talk to me, yet alone be around me. The bad part is that I am truly suspecting my young brother is falling for my darling demon.

        Oh dear, where are my manners. I have forgotten to introduce myself. I am Prince Aiden Morgan, hair to the throne of Waifiris, 20 years old, and I would like to think I am wise beyond my years.

Today, I decide to stop by the famous Bluebelle Garden to pick some of the rarest flowers for my beautiful demon. Upon kneeling to pick the last of the flowers I wanted, I overheard someone say something about a dance in less than two weeks. The excitement surges through my body is incredible. I sat in the garden unseen to listen to more information about this dance.

        I wanted to know whom is speaking so I peeked through the yellow and pink rose bushes. In the process of peeking, I prick my index finger on an unseen thorn, and the blood spills on the rose in the middle. Suckling the blood, I continue to peer out the bushes. Just hearing about the dance, I have never felt this kind of adrenaline before about a dance. It was truly remarkable.

        As I gathered up the flowers, I had to keep the adrenaline and excitement inside of me. At least until I could get the flowers to my darling Susanna and ask her to be my date for the dance. I guess that is why the adrenaline was pumping so furiously through my veins. Because I imagined that I would declare my love for her in front of everyone at the dance and ask her to become my princess. As my princess, I would woo her and hopefully win her heart that beats in her evil chest.


        Entering into the palace, I am greeted by people that work in and around the castle and court. Bowing and smiling to the last of the people and with the flowers in my hand, I make my way up the marble and golden staircase. Then down the short hallway to the right and stop at her room door.

        I can smell her sweetest perfume drifting in the air. I stood an inch away from the door and took a deep breath; letting her perfume fill my nose. The very scent made my heart skip a beat then beat faster. I brush my clothes off and just as I am about to knock on the door. I heard the sounds of laughter coming from behind her door. I automatically recognize my love's voice, the evilest of sweet voices that held nothing but pure sin. However, the other voice is not so familiar to my sense of hearing.

  Ever so gently, I leaned against the door to get a better hear of what was being said, but the thick wooden door only muffled their voices. Hearing what sounded like a loud crash, I dropped the flowers and barged in her room to see who was in the room with my darling one.

        To my now heartbroken eyes, my brother; that fiend was standing there with my love's hands in his own. He must have been wooing her due to the fact that she was laughing with glee at every word he said to her before I rushed into the room.

        Without thinking, I take my brother by his throat, slamming him against the door. I could feel all the anger I have ever felt for him over the years, began to pound at the veins in my body. The anger causes me to tighten my grip around his throat. I smirked while I watched the life slip out of his blue eyes. Susanna's touch was the only thing that could soothe the beast that was ready to kill my own blood. Her touch soothed and burned my skin simultaneously. It soothed me enough to tame the beast that was about to erupt inside of me, I let go of my brother.

        How could he have done something so foul like this to me?

        Coming out of the sadistic state I was in, I looked to Susanna whom is still holding on to my sleeve. My brother sputtered and tried to catch his breath as he sat up on the floor. Just the mare image of them laughing and joking together nearly brought tears to my eyes. But, I refused to let the tears fall.

        "I am sorry, Aiden." Susanna says.

        For once in her life, or for as long as I have known her, this is the very first true sorry I have heard ever come out of her mouth. I spared my brother's life, he continued to sputter. Susanna for some reason still hung at my sleeve. Disgust raised up, I snatch away from her and walk out of her room, stepping on the flowers.

        When I looked into her eyes before making my hurtful exit, there was nothing there. Just as I expected there to be. No sympathy or sign of any life inside her cold and emotionless grey eyes. Maybe she was sorry and couldn't show any sign of sympathy for what she had done. Or maybe she wasn't sorry for what she did, just sorry that she got caught.

        Now, I absolutely despised her. Not only her but both of them. My brother for betraying me and Susanna for entertaining the whole idea. My brother, he could not and shall not win this time, I vowed as I walked quickly to my place of sanctuary, my room which is located at the very top of the castle.

        Susanna's cries for me to come back fall upon my deaf ears, I do not care that she wants me to come back. Why should I come back? So, that she can come up with some kind of lie in order for me to see what she had really done what not bad at all. Plus, she already had my brother in her room wooing her so that he could take her from my very arms. Like he did with the first girl I fell in love with. I vowed to have my revenge and I am determined to take the dearest thing that is closest to my brother's heart; his wife.


© Copyright 2014 Llya (jonoahamber at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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