Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2017179-Midnight-Secrets--a-novella
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Dark · #2017179
Chapter 1 of a novella I wanted to write. Keep in mind, this was before the Cullens.

Midnight Secrets 

©Dawn Mercier 2002  Word count; 2424

        As Jordyn Cavanaugh stood on the balcony of her 2nd story townhouse looking out across the lake, a chill swept over her. Her eyes sought the darkness that stretched beyond her, and she knew someone watched…waited, as they had been watching and waiting throughout her lifetime. Was he the specter from her dreams? The one whose face was never quite clear? Before, his presence had not been a frightening one, but protective, almost soothing. She believed that the specter from her dreams had somehow been watching over her since the night she’d almost met her death ten years ago. But now her dreams had taken the shape of nightmares. She felt as if something evil stalked her.

          Her senses were sharper in recent days. Jordyn assumed it being because she had adjusted to her surroundings. Now she leaned against the railing, trying to part the darkness and find the source of her unease. Nothing there but shadows and mist—nothing but a feeling, a very strong one that the night had eyes, and that she was not alone. When the darkness failed to surrender a logical reason for the goose bumps that rose on her arms, the prickling sensation at the back of her neck, she sighed and went back inside, closing the French doors that connected the balcony to her living room. She walked to her bedroom to prepare for bed. Maybe tonight he would come back to her, and chase away the nightmares.                       

          Maven Davidnoff stood silently, unmoving, and undetected by anyone or anything that might be lurking there in the darkness with him.  A predator, stalking his prey…a marble statue staring into nothingness. Hidden well by the thick fog rolling across the lake, just in case someone should slip in with more power and sense him.  His only concern right now was the troubled look on the woman’s face.  Her eyes revealed the lack of sleep she’d had recently, probably due to the intruder in her dreams, now turned to nightmares.  He knew that for the last couple of weeks, they had become worse.  Jordyn didn’t realize it, but the intrusion had begun to make its mark on her.  Soon her already heightened senses would become full-force, and the changes—the things she would hear and see and ‘crave’, would drive her to the brink of madness.  Jordyn would have no choice but to become one of the tainted ones in his race.

Something evil had found its way into her mind, and Maven was bound and determined to seek out whatever it was before the darkness enveloped her completely.  If the force took over, there would be no turning back for Jordyn.  Life as she knew it now would be lost forever.  As time progressed, it could only get worse.  Even the blood he’d saved her with all those years ago was useless when the others poison was embedded into her soul.

“Damn them!” Maven retorted.  A silent curse reeked with revenge.

Maven’s plans had to be postponed due to the unseen events that had recently occurred; the 4 slayings within the town, the violent outbursts that would come from ordinary people, costing one or more of those accused a free night in the city jail, as well as the unexplained disappearing bodies, dead or alive.

Maven had a pretty good idea of who the culprit or culprits were-Sienna Marquette and Valok Davidnoff, his own twin brother. 

Sienna was among the most powerful of the evil vampires, taking her position as highest above all, good and bad.  Sienna was once a beautiful woman.  Ebony hair hung to the middle of her back, deep, though cold green eyes, olive skin, and a smile that could melt the heart of a vampire or male human alike.  Even after she turned, before the evil set in, she was still an extraordinary woman, if not more so.  Loved and respected by all, one of the most sought after females he had ever known.  She’d receive countless invitations from other vampires and many a male mortal to accompany them to some extravagant event, and who-knows-what afterward.

She was a wonderful addition to his species, until she became tainted by an evil one.  She’d turned into a violent, malicious killer, one that would eat a mortal alive if given the chance…and some had given her the chance, not knowing any better.

From what Maven had learned over the years, Sienna was now a most powerful force to be reckoned with especially since she had become “tainted” with the ‘black blood’, as others so openly called it.  But he had also heard that she too had disappeared as so many others.  Most concluded that she’d been killed and disposed of, not to be found again.  But as usual, there was no proof of that allegation.

Though being among one of the most powerful vampiresses, she had a companion.  A long lost love, or so she thought, from her mortal days.  A vampire with extraordinary power of his own.  Valok Davidnoff, the estranged twin brother of the Davidnoff family, poisoned by his love for the evil vampiress, Sienna.

As far as Maven knew both had been destroyed years ago by another of their kind.  Unfortunately, he knew in his heart that what was happening in his once quiet city had to be the work of his archenemy and companion.  The signs all pointed to them, the sloppiness of the work, not caring who found out about them and who didn’t.  The sudden intrusion of Jordyn’s mind, hoping that the blood bond that he and Jordyn share wasn’t strong enough to stop the possibility of making her one of them.  Taking all that he had worked for like so many years ago when Valok took possession of Sienna. 

Maven vowed this night, that he would trace the exact destination of his archenemies.  He had to find them before the travesty they were creating became much worse for all involved.  Having a repeat of what had happened to the once gentle Sienna was not something he wanted repeated, not while he still walked the earth.  But for now, he’d have to resign from the chase, placing himself within Jordyn’s dreams to stop the onset of nightmares being created.  As long as he made himself known in her mind, Sienna and Valok, couldn’t control her.  It was when he couldn’t slip into her thoughts to protect her that worried him. His brother was a monster. He had no heart. Thoughts came to him, memories that he would rather forget.


          The ebony-haired beauty stood as still as stone, with empty eyes, showing no fear.  Valok had taken control of her mind, as Maven was bound to a chair, being forced to watch his lover be turned into a deranged monster.  Thus, losing her for all time, if not his life as well.

“Watch now brother, as I make her mine for all eternity.” An evil laugh escaped Valok’s blood stained lips, as he reared his head and pierced Sienna’s soft neck with his fangs. 

All Maven could do was stare in disgust, and scream out curses to Valok’s soul.  Heavy silver chains bound him; his body so weak from the lacerations bestowed by his twin, trying to escape was useless.  Being close to death himself he wished it would come soon, to ease the pain physically and mentally.

Tears streamed down Maven’s face as he watched his own twin take his most cherished possession from him.  Draining her of her life, inch by disgusting inch.  A moment later, Sienna’s lifeless form slumped, falling onto the floor.  She was so pale, and motionless, Maven knew she was dead.

“You bastard!” he managed with ragged breath, “I vow to hunt you for the rest of my life.”  Those were the last words Maven managed, as he faded into darkness, sure death would take him soon.


Jordyn woke with a start.  Her cheeks felt flushed and her breathing labored.  The dream she’d just had took her to places she knew existed but had never ventured to before.  Untouchable, non-existent, or so she thought.  One minute she was in the wrath of vile darkness, the next, into a beautiful radiating light.  Still she was unsure how things had managed to change so abruptly.

Sitting up in bed, Jordyn replayed as many details as she could in her head.  Trying to catch the hidden meaning behind it.  All dreams had them she believed; now finding it was the challenge.

It began in a dark room.  A basement or a cellar maybe but she couldn’t be sure.  Another woman stood there, staring into nothingness, not moving.  If Jordyn didn’t know better, she’d have thought the woman wasn’t breathing as still as she was.  Long, black, silk curls framed her face cascading down her shoulders to the swell of her breasts.  She was certainly beautiful.

In front of her was a man, tall, dark, and brooding.  He reeked of evil intentions.  Jordyn couldn’t get a look at him, because his face was nothing more than a blur.  Behind him was another man bound to a chair.  His face, a blur as well.

A moment later, there was a blood-curdling scream.  Jordyn couldn’t tell if it had come from the woman or the seated man.  The man standing lunged toward the female, in one quick fluid motion.  Sinking his teeth into her delicate neck.  Fangs and blood protruded…and then…nothing. Darkness.

Suddenly she had been ripped from the darkness and thrown into the radiating sunlight.

Jordyn found herself on the bank of her lake the next moment, watching the sun stream down on the water, giving off shards of light like diamonds.  Sitting there momentarily stunned, looking across the lake to notice a dark figure appear.  He seemed to be hovering over the lake; at least that’s what it looked like.  After all, it was a dream right? Though she secretly hoped it wasn’t.

Floating, the figure neared.  The closer he got, the harder Jordyn could feel her heart pounding, ready to jump out of her chest.  Whatever vile act she bore witness to, now forgotten. 

When the stranger reached her, it was all Jordyn could do to stop herself from fainting.  Especially when she made the mistake of looking up into deep pools of dark blue.  Framed by long, black hair hanging loosely around his masculine face.  His skin was perfect, not a flaw in site.  Smooth shaven with a strong jaw line and high cheekbones.  She realized she must have been dreaming because a man like him just couldn’t exist in the real world.  No way.

Those eyes, they were mesmerizing.  One could not help but stare at them.  Fathomless pits, promising strength and power.  And something else, Jordyn couldn’t place.

She sat staring at the man for what seemed like a lifetime.  Hypnotized by those eyes, Jordyn found it hard to breath, or even think about the possibility.  A moment later, she caught her breath, and then her mind filled with questions by the dozens.

“What happened? Where am I? Who are you? Do I know you?” Jordyn caught herself rambling as the questions poured out.  The color rose in her cheeks for a moment.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come out that way, I’m just a little confused.”  She apologized.

“No need for apology dear.  I understand, I too, would be confused if I were in your shoes.”  A deep voice answered, causing comfort and shivers to crawl up and down Jordyn’s spine.

“Allow me to introduce myself then. Maven Davidnoff, at your service if you so wish.”  With a bow, Maven smiled seductively, his voice tainted with a slight accent.

Jordyn couldn’t help herself as she tried hard to disguise the giggle that escaped her lips.

“You find me amusing love?”  He questioned with a hint of humor in his eyes.

“No, no not at all really.  I think...intriguing, is the word I’d like to use. You’re obviously not from around here. I don’t think anyone bows around here anymore.”  Jordyn smiled, the first time since the dream began.

“Ahh I see, you find me intriguing and most likely out of date, isn’t that correct?”  Maven questioned, once again with humor lighting his eyes. He knew she found him old-fashioned, out of date, sexy, and even mysterious.  He could read it in her mind.  Most of those allegations held true.

“Why have you come to me? I’m in danger aren’t I?”  Jordyn already knew the answer; she too could read his thoughts, unsure how it was possible, but it was.

“Yes love you are. And yes that’s why I’m here and that’s also why you’re here instead of the darkness I found you in.  Although, I know you have many questions, they must wait.  I have business to take care of.”  Maven pointed out to her, leaving no room for question.

“You will be safe for now, the enemy are only active during the evening hours.  I will be back tonight, out of your dreams though.  I’ll be by shortly after sunset and promise to answer any questions then.  Go now, its time to awaken.”  With a wave of his hand, Jordyn was back in her own reality and he had disappeared. 

So there she sat, on her bed rerunning the dream over and over again.  Amazed at what had happened but also curious about more.  Will he really come by this evening, is he even real? The only thing Jordyn knew for certain was that she indeed was in danger. She could feel it throughout her bones.  The darkness was there, lurking, waiting for the appropriate moment to strike and make its mark.  Now she just had to find out what it was all about, she hoped that Maven would really show up this evening.  Questions she had were badly in need of answers, since she could feel the danger.  As the days past, the danger became more prominent. Jordyn was actually becoming frightened.  With that thought came that familiar feeling of warmth she had felt so many other times.  Calming her, and promising to help in any way possible.

Jordyn rose from her bed and did her daily routine before heading out the door to work.  Keeping the thought of seeing Maven again in her heart and while she was awake, caused a smile to cross her lips.  Tonight, tonight she would have an answer she longed for, at least that’s what she hoped.

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