Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2014106-Who-Am-I
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #2014106
about a lost soul trying to find meaning in this life that he finds profoundly vast.
When the sun goes down on this dark sordid town,
out come the sinners, they're all going down.
A handsome man,blessed with height and wit,
found in his soul a dark bottom less pit.

He tried to fill it with drugs and material things,
lost that happy tune that he used to once sing.
He trampled his family and friends he held dear,
at night he would wonder just why he was here.

He used to wonder about the planets and space,
but still he could never just find the right pace.
A shelf full of books, a head full of words,
nobody believed the things he once heard.

A man of curiosity, searching for purpose,
gave up and thought of his life as worthless.
Yet he still wishes to wipe his slate clean,
but nothing can erase the things he has seen.
© Copyright 2014 Brian Thomas (bigb2414 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2014106-Who-Am-I