Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2012989-SWALO-University
by SwaloU
Rated: XGC · Chapter · Adult · #2012989
SWALO University part 5
The plain concrete steps are hard to see in the dark stairwell, but you make your way to the second floor. You look up to where the stairs end on the third floor, but decide to look around here first. The building isn’t small, and there are a lot of places to look. You quietly move through the exit door, making sure to close it quietly behind you. The wooden doors in front of you have little stickers on them here and there, and a few have mini whiteboards, most of whose markers have gone missing, but there aren’t any names. Of course not, you think, that would have been far too convenient. The hall splits a little further down, and you can see that the one on your right leads down the stairwell to the main floor. Remembering that room is occupied, you turn to the left, and freeze in your tracks. Your eyes go wide in fear as the girl standing in front of you looks you over quickly.
         “Lost?” she asks curtly.
         “Yeah, I, uh, um… bathroom?” you manage to squeak out. Smooth.
         The girl tilts her head at you and looks you up and down once more, then points behind her. “Over there. Who are you here with?”
         “Uh…” You point vaguely in the direction of the most doors. Shrugging helplessly, you mutter, “She’s…. over… um….”
         “Aww, you don’t remember?” The girl cuts you off. She suddenly looks less suspicious and more hungry, you notice. “Too bad, I’m sure she won’t miss you then, if she didn’t even bother to tell you her name.” She grabs your shoulders and roughly pulls you sideways to one of the nearby rooms. Opening it and shoving you through, she quickly closes it behind her. Crossing her arms, she orders you, “Strip.” You realize that was not a suggestion as she stares coldly at you. Slowly, you undo your pants, revealing the unusually sized bulge in your underwear beneath. Her eyes widen in surprise. “Well now, maybe she will miss you. Whoever it was I’m sure you were here with.” Moving toward you she pulls your boxers down to your ankles, freeing your dick. “This changes things!” She says, as she kneels  in front of you, handling your package in mild disbelief.
         You suddenly realize that you have one opportunity to save this debacle of a mission. “Do you like it?” You ask, making it swell and bounce slowly higher. “I think he likes you.”
         She glares up at you. “Shut up. You don’t get to talk.” Fair, you think, but all is fair in love and war, and this is actually kind of both. With her eyes on your face and off your dick, you have an extra moment to make it move, and move it does. As it rises above her head, it takes her a moment to realize that it’s not just getting more erect, and a puzzled look crosses her face just before the head of your cock darts downward and covers her head. Moving as quickly as you can, you force your cock down over her body, hoping the music in the house is enough to cover her muffled, angry screams. You watch her body slide down the length of your cock and into your sack, where she thrashes angrily, but eventually settles down once she sees there is no escape. You realize that there is no way you can put your pants back on, and with a girl obviously trapped in your balls, there will be no confusion or second chance if you are seen again.
         You open the door and poke your head out, making sure the coast is clear. When you see nothing, you move along the hallway, away from the stairs to the bottom floor. You look at each door, hoping for some sort of clue as to which one could be Daphne’s. Suddenly you hear footsteps coming up the stairs behind you. You look frantically for a place to hide, but the hallways is long and straight, with nothing but doors. One of them has a bathroom sign, and you quickly push it open and step inside. It’s small, with white tile floors and walls, and one of the showers is obviously being used. You just hope nobody else comes through the door. As you quietly look around at the steam filling the room and coating the large mirror above the sinks, your unwilling passenger chooses that unfortunate moment to make an angry, muffled comment.
         “What?” You hear from the shower. “Is someone there?”FUCK. NOT NOW! You place both your hands on your sack, as though you could cover the girl’s mouth in there.
         “Mmm  mmmmmm mmm!” Comes the unintelligible protest again. You imagine it has something to do with the sudden movement as you ducked into the bathroom, or being covered in jizz. Probably both.
         “I can’t hear you in here! What did you say?” The girl in the shower responds. The footfalls and voices are still in the hallway. You realize that you have to act now, before you lose your chance. You move toward the shower curtain, willing your cock to lengthen and stretch upward. Behind the curtain, the girl washes the soap from her hair, running her face under the water. The ominous shadow of your cock on the curtain looms closer and closer, then reaching over the curtain bar, you thrust your cock down over the girl’s wet body. The water makes swallowing her incredibly easy, and your powerful cock draws its prey back over the bar and down into your sack, joining her unfortunate sister. The surprised movement in your balls quickly subsides as the two girls realize they are sharing their prison with a sister. An angry, but quiet conversation ensues, one that you are not privy to. Regardless, you think, they are your prey now, let them talk. They’ll both be churned into jizz soon enough.
         You move back to the bathroom door, waiting to hear silence outside. Soon enough you pull open the door and move down the hallway again. The doors around you are closed and quiet, except for one at the end of the hall. You move cautiously toward it, hearing no voices, but quiet, happy moans. As you approach, you can see that the door is ajar. You look cautiously through the opening, seeing a girl laying naked on her front on her bed. She has all the curves you could wish for, but you definitely wouldn’t consider her fat. Her enormous breasts rest underneath her, pressing out against her arms at her sides, and her large, rounded ass looks fantastic. Her lower legs rest in the air, crossed at the ankles, rocking gently back and forth, looking for all the world as though she is doing nothing more innocent than reading a book. She is, however, halfway through a meal, one which is obviously enjoying himself. He lays on his back, head and shoulders gone down her throat, but his hands are free and at his dick, pointed into the air, pleasuring himself. The girl looks down his stomach, enjoying the show, and slowly savoring the feeling of sliding her man down her throat. She must have noticed the darkness in the doorway though, because her eyes suddenly flick toward you, going wide as she realizes that she’s being watched. You panic, but only momentarily, as you realize that with her mouth full… very full… she can’t yell out. Slipping in and shutting the door behind you, the girl’s wide eyes seem to grow wider as she notices your swollen ballsack and huge dick. She swallows hard, suddenly, but you reach with your cock to her bare feet, quickly engulfing them and her legs. Her generous body stretches your cock out more than it has been before, and you have a little trouble sliding the head up over her ass. She grabs at her meal, pulling at him, trying to swallow him before you have the chance to swallow her, which elicits an irritated complaint from her meal. Some things just shouldn’t be rushed. This is not one of them, however. Your cock squeezes and sucks at her, and you are thankful that she hasn’t swallowed more than half of her meal as your cock stretches over the small bump in her belly. One she finishes swallowing, you wouldn’t be able to fit around her at all. Your cock slides up under her enormous breasts, but they are soft and supple, so with a little work, they too disappear into the head of your dick. Soon, nothing is left of her except her head… and the last big of legs poking out of her mouth. You move close to her face, and pushing the man’s legs to the side so that you can look her in the eyes, ask, “Where is Daphne?” She looks pointedly at the ceiling.
         Of course. The third floor. Daphne is a senior, and president of the sorority. Why wouldn’t she be on the third floor? It seems obvious to you now. The girl swallows again, leaving just her meal’s feet poking out of her mouth. Pity she had to rush her dinner. You feel him start to ball up in her stomach, stretching out your cock even more. It hurts. You concentrate, and with a strong squeeze, force her body down into your sack, where her generous, full body can rest just fine. You think of its three occupants (four, technically?) and realize that you are going to have some trouble moving now. Looking around, you grab the bedsheet, wrapping it under your swollen balls. You pause for a moment and watch as the skin of your sack moves and contracts, slowly but surely churning its occupants into an enormous load of sperm. Grabbing the corners of the bedsheet, you drag yourself and your unplanned prizes out the door and to the stairs.
         Slowly but surely, you make your way up the stairwell to the third floor. Opening the door, you see the hallway is empty. Moving along, you can tell that the doors are spread further apart. The nicer, larger rooms must be up here. Some of the doors here are even labeled! There are a few large pink hearts on the front of some doors, each with a title. These must all be the sorority leaders! Now all you should need to do is find the one labeled, “President”. That will be Daphne’s room! It is mostly quiet, except for the obvious sounds of lovemaking coming from an open door. Moving near, you press against the close wall, making sure not to be seen by the couple going at it on the other side of the doorway. You look at the door directly across the hallway, and your heart sinks. “Sorority President.” Clear as day, in flowery handwriting, and in full view of the open door next to you. You try to think of a way around, or any other option, but you know that you won’t be able to get through that door without being noticed. An unhelpful thought crosses your mind, who in their right mind leaves the door open while they fuck, anyway? Frustrated, you turn back to the door, hoping to get a look around the corner without being noticed. You see a bed in the far corner, bouncing up and down. Peeking slowly further around the door frame, you see long blond hair falling from a girl’s head, her hands on the bed beneath her. Slowly her pert breasts come into view, hanging from her chest, bouncing up and down with each audible slap of skin on skin. Just a little further, and you see strong hands holding her hips, her tight ass jiggling with each thrust as the guy slams into her from behind, over and over again. You realize that they are facing slightly away from you, and you watch around the corner for slightly longer than should be prudent. Watching the cute blonde’s lithe body get pounded elicits some unbidden movement from your cock, as it stiffens on its own.
         Leaning back against the wall, you realize you don’t have a choice. You need to do something besides wait in this hallway for someone to find you. Maybe, just maybe, if you can move quickly enough, you could get both of them? Not at the same time, of course. But maybe you could swallow one, then the other, without being noticed. It’s a long shot, but better than standing around doing nothing, you figure. You take a moment to calm yourself, listening to the slap of his hips against her ass, her cries of pleasure, and then you drop the bedsheet and slip through the doorway as quickly as you can. You don’t think they noticed your movement, but you waste no time in stretching your cock out over the guy’s head. You thrust quickly downward over his torso, and you watch him stiffen in surprise, and see his fingers dig deep into the girl’s sides. She must have thought he was cumming, because she doesn’t turn around, but pushes back against him. That might be just the bit of luck you need. You work quickly, sucking the guy into your cock, pulling him down to your groin, and watch the girl drop her head on the pillow in front of her, exhausted. Then she looks behind her, smiling, expecting to see the contented face of her lover. The sight of a huge cock hovering over her instead, a body sliding down the canal on its underside toward an already distended ballsack, registered quickly as horror on her face. You move again, and even though the first meal hasn’t reached your groin yet, your cock strikes like an anaconda at the girl’s raised ass. As she is forcefully folded in half, the girl cries out in surprise, and probably a little bit of discomfort. You hope to god nobody heard it. The powerful head of your cock forces her head down to her knees and sucks her backward toward her lover, and both of them deeper into your body.
         Soon enough, the two of them join the others in your swollen sack, and you feel them moving and clinging to each other inside you. You can’t believe you’ve fit six people into your balls tonight. Then you can’t believe you swallowed six people, all of whom were NOT your actual target. You wonder how you’re going to get out of this. Moving back to the door labeled, “Sorority President,” you grab the knob, prepare yourself for what’s on the other side, for good or for worse, and twist.
         It doesn’t move. The door is locked, you realize. You try it again, twisting one way, then the other. No luck. Now what? Your head drops back, and you stare at the ceiling in frustration. You have no key, no idea how to get a lock, and there is no way you are leaving without Daphne. Honestly, in your extremely full state, you’re not sure if you COULD leave, with or without her. You look down the hallway to your left, then your right, and move back into the room behind you. Sitting on the edge of the bed, you look down at your sack, which is still resting on the floor. Your long cock drapes over it, reaching almost to the floor itself. As you wait, soft voices inside you slowly give way to a rhythmic sloshing noise. You tilt your head and listen, and then realize that the two you just swallowed are fucking inside you! You think about it, and realize that you did actually break them up before either of them finished, so at least they’re making the best of the circumstances. The larger girl shifts and moves as well, and you think she might be fingering herself, feeling her two sorority members fucking right up against her. The first two you can’t feel at all. By now, they must have mostly become part of the huge amount of jizz sloshing over your newest prey as they fuck inside you. 
         You watch the door and wait, as eventually your amorous prey climax, then hold each other inside your balls. You find yourself actually kind of hoping they really enjoyed themselves. Nearly an hour passes, and you find yourself almost starting to nod off as the wee hours of the morning approach. The rhythmic squeezing and pulsing of your sack as it churns its prey doesn’t help much at all. Your eyes snap open, as you realize you can hear footsteps on the stairs, then in the hallway. You stand up, tensing for what could be ahead. Then, her long, sharp strides carrying her suddenly into view, Daphne appears at her doorway, key in hand. She wears a tight t-shirt, and a short miniskirt that her tall, slender body makes look even shorter, legs bare from her nearly visible ass down to her ankles. She looks at her door, then pauses and looks through the open door behind her, and when her eyes meet yours, you realize you aren’t ready for this at all.
         “How DARE you!?” She cries, looking at your swollen sack. Her eyes are burning with anger as she looks back up at you. She steps angrily toward you, and with all your strength, you will your cock to move. You strike at her head, but she sees it coming, and with unnatural grace, ducks and spins out of the way and into the room.
She’s too fast! You think to yourself. You strike at her legs, hoping to stop her from moving just long enough to grab hold of her, but she leaps over your cock toward you, landing on her hands in front of you. Your eyes widen in fear as you watch her move toward you, seemingly in slow motion, her back curving gracefully to her tight ass as she somersaults forward. You realize that she wears no panties, with your perfect view of her pussy, and as she points one long leg toward the floor, one long leg toward the ceiling above you, you throw your hands up in front of you… and with a wet squelch, your world goes dark. You blink in disbelief, and then realize that you’re inside her. Damnit! You think. Damnit damnit damnit! Your arms are pressed tightly against your chest, as Daphne’s incredibly powerful pussy clenches down around you. Sitting on you, gravity lets her slide easily down your frame, squeezing all the way.
         “I hope you’re enjoying this, because it’s the only time you’re ever going to be inside my pussy!” Daphne says. You feel the muscular wall of her womb press down against your head as her pussy slides down over your ass, pressing down onto your legs and swollen sack. You don’t even struggle, realizing how badly you just blew it. She squeezes you hard, taking your breath away, and you can hear her panting around you. “Mmmmm!” she moans. “MMMMMMM!” You can hear her clearly from inside her belly, as she struggles to fit over your huge sack.
         Wait. Struggles? She’s struggling? You suddenly realize that even with the powerful muscles of her pussy sucking you into her and gravity pulling her body down around yours, she has stopped! You may have had a little trouble fitting the large girl and her meal down your cock, but Daphne has to deal with not only your body, but your sack swollen with six of her sorority members! She can’t do it!
         A powerful squeeze makes you realize that you’re still not in a great position right now, but you have a shot. Your arms may be trapped, but your cock isn’t. Concentrating without being able to see, you will your cock to swell and move once again, hoping that your aim will be good. Daphne rolled toward you, so she’ll be facing the other way, you realize. Bringing your cock up in front of you, it should be right behind her head… Giving it one last shot, you strike down toward where you think Daphne’s head is, and immediately feel your cock swell as it engulfs her head! Immediately you hear her scream and curse, clenching down on you with incredible strength with her pussy. You quickly force your cock down over her shoulders and arms, feeling your head stretch over her round breasts, and then a round bump in her belly… you realize that that’s your head! Making a note not to squeeze too hard in that area, you try to use your cock to pull her off you, only to be rewarded with another powerful squeeze as she wraps her legs tightly around you. You stop and think for a moment, Daphne’s womb pressing rhythmically against your head as it awaits what it feels should be its rightful meal. Not going to happen, you think to yourself. You consider that while you have a great reach with your cock, Daphne’s pussy is simply stronger. You aren’t going to win that battle. Especially not with gravity on her side. Maybe that’s something you could fix…
         You bend over at the waist, dropping Daphne backward toward the floor. Now gravity is pulling her down off of you, not down onto you. She squeezes your torso with her pussy in defiance. You let her. Go ahead and tire yourself out, you think. There’s only one way this can end. She can’t get me inside her, but she can’t hold me halfway forever. You begin to work your arms down, out of her pussy, and she clenches down to hold them in place, but you feel her grip growing weaker with each passing pulse. Soon you have one arm free, and then another. Her pussy has slid up your torso, now wrapped around your stomach instead of your legs. Using your newly freed arms, you grab two generous handfuls of her muscular butt and lift. You feel her pussy tighten around your head and shoulders, but you gain a little bit of yourself back from her body every time. Soon enough, just your head is stuck inside her, and placing your hands firmly on her inner thigh, you push away, pulling yourself free. She kicks at you with her legs in defiance and scores one good hit, but soon you watch her perfectly shaped ass and legs slowly disappear into the head of your cock. You stroke its huge girth as your dick squeezes its final prey down into your groin, and feel immensely satisfied as Daphne slips into the gallons of cum you have waiting for her in your sack. It’s extremely late at night, but it’s time for you to head back.
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