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Rated: E · Assignment · Fantasy · #2011848
One of the Main Characters


Name: Astalder
Character's Full Name: Astalder Silverleaf
Reason or meaning of name: "Valiant One"
Nickname: None
Reason for nickname: N/A
Birth date: (Timeline still in the works)

Gender: Male
Age: 280 (in Repeating History)
Eye color: Sky Blue
Hair color/style/type: Platinum Blonde (Completely white)
Height: 6'3”
Weight: 233 lbs
Build: Sleek, tone muscle that does nothing to clue into the true strength in him.
Nationality: High Elf of Evergrove
Skin tone: Paleness from the shadow cover the trees of Evergrove provide.
Skin type: Smooth and soft, also belying the truth of his training and experience.
Face shape: Angled chin with sleek, smooth jaw and cheekbones.
Distinguishing marks: Familial mark of a leaf upon his cheek.
Most predominant feature:
Preferred clothing or accessories: Sparkling silvered armor of a mix of mail and heavy armor, decorated with the markings of the various sects of the United Elven Nation and military divisions, denoting him as the commander of all.

Jewelry or accessories that are special or meaningful: Leaf brooch keeping his cloak about his shoulders and a ring upon his right hand, with the symbol of the Nation, that of an eagle ringed with a branch of the Elven Oak.
Where does character live: The city of Evergrove within the Sylvan Wood of southern Verdania.
What does s/he do too much of: He spends a lot of time in study, and is often the one late to council meetings, which is not a good thing to see from the ruler of a nation.
What does s/he do too little of: Mediating. All of his efforts to establish peace between the sects of Elves takes place within the council meetings. He does not often venture away from Evergrove.
Most prized possession: A slightly curved short-sword worn at his hip.
Why: It belonged to his father.
Talented in/with: Various forms of magic, weaving magic with weapons and combat, playing the lute.
Any pets: None


From: Evergrove, Sylvan Woods, Verdania
Type of childhood: His father was extremely involved with his upbringing, and had many wanderings throughout the city, where he was shown the different sections of the cities that were built to house the visiting members of the other sects of Elves, and was taught about the differences between them.
Education: His parents did everything they could to bring him up to be a ruler, expected to be king one day and to take care of the many sects of Elves equally and fairly. His entire teaching came from them and a hired tutor to lead him through things that they did not know themselves.
Religion/Beliefs: Religion was a big part of Elvish upbringing. Danu is viewed as the mother of all Elves, and is revered in almost everything the Elves do, with Seraphim regarded beside her, often, though not as adamantly.
Relevant first experiences (if any): The first time he sat in the council chambers was at his father's side, and from there, he viewed the whole event as a spectator only, learning how the meetings were held.
Did they learn the things they know from a tutor or from experience: Little was learned from a tutor, most of his teaching coming from his mother and father directly.
Where these life lessons hard learned? How/Why?: He listened carefully, giving his full attention, and no comments till he was questioned, learning in silent attentiveness.


Mother's name: Valasse
Relationship with her: With her teachings of caring and attentive needs of others, he learned from her how to ensure that as many people as possible would receive the benefits of his actions.
Father's name: Sindariel
Relationship with him: His father was admired, and he hoped to one day emulate the visage Sindariel put forth.
Siblings: Brothers - Istalindir and Dorenduil, Sister - Arauka
Birth order: Astalder was the eldest, followed by Istalindir, Dorenduil, then Arauka.
Relationship with each: As with their parents, the family as a whole was very close.
Children of Siblings: Valaya Silverleaf - Daughter of Istalindir, Rusvaer Dusksinger - Son of Arauka
Extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.): Dinaer Dusksinger - Brother-in-law, husband of Arauka, Astar Goldhaven - Brother-in-law, brother of his wife.
Close to family?: His parents had no siblings of their own, but his parents-in-law were good people, and no troubles arose.
Spouses or partners?: Wife - Lirima Goldhaven
Does character have child(ren): Yes
How many: 2 ( Son - Tavarlith Silverleaf, Daughter - Alastriel Silverleaf )
Are all children with the same partner: Yes
How does character relate to his/her child(ren): He attempts to give them both the same kind of upbringing he had with his parents.
Which child is the character's favorite: He loves them both equally.
Is relationship with the children good: Yes
Is relationship with children important to character: Yes

Is character divorced: No
How many times:
Has character ever been unfaithful to spouse: No
How does character relate to others: It is easy to be friends with Astalder, not being one to show unlikable traits.
How is s/he perceived by others: The differences in the nation present different views of him.
Strangers? Friends?: Amidst the council there is torn views of Astalder, as a person and as a leader. While Lord Sunstorm finds his fascination with making friends among non-Elves as deplorable, simply due to his simple belief that Elves are superior to all others, Lord Dusksinger has differences due to Astalder's disapproval of demonic magic and the employ of Warlocks. Meanwhile, others like Lord & Lady Starhaven and Lord Crestborn see him as a good mentor to many, not just the younger generations.
Wife/Husband/Lover?: Lirima views Astalder with obvious admiration, though some view it merely as a damsel in distress fascination with her rescuer.
Children?: Tavarlith looks up to Astalder, even though there are times where he disagrees with his father's decisions in political matters. Alastriel trains more to be a soldier than to busy herself with the matters of politics, and without any chastisement from her father, she continues to do so.
Protagonist?: Aleksander is more understanding than most regarding Astalder's actions in council. He says, often, that Aleksander has to think of everyone and can't simply act right away, and puts motions to a vote even when he feels he knows the best action to take.
Antagonist?: Astalder is not really a person on the mind of the villain, since the Elves have not risen up against the demons directly (till the end of Repeating History), so Astalder is viewed in the same way as all other Elves, just another hurdle to overcome in his path.
First impression the character makes: Calm, thoughtful, determined.
What happens to change this perception: Some people have differing views, and so when their views clash with Astalders, their opinion alters.
What do family/friends like most about character: His efforts towards an advancement in collective education.
What do family/friends like least about character: Somewhat of a blend with what they like, the fact that he allows things to go to a vote, even though he believes he knows the best route to take, and letting those in the council that don't always agree with him push him to other decisions.


Job: High King of the United Elven Nation
Number of years: (Timeline work in progress, undecided on year of his coronation.
Relationship with co-workers: There is a division among the council members, and half disagree with some of his views, while the other half supports him wholly.
Does he/she like their job: Yes
Why or why not: He loves his people, despite the differences with some of them.


Greatest fear: Failing to equal the respect his predecessors had, thus having the nation fall to civil war again.
Worst thing that could happen to him/her: His family coming to division.
What would make them cry (if at all): The deaths of his family.
Character is most at ease when: Reading or studying.
Character is most uncomfortable when: When in the council chamber.
Priorities in life: Family & Friends, the UEN, The satisfaction of the Elven people, the needs of the UEN's allies, Himself
Philosophy: Honor your predecessors, respect your elders, and never stop learning.
How she/he feels about self: He has no doubts about himself, but hopes that he does enough to help.
How does she/he feel about failure?: Failure is one step on the road to learning.
Biggest regret?: Not doing more to lend a hand to the marriage between his sister and the Lord of the Marsh Elves.
Biggest accomplishment: Not letting the arguments in the council chambers descend into civil war.
Does anyone else know: Some do, and agree with him, others believe that he does nothing at all, and that it is merely the others unwillingness to go to war.
How did that person find out: Family can see into another's heart more clearly than someone less involved in their life.


Optimist or pessimist: Optimist
Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert
Drives and motivations: Knowledge, Wisdom, and Forbearance
Talents (hidden or not): He is the first of the Elven Rune Wardens, learning lost Sylvan arts from long ago.
Extremely skilled at: Interaction with the magical ley lines.
Extremely unskilled at: Archery (Yes, an elf that ISN'T a marksman)
Good characteristics: Justice, Respect, and Duty
Character flaws: Though he tries to not come off as all knowing, and egotistical, he eventually lets others push his decisions in his efforts to try and please everyone. This means he is more bendable than his position would usually allow, and his desires are used to push him away from certain decisions. In a fight, he is strong and direct, but in deliberation and in politics, he is less confident. Punctuality is also a concern, as he does not even show an interest in the council meetings. He would rather be learning and reading than in the council meetings. This has brought Istalindir and Dorenduil to places where they pick up the slack, in hopes to aide him, but he does not look to them for advice, and at times, leaves it all to them in the end, in lieu of him doing it at all.
Mannerisms: It is common to present himself in a casual manner, even though his dress may be fitting of his position, he stands or sits with such leisure that it seems he is not in the position he holds.
Peculiarities: Sometimes, he will read while in a council meeting, seeming to not be paying attention, even though he is listening.


How would the character describe themselves: A man of action trapped in the life of stagnancy.
Are they proud or embarrassed by any physical traits or personal qualities: Not proud or embarrassed, he does not look upon his outward appearance in such a manner of deliberation.
Are these realistic assessments:


Immediate goal(s): Leading and protecting his people.
Long range goal(s): Leading and protecting his people.
How does character plan to accomplish goal(s): Taking it day-by-day.
How will other people around the character be affected: Depending on how they view his decisions, it could be good or bad.


How this character reacts in a crisis: With the desire to act swiftly, while tension mounts due to waiting and voting to ensure no one is forced into something they do not want.
How does this character face problems: Frustratedly weaving through the votes and council meetings when deciding how to approach the problem.
What kinds of problems character usually run into: Split votes on how to handle a situation.
What is the character's one major flaw: Not putting his foot down enough in council meeting, showing that as High King he does have the final say.
What are his/her minor flaws: Not turning to his brothers as often as he could for advice.
Is he/she ashamed of them: He hasn’t yet come to the realization that he does not rely on his brothers as much as he could.
How do people react to these shortcomings: His son is constantly going to people after the meetings, and doing what he can outside of the meetings to help his father amend situations. His brothers take some matters into their own hands, to ensure that nothing serious comes up in response to things done in the meetings.
Does he/she apologize after losing their temper: Astalder rarely speaks outside of the meetings, and so his anger is tempered. When he shows it, people are too shocked that he is putting his foot down to feel any anger in return.
What flaw would most likely drive a love interest or a friend away: Elves do not rush things in relationships, like humans do, and so after spending over 100 years together, there is nothing short of death that would end Astalder and Lirima's marriage.
How does she/he positively react to change?: Change is a constant, especially when one lives for multiple centuries. It is looked upon with just as calmly and clear minded as anything else.
How does she/he negatively react to change?: Despite his careful attention to calmness and clarity, Astalder is still bendable in some ways, and when he doesn't put his foot down, others can sometimes guide him to the outcomes they want.
What is their breaking point?: Truths. He grew up being told stories of glory and adventure, and he found it fun, but not having lived through those dilemmas it is hard for him to truly get an understanding for those situations. The many truths he is presented with gradually chip away at his views of the stories he was told.
What sort of encouragement would most motivate them to do better?: The fact that his family, specifically, his brothers, are always there to aide him.
Does she/he have any bad habits? Can be included with flaws.:
How will your character grow throughout the story?: Astalder will, in time, accept his brothers' aide, and put his foot down. Unfortunately, putting his foot down will lead to civil war, and while he succeeds in overcoming one problem, he creates a new one, and wonders if what he did was right, in the end. When the United Elven Nation grows larger in the end, some of these concerns disappear, but he always will wonder in the end.
Who will give them challenges to grow: Istalindir, Dorenduil, Tavarlith, Miriel, Narakaer
Will he/she make any wrong choices during their journey: There are always a few.
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