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Reader discretion is highly advised and recommended. |
The sound of birds chirping and the wind blowing through an open window broke through the darkness. The young woman slowly awoken from the haze, though she dared not to open her amber ocules to see where she was. Rather, she chose to continue to feign sleep hoping her attacker would continue to leave her be. She decided to test her immediate surroundings. She wiggled her hands and fingers slightly, they would move a few centimeters, if that, before painfully pulling against a tight bind wrapped around her wrists. Upon further self-assessment, she found that her binds were not limited to her wrists. An additional set was placed at her elbows. They were forced to touch behind her back. She knew she was in a seated position, her legs were spread and each ankle and corresponding knee was bound to the chair leg behind it. Attempts to stand would be futile. Once again, panic set in. Her heartbeat increased with rhythm and her breathing quickened to match the demands for oxygen. Her mouth was dry and she took a small gulp, in attempts to find some type of relief. What did he want with her? This demonic man, who so excitedly took her captive. Finally, she decided to open her eyes, hopefully gain a better idea of her situation and attempt to prepare for an escape. She opened her eyes, the brightness within the room caused her to have to blink numerous times for her pupils to adjust. She closed her eyes tightly once again and looked away. She had seen nothing at first. Just blinding white light filled her eyes. Slowly she turned her head again and looked around. The room wasn’t huge, but it was big enough to hold a bed a few feet in front of her. Beside the bed sat a silver surgical table that held on it several elongated items. After struggling to figure out their shapes for several minutes, the woman turned to examine the remainder of the room. It looked newer. New paint, no bad smell to detect. Rather, it smelled very clean, as though someone took the time to properly clean the room with bleach. She turned her head to look through the rest of the room, it was then that she felt another bind withhold movement. A thick fabric held her neck and head against the headrest of the chair she was in. She winced as a shock of pain shot down her spine from the movement. She made a conscious effort to relax her muscles. Continuous straining would not assist her in this situation and she knew it. Her eyes scanned the room again. Other than the extreme light, it appeared to be almost normal. The walls were painted white, the floor was what appeared to be white tile. The bed in the middle of the room had a plastic cover over it, as did the surgical table beside it that held the objects. There were a few cabinets with drawers, and to the far side to her left, was a door. Another door sat across the room, in front of where she was currently placed. The sound of a door opening and closing came from behind her. Her muscles tensed unexpectedly as she felt a sharp point run down the backs of her arms. She could hear a soft hum and then the slow and calculated breathing of another person against her left ear. Warm lips brushed against the flesh at the top of her ear and she heard the familiar dark voice from before. “My dear, you have finally awoken,” a kiss was placed above the bind on her neck, “I feared you would have never awakened from being choked so viciously. Are you enjoying your new home?” Home? She attempted to turn her head to look at the attacker. She wanted a face to put with the voice, she wanted someone to blame for this predicament that she was currently in. “Now, now, don’t strain against the binds, darling. They will simply hurt you more. Especially this nasty one here.” She felt the bind around her neck tighten and she choked out in response. “See, now that isn’t too much fun to deal with or fight against…now is it?” “Who are you?” Her melodic voice choked out. She had to cough after it, her throat sore from the struggle before. “Hmmm…it seems you’ve forgotten our agreement. ‘Tis fine, really, soon you will remember.” His voice trailed off and he slowly walked in front of her. His face was covered and all she could make out was his lips, which were twisted into a sadistic smile. She looked him up and down. His skin was light, but not quite pale. Dark hair was pulled back behind him. He had no shirt on and she could see that he was very well built. His muscles weren’t large and bulky, rather they were more elongated and slender. His chest housed a handful of angry red marks and what appeared to be bite and scratch marks. He wore black, baggy pants which were held up by a leather belt, and no shoes. Her eyes went back to his chest as she questioned herself what could have happened to him. He must’ve seen the puzzled look on her face because the sadistic smile took the resemblance of a frown and he spoke again, “It seems, you had a bit more fight in you than I anticipated. Don’t worry, dear, soon you will repay me for such marks being placed on my body. I feel that this one may even scar…I have the perfect incursion in mind for you, darling.” He leaned in and placed a kiss on her forehead, “Make yourself at home, dear. I am sure you’ll find your stay quite remarkable.” His finger ran down her cheek slowly and traced its way down her throat, following the curves of her neck, then the curves of her breasts and down to the side of her thin shirt. “Hmm…before we begin we’ll need to remove this, dear. No point in getting it all bloodied. We may never get the stains out.” He turned on his heel and slowly walked over to the surgical table beside the bed. Once there, he looked at her, his dark eyes slowly scanned over her torso before returning their attention to the instruments on the table. He reached his hand out over the table instruments on the table and hovered over each instrument for a moment. She could see his lips moving, as though he were talking to himself. After some deliberation, he decided on an instrument and swiftly picked it up and placed it behind his back. He began to walk towards her again, the sadistic smile spreading as the distance between him and her shortened. He stood over her momentarily before choosing to straddle her legs and come to a sitting position on her lap. She groaned against the added weight and shifted her thighs beneath him. “Now, sit still…we don’t want me messing up and cutting your marvelous breasts, now do we?” His dark eyes peered into hers for a moment before looking down at her chest again. He began at the bottom of her shirt. He pulled the fabric taut with one hand while the other carefully held the scissors at the base of her shirt. He slowly moved upwards, clipping away at the fabric as he went until he made it to the base of her neck. Chills spread over her spine and down her arms as the warmth from her shirt was pulled away from her. After cutting up the middle of her shirt, he focused on the arms of her shirt soon after and cut them away, allowing the fabric to be pulled away with a swift movement of his wrist. She felt vulnerable, exposed. She sat in front of him with only the frail fabric of her bra covering her voluptuous breasts. The chill in the room rode upon a small breeze and tickled her honey colored skin. Goosebumps arose upon her flesh in failed attempts to settle the chill against her. He smiled and ran his fingers against the flesh on her upper arms. “Nervous?” His tease was simultaneous with him cutting the thin fabric that held her two bra cups together. With two more cuts applied to the bra straps, her last barrier fell to the ground. A heat slowly rose in her body, she could feel it begin within the pit of her torso and slowly extend outwards to cover her arms and upwards to overtake her face. She turned her head away from her captor as far the restraint would allow to hide her shame. She never felt at ease being nude in front of anyone. She always took time to cover her body from others, especially her belly area which was far from perfect. She felt his hand gently caress her chin before he brutally jerked her head towards him, the jarring motion pulling tears from her slightly opened eyes. “Do not look away from me until I tell you to. Do you understand?” A small “Yes,” resonated from her lips. Her captor dropped his hand and smiled again before standing from his position on her thighs to stand back and admire his work. She looked at him while he stared at her. She watched as his eyes moved over the expanse of her entire body. “Wonderful. Simply wonderful. I have really good taste. You will be perfect, dear. Simply perfect.” He nodded twice and took a step closer to her. His fingers now sought out her soft nipples. First trailing over the areola of her left breast then tracing the nipple and back to the areola and running over to her right breast following the same track. Areloa, nipple, areola, then going to back to the left breast. Her nipples hardened in response to the stimuli and the chill in the air. His smile widened as his index finger and his thumb captured the delicate nub between them. The pressure was faint at first, slowly gaining more pressure as he played with them longer. She held back a moan, she did not want him to know she was gaining pleasure from this torment. She slowly twisted her torso to the left and the right, attempting to pull away from him. He leaned in closer to her body and placed his lips against her collarbone. He began to kiss around her collarbone and slowly trailed downwards towards the tops of her breasts. His fingers traded holding the hardened nipples for grasping each of her breasts. He dug his fingers into the mounds as he began his assault. He lifted her right breast slightly and latched onto it with his mouth. His tongue softly traced her nipple several times while he suckled from her breast. Without warning, his teeth bit down on the nub. The pain shot through her breast and jarred her out of the sensual moment. A small scream escaped her lips and her body jerked backwards against the chair in another attempt to move away from the male. The movement did not phase her captor, rather the biting intensified. His teeth bit deeper into the fragile flesh of her nipple and the young woman screamed louder. She begged him to release her nipple and end his assault on her. He responded with a moan, the vibrations resonated through her breast and she watched in terror as he pulled his head back, outstretching her hardened nipple in the process. “Please. Please, let go.” She begged for a merciful release, she could feel the skin of her nipple tearing as his assault continued. He did not pay her any mind. She watched fearfully as his body moved, his hand grabbed onto her breast tighter. For a second, he released her nipple. The relaxing moment was short lived. Her attacker quickly resituated his teeth onto her nipple, she could feel the pressure of his top and bottom canines pressing on the nub. His eyes opened and peered into her tear filled eyes. With a wince, he bit down with all of his power into the nipple. Canines pierced through the flesh of the nipple with a snap and blood poured into his mouth. He moaned. She screamed. Her body now convulsing against the binds. Fighting for a way to end this pain. He chewed on the nub for a few moments before releasing it from his bite. Her breathing grew erratic as she attempted to catch her breath and control the pain that had overtaken her body. She watched him as he continued to suckle the thick blood pouring from her wound. He suckled for a moment longer before releasing her breast. His hands still massaging the whole breast as he watched the blood leak from the pierced nipple. His tongue traced over the smile on his lips. “Now, say you’re sorry for scratching and biting me earlier.” “I’m sorry.” She choked out between tears. He reached down and wiped her tear-streaked cheek with his index finger, “Such a good girl. You just may be slave material after all.” He stroked her chin softly with his finger and walked back through the door behind her. Leaving her in the white room, bleeding with tears still running down her cheeks. |