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DAVID JANSSEN-Our Conversations
DAVID JANSSEN Our Conversations Michael Phelps DAVID JANSSEN - Our Conversations Copyright 2014 by Michael Phelps All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author. ISBN 978-0-9887778-9-4 Blue Line Publishing House, Inc. Miami, Florida Printed in the United States of America DAVID JANSSEN - Our Conversations ADVANCE READER COMMENTS "I have been waiting for many years for anyone to write this book. I have waited for someone who knew David Janssen well, to confirm or deny the countless rumors which surrounded him. Yes, it was well known that David drank. But WHY? Was it the demands of his fans who demanded so much from him, that they forgot he needed a life out of the limelight? Was it his family who required David to attend one party or function after another so they could enjoy the limelight in his shadow? DAVID JANSSEN-Our Conversations has given me the answers to many of my questions, and I like the way Michael Phelps has written this book. I felt as if I was sitting at the next table overhearing their conversation, or I was on an old fashioned "party line" listening to their phone calls. I hope many other fans will have such pleasure reading this book as I had. It is a very different memoir than that of Ellie Janssen's book, DAVID JANSSEN-MY FUGITIVE", which Mr. Phelps co-wrote with her." - - - Mrs. Lone Agri, a devoted fan.Odense, Denmark. "WOW . . . DAVID JANSSEN-Our Conversations almost reads like a novel! Although I was aware of most of the facts of much of his life, the way it unfolds made me NEED to go to the next chapter to appreciate the emotional environment he lived in. In other words, I couldn't wait for his next call as much as Michael Phelps couldn't. As such, it becomes a real page turner. DAVID JANSSEN seemed enormously complex. I totally resented his calls to Mr. Phelps at any hour of the night. He unloaded his angst and really did not want any of Mike's input on drinking, divorce, marriage, etc. On the other hand, his generosity and magnanimity was amazing. He truly had a blind spot with women, constantly making poor choices and not heeding Mike's suspicions about their motives. His alcoholism was SAD but understandable. Ironically, having read his autopsy, smoking clearly accelerated his demise. I did not like "O'HARA" and even thought he was wooden in it. His choice of roles was up and down and not deserving of his greatness. I loved "ONCE IS NOT ENOUGH" and surprised it did nothing for his film career. Same for "WARNING SHOT". "HARRY O" was classic and Mr. Phelps' outlines of season one was great. The only problem I saw was some of the repetitive contents of the calls. As for me, like any good novel, I need to know the end. Mike, THANK YOU sincerely for allowing me to KNOW a man I have greatly admired for fifty years. Mr. Janssen would be proud of his drinking buddy." - - - Dr. Richard Peshkin, MD, a loyal and dedicated fan, Boca Raton, Florida. "I read DAVID JANSSEN-MY FUGITIVE by Ellie Janssen and Michael Phelps over fifteen years ago. I found that book somewhat informative in regards to Mr. Janssen's private life, but found it was mostly a biography of Ellie. Her affairs with Frank Sinatra and other men, her placing her daughters in boarding schools (which did not bode well with me) and her living her life in the spotlight that belonged to Mr. Janssen. Her book seemed to place every crack in their marriage solely upon David, his drinking and womanizing. Finally, after all these years, DAVID JANSSEN-Our Conversations, written by his non-Hollywood friend, Michael Phelps has given me a clear insight into the real DAVID JANSSEN, as he was off-screen. I clearly understand now, WHY he drank so much, and WHY he filed for a divorce from Ellie on their tenth wedding anniversary. It appears he was about to divorce his second wife when he met his untimely demise. I also understand why he appeared to age so rapidly in the last few years before his death. Alcohol and cigarettes does that to a human's body. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it made me feel like I knew DAVID JANSSEN personally, and now I understand my sorrow, not just at his death at the young age of 48, but how the women in his life made him, for the most part, miserable." - - - Margaret Bowers, a life-long fan, Beverly Hills, CA. "DAVID JANSSEN-Our Conversations is a MUST READ for fans who followed DAVID JANSSEN from "Richard Diamond-Private Detective", "The Fugitive", and "O'Hara-U. S. Treasury", "Harry O" and all his great feature film roles. This book gives fans a deeply intimate insight into DAVID JANSSEN'S innermost thoughts, his pain and suffering in his marital life, his fears regarding his career and what a solidly kind and compassionate man he truly was. So sad he was called home so young." - - - Leonard Stern, a "Fugitive" fan, Mt. Kisco, NY "DAVID JANSSEN-Our Conversations" is a great moving book on a great, moving human being. DAVID JANSSEN was such a talented actor, songwriter and poet - a kind, intelligent man we all wanted to be friends with - and Michael Phelps had this chance. He reports in such a moving way about his friendship with this authentic humanist. RIP, DAVID. - - - Marie Ange Dumas, President, DAVID JANSSEN FAN CLUB, Rennes, France DEDICATION There are so many people who inspired me to write this book. I would like to thank each and every one of David Janssen's devoted fans; not only fans of "THE FUGITIVE", but fans who appreciate his other works in both Television and films. My Special Thanks to Award winning Singer and Songwriter CAROL CONNORS of Beverly Hills, California for all her help and contributions, Carol Connors and Bill Conti wrote the music and David wrote the lyrics of the title song, "My Sensitive, Passionate Man" for the NBC Movie-of-the-Week, starring David and Angie Dickinson. Carol and David also collaborated on many other songs. David wrote the lyrics to a song especially dedicated to Carol, titled, "If I Could, I Would". At the time he wrote the lyrics for that song, he was deeply in love with Carol. There was a major problem though; he was still married to his second wife. David confided his deep love for Carol to me and I've learned, to several other friends he trusted. He said he was planning to divorce his second wife and hoped to marry Carol. That was less than a month before he died. Personally, I believe had David lived to obtain his planned divorce from his second wife, he and Carol would have reconnected, married and he would, perhaps be with us today. I want to thank Mrs. Lone Agri of Odense, Denmark. Mrs. Agri, one of David's most devoted fans; has visited David's crypt, and other sites, and is an annual donor to the McKinley Home in David's memory. My thanks for her inspiration, encouragement and graciously sharing her vast collection of photos and memorabilia. Mr. Kenneth Huckstep of Kent, England and Naples, Florida. A devoted fan of David's, my sincere gratitude for his unwavering inspiration and support. Dr. Richard Peshkin, MD and his lovely wife Karen of Boca Raton, Florida. I have no doubt Dave would be humbly grateful for their dedication to him. They have been an inspiration to me throughout this project. Ms. Pamela Edwards of Luling, Texas for her beautiful video tributes to David Janssen she has posted for all to enjoy on YouTube. http://www.YouTube.com/Pamela-Edwards-Tribute-to-David-Janssen Ms. Diane Quinlivan of Albany, Louisiana for her devotion to David and sharing her many videos with me. Ms. Darlena Katherine Janssen of Concord, California, a single mother whom David quietly helped in her time of need, and as a very talented Poet, she has written a book of Poems dedicated to David, which she has shared with me. It is my hope she will publish her book and share it with all of Dave's fans. My deepest thanks to the David Janssen Archives, www.DavidJanssen.net which provides David's fans with a wealth of information about David and his career. Mr. Bobby Nearenberg for his creation of "The-Fugitive-News-And-Reviews" on the Yahoo Groups. This is a great group of David's fans who discuss and review every episode of the classic television series, "THE FUGITIVE". This group attracts new fans every day. Ms. Marie Ange Dumas, of Rennes, France. Ms. Dumas is a Professor at the American Institute in Rennes. She is the founder and president of the "DAVID JANSSEN FAN CLUB" there and is writing a book about the cultural changes during "THE FUGITIVE" years. My gratitude for her tireless work in keeping Dave's memory alive for his French fans. Mr. Moises Raudez, my photographer, creative artist and good friend who has rendered valuable assistance and inspiration to me in writing this book. My deepest gratitude to the many friends and fellow actors with whom I spoke during this project, I thank each for their time and the kind words and glowing praises each had for David. FORWARD From the desk of Carol Connors My former lover, DAVID JANSSEN was the most sensitive, passionate man I knew . . . MICHAEL PHELPS in his book "DAVID JANSSEN - Our Conversations" shares David's Passions and sensitivity with the world. Love, Carol Connors May, 2013 A visit to www.carolconnors.com is a real pleasure I recommend. Academy Award Nominated Singer/Songwriter CAROL CONNOFRS and DAVID JANSSEN, 1976. Academy Award Nominated Singer/Songwriter Carol Connors Author Michael Phelps. Carol was David's last true love. Michael was one of his true friends. DAVID JANSSEN at the start of his fourth Television Series, "HARRY O" in July, 1974. The first two episodes were filmed in Los Angeles, but the idea of filming on location in San Diego came from ABC. Dave loved the idea. PREFACE I first met David and Ellie Janssen at a formal party held in the palatial Bel Air mansion of international hotelier Conrad Hilton in October of 1965. I was part of the private security detail and part of my duty was to wander around the ballroom, yet be inconspicuous. This was a very formal affair, with the male guests wearing tuxedos and the ladies in designer gowns, wearing what I presumed to be very real and very expensive jewelry. The security staff was dressed in charcoal gray trousers, white dress shirts, burgundy tie and Navy blue blazers. The wait staff wore tuxedo trousers, white dress shirt, black bow tie and white waist jackets with gold braided shoulder boards and white gloves. The scene was right out of a Hollywood movie, I chuckled to myself. There were four hundred and fifty guests on the list for this dinner party. The event was held in the ballroom which was as large as the grand ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York, which Mr. Hilton owned. A full orchestra entertained the guests; cocktails flowed from two bars, aperitifs were passed around on sterling silver platters. Many of the most famous film and television stars were on the guest list as well as many major business leaders and politicians. I am not one to feel in awe in the presence of celebrities, mainly due to the fact I am not a serious film or television fan and I learned in my air force service that every man puts his pants on the same way I do . . . one leg at a time. David and Ellie Janssen were among the legendary Hollywood "A" list. Their presence was sought by the highest ranking of the film, television and business leaders in Los Angeles. I was walking toward the main bar in the northeast corner of the ballroom as they entered. I had seen a few episodes of "The Fugitive" which was now in its third season. I recognized Mr. Janssen instantly. Being from Indiana originally, I was familiar with the infamous case of Dr. Sam Sheppard of Cleveland, Ohio. The fact was; as I knew it, the real Dr. Sheppard was in prison for life. Observing Mr. and Mrs. Janssen as they walked in, I noted he looked a lot better in his tuxedo, cleaner and more debonair than he did in some of the clothes he wore on the show. Mrs. Janssen was radiant. She was absolutely beautiful. He was indeed a very lucky man, I thought to myself. I observed a waiter take their drink order and walk briskly to the main bar to fulfill it. As the waiter returned with their drinks, Mrs. Janssen left David's side and walked over to speak with a small group of other ladies. Mr. Janssen walked slowly toward the main bar; sipping his drink, smiling, nodding and shaking hands with other guests. By the time he arrived at the bar, his glass was empty. He asked the barman for a scotch and soda, a double. I could not help but notice his demeanor. His eyes darted all around the room, his gaze was intense and he appeared to be physically tired and not really in the mood to be at a party. I was standing less than three feet from him. I noted he was taller than he appeared on television . . . how stupid of me I thought, of course he is. Perhaps he felt me staring at him because he turned and faced me direct. "I assume you are working." He said. "Yes Sir, security staff." I replied. "Are you one of the off-duty LAPD officers?" "No Sir, private security, although I am trying to get on the police department, I was Military Police Combat Defense Forces in the air force." I replied. "You look like a cop . . . do you have law enforcement in your blood, any one in your family cops?" "No Sir, my paternal grandfather and an uncle were Circuit Court judges; I'm the 'black sheep' in the family, I chose to go into law enforcement," I said smiling. "I was in the army and I don't know many guys who wanted to be an MP . . . usually they were the most hated guys in the army." He said with a grin. "Yes Sir, that is certainly true in the air force too, but I have close friends who are on the police department back home, and I asked for it when I enlisted. I was lucky, I became a Canine handler so it was mostly pretty good duty." "What kind of dog did you handle?" "German shepherd, I had the only female on the base, of course she was spayed and the males were neutered." I said. Our conversation was interrupted by Mrs. Janssen who came to pull him over to a small gathering of ladies. I wandered around the room carefully observing the actions of all these "big shots" as they consumed more and more alcohol their demeanor would change, some inhibitions loosened. Soon I was back at the bar and indulged in idle conversation with the head barman. Mr. Janssen sauntered over to the bar again, sans his wife and ordered a double scotch and soda. Receiving his drink, he walked over to me again. "I didn't introduce myself, I'm Dave Janssen." He said warmly. "Mike Phelps." I said as we shook hands. "I know who you are, I've seen several episodes of "The Fugitive" and I was a fan of "Richard Diamond-Private Detective" before I joined the air force." I did not know if I would get into trouble chatting with a guest, but that was really of no concern, after all he is the one who started a conversation with me. "Do you like the show?" He asked with a tone of sincerity. "Yes, actually I think it is one the best shows on TV and yes, I think you are very believable in your portrayal of "Dr. Richard Kimble", and I still think the real Dr. Sam Sheppard is innocent." I said. "Interesting . . . you know, so do I. The creator of our show, Roy Huggins has not admitted the show is based on Sheppard, but the coincidences between the two are too close . . . unfortunately the real doctor didn't have a train wreck to spring him." He said with a broad grin. "I have to agree with you, too many similarities between the two; Dr. Sheppard from Ohio, "Dr. Kimble" from Indiana; both physicians . . . a wife who had a miscarriage, a wife that was pregnant, both wives brutally bludgeoned to death . . . a mysterious intruder who escapes . . . no witnesses . . . yes, too many similarities." I mused. "Yeah, but I've been on the run a long time." He chuckled. "This is your third season isn't it?" How long are you going to remain a fugitive?" I asked with a grin. "Who knows . . . as long as the writing is solid, the plots remain interesting . . . and we maintain our ratings . . . who knows?" He replied with a serious, yet contemplative look. I noted his voice was the same as it came across on television, very deep and distinct. "So, how long have you lived in Los Angeles?" He asked. "I've been here about six months." "Do you have family here . . . married, kids?" "No, I recently separated from my wife . . . no family here, they are all back in Indiana." I said. "Where do you live? L. A. is so spread out." "I live on North Highland, just off of Santa Monica Boulevard." I replied. "Oh, that's close to the studio; we'll have to get together for a drink sometime, maybe lunch." He offered sincerely. "That would be nice, I'd like that." I responded with a smile. "Ellie and I are not staying for the dinner; I've had a long day so we'll be leaving soon. Let me have your number and I'll give you a call." I gave him my business card with my home number written on back. He gave me his business card and scribbled his private number on the back. Ellie walked over smiling and planted a warm kiss on his cheek. "Are you ready, Sweetheart, or do you want to stay and have another drink?" She asked. "No, if you're ready, we can go . . . oh; this is Mike Phelps . . . Michael, my wife Ellie." He said as he introduced us and we shook hands. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Janssen." I said. I noted he said "Mike", and then reverted to the formal Michael as he made the introduction. "So nice to meet you . . . Michael, has David been chewing your ear off?" She said with a beautiful smile. "No, he hasn't." I replied with a smile. It was obvious she had noted from the short distance away that he and I had been in a lengthy conversation. I had noticed her looking in our direction several times. "He likes to talk." She gushed. David sat his empty glass on the bar and we again shook hands, and I with Ellie. They began walking toward the main entrance, stopping, speaking and shaking hands with other guests. That is how I met David Janssen. * * * Little did I know that roughly forty minutes of conversation would evolve into a friendship that would last fifteen years. David was twelve years my senior, the same age as my eldest brother Jack. I had developed maturity beyond my years thanks to my brother Jack and my air force service. The age difference between Dave and I was never a factor as our friendship developed and grew over the years. Interestingly, I learned much later that Ellie was either nine or twelve years his senior, a fact he did not know until they applied for their marriage license in Las Vegas. I would learn from David it was twelve years, but Ellie would only admit to a nine years difference. Their age difference did not matter to Dave, and she sure didn't look to be older than he. Ironically, Dave was ten years older than Carol Connors, a talented; twice Oscar nominated singer and songwriter. While collaborating on writing songs, they fell in love. Perhaps, had he obtained a divorce from his second wife, he may still be with us today. I would soon learn that Ellie was never far away from David, except when he was working. When they would be out together in public; whether at private parties or restaurants, she kept a close eye on him. I would only see Ellie Janssen on two other occasions, including a small dinner party in their home before I moved, briefly back to my hometown of Indianapolis. It would only be two weeks before I received my first call from David Janssen inviting me to join him for a drink and late night snack at The Formosa Caf/I> on Santa Monica Boulevard and Formosa Street. It was seven blocks from my apartment. During the remainder of my time in Los Angeles, this would be the first of many late night calls, drinks and conversations. There would also be a few lunches, a couple of dinners and my best day, a visit to the set of "THE FUGITIVE". As we would have our infrequent meetings over drinks, I began to take notice that he was a very 'down-to-earth' man, not what one would expect of a mega TV and film star who had instant recognition in public. I also realized a bond was being formed early on between us. I believe it was based on the fact I had no knowledge of the film or television industry, and no real interest in it. In addition, he knew I liked him and admired him as a person, not as a TV and film star. He seemed to know immediately that whatever he said to me over drinks would not be emblazoned across the tabloids' headlines the next day. He knew without question that anything he said to me, no matter how personal or trivial, would be held in the strictest confidence. I would soon learn how much he valued his privacy. Even when working, it was rare he would socialize with his fellow actors or crew. He would crack jokes with them on his way to or from his dressing room (and later his mobile dressing room, dubbed the Silver Bullet, a gift from Mr. Quinn Martin). He told me he enjoyed the down time to read and relax. As I moved back to Indianapolis and later to New York City and years later to Miami, David and I kept in frequent contact by telephone. Occasionally we would see each other when he was in New York. Most of his calls came late at night or in the wee hours of the morning. He knew he had a shoulder to cry on in his times of stress or an interested ear when he was exuberant over a new film role or television series or movie. I was totally shocked on February 13th. 1980 while watching the NBC "TODAY" show and they broke into a commercial with "Breaking News from Los Angeles". The announcement was that DAVID JANSSEN DIED, suddenly from a reported massive heart attack. I was stunned. I could not believe it. I had spoken with him just four days before and he was excited about starting the filming of a new made-for-television movie, "Father Damien". He was so happy to be back to work. He sounded as if he were full of energy . . . HAPPY! The film was to be shot on the beach, not far from his beach house in Malibu. I knew he was separated again from Dani and she was living in their Century City condominium and he at his beach house. He had told me and very few other close friends, he would be filing for divorce. Dave had told me in our last conversation that he had passed a complete physical a couple of days before, a requirement of the film's insurance carrier. HOW IN THE HELL could he pass a complete physical and die of a massive heart attack a few days later? I was not the only one with that burning question in my mind. I was at home in Miami when I heard the tragic news. I wanted so badly to jump on the next plane and fly to Los Angeles, if nothing more than to pay my respects. However, business demands prevented me doing so. I later realized from the media coverage of his funeral services, I would not have gained access had I been there. I learned years later from Ellie there were attempts to keep her and David's mother from the services. Those attempts failed, thanks to David's agent and friend, Abby Greshler. In late October of 1988 I was in the cocktail lounge of the world famous Jockey Club of which I was then serving on the Board of Governors when Ms. Bobbe Star our Membership Director entered with a strikingly beautiful lady. I watched as they walked around the lounge and exited by the baby grand piano bar and into the main dining room. I was wracking my brain trying to remember where I had seen this woman before. The very next evening, again in the cocktail lounge of the Jockey Club Bobbe Star and this gorgeous lady returned and sat at a small table before the fireplace. I was seated at a nearby table with my brother Bob discussing the days' business. I felt the lady staring at me, turned and began to feel self-conscious. "Mike?" She said. "Yes . . . " "It's me, Ellie . . . Ellie Janssen." She said flashing her beautiful smile. "You know each other?" Bobbe asked. "Why yes, Mike was a good friend of ours." Ellie exclaimed to Bobbe, as if WE were long lost friends. I stood and walked over to shake her hand and without standing she almost pulled me down into her lap as she gave me a quite unexpected hug. In my opinion, the years had been very kind to her, she was absolutely striking and appeared years younger than what I knew her to be. It did not appear to me that she had any help from the famed Beverly Hills plastic surgeons. I introduced her to my brother and invited her and Bobbe to join us for dinner and they accepted. We learned Ellie had applied for membership in the Club. During dinner of course the main topic of conversation was David, although somewhat restrained. I knew the divorce had been very painful for Ellie. She had never remarried, nor had there been publicity of other men in her life, at least not to my knowledge. The divorce was off limits, not discussed at all. Our topic of conversation this evening was mostly about his rise to world-wide fame in his role as "The Fugitive", and his other series and films. No conversation about Dani. We discussed his tragic, sudden death, his funeral services and the "good" memories Ellie held so dear. Over the course of the ensuing weeks, Ellie's membership was approved and we would enjoy dinner several times a week, discussing the paths our lives had taken, and of course David. She knew Dave and I had become good friends over the years and that David trusted me and considered me a "loyal confidant". She knew we spoke frequently. She queried me about what Dave had told me about her, and Rosemary. I politely evaded the questions. She knew Dave had introduced me to several film and television celebrities, most of whom I was not overly impressed nor did I form any kind of friendship. During one of our dinners, with my brother Bob and his wife Cheryl, I asked Ellie why she had not written a book about her life with David, his rise to fame and the role she played in helping him as a faithful "Hollywood wife". Ellie said she had often thought of writing such a book, but did not know where to begin. I suggested we could find a "Ghost Writer" in the area. She indicated she did not have the resources to pay a ghost writer. I offered to finance the project and be reimbursed from the royalties. She agreed without hesitation and sparkled at the opportunity of telling her story. Within weeks we located a "Ghost Writer" who had written a couple of novels and several award winning short stories. After about six weeks Ellie became dissatisfied with the working relationship, with his style of writing and summarily discharged him. She discovered a lady in Santa Barbara, California, an accomplished and published author and Biographer of celebrities. Ellie called and discussed the project with her. She expressed great interest and gushed she was one of David's most die-hard fans. We flew her to Miami and ensconced her in the Jockey Club guest wing. I paid her non-refundable retainer and all expenses, which included five weeks at the Club and working breakfasts, lunches and dinners with Ellie. Again, in short order, Ellie became disenchanted with her writing style after first feeling they were working well together. Ellie discharged her. I asked Ellie if I may read what had been collectively written by her and the "ghost writers". After reading the less than one hundred pages, I explained to Ellie that she and I could write the book ourselves. At this point, the book had no title. I suggested to Ellie, "DAVID JANSSEN-MY FUGITIVE" and Ellie loved it. Thus a six years project began. Ellie suggested we share ownership of the Copyrights and royalties to the book in an equal fifty-fifty basis. This was agreed to and incorporated in our contract with the original publisher. * * * I was engaged full time as Chief Investigator for a prominent Miami law firm, specializing in criminal defense. As a result, most of our collaboration was done in the evening hours, nights and weekends. As I could arrange my schedule, we made trips to Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Palm Springs, Las Vegas and New York for the purpose of research and interviews with many celebrities who were close friends with Dave and Ellie during their marriage. We interviewed their longtime housekeeper/cook Beatrice; David's mother Berniece, Victor Gentile who had served Dave as his Secretary/Valet for many years, Suzanne Pleshette, Michelle Lee, Jimmy Farrentino, Lucille Ball, Jerry Lewis, Raymond Burr, Gregory Peck, Paul and Peggy Burke, and many others. Ellie even spoke with Carol Connors and discovered she really admired and liked her. During the writing process, Ellie and I had several strong disagreements as she related incidents that occurred with David. Recalling that Dave had spoken with me about the same incidents, I would attempt to clarify, to insert Dave's point of view. In doing so, I saw firsthand what Dave had told me, Ellie's wrath . . . extreme anger. In her home in Las Vegas, as she lounged, drinking a cup of coffee and dictating to me as I typed into my computer, I objected to an incident and without thinking, said to her; "That is not what Dave told me." She threw the half filled cup of coffee across the room and it shattered on the wall above my computer, splashing hot coffee over my face, chest and computer monitor. I was shocked as she screamed; "IT'S MY FUCKING BOOK . . . DON'T BELIEVE EVERY GOD DAMN THING DAVID TOLD YOU!" There was no doubt she wanted and demanded complete control. I learned to keep my mouth shut and write . . . after all it was her book . . . HER story. I cleaned up the mess without saying a word. About an hour later, Ellie apologized. That was a rare instance when I heard her say an obscene word. Finally, in early 1994, the manuscript of three hundred and fifty pages was submitted to our Editor and publisher. Included were twelve pages of black and white photos. Several months later, the editing completed, cut to one hundred and fifty one pages the hardcover edition of "DAVID JANSEEN-MY FUGITIVE" was published by Lifetime Books, Inc. in December of 1994. Paperback editions were published in 1995, 1996 and 1997, with combined sales, world-wide in excess of 1.2 million copies. Both Ellie and I were disappointed the Publisher had cut so much of her story, but we were pleased with the reception the book received. I was personally, secretly disappointed because I knew it was HER story as she recalled her life with David; especially his drinking habits, his alleged "womanizing" and the most difficult period of the protracted divorce proceedings. It was the period beginning in early 1966, shortly after I met them, that Dave began sharing his feelings about his marriage. We had many, many serious conversations and he opened up to me the reasons he felt his marriage was failing. His reasons were in direct conflict with Ellie's recollections of the failure of their marriage. She either could not see it, or she refused to believe it at the time. In her book, she placed all the blame on David. I took time off from the law firm and accompanied Ellie on a whirl-wind book signing tour, including an appearance on THE GERALDO show in an episode titled "Hollywood Wives", featuring ex-wives of Jerry Lewis, Johnny Carson, Dean Martin and Ellie Janssen. I was dismayed by the lurid allegations these bitter ex-wives spouted about these great entertainers. We attended the annual convention of "THE FUGITIVE" fan clubs at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood. Based on the success of the book and upon early retirement from the law firm, I chose to embark on the challenging career of being an Author. However, I promised myself I would never co-author a book with anyone, especially an ex-wife of a celebrity. I chose to write about something I know; specifically police procedurals, detective novels and criminal court dramas based on actual crimes . . . murder and mayhem. * * * My debut novel, "THE EXECUTION OF JUSTICE" was published by Blue Line Publishing House, Inc, on January 20, 2009. In this novel I created the "Mike Walsh Detective Novels" series. The novel is based on the murder of a close friend and one time mentor of mine; Detective Sergeant Jack R. Ohrberg, Robbery & Homicide unit of the Indianapolis Police Department. The novel is structured unlike most detective novels in that I endeavored to give my readers a true and deeply intimate insight into the personal, as well as professional lives of the dedicated men and women across our nation who serve and protect and all too often pay the ultimate price for their communities. Detective Sergeant Jack R. Ohrberg was a dedicated police officer. On December 11, 1980, he was brutally murdered by two members of a vicious gang of armed robbery suspects, who had previously murdered a Brinks guard. He was killed as he kicked in the door where gang members were hiding. He lay on a frozen concrete porch as a two and one half hours shoot-out between the police and suspects raged. Jack died at almost the same hour as David passed away. That was a very bad year for me, I lost two close friends. Publicity surrounding the release of "The Execution of Justice" revived interest in "David Janssen-My Fugitive". Many of David's fans contacted me wanting to purchase Ellie's book. With the cooperation of Blue Line Publishing House, Inc., I released "DAVID JANSSEN-MY FUGITIVE" - Fourth Edition (Hardcover) on July 15, 2010 at the original 1994 published price of $18.95. It is available at a discounted price of $16.20 on www.amazon.com and my website www.michaelphelpsnovels.com and all other Internet booksellers. "THE JOCKEY'S JUSTICE", the second in the "Mike Walsh Detective Novels" series was published by Blue Line Publishing House, Inc. in July of 2012. It is available in E-Book format and is available through www.amazon.com and www.BarnesandNoble.com and all other Internet booksellers. The novel is based on the brutal murder of a winning and highly respected horse racing jockey in a western Kentucky town. Eight years after his murder, his widow and son-in-law are charged with the crime. The law firm I worked for represented them. My assistant and I were dispatched to Kentucky to investigate the case. The novel provides readers with a roller-coaster ride into the sleazy underbelly of the "Sport of Kings". Many of David Janssen's fans and a few of his friends have inspired and encouraged me to write this memoir of the private conversations we had over the last fifteen years of his life. I was amazed to have been contacted by devoted fans of David's from Denmark, France, Germany, England, Spain, Italy, Canada, Australia and many in South America. I am no longer amazed that DAVID JANSSEN continues to have millions of devoted and caring fans around the world, thirty-four years after his untimely death. He was the consummate professional, dedicated to his art and dedicated to giving each performance his very best. He did not do that to win awards, Oscars or Emmys, etc. He did it for his FANS. He was a perfectionist; it was in his genes. In this memoir "DAVID JANSSEN - Our Conversations", I reveal hundreds of conversations between David and me. I cover the many topics we discussed; including his marriage to and divorce from Ellie, his affair with Rosemary Forsyth, his relationships with his mother Berniece, his step-father Eugene Janssen, his half-sisters Jill and Teri, Ellie's daughters Kathy and Diane, his alleged 'womanizing', his drinking habits (of which I shared for a time), many of the Hollywood Producers, Directors and Stars with whom he worked and his various film and television roles. His opinion of the Viet Nam War and politics. His marriage to and planned divorce from his second wife, Dani, and most of all the two women in his life whom he actually loved . . . and lost; Actress Suzanne Pleshette and two-time Oscar nominated, award winning singer and songwriter Carol Connors Collaborating with Carol on the theme song for the Television Movie of the Week, "A Sensitive, Passionate Man", Dave wrote the lyrics and Carol and Bill Conti the music. A love affair blossomed between Dave and Carol, lasting over two years. At the time, Dave was separated from Dani. In retrospect, at that time Dave wanted a divorce, but was afraid of the outrageous cost, and so he lost Carol. I will relate our conversations as close to verbatim as possible. Like David, I have been blessed with an excellent memory. I have not made anything up, nor exaggerated. I want to give his fans a true insight into his life as he lived it "off-screen". DAVID JANSSEN was a very intelligent man. He was a voracious reader and quite knowledgeable in history as well as current events of the time. He was also quite opinionated and would stand his ground. He was also quite funny. He had a quick, dry wit, loved jokes and contrived many practical jokes he would spring on his friends, cast members and crew alike. No one was considered 'off-limits' when it came to being the target of one of his jokes. He also reveled in being the subject of a prank and always took such with a hearty laugh. Sadly, the studios failed to take notice of his comedic talents. I have tried to concentrate on conversations I believe will give his fans the true picture of the man David Janssen really was. In looking back over our fifteen years of friendship, ending with his sudden death, I can not comprehend how this man who had it all; good-looks, he was multi-talented, he had fame, wealth, millions of devoted and admiring fans . . . how he could be so miserable and tormented in his mind. I was always amazed at how well he hid his anguish from the public. I personally place the blame for David's torment on the women he married. By comparison; I had no fame, no wealth, no admiring and devoted fans, no talent like his . . . yet I was happy. It is my belief David will not fault me, nor look upon this memoir as a betrayal of his confidence. Actually, I think he will smile down upon me and enjoy a good, hearty laugh or two. That is what I miss most about Dave, his hearty, genuine laugh, his jokes. I also miss sitting with him in a small, out of the way bar or lounge, drinking our scotch, matching each other (almost) drink for drink and sharing quiet, yet intense conversations, and his late night-early morning calls when he needed a friend to talk to. Now, as I approach the winter season of my years, I seldom imbibe in my favorite J & B Scotch . . . it just wouldn't be the same without Dave. * * * 24 |