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Something is amiss in Kalida. A short story! |
Kalida Trials and Tribulations "I don't know what I would do if it ever comes to that" argues a gold toned woman, her golden hair speckled with black streaks here and there. Her entire face hidden by the black veil she had purchased just for today's meeting. " Me neither" scoffs Mr. Yella as he runs his fingers on his yellow hair streaked with black."but all info suggests, that this one is the one they've been aiming for" Working at the 1st Bank of Kalida, has brought Ben Yella a small fortune over the last twenty years. Now being the head CEO, he'll do as he pleases, make deals with all the shady people in Kalida. If he so desires! "Ben" she shouts " get your head out of the tv for a few minutes, we gotta make the decision today!" " I know, I know" he remarks " its just , Mr. Redmon stretched out his generous hand just a little to far, and to the wrong people this time. Should'nt play with the governments money that way." He reaches over and switches the set off. "To think, we used to all think of him as a friend. Now the bastards on the news for embezzlement of almost a hundred-million dollars. Got himself caught, red handed, and red faced." "Ahem" she coughs out "Ben, the task at hand, that's why I'm here. Mr. Yella gets up from his v.i.p. chair and makes his way to the front to be closer to a one Mrs. G, as she keeps referring to herself. "I'll make the necessary calls in a bit, you... just have him available for Friday night!" He hands her a medium sized yellow envelope containing a dubious amount of cash! A wry smile forms on Ben Yella's face , making him look just that much more evil. Along with Mrs. G's , she carries with her as she turns and leaves the office. Across town, at Kalida's DNA Technologies lab, two blue-skinned scientists are discussing the finalization of their most prominent project to date. Dr.'s Greenbow and Silva have been working the top secret project for nearly a decade. "Dr. Silva" Reggie Greenbow asks " I know this is your baby, you think I'll be credited too,you know, for helping." He continues washing till the three beakers are clean and ready for the next use. Dr. Silva places the chalk down to the grooved place on the temporary board he rescued from another lab. He looks at Reggie then gives the answer. "Well of course my dear friend, what'd you think, I'd take ALL the credit?" " No, by all means" Reggie says "But there are those that would." Reggie hands the other Dr. his coat, before scouring the lab for out of place things, locking the door behind them as they leave. At a fancy bar in marina quarters, the same veiled woman sits alone at a corner table. Only this time, no veil. Taking in the small but ever precious crowd of silver people, and gold one's and tonight, a few green ones have made the scene. Knowing her rendesvous will go as well with Mr. Grayles as it did with the banker, Mr. Yella, she worries not! Mr. Grayles appears in the door, removing his heavy coat revealing his green toned skin. Handing his hat to the matr'd along with his coat, he gently combs his green hair streaked with black splotches. He spots Mrs.G at the corner table. He approaches with confidence. This is not the first meeting for the two. Speaking softly to her as he takes her hand and places a gentle kiss on it to show he somewhat cares. "Nice digs Mrs Go-" "Ah-ah-ah, Mrs G will do" she says, wagging her finger towards him. Same for you- Mr.G..." "Ah yes" he says, almost forgot." Then he adds " any trouble getting away from the good life?" "Oh good gracious no, hubs is gone for a week, and you know me, mouse will play" she says by now having picked up the menu, trying to decide what to order. Mr. Grayles picks the other menu up and gives it a look-over, deciding in a well done steak and lots of fries. "Your treat I'm guessin, you requested to meet here. I'm pushin broke you know." "Yeah, I'm buyin" she remarks "skies the limit tonight, as far as food goes" Mrs G hands the menues to the waiter, placing their orders as he writes them on a little green pad. "Oh lets see, two of your top steaks, ribeyes I hope, two orders of fries and a picture of tea." Mr. G watches the waiter walk away, turns back to Mrs. G, entwining her fingers in each other, she whispers-"well after Friday night, you'll be buying from here on out, I've got you're $ 500,000 in my purse, the other million five once you deliver. Quite the deal you made-- Mr. G." Mr. Grayles gives a big green smile, shaking his head until it becomes one big yes nod. "That's a deal." He says. Two yellow goons pull into the parking lot where the two steak dinners are being consumed. While his partner checks their two guns, the driver Johnny Gray peruses the lot trying to locate a specific jalopy. "He's here- that's his loser-mobile right in front there, I'd know that piece of junk anywhere!" Looking in the direction that Johnny indicated, Ryan Silvers confirms the clunker as the one Mr.G luggs around Kalida in. "Oh yea..thats it. Now we wait!" Looking briefly around the nearly empty eatery as she takes the napkin and wipes her mouth, Mrs G removes a not so small packet and slides it across the table. " I believe this is yours!" Mr G takes the packet and places in the waist of his pants, then takes a napkin and wipes his mouth."Well, what can I say, a very fine meal I must say! He stands and signals for his coat and hat. Mrs. G stands and dresses in her coat, fixing her knee-length dress so it fits neater. Mr. G puts his coat on along with his hat at the front door, and awaits for his partner-in-crime to walk outside with him. Arriving but realizing that she neglected to bring her purse she tells him "Go ahead, I forgot my purse, I'll be out in a moment! Giving her a quick nod he exits out into the lot of snow-covered cars, he turns down the walk approaching his vehicle. Mr. Gray and Mr Silvers exits their vehicle, making their way to Mr. G. "Are you Gary Grayles?" Johnny asks. Looking in the direction of the voice "Yea, who wants to know?" It's then the goon's gun fires in his direction, hitting him in the shoulder, knocking him down in the snow-covered lot. Johnny clicks the gun again as Ryan appears from behind another parked car. "It jammed, dammit..gimme yours!" Johnny hears Ryan say "ok, here ya go." He reaches back to take the other pistol, but Ryan is just a little to far away. He fires a bullet into Johnny's skull, causing instant death as his head lands on top of Mr. G's feet. Ryan takes two steps towards Mr. G's near lifeless body. He fires two more shots into the body for good measure. He quickly turns the lifeless body over with his foot. It's then he discovers a packet at the victims side. He takes quick possession of the prize. " I guess you were right Johnny boy, I guess you were right." Running swiftly to Johnnys car, he gets the car headed in the general direction of the surface streets. A quick look in the mirror he can tell that he no longer dons a mustard colored look. But a silver one is cast in the cars mirror."bout time" he says outloud to himself! Mrs.G hearing the fracas exits the eatery. She looks around for the car where Mr G awaits for her. Pacing in an almost run she arrives at the car, shock or whatever takes over never prepares her to see two dead, gray men, a one hitman, Johnny Gray. The other is the one who just dined with her in the restuarant, a very dead and gray, Gary Grayles. She screams outloud, covering her mouth with gloved hands. Falling down onto the sidewalk in a solid thud. |