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The domination of Tom begins by the mighty MEGA WOMAN |
Chapter 8: The domination of Tom begins "Um, weaker than you when you aren't Mega Woman?" he asked as he stood up and gathered to plates to take them to the kitchen. "Yes. I would drain your strength, making you weaker than I ever was. That way, I am always stronger than you," she said. Tom washed off the dishes and opened the dishwasher. "I, I don't know. I mean, how would I explain to people how much, smaller I was?" he asked. "Well, stands to reason if I can strength, maybe I can give it back. Anyway, it isn't like you have a choice. If I Want to make you weaker, there isn't a lot you can do about it Foot Slave," she added. Tom gulped in. Hard. She was right. He had a less than zero percent chance of stopping her from doing anything. "Can I think about it?" he asked. She smiled. "Sure," she said as she stood up. "Now, like I said, I think it is time you worshipped me. Come in when you are done with the dishes little one." Tom smiled as he hurriedly put the dishes in the dishwasher and started it. He quickly came back into the den, to find Mega Woman sitting again on the couch, her feet up on the foot stool. "Ready to be dominated little man?" she asked. She pointed a thick finger at her feet. "Kneel." Tom went over and dropped to his knees in front of her huge feet. She was resting them on her heels. Her mighty feet had to be two and a half feet tall, and a foot and a half wide. "Scared?" she asked. "Intimidated ma'am," he said. She smiled. "You should be. In our last role play, we pretended I was a super strong woman and you were a weak man who was trying to break into my house. I think in that role play, we did a test of strength. Of course, that was pretend," she said as she wiggled her massive toes. "This is now real," she said. Tom gulped in. "You, you want to see if I can move one of your toes?" he asked. Mega Woman frowned. "Toes little one? Do I need to drain you to remind you of just what KIND of toes they are?" she asked. "No ma'am. They are mega toes. I am sorry," he said as he leaned forward and kissed the bottom of her huge big mega toe. She smiled. "That is better. Now, try and see if you can move that toe you just kissed Foot Slave," she said. "Okay," he said smiling. He brought up both his hands and placed then on her thick toe. He squeezed. Her skin did not dent. It remained firm and powerful. He looked up at her and she was smiling. "I don't stand a chance," he thought as he began to push. "Ung! Mffffffff!" he gasped as he pushed against her single toe. It did not move. Not a micron. He doubled his efforts, his thin arms shaking as he pushed with all his might. Mega Woman faked a yawn. "You started down there yet Foot Slave?" she asked. "Because I don't feel a thing," she teased. "I..am...pushing with, ung, all my...s..strength. Can't...move...it..." he gasped as he began to sweat. After a few moments he stopped, his arms hurting from the effort. "I couldn't do it. Fuck, I couldn't even dent your mega skin on your mega toe," he said. "Of course you couldn't. You are much too weak sweetie," she said as she looked at the table across the room. There was a brass paper weight. She pointed to it. "Put that weight between my toes weakling," she said. Tom nodded and got the weght. He then brought it over and placed it between her toes. He looked up at her. She smiled. "In our role play, was I ever pretend strong enough to bend metal with my toes?" she asked. "No ma'am," Tom said from her huge feet. "Observe Foot Slave," she said as she squeezed her toes. ERNG! The paper weight was crushed, her toes leaving imprints in the brass. She opened her toes and it fell to the ground. "Well, guess I am strong enough to do that now aren't I?" she asked. "Now, want to try and move my pinky toe or are you ready to submit to my mega toes?" she asked. Tom grabbed her left pinky toe. "I just saw this mega toe exert the thousands of pounds of pressure necessary to bend metal. I don't think I stand a chance against it, any more than I did against your mega big toe," he said as he got excited. "I am ready to submit," he added. "Good," she said as she brought her feet together. "Grab my toes Foot Slave," she ordered. Tom complied, placing his small hands on her big feet. Mega Woman laughed. "What dainty hands you have little one!" "What massive mega toes you have Master," he said. She smiled. "Now, swear allegiance to worshiping my big, strong mega toes," she said, having never dominated him quit like this before. Tom leaned forward and placed his forehead on her mega big toes. "I submit to the power and strength of your mega toes, Master Mega Woman. Mega Woman breathed deeply. It was such a turn on to have a man kneel at her feet, much less submit to her big toes. "Are you inferior?" she asked. "I am inferior, your super mega toes are superior," he said. She smiled broadly. "Excellent! You did that very well. Now, beg me to kiss them." "I, I humbly beg you Mega Woman, please, please allow me the, the honor and privilege of kissing your mega toes. Please. I beg you," he said. Mega Woman felt herself getting wet. "Very well. You may kiss my mega toes. Once kiss for each toe only Foot Slave," she ordered. "Yes ma'am. Thank you," Tom said as he began kissing each of her thick and super strong toes. Soon he finished and looked up at her. She looked down at him. So small. So tiny. So weak. Even compared to her thick toes, he seemed little, insignificant. She loved him. He was her boyfriend. But in her current state, being able to do the miracles of power she was now able to do...she felt totally superior to him. Hell, she was more than superior to him! Her big toe looked to be thicker than one of his arms now! She took in a deep breath and parted her feet so she could see him clearly. "Tom, how far are you willing to go with this Master, Foot Slave relationship?" she asked. "Because if we go further, we go all the way," she said. |