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In CH2, Alex finds he has a odd gift of foresight that he cant explain. The plot thickens. |
BRNNNNNN BRNNNNN an alarm sounds throughout the Armory with a jolt, Alex groggily raised his head off the hard Regiment issue pillow, and sat in bed, shocked. He cracked his door open and saw what seemed like hundreds of people running everywhere to and fro, getting their uniforms on and anything else they could grab on the run. “What’s going on? Is this an Invasion?!” He asked a small kid running down the hall, who called back still in a full sprint, “Invasion? No this is the wake up alarm!” Alex watched the little guy until he ran out of sight and thought to himself, “Wake up alarm? It’s two in the morning!” Nevertheless, he staggered back to his room and began to get dressed, but didn't notice that he had put his combat boots on backward. He grabbed the little plastic schedule off the night stand and read aloud, “Morning assembly and Breakfast at 0400 hours.” Alex groaned and shuffled down the hall, to the Assembly Hall, where for 2 hours they went through the expectations and rules of the Armory. “Many of you are wondering WHY you have been selected for the Regiment. It is because almost all of you come from current Regiment families.” Began General Rassilon. “In the Regiment, there may be times when you are called to war. My job is to prepare you for battle. Mr. Jamison, if you will.” Mr. Jamison took the podium and began, “You will be divided into four squadrons, Prima, Secundo, Tertio, and Quarto. When you hear your name called, please stand in your squadron area. Ready? Let us begin. Kevin Thomas, Prima.” Alex saw the little guy he had spoken with in the hall, get up and go to section one. “Ashley Wilson, Prima. Devon Black, Prima. Alex Kingston, Prima. Alex heard his name, but the voice of Mr. Jamison grew distant until he couldn't hear it anymore. His eyesight became distorted when he looked at the other 3 kids in his section, and each one was outlined in some sort of gold light, and as he snapped out of the vision, Alex somehow knew that these 3 would stay with him through thick and thin. The little guy piped up “Hey, I know we sorta met in the hall, but I’m Kevin!” The others introduced themselves in turn, and by the time the assembly was over, they had become friendly with one another. On the way to the cafeteria, Alex felt himself falling into another vision.He shook his head and rubbed his eyes, but it only grew worse. He wiped his forehead, sweating from the effort to resist. “Are you okay?” queried Kevin, with a worried look. “Im fine, just need to use the restroom” Alex managed. He burst into the bathroom and fell completely into the vision. There was only one thing he could see clearly, but he knew what it was, he had always known. Through the fog, the thing he had longed for so many times, was standing right in front of him. Alex could see his Father. |