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Rated: E · Poetry · Comedy · #1992085
I lie awake ... and beg the gods (Form: Rondeau)

Oh Morpheus, you fickle god,
how your return I would applaud.
Please, lull me with your song of sleep;
I've found there's not sufficient sheep
to count until I finally nod.

I know that others call you fraud
but your great name I'd gladly laud
if you'd allow me slumber deep.
         Oh, Morpheus.

Perhaps a sonnet or ballade,
or an ovation filled aubade,
would garner praise for you to reap.
I pray thee, as the hours creep,
bless me with sleep's death-like facade.
         Oh, Morpheus.

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Required Form: A Rondeau is a French form, 15 lines long, consisting of three stanzas: a quintet, a quatrain, and a sestet with a rhyme scheme as follows: aabba aabR aabbaR. Lines 9 and 15 are short - a refrain (R) consisting of a phrase taken from line one. The other lines are longer (but all of the same metrical length). For this challenge, write in tetrameter.

laud ~ to praise; extol
ballade ~ a poem consisting commonly of three stanzas having an identical rhyme scheme, followed by an envoy, and having the same last line for each of the stanzas and the envoy.
aubade ~ a piece sung or played outdoors at dawn, usually as a compliment to someone.
façade ~ a superficial appearance or illusion of something

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