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Writer will describe creative 'flow'. |
The Flow The “flow” as it became known to me, has many characteristics. The beauty of the flow is different for everyone, much in the way running through a river might affect One slightly different than it affects you, but we both enjoy the water moving around us. Now creative flow works much like a river, in “fluidic” fashion. Meaning it’s everywhere, I know because right now, I can see it. I’ve tuned into it, much like you may tune into your favorite entertainment. My entertainment lately is helping others find themselves. I do this through my writings. My flow every day moves people now and I am only One. Enough about me though, I could write a book on my flow alone. Lets have another look at this flowing river, eyes open or closed matters it not. For once you’re in, if only for a moment you are still ‘damp’ with thoughts, or final thoughts as I know them. The last creative thoughts of your session. Your river is more like a stream in most cases, a branch like every other. You ‘tap’ into it similar to the way a mosquito draws blood, you ‘draw’ flow. With many people, I’ve seen they only use what they need. There’s no way to exponentially increase your own flow. Depending on the person and what they actually see, will determine their flow chart. Well, I can read them, sort of. For everything you have expected to come, is probably wrong. I cover that in previous writings. The greater your need for flow, the more your universe will deliver upon you. My need is great and so is my flow, as well as my desire to use it. I find many times I want to discuss me, I like to boast. Forgive me not, I enjoy it. Somewhere sometime you will too. An Author has the ability to read flow. Everyone has flow including the ‘nons’ (readers, writers, anythingers) all have flow. They don’t believe in many cases, can’t see in most cases. The flow simply passes them by but where does the flow come from and where does it go? Good question, I thought to myself. I think I made you smile too. It comes from way over here (points to my left) and reaches well beyond there (glides hand to right, pointing). If you know how big I am, you know how far I just pointed too. The flow is endless, it never stops. It is here long after we die. It was here before we were born, it is ‘flow’ that is the ‘common’ word for it. It moves and when something moves you, you don’t stop. That is the key to life. Remember that, for your own health. Keep on moving, don’t stop no. You can tap into the flow as you rest too, I love nothing more than falling asleep to a late night roller coaster ride. Or a free fall, your going to have nightmares now, they will be fun. When you wake up half sweaty just before you smash the ground. You’ll remember this article and want more. If you’re the lesser creative with no flow present, you will sleep well too, just as you always have. Keep in mind, this is creative flow we are speaking of, you may use it for other things beside reading and writing. I am a good looking single man and I have tremendous flow. I plan to use it to unify the world one day. To keep me ‘grounded’ or in our ‘world time’, I use my creativity to ‘pass time’ and to observe with. I also use it to meet the opposite sex. The Woman ![]() Maybe I’ll cover those somewhere else. My point being just because you didn’t start writing or someone you know doesn’t read well or at all. Does not mean they are not creative or able to tap flow. Flow is available to everyone, we share that. Creativity on the other hand, is unique, to its beholder. FLComeau |