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by jazjaz
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1964023
Yuki battles Alister of Magician's Pentagram. Cher, Alex, and Kaito battle Lily and Nigel.

Chapter 6


Cafeteria Abayant College of Engineering

Yuki, Alister, and Amber is still under a table. They are watching the three students who are still destroying the cafeteria with their powers.

“What? What do they want with you?” Amber asks with a dumbfounded expression.

“I’ll explain later, this place is dangerous, I’ll come out and lure them away and you two go out the door.” Yuki said

“Ok Amber, we’ll get their attention you run out the door” Alister said

“No, I’ll here with you guys. Let’s do this together” Amber said with determination

Alister slightly makes an angry face but he hides it after a split second

“Huh? But it’s dangerous, you can’t” Yuki said

“Its ok we’re friends right? If you two are on it then I am too.” Amber said which caused Yuki to make a touched smile

”Ok, I have a plan.” Alister said then he stares at Yuki and asked “But first tell me about your powers”

Outside the school

Alex arrives in his motorcycle while Cher and Kaito arrive in Cher’s car. They are welcomed by a parade of panicked students running away from the school. Cher stops one of the students to ask

“What’s going on?” Cher asked while flashing her gold star shaped badge in her wallet

“There is some trouble in the cafeteria, we were told to evacuate” The student said while panting and sweating

“Ok which way is the cafeteria?” Alex said

“Second floor, move straight the hall and then right.” The student said and then finally runs away

Alex, Cher, and Kaito enters the school. The group is running through the hallway and up the stairs to the second floor. Immediately the group is stopped by a voice from straight ahead, they also look at the forward direction to see six people. Nigel, Lily, and four other teenagers wearing black jackets and pants are standing on the hallway. Lily is wearing a pink dress while Nigel is wearing a black long shirt.

Alex, Kaito, and Cher stops in their tracks with unsurprised expressions a few feet in front of the enemy group

“So you two are with Pentagram” Cher said

“That was a pretty damn good trick little girl” Alex said as he stares at Lily

Lily opens her hands and smiles while Nigel answers on her behalf “Since you already know everything, let’s cut the idle chatter”. Nigel then waves his hands and one teenager from his left and right steps forward and raises their hands

Alex, Cher, and Kaito get into battle stances as the two teenagers use fire and wind magic straight at Cher’s group. As both waves mix together, the fire and wind fuses together and make the fire stronger.

Alex and company scatter to dodge and they hide behind a wall.

“Mixing wind and fire, these brats have strategy” Alex said as he hides behind a wall with Cher. Kaito is next to the opposite wall as he asked a question

“What are we going to do Alex?” Kaito asked

“What kind of question is that? We break through that’s what” Alex said

“But their just kids, Alex” Cher said with a second guessing expression.

“Don’t let it get to you. That’s what Magician’s Pentagram is all about. That’s why their superior’s are so hard to touch.” Alex said

“But” Kaito’s voice is also wavering

“Yuki is in danger, do you want him to become a puppet just like those brats?” Alex said angrily

The two teenagers attacking with the wind and fire have unfazed emotionless expressions.

Kaito and Cher is shocked

“I understand, I’d rather be called a devil than let them touch my baby brother” Cher said angrily

Nigel’s voice is heard by the group “The longer you wait, the better it is for us you know”

Nigel and Lily are still standing with the two other teenagers as the first two teenagers are not holding back their attacks

“Alright” Kaito also nod in agreement

The second the attacks stop momentarily Alex, Kaito, and Cher begins to charge to the enemy’s direction. Alex changes his right arm to a small rocket launcher and fires it at the two teenagers. The rocket makes a direct hit and kills the two attacking teenagers and blows them away. The area fills with smoke


Yuki and his group is still hiding behind a table and taking peaks at the students. Yuki takes off his blue jacket, leaving him in a dark blue sleeveless shirt. He then uses his powers to make a big ice bat. He wraps the bat with his jacket and gives it to Alister.

“Wow Yuki that looks neat.” Alister said with Amber also surprised.

“So we’re going through with the plan?” Yuki asks

“Yes we trust you” Amber smiles as she looks

“Ok I’m going in first” Alister said as he gets out of his hiding place and charges at the three teenagers. Within just a moment, Alister reaches one of the students and slams the ice bat on the guy’s chest.

“Wow, he’s fast” Yuki is surprised as he sees Alister move.

“What?” The two other teenagers see Alister knocking out the other teenager

Amber gets out of her hiding place too and begins to attack the female teenager to the right. Both enemies look at her in surprise and sees Alister charging to the male teenager too.

Both enemies raise their hands to charge their magic but immediately their hands are hit by ice needles which stop them momentarily. Amber and Alister reach their targets; Amber punches the girl in the face while Alister hits the boy with the bat.

“That was great guys” Yuki said with a thrilled expression as he walks toward Alister and Amber.
“I’m number one in my karate class after all” Amber said as she makes a “thumbs up” and her bracelet shaking on her wrist. Then she looks at Alister and said “Those were some nice moves too, Dylan.”

“No problem, the bat does belong to Yuki after all” Alister said as he thrusts the bat wrapped in Yuki’s jacket to the floor and leans on it

Yuki smiles and blushes “Nah it’s not a problem but we should get out of here before something else” but his voice is stopped by a sudden sensation, Yuki sees images pop into his head.

Suddenly Alister raises the bat and strikes it at Yuki’s direction. Yuki very suddenly makes a defensive stance and grabs the bat with both hands. But the strong force of the bat slightly injures Yuki’s hands.

Amber sees what has happened and gets a shocked expression “W-what are you doing Dylan?”

Alister simply smiles and pushes the ice bat with stronger force toward Yuki as Yuki grips on it and continue trying to push it away. Alister then chuckles and asks “I thought your powers didn’t always work, so were you lying to get my guard down?”

Yuki makes a sad face then asks a question of his own “I didn’t want to believe it, but you are one of them aren’t you Dylan?”

“What?” Amber asks in surprise while Alister smirks. Yuki then uses his power and then breaks the ice bat into pieces by absorbing the ice back

Yuki then jumps a foot behind while Amber runs next to him

“Even if your power did work; No way were you that skilled to block my attack that fast. So when did you know?” Alister asks with a slightly curious expression

“You asked me twice remember? You said “What did your sister say?” Yuki asks seriously

“My bad, I forgot you never told me you had a Providence sister. So much for the more you trust someone the less warning vision you get against that person” Alister said as he knocks himself on the head

“How on earth could you know that, Dylan? I only told you about warning visions and being able to manually see moments ahead.” Yuki asks with a scared expression while Amber next to him stares at Alister seriously

“You can skip the Dylan part, my name is Alister and the professor has told me everything to know about you” Alister said seriously
At that moment five teenagers wearing black jackets and pants enter the cafeteria, they begin surrounding Yuki and Amber.

Yuki and Amber look at all directions both having nervous reactions

“The professor has a personal interest for you Yuki so you could come to us willingly and save some pain or we can do this the hard way” Alister points at Yuki

“I-If I come with you will you let Amber go free?” Yuki said as he starts to sweat

“How are you so sure she’s not in on the plan too?” Alister asks sarcastically

“What?” Amber said then she looks at Yuki with a curious expression

“She told me about her bracelet, a person who’ll ambush someone didn’t have to tell them an advantage like that” Yuki said

Amber smiles as if she were touched by that answer

“Brilliant, just brilliant” Alister said sounding slightly impressed then he looks at the pair seriously “To answer your question no” Alister said without hesitation

Yuki takes a deep breath and makes a serious expression

“Take them both” Alister gives his cohorts the order

One of the teenagers spreads both his arms in an attempt to grab Yuki from behind. Yuki looks behind him and tries to move away but immediately after Amber punches the teenager in the face, her bracelet glows as her fist hits and blows the teenager away straight to a wall.

“I choose to fight back.” Amber said with a determined expression “I won’t let them take you” Amber tells a surprised Yuki

“Thank you Amber” Yuki said as he becomes equally determined to fight back

“I see, then we’ll do this the hard way then” Alister commands all the other teenagers to attack. One of the teenagers steps on Yuki’s jacket and some debris that are on the floor.


The smoke from Alex’s rocket launcher wraps the area in smoke. Lily uses her power of fire to boost herself like a rocket in the air with her hands. She looks from the sky and sees that Alex and the others are gone.

“Where did they go?” Lily asked in surprise

Nigel blows the smoke away with a burst of wind just in time to see Kaito to his right charging at him with a purple glowing sword. Nigel reacts just in time and flies upward, Kaito misses his attack as Nigel flies to the air
Meanwhile Alex fires barrage of rockets with the right arm he made into a rocket launcher straight at Nigel. Nigel flies to the sky and lands to the roof of the building. He then starts running to evade the rockets, which in turn hits the roof of the school one after the other.

Alex continues his barrage of rockets at Nigel who continues evading them by jumping and flying. “Damn it this kid is slippery” Alex said in frustration

Immediately from behind Alex, one of the enemy teenagers tries to attack Alex but suddenly the enemy is stabbed on the back by a purple glowing sword.

Alex glances behind him to see Kaito holding the glowing sword with a solid hilt. Alex smiles at him for having watching over his back as Kaito runs to the other direction

Cher kicks one of the other teenagers and then she punches yet another one on the face and knocks him down. Immediately a fireball falls from the sky above Cher. Cher just narrowly dodges the attack. She stares above her to see Lily standing above a pillar on the school gate.

“I won’t let you get in the way of me and my prince, you get that?” Lily screams angrily

“And have him become as twisted as you are? Never” Cher screams back as she charges and punches the pillar Lily is standing on and breaks it with her strength.

The force knocks Lily off the pillar but before she could fall off, she uses her power to fly again and lands on the ground. Immediately Cher charges to where Lily landed and attacks her with her fist.

Lily ducks her head to avoid Cher’s punch and boosts herself upward with her fire to avoid a kick from Cher

Meanwhile Nigel boosts himself with his wind and charges at Alex from the sky. Alex turns his right arm into a pick and extends it at Nigel, but he was able to dodge. Nigel then lands on the extended pick and runs on it straight to Alex’s direction.

Alex uses his nanite power to disassemble the pick into data but by then Nigel is already inches in front of him. Nigel throws a punch and hits Alex in the face and pushes him back a few inches. Nigel continues his attacks and was able to land a two more blows at Alex’s stomach.

”Damn it this kid is too fast” Alex thinks to himself as he immediately grabs into Nigel’s shirt and attempts to slam him to the ground. But Nigel uses his power to stop himself from hitting the ground. Nigel then rolls around and tackles Alex to the ground

“Damn it” Alex said with frustration as he falls to the floor. Nigel uses his wind power to make a powered up stomp to where Alex is but Alex rolls over in time to evade it. Nigel’s stomp on the ground shatters the cement floor.

Amber punches an enemy in the face. She then makes a rolling kick and kicks another one in the chest. Meanwhile Yuki is jumping backward as he dodges an enemy in front of him. He throws ice needles at the enemy’s legs which causes him to fall to the ground.

Another enemy bear hugs Yuki from behind and grabs on to him. Yuki tries struggling free and makes ice needles from his fingers. He then uses the needles to stab the enemy on the leg. The enemy let go of Yuki, and immediately after Amber punches the same enemy and knocks him out.

Amber and Yuki then pants as they see that no more enemies are attacking. They then look at where Alister with a slightly irritated expression

“You’re the only one left Alister” Amber said

“Yes, I guess I have to do this myself” Alister said seriously. He then use his power and suddenly a small tremor shakes the room.

Yuki and Alister is slightly nerved by the tremor as they look at Alister

Alister makes an earth pillar and it forms together into the shape of a horse. The stone made horse steps on the ground on its four legs and neighs.

“A-an earth horse” Yuki and Amber are surprised

“Come on” Alister said as he tells the horse to charge at the pair. The horse charges at a fast speed at Yuki and Amber. Amber and Yuki dodge at separate directions as the horse turns around and charges at Amber.

Amber is about to punch the horse but stops momentarily, Amber is then rammed by the horse and blown away to the ground. Amber screams and then passes out as she hits the ground

“W-what happened, why did she stop?” Yuki asked in surprise as the horse turns around again

“You’re the only one left Yuki, so lets get this over with” Alister said with a big grin on his face

Alister waves at the horse again and tells it to charge at Yuki. Yuki throws ice needles at the horse which nails its legs on the ground and stops it at its tracks

Yuki then runs at Amber and checks up on her.

“Amber, are you alright?” Yuki said as he squats down and holds Amber in his arms

“You should focus more on the battle Yuki” Alister screams at Yuki which gets his attention. As Yuki looks at the direction of Alister’s voice and is surprised to see the horse once again charging at him, its legs is reforming

“It broke its own legs to free itself?” Yuki said as he carries Amber on his back, he then runs as the stone horse is chasing him.

“Running is pointless Yuki” Alister said as he commands the horse to charge again

Yuki tightens one arm around Amber on his back and spins around to face the stone horse. Yuki uses his power and then punches the horse with all his might. A small tremor is heard as the horse breaks apart completely. Yuki clinches his teeth in pain as his right hand is injured because of punching the horse.

“H-how” Alister is surprised as he sees what has happened

Yuki slowly lays an unconscious Amber near a corner “I’ll protect you Amber” Yuki said as he focuses his attention on Alister. Alister notices the bracelet on Yuki’s left hand as he faces him.

”I see, you took her bracelet, but you still don’t know how to punch too well” Alister said as he looks at Yuki’s slightly bleeding right hand. Yuki hears what Alister said and looks at his injured hand. But as he looks at Alister’s direction, he is surprised to see that Alister has already created two pillars and extends them both on Yuki’s direction.

Yuki at the spur of the moment raises his arms but strangely the beam misses him and only hits inches from Yuki’s left and right side, the stone beams then ram at the wall behind Yuki.

Yuki is now in the center of the two beams, very suddenly the beams sprout another two pillars which clamps on Yuki’s wrists as he raised his arms up. Yuki’s hands are now pinned to the wall.

“Wh-what no way” Yuki said as he tries breaking free. Alister very quickly runs toward Yuki and pulls the strength bracelet out of Yuki’s left wrist.

“Yoink” Alister said as he takes the bracelet off of Yuki and smiles at him

Yuki starts sweating even more as he tries breaking free but his wrists are tightly pinned by the stone cuffs.

“Now how the tables have turned” Alister moves closer at Yuki’s sweating face as he wipes the sweat from Yuki’s cheek.

Alister then punches Yuki’s stomach which causes him to winch in pain.

“I wouldn’t mind softening you up before taking you in” Alister said as he makes another two punches on Yuki’s stomach. Yuki coughs some saliva off as the punches connect and his body becomes limp in pain.

Yuki starts getting a word in “Dylan…, was everything a lie, everything you told me an act?” Yuki says while agonizing in pain.

“The name is Alister, and I already explained my role to you.” Alister pulls on Yuki’s hair as he looks at Yuki’s wincing face.

“Tell me Yuki, Do you know the story of the Trojan horse?” Alister asks as he punches Yuki again on the stomach which causes him to cough again

“Trojan h-horse, t-the one the Greeks used?” Yuki asked as he is still pinned to the wall.

“On the outside, it was a gift by the Greeks to the city of Troy but on the inside it was an ambush waiting to happen.” Alister smirks and then continues “that was my role to you.”

Yuki stays silent and his face is clearly disheartened

“Now say good night Yuki.” Alister gives a big grin grabs onto Yuki’s throat with both hands and starts squeezing

Yuki is trying to breath but is losing oxygen and his vision growing blurry. Yuki then starts seeing a hallucination of a woman with light blue hair wearing a lab coat as she is carrying a light blue haired little boy. The woman said to the boy “I won’t let them take you”

Shortly afterwards the woman disappears and gun fire erupts.

“Mom” Yuki is back in present time as he opens his eyes with a strong force as Alister’s hands are still squeezing his throat.

“What? I thought he’d be unconscious by now” Alister asked in surprise

Yuki suddenly made a very serious expression which slightly scares Alister. He then uses his legs to clamp Alister’s body like a bear hug and pulls him at him.

“This kid still has some fight left?” Alister is surprised as he tries breaking free from Yuki’s legs.

Yuki then moves his fingers on the stone cuffs that are pinning his wrists and freezes them. He then uses his powers again to break the ice and frees his hands. He then jumps at Alister and pushes him down. Both Yuki and Alister fall down to the floor with Alister on the bottom

“AH” Alister screams as his body falls on the ground with Yuki sitting on top of him.

Yuki grabs the strength bracelet that fell. He then activates it then screams loudly like a battle cry; he punches Alister as hard as he can on the stomach. The floor tiles around Alister get a sudden shock wave and breaks apart. Alister immediately gets knocked out as the earthquake echo all over the school.

Outside the school

Cher, Alex, Kaito, Nigel, and Lily are startled by the massive tremor.

“What’s going on” Cher said with surprise

Suddenly police sirens are heard and everyone looks at the direction of the sound and sees police cars zooming in to the school

”This plan is a bust, we have to go” Nigel screams at Lily from the other side of the open field

“You’re not going anywhere” Alex said as he makes a clamp with his power and jabs it at Nigel. Nigel uses his power to jump away

“Whether it’s them, us or your own; its death for you” Nigel tells Alex with a serious expression

“What?” Alex asked with a serious expression

“I can’t wait” Nigel said as he flies to the sky

Lily also uses her power to make a fire boost from her back and flies upward as Cher tries to land a kick at her bit misses. Lily then follows Nigel as they fly away.

”Come back here” Cher screams as she tries to give chase but stops herself and calls Alex.

Alex is slightly taken back as if something is weighing heavily on his shoulders

“Never mind them, we have to go to Yuki” Cher said
“Huh?” Alex recovers and nods as they all run to the school


Alex, Kaito, and Cher is about to enter the cafeteria as they are startled to see the door opens and students began running out. The three students that were knocked out before ran out the door.

“What’s going on?” Cher ran to them who stops and falls on the ground.

“Two students are unconscious, after fighting it out with each other, there are a few more dead and an earthquake hit.” One of the male students said with a scared voice.

“Yuki…” Cher is clearly worried as the group hurriedly enters inside

The group is utterly shocked when they saw the cafeteria is destroyed. Then suddenly Amber walks and falls in Kaito’s arms.

Kaito tends to her says, “We are from providence are you alright?”

Amber gets a word in “Please you have to help, my friend is hurt” Amber says with a worried expression.

Cher looks inside the cafeteria and sees Yuki and Alister on the ground unconscious. They also see the multiple teenagers that were with Alister on the ground.

“YUKI” Cher runs to Yuki with a worried expression, almost into tears

A few feet behind Cher and Alex is Kaito and Amber

“Huh what’s wrong?” Amber asks Kaito who is looking at her with a blushing expression

“Huh? Well it-its nothing.” Kaito is blushing and Amber has a big question mark on her face.

“Yuki talk to me, are you alright?” Cher lifts Yuki up. Then she suddenly hears his voice.

Yuki slowly opens his eyes; he sees a glimpse of a light blue haired woman and then when the vision clears. The light blue haired woman then turns into Cher.

“Sis” Yuki is opening his eyes and tries to talk.

“Yuki, thank goodness.” Cher said

“I-I’m ok, I’m just so tired.” Yuki said as he touches his stomach

“Huh? What happened who is this kid?” Alex asks worriedly while looking at Alister who is unconscious and battered on the floor.

“He was, no he is still my friend.” Yuki says and then faints.

“He’s a member of Magician’s Pentagram and so are those three that ran outside.” Amber says out loud while pointing at Alister and the three students outside the door.

The three students are dumbfounded at what they heard.

“Huh how do you know that?” Alex, Cher, and Kaito all looks at Amber with shock in their faces.

“Clearly we missed a lot here.” Kaito says

“Yeah, until we get everything cleared out, you will have to come with us.” Alex says to Amber, “I mean all of you” Alex also looks at the three other students outside the door too.

“Yes I’m ok with that, Yuki called you sister so you’re legit.” Amber nods while looking at Cher. “So you’re Yuki’s sister.”

“Yes I am, how do you know him?” Cher says

“You were different from the lifer person I imagined you to be.” Amber says while smiling.

Cher became confused. Everyone then proceeds to take an unconscious Yuki, Alister and everyone else out of the school….

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