Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1944246-No-Storm-Warning
Rated: E · Poetry · Relationship · #1944246
The storm within came out of the blue.
                   "No Storm Warning"

It resonated in me its sudden sound.
Yet, on opaque white-blue skies
not a single cloud could be found.

         My heart drummed,
as if storm spooked buffaloes rushed my chest.
However, when I looked across vast yellowing grassland,
mid-western prairie dogs were seen only, at best.

         With torrential rains, a river dam burst.
I gasped for air above flood waters, too near.
But, somehow, nothing more than pools of
glistening beads on my brow, drowning me in fear.

         Wicked winds and straight-line damages
uprooted my feet. So I asked, is this it as it must be?
Shaking and quaking, trembling and shivering;
why then, when there was nary a breeze, don't you see?

         Lightning struck an early Autumn show.
Has this all been a pretense, or real? Then I remember.
Like an illusive storm with no warning,
long ago that year, you left me for her.

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