Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1939908-My-Little-Pony-Panty-Poop-Shenanigans
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1939908
Please don't read this is MLP based scat smut is not your cup of tea
Applejack fiddled with the large lock securing the barn door. "Ah don't want no body disturbing me while I ready this special delivery" Applejack shouted to her family in the fields before moving deeper into the barn. She had already spent a long day bucking apple trees and other farm related work, and the shade of the barn was soothing on her already very sweaty skin. Strutting over to some hay bales, Applejack stripped her top revealing her two large but firm breasts. "It feels so strange wearing this, Ah feel like one of them upper crust ponies, heh heh" Applejack thought to herself as she dropped her shorts revealing a skimpy pair of underwear emblazoned with three diamonds on the side and fancy stitch work on the back. "How does Rarity wear these things? I can see my cutie mark and everything." Applejack pondered. "Well it don't matter much, Rarity left me a "gift" in my nice dress panties that I lent her to work on so I can only return the favor with a delivery of fresh horse apples in hers" Bending over a hay bale, Applejack adjusted the underwear already sticking to her sweaty, toned butt. "This cider I had with breakfast just isn't agreeing with me, wouldn't you say so Rarity?" Clenching a little bit, Applejack lets loose a mighty fart blasting her tail out of the way like a leaf in a storm. "Too uncouth for you Rarity?" Applejack stated to the panties. Rubbing her rumbling tummy, she unleashes a series of nasty farts as her face contorts into a grimacing grin of effort and pleasure. The gas mixes with the already damp from sweat underwear as the smell is infused into the silken garment. "Rarity always wanted to know where I got my signature scent and now ah can share it with her". As a mare unashamed if not even a little proud of her own smell, Applejack stands up taking a big whiff of the reeking panties, enjoying the aroma of her musk. "Whew wee, these smell worse than that time Big Mac had to clean out the pig pen, heh heh". Bracing herself against the hay bale, she begins pushing calmly yet forcefully in a way only a pony who is completely comfortable with her own bodily functions can. A small bulge appears in the seat of the panties, slowly growing larger with Applejack's effort. With a grunt, she finishes off the first log. "I had a real big family breakfast this morning; I hope these fancy, girly panties can hold up. Now my work panties on the other hoof, if I don't want to take any breaks out in the orchard, my pair can take an entire day's worth of manure". Lifting her tail up, Applejack gets back to work as the bulge grows bigger, going from the size of a single apple to an entire bushel. Looking back to both admire her growing load and to make sure it doesn't escape the skimpy confines of her friend's undies, Applejack remarks "How do you like dem apples Rarity?" With one final, grunting push, Applejack moves her last log into the already packed panties. “If that ain't the biggest crop of horse apples I've ever seen" she whispers in joyous awe. Breathing deeply through her nose, she took in the stench of the now disgusting panties that filled the entire the barn. "And judging from the aroma," Applejack chuckles, "Some of my finest work yet!" Re-donning her top and jean shorts, she starts to head back outside. "Now I wonder if Big Mac has anything to add to these."

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