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Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Comedy · #1936852
A dialogue for a larger piece

6.4.13 (VERSION 1)

Celia- 30’S
Delia- 30’S

EXT- graveyard. daytime.

I don't know if we're ever going to find her in this place, it's massive!

Just keep looking, she's got to be here somewhere…
OH! I think I’ve found it!

The women stop at a huge mausoleum marked with a weeping angel statue. pillars adorn the border of the opening and a giant urn stands between them contains a technicolor bouquet of flowers. it's beautiful, and by far the most impressive of the gravesites in the cemetery.

Wow, this isn't what I expected at all.

(reading the inscription)
Genevieve Rose Mulalley. Born 1934, Died 1974. Beautiful in life, outside and in. A peaceful soul, loved animals and children. Accomplished actress, musician, writer, and model. She left this life childless, but far from alone. Her charitable work for children, particularly those impoverished will live as her heir.

Oh what a bunch of shit.

I can't fucking believe this.


Well, hang on. Lets get a rubbing of this rubbish.

Celia kneels and takes a rubbing of the epitaph.

I wonder what Mom would've thought of this.

Probably would've taken a sledgehammer to the son of a bitch. You know how good she was with demolition.

They both chuckle at this mental image.

Her expertise in explosives would come in handy.

They both laugh out loud.

I can understand what Dad saw in her, but shit. Not like Mom wasn't a fantastic person in her own right.

I know. It's really ridiculous. I don’t think he ever fully appreciated her like we did. I mean, who doesn’t respect a woman that can run an entire organized crime syndicate with just two trusted henchmen to back her up and provide security? NO one, that’s who.

Seriously! She took care of the entire east coast! And the volume of trafficking! It takes a savvy businesswoman to smuggle narcotics AND prostitutes to and from southeast Asia without getting caught for fifty years. Not to mention managing the staff, logistics, everything else that goes along with it…

Man, she was a great manager too. She had those guys whipped into shape like no one else. Efficient! People say everyone was so afraid of her, but I think that’s an attribute more of today’s managers could learn from, you know?


I agree totally. And she didn’t take any shit! Dad’s girlfriend found that out the hard way, I guess. (beat)
I'd love to smash this fucking thing to rubble, you know? After what she did to Mom…

Well, it's not like Dad didn't do his part as well.

Yeah, but to hear her tell it, Mom makes it sound like this Genevieve really tried to sabotage everything. Not just an affair, but an entire life shanghai'd you know? (laughs) Remember how Mom used to threaten to cut off our heads if we brought it up?

She was so crazy. I really miss her sometimes. (beat) I wonder if Aunt Lucy knows anything?

You mean about how Daddy and little-miss-do-gooder hooked up? I’d like to know that one, too.

How come we never thought to ask her?

Well, you know how she can be…

The pause is full of possibility. Celia takes one more scathing look at the mausoleum and then spits at the entrance.

Maybe it’s time we paid Aunt Lucy a little visit in the nursing home...

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