Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1936314-The-Clockwork
by BRayV
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1936314
Are we all racing an invisible clock that is set to go off or can we prolong it?
    The chill of the wind felt wonderful to Sherri giving her the opportunity to move closer to Noah. This October wind she thought was very nice here in North Carolina compared to where she grew up in Chicago. Noah took the hint and wrapped his arm around her moving her closer. "I enjoyed tonight" she said speaking softly.

    "I'm glad, and still sorry for the" he paused pointing to the stain on her jeans.

    "No biggy" she stepped out from under his arm and did a little spin, "gives me a reason to buy a new pair."

    Noah had enjoyed the date, who would have thought a blind date could go so well. His friends Sarah and Mike had set the two up. Mike told him she was an attractive, inspiring young women, that to trust him they would hit it off. He was right on all counts. She was stunning just a couple of inches shorter then his 6'1" frame with sandy blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail. With an athletic build she had acquired from running, and her smile, he knew this could be positive.

      Noah himself was not a bad looking guy for his 36 years. Brown hair combed back over his ears and a little scruff on the face made him seem a little James Dean. He was always fond of that rebel look.

    The two of them strolled down the sidewalk admiring the storefront windows and what they had to offer. A sign read Mr. Waters Clock Shop as they strolled past. Noah looked in seeing it was a little past ten. He knew he had to say goodnight because he needed at least a few hours of sleep before work. He was a teacher at a middle school and he usually arrived about 5am. Beating him to the punch, "wow, It's getting late, I need to be in bed," she paused "I have a presentation to give in the morning."

    "Me to, not a presentation but I need to be up early" he replied

    A crash of the window shattering and a scream stopped the two, looking up to see a body fall ten stories and hit the ground a few yards in front of them. Sherri screamed as Noah ran to the body. The tan colored sidewalk was now turning red from the blood. Noah stepped back knowing there was nothing he could do for it was already over. Trying to grasp what had just happened in these few seconds Noah began to turn towards Sherri as a shadow ran from the ally along side the building at him. A man in his late forty's ran to the body looking terrified not at the site but at something else. He reached into his pocket and pulled something out and shoved it into Noah's hand, then not even saying a word ran across the street into another ally.

© Copyright 2013 BRayV (hollywood17 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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