Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1927233-Patience
Rated: E · Poetry · Spiritual · #1927233
A short poem about the Virtue of Patience
Second Place in the April, 2013 edition of:
***The Virtues of Poetry Contest*** 

By Marci Perrine

Patience is a virtue we know it’s true
However it’s easier to say than to do
If you lack patience you are told to pray
Wow, that is a scary thing to say

God’s word says that patience comes from trouble
I’m afraid that my tribulation will now double
Then through patience I will become more sure
Experience gives me hope to endure

Now as a friend, a mom, and wife
Patience needs to rule my life
Becoming anxious and upset
Will not help others or me one bit

So Lord as I pray about this beautiful trait
Help me to serve you with my path straight
I will patiently serve you through battle strife
For patience more than anything must lead my life
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