Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1927059-My-Life-On-The-Run-Part-2
Rated: E · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1927059
Sisters, Sierra and Alexis are on the run after becoming involved with the secret service.
As her fall was broken by a large hay bale directly beneath us she looked up at me stunned, then giggled.
“That was fun!”
I smiled, only a Pieter girl would find something like this fun.
We had done it; running free over the large expanse of unused paddock we skipped and giggled with delight.
Constantly running or walking, just moving in general for hours and hours eventually brought us to an old run down barn.
Running my hand over the rough wood of the barn I pushed against the large red doors, they creaked as they swung back on their old rusted hinges. Looking around, there were horses in separate areas; sheep in another, cows, chickens and above them all; a loft with hay; our bed for tonight. Alexis followed my gaze, looking up she sighed.
“I’ll go first.” Not needing to reply I simply followed her. This is how we were going to be living from now on.
“My life on the run” I breathed
“Our life” she whispered to me.
Moving over to the far corner we attempted to find a comfortable position to sleep in for tonight. No matter how I lay a strand of coarse hay managed to stick into my skin through my clothes. Grumbling to myself I turned over and attempted to close my eyes for another few minutes. Just as I was drifting off into blissful sleep I heard the smallest, most insignificant creak, but it was enough to instantly put all my senses in overdrive. Snapping my eyes open I forced my self not to move a muscle, looking around the now darkened barn I couldn’t see a thing, I shut my eyes and put all my concentration on my hearing willing them to pick up the slightest sound, taking a deep, silent breath in I separated the common barn smells from the more foreign smells. Like a nice smelling musky aroma. The smell brought a smile to my lips, not knowing why but it smelt familiar, it wasn’t strong enough to directly trigger my memory but it was enough to know there was a memory.

As a shadowy figure came into my line of sight, I protectively put my arm around Alexis, trying not to wake her. I heard a creek as a foot was placed on the lower rung of the ladder. Judging by the creak of the rung the un-sub is about 74kg, which makes them about six-two, so most likely a male. Slowly rising to my feet, I stood protectively in front of Alexis, ready to defend her to the death.
“Hello?” A young masculine voice was heard in the darkness.
He sounded nervous, as if he didn’t know who was here. That means it’s not one of the officers looking for us.
I replied in my most vulnerable voice.
“Who’s there?” Purposefully adding a tremor.
It worked, he responded reassuringly.
“I won’t hurt you, I promise.”
I smiled secretly. “I’m sorry, my sister and I needed a place to stay for the night. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course not, but its cold out here. Come up to the house and I’ll get you some food and something warm to drink, you can stay in the spare room for as long as you like.”
We had to avoid forming close relationships with anyone, but how could I turn down a warm bed and hot food? I mean, Alexis needed it as bad as I did.

Just as we were climbing a hill walking towards the house, I happened to glance out of the corner of my eye. What I saw stopped me clear in my tracks.
“Are you ok?” glancing at the man who had just found us, I took in the all too familiar features of brunette hair, incredibly good looking male and green eyes. It was Julian.
I coughed to cover up my gaping mouth which was practically scraping the ground.
“Umm, yeah. I think I just swallowed a bug or something.” Alexis giggled.
“We’re not supposed to eat bugs!”
Suddenly remembering I had Alexis with me I urged her on.
“Are you cold sweetie?”
“Woah, since when do we have nicknames for each other?” Julian winked at me.
“Not you, I was talking to Alexis, but are you cold too Julian?”
As soon as the words were out of my mouth I willed my mouth to open back up and swallow them whole. I realized the mistake I had made and instantly started thinking up excuses.
He looked, at me, stunned. “How do you know my name? I haven’t told you.”
I giggled nervously. “Woah! Did I actually get your name right? Umm, I have a good guess, my friend looks really similar to you and his name is Julian, I suppose I just thought you looked like a Julian. Woah, I still can’t believe I actually guessed your name. Try guess mine.” I realized I was rambling so I shut my mouth.
“Hmmm, you look kind of like a Lucy, or maybe a Jen?”
“Nope and nope. My name’s Sierra and this is my sister Alexis.”
He put out his hand, a true gentleman.
“Pleased to meet you Sierra”
Bending down to Alexis’ height he chucked her under the chin.
“And pleased to meet you too Alexis”
She giggled shyly and wrapped her arms around my leg.
“Now shall we go in, the fire is going in the lounge, go pull up a couple of chairs and thaw yourselves out. I’ll bring us some milo.” He looked at me and smiled, holding out his arm he ushered us into the warm kitchen.
“Ladies first”
“Thank you kind sir.” I responded playing along.

Ensuring Alexis was settled and comfortable in a large plush chair pulled close to the fire, I returned to the kitchen to help Julian with the milo.
Leaning against the door frame I looked at his tall build and smiled, when I first met him I never thought he would be a farmer, he didn’t have the tell-tale smell of hay or animals just a strong musk smell.
Feeling my eyes on him, he looked at me. His lips quirked up on the left hand side, something fluttered in my stomach, he was so good looking.
I walked towards him.
“Want some help?” I giggled like a school girl.
“Well, I don’t think milo needs many people to make, but if you’re offering conversation I’m in.” His voice had a slight rustic drawl to it.
As I spooned some of the milo into a mug I started casual conversation.
“So do you live here by yourself?” He stiffened.
Crap, I’ve struck out on round one I thought, slowly he began to relax.
“My brother runs the farm, but he’s… out at the moment. Some convict escaped from the local prison a couple of miles away from here. Apparently they’re dangerous. His line of work is extreme to say the least. But he’s always looked after me, ever since our parents passed.” He swallowed back the pain and emotion threatening to overcome him.
“Alexis and I have had a similar upbringing, I’ve been looking after her since she was a year old, and I was thirteen.” He smiled sympathetically,
“Let me guess, you didn’t want others involved.”
I nodded,
“How did you know?”
“My brother, Xavier was the same. He wanted to be independent. I remember times I was so hungry that when I did eat I would just vomit it back up. Xavier would always give me his portion, he was like the father figure I never had.”
I sighed, we were so similar. Back in the lounge I sat on a seat next to Alexis and was passing her milo when I saw her head hung limp against the edge of the chair. Her blonde hair covered her delicate face. I smiled,
“I think she’s asleep”
Watching as Julian put his mug on a coffee table he walked towards Alexis and scooped her up into his strong arms, she wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled into his chest. I smiled, this was nice, I felt like I could trust Julian, he was the closest thing I had to a friend. And the fact that Alexis is comfortable around him proves a lot.
Following Julian and Alexis down the dark hallway I took in my surroundings out of habit, just in case we had to make another fast escape. As Julian turned into a room on the right hand side, Alexis’ eyes fluttered in her sleep and she mumbled something under her breath. He flicked on the light, and my eyes adjusted to the light, I glanced around the room. It had the typical set up of a spare room, not that I had seen many spare bedrooms in my life time, but I wasn’t ignorant to the way the other half lived. It was well furnished, with two single beds, one on either side of the room, a large mirror in the middle of the wall between the beds, a painting of an ancient Colosseum hung on the wall above the bed on the left.
“Julian, this is beautiful! I can’t say thank you enough.” He just smiled in reply and gently placed Alexis under the covers of the first bed, pulling the covers up around her shoulders he ran a gentle finger across her forehead. Curious I looked at his face, emotions were flitting across, happiness, sadness, joy and most of all, pain.
He took a breath to steady his breathing and wiped the open emotion off his face. Turning to me he smiled,
“She’s gorgeous, like her sister.”
I felt warmth flood across my face, I’m not used to receiving compliments. Turning hurriedly I walked out the door and turned right.
“Sierra.” He placed his hand on my arm, I stiffened but forced myself to relax.
“Yes” I put on my most carefree voice.
“You’re going the wrong way.” He whispered to me, amusement in his voice.
“I knew that, I was just testing to see if your brain was working considering your eyes clearly aren’t.”
“I know what I see, and I see beauty.” Pulling away I walked into the lounge and sat back down in the plush chair. As I sat looking around the cozy warm room I glanced into the flames flickering, making patterns on the walls, I felt my eyes getting heavier. Mentally shaking myself I forced my self to stay awake; I can’t fall asleep in a perfect strangers house. Just as I was rinsing out my mug in the sink, Julian walked in, leaning against the door frame he looked at me.   
“I’m not used to seeing women in the kitchen.”
I laughed, this time a pure, heart felt laugh.
“Now that’s something I haven’t heard before!” As he walked towards me water droplets glistened in his hair, he just had a shower. Talking around a yawn that escaped my lips I asked.
“Oh, by the way, what’s the time?” I giggled, remembering the first time I met Julian.
He looked at me sharply, as if that triggered a memory, a confused look crossed his face but as fast as it appeared, it disappeared.
“It’s 5.30, are you getting tired?”
“Yeah I am a little” I admitted.
“There’s another bed in the spare room. Further down the hall on your left is a bathroom, it has a shower and toilet. There are towels in the cupboard under the sink. Help yourself.”
“Thank you. Goodnight.” I hesitated as I passed him, stopping under the door frame I turned and flung my arms around his neck.
“Really, thank you.” As he wrapped his arms around my waist he whispered into my hair.
“Really, you’re welcome.”

With my arms braced on the vanity I stared in the glass at the person staring back at me, I moved my arm, and they moved theirs. It took me awhile to realize I was looking in a mirror, I was a mess. And Julian said I looked beautiful. Combing my fingers through my hair I examined the dark circles beneath my eyes and sighed.
After splashing water on my face I walked back to the spare room, moving over to check on Alexis I tucked the sheets in more securely and kissed her on the forehead.
“I love you Lexi” she rolled over and her eyes flickered slightly.
Smiling, I slid in between the cool sheets of the opposite bed. Breathing a sigh of comfort I shut my eyes and let my mind wander as sleep over came me.

A ray of sunshine filtered through the crack in the curtains and it spread on my face warming my cheeks. A soft hand played with the tendrils of hair splayed on the pillow, I flicked my eyes open and squinted at the figure in front of me. Suddenly my body was pressed against the bed as a high pitch scream ricocheted around the room.
“Gooood morning, Sierra!” I groaned and rolled over. “wake up!”
“Go away Alexis.” She giggled
“But Julian made you breakfast in bed.” My stomach hearing the word breakfast grumbled in response. Suddenly I was awake and sitting. Looking up Julian was looking at me a twinkle in his eye.
“She had a lot of energy; I told her she could wake you up. Considering it is two in the afternoon. If you slept any longer you wouldn’t sleep tonight.” I smiled my thanks and breathed in deeply. The smell of scrambled eggs and crisp bacon reached my nose, once again my stomach grumbled, Alexis giggled.
“I think she’s hungry!”
“Have you eaten yet Lexi?”
“Don’t worry about her.” Julian replied. “She’s just about eaten the whole pantry out.”
After inhaling my breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast and a coffee. I carried the tray to the kitchen in my pajama pants and t-shirt.
Julian laughed. “You don’t look fully awake yet.”
“Is that what they’re calling it these days?” I replied with a smirk.
“Don’t worry; that caffeine will kick in soon, what do you want to do today?”
“We really should be moving on soon.” He hadn’t asked many questions to my great relief. I wondered how he would feel if he knew the convict his brother was risking his life to find was staying in his house.
“If you don’t want to get moving just yet, I can take you out for a tour of our ranch. You any good at horse riding?”

Half an hour later atop a 15hands high chestnut horse I looked out over the large expanse of land and smiled.
“Beautiful isn’t it? I come out here when I need to get away from everything”
I looked across at Julian; he had a soft peaceful look in his eyes. It’s not often a guy like this comes along.
“Hey Lexi, you ok up there?” he asked, genuinely concerned.
“Yeah, I’m fine!” she had a huge smile spread across her face.
This is the first time she has ever been on a horse, and she loves it. I had my arms wrapped around her waist protectively, and my hands on the reins. Following Julian’s example I clicked to the horse to encourage her to move on and once again for a soft trot.
Alexis’ giggle echoed around the valley as she bounced up and down. As we came towards a crystal clear river I turned to Julian.
“Well, I guess we can’t go any further.”
“Are you kidding me? Crossing rivers is the most fun. We just have to be careful how we do it.”
He slid off the large black horse and led it over to a tree; tethering it securely he turned to face the river. He seemed to be just standing, staring at it.
“What are you doing?” I asked confusion in my voice.
“I’m checking the river for possible dangers, we can’t cross the river if there’s any chance it could be dangerous. Well, we could. Except it would be extremely risky. But looking at you it seems as if you have taken a couple of risks in your life.” I looked down uncomfortable. He smiled knowingly, sometimes it seems as if he knows what I’m really about.
“Look there.”
Following where his finger pointed I looked into the murky depths of the water.
“What am I supposed to be looking at?” I asked.
“Exactly” he replied. “The waters are to calm, there’s counter current water flows, so the currents should be strong and struggling against each other. That’s what they’re like under the surface. It’s deceiving.”
“Oh, woah. If you weren’t here I would probably be part of the riverbed right now.” I laughed.
“Well let’s thank the Lord I was here to swoop in and save you before you plowed into the river.” He winked at me, making a warm blush creep into my cheeks. “Shall we continue on? Find a safer way to cross?”
“Sounds good to me.” I responded.

Three hours later sitting on a soft cushy chair, with a very sore tooshy, holding a cup of warm cocoa I leaned back and sighed.
“Well, that was a long day!”
Julian smiled and looked at Alexis. “It sure was. She’s out to it!”
Looking over at Alexis snoring softly, curled up in a ball on her chair, I laughed.
“I’ll carry her to bed.”
“No, let me. Your not used to all the riding, I am. So you just stay here and relax your old bones.”
Picking up one of the cushions beside me I chucked it at him as he was standing. He turned to me,
“Did you just throw that pillow at me?” he asked dangerously serious.
I hesitated before replying.
“Umm, yes I believe it was me. Unless Alexis threw it in her sleep.”
“I’ll deal with you later.”
As he scooped Alexis into his arms, I saw the muscles ripple beneath his shirt making my heart skip a beat.
Was he being serious before? He seemed, angry. But I hadn’t done anything wrong. All I done was throw a pillow at him. Why would that upset him so much? I nervously waited, different scenarios going through my head as to why he was so upset. Was it his mother’s pillow or something?
A creak on the wooden floor sent my heart to my throat and my stomach to my feet. As he stepped through the doorframe, a light cast shadows across his face, making his green eyes stand out. Slowly he walked towards me, purposely slow. His face was passive; no emotion could be seen in his eyes. It was as if he had turned cold.
When he was within arms reach he suddenly leant around me. Instinctively jumping away, before thinking I kicked sharp in the back of his knee making his legs buckle. I grabbed his arm and pulled it up behind his back.
“Sierra! What are you doing? Calm down, it’s just me!” His voice pulled me back into reality.
“Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry Julian!” Letting go of him, I stepped backwards, hitting the wall I suddenly felt confined and trapped, and I needed to get away. Sprinting towards the door I opened it, hearing it bang against the wall made me wince. I ran, tears falling down my face, I kept running, nowhere in particular. I just needed air, needed space.

An hour later, sitting on a tree looking at the large expanse of land I sighed.
Why do I get so wound up? He wasn’t going to hurt me; I know that. I just can’t trust people. I’ve always had trust issues. I wish I could trust him, I know he would never purposely hurt me. But he’s in my now, not in my future. He can’t be in my future; it’s too risky for him and I. He’s the closest thing to a friend I’ve ever had, I would do anything to keep him in my life. But I can’t. It’s not fair on him. But not being friends with him is unfair on Alexis; she looks up to him. It would break her heart if we never saw him again. I just don’t know what to do!
Pushed to the edge, I looked up at the sky. Whoever was up there, sure had a good paintbrush, the evening sky was a mixture of oranges, yellows, blues and purples.
“If you’re out there, if you even know my name. Help me; I’m not sure what to say. I haven’t done this for a long time, since I was six. But I was taught you were all-powerful and loved me even when I done wrong. I need help, Jesus. I don’t know where I’m supposed to be going what I should do, I don’t know if I should trust Julian or not. Please guide me and let me know what I should do. Help me to look after Alexis well and that I will do what’s best for her. Thank you. Amen.”
Sliding down the tree I began to walk.

The sun was just setting behind the house; I saw a dark, tall silhouette rise. I took the few steps I needed to reach the front porch, and watched as Julian walked towards me. He reached a hand out to me, and pulled me in for a hug.
“Sierra, I’m so sorry!” he apologized.
“No Julian, I’m sorry. I over reacted.”
“You were pretty defensive.. And strong! I couldn’t move at all. Sierra, what’s going on?”
“You wouldn’t understand; it’s complicated.”
“Try me.”
‘The thing is, I can’t.. It’s classified.”
“Oh, that type of complicated.” He said “Believe me; I know all about that type of complicated from my brother, the things he gets into. I never want to have to do the things he does.”
I stiffened,
“Look, I just don’t really want to talk about it, maybe some other time?”
“Of course, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Maybe you should go get some rest?”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea. And thanks for understanding.”
I squeezed his hand as I walked towards the door.
He gave me an easy way out, I should have taken it! He offered me a listening ear and shoulder to cry on, I should have taken it! But I’m so used to doing everything by myself when someone offered me help I got scared and backed out as fast as possible!
“Lord, I have so much to learn.”
As I shut my eyes and felt the familiar wave of exhaustion I let my self slip into sweet oblivion, dreaming, that’s the only place I’m safe anymore.

Three days was all it took for me to feel comfortable and relaxed here. Going riding with Julian; swimming in the creek; moving the cattle. It was just the little things that made me really come to love this place. Each evening, Julian would look after Alexis while I went and lay down in the middle of an abandoned paddock just watching the world go past me, I would lie there and watch as the sun went down and God brought out his paint brush. This time alone brought me closer to God, I would just pray and think and occasionally sing to myself. Would mum and dad be happy with how I was bringing Alexis up? I was doing my very best. I still hadn’t forgiven mum, some time soon I needed to bring my self to forgive her. But I needed Gods help to forgive her.
“Lord, mum really hurt me. She shouldn’t have left like that. But she did; now I’m left to bring Alexis up. I can’t do this without you; I want you to be in her life. I want her to know the love you give to us, and how when were at the worst point in our lives you will uplift us and carry us. Please guide me, father. Amen.”
Walking into the lounge I glanced over at Alexis she was sitting on the mat in front of the fire, playing with the tabby cat. Julian walked over and sat on the arm rest of the couch.
“Hey, you’re just in time! We were about to play a game of monopoly, come join us.”
Walking over I folded my legs beneath me and reached for the board.
“Dibbs the car!” Julian looked at me,
“Do you know what they say about the people who choose the car?” he winked.
“Oh, so now you’re assessing my game playing?” I laughed and reached my hand up to run through my hair.
“They say those who choose the car live their life in top gear.”
As I was working on the knot in my hair I noted his change from them to you.
“You act on instinct, and you make decisions in a split second. Your first reaction is usually right. You are impulsive and bold. You love to make risky moves.”
I laughed,
“Is this what ‘they’ say or is this your assessment of me?”
He smiled sheepishly once he realized his mistake.
“Possibly a little bit of both?” I punched him in the arm.
“Hey what was that for! You’re stronger than the typical girl! Be careful where you aim that fist.” I stiffened.
He sensed my discomfort.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”
I still hadn’t told him the whole story, but he was beginning to piece things together. At least he could tell when I was feeling uncomfortable.

Julian reached down, knocking over the iron and picked up the car, grinning at me he threw it, just as I caught it I heard the telltale noise of tires on gravel. My muscles tensed a muscle in my jaw working. Glancing over at me Julian took my hand as if in a comforting way. He didn’t know, he didn’t understand. No! I shouldn’t have been so stupid, I should have moved on long ago. For some reason his brother was back. Maybe he had found a lead that led straight here or maybe he was on a break. Whatever the reason all I knew was Alexis and I had to get out, now!
“I need to go”
“No you don’t, it’s only my brother. Relax I’ll explain to him who you are. He will understand.”
“No he won’t, you don’t understand either. And I can’t tell you. Alexis and I just need to get out now without your brother seeing us, Julian please. I wouldn’t ask if there was any other way.”
“If I get you out, promise me one thing?”
“What do you want me to promise?”
“Promise me I’ll see you again.”
I swallowed back a lump in my throat restricting me from talking. But still my voice caught like cotton on a thorn.
“I promise.” I sniffed.
Just as I could hear footsteps coming up the front porch and heard the keys rattling Julian pushed us into the room we had been staying in.
“Wait here” He whispered through the crack in the door.
Using this time to organize our things, I rushed around tidying things up. Luckily we didn’t have much and could carry everything on our backs.
© Copyright 2013 Danielle Stewart (danni_stewart at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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