Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1924970-THE-ONE-SONG--All-is-one-part-1
Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1924970
For all who wish to find the JOY in the hearts, All is LOVE. There is nothing but LOVE.
Chapter one
We Come From Paradise

Tirips Mlaer is a paradise. No, in fact it is a shangri-la. All the
inhabitants live in close knitted communities. They sing from dawn
till dusk. Laughter is heard in every corner. There is enough food
for everyone and nobody grows old.

Elos is sixteen years old. He has many brothers and sisters. He
loves dancing and singing with them. They play many games
together. However, Elos feels something missing in their lives.
Every day, they just sing and dance and enjoy themselves. There is
nothing else to do.

One day, Elos is sitting alone by himself beside the lovely lake.
He is deep in thought, "What if there is something else to do
besides singing, dancing and enjoying life?"

"What do you wish to do, little one?" a voice asks.

Elos startles and turns to see the elderly, wise woman of the
paradise standing behind him.

"I wish for some different activities to do," Elos answers as he
pouts his lips, "I wish I can experience something other than
singing, dancing and enjoying myself every day."

"What exactly do you wish to experience?" the wise woman asks.

Elos ponders and wonders out loud, "What if other than singing,
dancing and enjoying there are also other opposite activities that I
can experience every day?"

"Do you really wish to experience the opposite activities as well?"
the wise woman looks deeply into Elos' eyes.

"Yes, yes, that would be a change from this boring life. We just eat
and enjoy ourselves here. Is there a place where we can experience
something different?" Elos wonders again.

"We can think of something. We need some volunteers to experience
the additional opposite activities with you. Now, who would like to
share new and different experiences with Elos?" the wise woman
announces to the other inhabitants who have gathered around the lake.

"I volunteer, I wish to help you to experience the additional
opposite activities," Frisco, Elos's friend exclaims holding up her

Elos claps his hands in glee, "You do, do you, you will help me to
experience all the additional opposite activities?" Elos jumps
around excitedly. "Thank you, thank you, oh, thank you so much!"

"In order to experience all the additional opposite activities, you
must leave Tirips Mlaer. It is impossible to experience anything
except happiness here. We will have to create another place for you.
Let me see, you can go to Earth. Yes, you can experience all the
additional opposite activities there," the wise woman smiles.

"I wish to go, too!" "I wish to go, too!" "I wish to go, too!" "I
wish to go, too!" Many other hands fly up.

"Alright, alright, all who wish to go, may go. But, remember, when
on Earth, when you experience all the additional opposite
activities, REMEMBER that it is just your creation, it is not real,
REMEMBER it is just an illusion" the wise woman admonishes.

"Yes, yes, we will always remember, ALWAYS!" Elos, Frisco and all
the other volunteers answer cheerfully.


And so, earthlings, have you remembered that you are just here to
experience all the additional opposite activities just because you
found paradise too boring?

Chapter two
All Are Little Bennies

Little Benny is tired after a long day. He has fallen asleep under a
tree. He is dreaming…


There is a lush field of beautiful flowers. They are taller than
little Benny. He is enjoying the flowers. They smell nice. They are
so colourful. They are so refreshing. But there is no end to the
flowers. There is no way out of this floral world.

Fear suddenly grips little Benny's heart.

"Mummy! Mummy!" little Benny screams. "Where are you? I am scared!"

He is running round and round in this beautiful yet endless sea of
flowers. Then, he sees a silhouette, which looks like his mother.
Without a second thought, he runs excitedly towards it. He reaches
the figure in no time. He grabs one of the legs, the figure turns
around and little Benny sees his own face!

"Oh, I am Mummy and Mummy is me," little Benny exclaims.

"Yes, little Benny, we are one, we have always been one, we are
never separated, we are always together. Don't be afraid, little
one, wherever you are, there I shall be and wherever I am, there you
are. Love is all there is," Mummy explains.

As his mother explains this to little Benny, more figures
appear in the sea of flowers, his father, his uncles and aunts, his
neighbours, his classmates, his brothers and sisters and many other
strangers. All of them have little Benny's face!

Little Benny is in a world of little Bennies in a sea of beautiful
flowers. He feels so serene and blessed in such a peaceful world.
All is one and the same.


Little Benny wakes up from his dream. He finds himself in his
mother's arms.

"Mummy, I had a dream. In the dream, you were me and I was you and I
was everybody and everybody was me," little Benny says.

"I had a dream, too, little Benny. In the dream, you were me and I
was you and I was everybody and everybody was me, too," his mother

"That's the most wonderful experience I ever had, Remember this all
your life, little Benny and treat all others as yourself and there
shall be peace in the world," his mother says as she clasps little
Benny's hands in hers.

Chapter three
Mrs. Saw’s Visitor

It has been a gloomy day. Every day seems the same, dreary and
overcast skies. They seem as grey as Mrs. Saw's face. She has been
sitting before the window day after day. Her sons and daughters have
all grown up. She has been looking forward to their visits since Mr
Saw passed away three years ago.

The telephone never rings. The door bell never rings either. There
is no laughter in the front yard. There is no shouting and screaming
in the back yard either. Once upon a time, this was a noisy place,
children running everywhere, laughter in the air and lots of
activities going on. All these stop since the youngest boy, Sam left
home five years ago. Things worsened after Mr. Saw left.

A tear rolled down Mrs. Saw's cheek. She knows all the passers-by,
she waves at them whenever they passed her house. She counts them all
and she knows when they will pass by her house. She knows the number
of cars that will pass by her house, too.

Today, a yellow car stops in front of her house. An elderly woman
struggles to get out of the driver's seat. She stands for a long
time, holding the opened front door. She bends into the car to
retrieve a walking stick. Slowly, she walks into Mrs. Saw's front
yard. There are some beautiful roses growing along the fence. The
roses seem to grow smaller and smaller each year. Mrs. Saw has
neglected them.

The lady stoops to admire and smell the roses. Mrs. Saw gets up from
her usual place and goes out to greet her unexpected visitor. They
shake hands. The lady is Miss Cornelia, a spinster from out of town.
She has been travelling to many places especially small outskirts
like Mrs. Saw's neighbourhood. Miss Cornelia loves the small places.
They are more cosy and friendly, she says.

"These are beautiful roses, need some care and attention, though,"
Miss Cornelia smiles as she looks enquiringly at Mrs. Saw.

"Yes, I have neglected them for a long time, I'm so sorry I haven't
looked at them closely for so long. In fact, I've forgotten about
them," Mrs. Saw replies despondently.

"Are you expecting somebody?" Miss Cornelia probes.

"No,… Yes,…, actually, no, uh, I've been expecting somebody for so
long, it has become a habit. Every morning, I just sit at the window
expecting somebody to drop by, to visit, whatever. I don't know,"
Mrs. Saw is confused.

"Why don't we dig this soil a bit? I think it will make the roses
happy," Miss Cornelia kneels down and begins digging with a small

"Yes, yes, why not?" Mrs. Saw agrees readily and follows suit.

Some moments later, both women stand up and massage their backs.
They happen to look at each other and start laughing. They are a
comical sight. Two old ladies trying to bend backwards rubbing their
sore backs.

"Why don't you come in and have a cup of tea and some cakes?" Mrs.
Saw invites Miss Cornelia into her house. Both walk gratefully into
Mrs. Saw's cosy house.

"You are so lucky. Your house is so comfortable and nice," Miss
Cornelia looks around as she tucks into some home baked cakes.

"It is a lonely place, all my children are away. They never visit,
they never even call. They are too busy and I dare not disturb
them," Mrs. Saw laments.

"Bless your children. They have a life to lead. You have a life to
lead as well. The happiest life is a life that needs no others. An
even happier life is one that ensures nobody needs you. Set them
free and set yourself free, too. By giving freedom to others, you
are granting freedom to yourself," Miss Cornelia observes wisely.

"Yes, I have been miserable for years because I have been relying on
others to give me happiness. I cannot let go. That's why my children
stay away because I am too clingy. Whenever they visit, I cannot let
them leave. They are sadder than ever when it is time to leave. They
stop visiting because they cannot bear the parting," Mrs. Saw
suddenly sees the light.

"I understand, I have been to many places. I have seen a lot of
people. The happiest people I have seen are those who search for
inner happiness. The most depressed ones are those who banked on
others to provide them happiness," Miss Cornelia agrees.

"Yes, yes, now I understand. Tomorrow, I will tend to my garden. I
will not be sad anymore," Mrs. Saw stands up confidently as Miss
Cornelia prepares to leave.

Miss Cornelia and Mrs. Saw shake hands again as they walk down the
path towards the yellow car. Mrs. Saw waves until the car is out of
sight. She stands there smiling for the first time in many years.
Many passers-by smile back at her.

The sun is shining again in Mrs. Saw's life.

Chapter four
Henry’s Answer

Henry has killed somebody in a pub brawl. He doesn't know the
person. Henry is sentenced to life imprisonment. He repents while
in prison. He prays daily to God.

"Oh, God, please don't send me to hell! I didn't mean to kill him!
It was self-defence. He was holding a broken wine bottle. If I
didn't kill him, he would have killed me!" Henry prays day and
night kneeling in his lone cell.

One day, God answers him, "Don't worry, my beloved son, you will
not go to hell. If your son did something wrong, would you send him
to burn in the everlasting fire?"

"But… but, I killed somebody. They said that killing is a crime and
I will go to hell;" Henry is surprised by God's answer.

"Who are `they'," God asks Henry.

"The priests, the victim's family, the police, the law, the
government….," Henry mutters miserably.

"I am God, is my word less than theirs?" God queries.

"They said I deserved it. Hell is the only place suitable for
criminals like me," Henry protests.

"They have made a human of God, revengeful and seeking justice and
condemnation like them. God is all-powerful, all-loving, all-
compassionate and all-forgiving. What does it serve God to send you
to burn in an everlasting fire?" God asks gently.

"Even though I didn't mean to kill him but I have committed a crime
and they said I deserved hell," Henry is flabbergasted.

"If your son killed somebody, would you burn him in an everlasting
fire?" God asks Henry again.

"No, I'll forgive my son. However many times he has done wrong, I'll
forgive him," Henry replies compassionately.

"So, is God less forgiving and less compassionate than you?" God
asks lovingly.

"…………." Henry is stunned and he proceeds to thank and bless God

Chapter five
In Search Of Self

Graem Tan is puffing hard. He is almost unconscious. He has been
climbing for the past 10 days, or is it 11 days? He is not sure.
This has been the toughest mountain that he has ever climbed.

Graem Tan is a most unusual person. He is never satisfied with life.
He believes there is a God but where is He? He has been to as many
religious buildings and climbed as many mountains in search for God.
So far, he has not been successful. Where is God? God, where are
you? Graem Tan is still searching.

This is his umpteenth search. He is not going to give up. But he is
exhausted, his food and water supplies are running out. He must not
give up. He is only 52 years old. He will not give up till he sees
God with his own eyes. His eyes are closing. He cannot keep them
open anymore. God, God, do not forsake me. Please do not forsake me.

"Hey, man, hey, man. You are awake," a childish voice is ringing in
his ears.

Graem Tan opens his heavy eyelids. He closes them again. With much
effort, he opens them again. An image is coming into view. A small
face. A small, dark face. Some white teeth. Two huge dark eyes. An
appealing smile. It is the face of a little boy. He is putting a
water container towards Graem Tan's lips, coaxing him to drink.
Then, he pours some water into a green triangular cup and tries to
pour the water into Graem Tan's opened mouth.

"Where am I?" Graem Tan manages to ask after a few sips.

"I found you two days ago. You were unconscious. I pulled you onto
this carpet of grass and have been waiting for you to wake up,"
Soona answers, beaming at Graem Tan.

"You have been here accompanying me for the past two days?" Graem
Tan asks disbelievingly, staring at Soona.

"Yes, I am Soona. I live around here. I have seen many men and women
come this way before. They always come in groups. You are the first
to come alone. You were unconscious, so I stayed here till you are
awake," Soona flashes another wide smile.

"Thank you, I am Graem Tan. I always travel alone. If not for you, I
might have been eaten by some animals," Graem Tan grimaces at the

"Where are your folks?" Graem Tan wonders after he has recovered
from his initial shock.

"My parents are dead. I don't know anybody else. I stay here alone
by myself," Soona flashes another enchanting smile.

"Why are you here?" Soona looks inquisitively at Graem Tan.

"I am searching for something," Graem Tan answers slowly after
pondering for some time. He wonders whether Soona knows about God.

"What are you searching for?" Soona persists.

"Something," Graem Tan answers simply.

"Maybe I can help you, I know this place very well. I am born here,"
Soona offers.

"You cannot help me to find what I am looking for," Graem Tan sighs
and sits up slowly. Soona moves forward to help him up.

"Try me," Soona offers again.

"You know, I am looking for something or is it someone that doesn't
exist. I suppose not in this world. I've searched in so many places.
I've been to many mountains. I'm still searching," Graem Tan frowns
and sighs again.

"Something or someone? You mean you are not sure what you are
seeking?" Soona is perplexed.

"Oh, this is a bit difficult for you. Alright, let me tell you. I am
actually searching for God. God, you know? Do you know God?" Graem
Tan looks fully into the small, innocent face.

"Yes, I know God. I see God every day," Soona replies

"Are you sure?" Graem Tan counters, doubtfully.

"You are searching for something that is with you every day. No
wonder you cannot find it. You don't know what you are searching
for," Soona seems very wise all of a sudden that Graem Tan blinks.

"What do you mean?" Graem Tan reacts defensively.

"If you are searching for God, then search no more," Soona seems to
have suddenly grown very old.

"What exactly do you mean?" Graem Tan is getting furious.

"Look around you. Look at me. Feel the breeze. Breathe the air,"
Soona stands up and is dancing around waving his hands in the air.

"What? Where?" Graem Tan is really puzzled.
"God! God! Isn't that what you are looking for?" Soona exclaims as
he spreads his hands out wide.

"Where? Where? Why can't I see Him?" Graem Tan tries to stand up and

"Me! You! It! Everything! Everywhere! See! SEE!" Soona continues to
dance and waves his brown hands.

"Tell Him to show Himself! Now! Please!" Graem Tan is almost
pleading with tears in his eyes.

"He is showing Himself. It is showing Itself! Can't you see?" Soona
kneels down and wipes away Graem Tan's tears. He helps Graem Tan to
lie down, gently patting him.

"Where is He?" Graem Tan is sobbing now.

"You must understand, He is everywhere, He is everything. You cannot
understand. That's why you are searching, continuously searching.
Search no more. Search within. Go into yourself. He is in you, in
me, in everything. Can you understand?" Soona speaks gently now.

"So I have wasted all my time. I have been blind. I have been
looking everywhere except within. No wonder I can't find Him," Graem
Tan continues sobbing.

"Your time is not wasted. There is no time but now. Search within.
Talk to your soul. It has been waiting for you all your life. Talk
to your soul. You have found God," Soona croons softly and Graem Tan
closes his eyes.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I shall get well. I am going home
tomorrow. I understand now. God does not come in one form, He comes
in all forms. That's why I can't find Him. I have been looking God
in the eye and cannot see. Thank you for showing it to me," Graem
Tan smiles at Soona.

"Yes, God is everything, God is nothing. Whatever you can see and
whatever you cannot see or thought you cannot see is God. If you see
this truth, you are free," Soona says soothingly and Graem Tan feels
strength coming into his body.

"I am at peace now. I feel free. I haven't felt so light all my
life," Graem Tan exclaims.

"The truth shall set you free. Your burden is no more. Tomorrow, you
may go home," Soona flashes his famous smile, waves and skips into
the jungle.

Chapter six
Corridor Of Mirrors

Maryanne is very excited. Her parents have given her permission to
explore the castle. They have come to the countryside for a holiday.
Her mother is arranging the food and drinks ready for a picnic. Her
father and brothers are flying kites. Her younger sister is busy
running after them.

But Maryanne is only interested in the castle. "I'll be back very
soon," she shouts as she runs towards the castle. She looks
longingly at the beautiful structure as her legs bring her nearer
and nearer to it. The uphill road does not deter her. She is more
exhilarated than tired. Her young, strong legs seem to be flying up
the hill.

Very soon, the castle looms over her and she runs even faster. Next
moment, she is before the huge entrance. The door is opened. It is
welcoming her. Maryanne dances in happily. The ceiling is very high,
almost three storeys high. The windows are huge and there are many
of them. The hall is large but bright and beautiful.

The winding staircase is carpeted and looks so inviting. Maryanne
sings delightedly as she runs up the staircase. She is soon at the
first floor and she runs towards the corridor. It is the longest
corridor she has ever seen! There are many mirrors hanging on both
sides of the corridor. She stops at the first one. It is a gold-
gilded, tastefully-designed wall mirror.

As she looks at the mirror, she sees her family members having
breakfast in the dining room being reflected in the mirror. She is
fascinated. This is what happened this morning. She remembers Paul,
her brother, spilt some milk and was scolded by her mother. She is
watching the repeat of this morning event!

She skips to the next mirror. She sees some people sitting in a
horse carriage. They seem to be going on a journey. She looks
closely. One of them looks like her. It is her! It is Maryanne. She
wears a bonnet. She is in 19th century costume! She must be acting
in a drama.

Amazed, Maryanne runs to the next mirror. It is very dark at first,
then it clears and she realises that she is in a battle field.
There is fighting everywhere. There are armoured men on horses and
some are running around. Some are shouting while some are yelling in
fright. One of them falls, the armour drops off. Maryanne screams as
she sees the soldier's face. He has her face! He dies from the fatal

Alarmed, she quickly runs to the next mirror. She calms down as she
sees the scene of a jungle. She can hear some birds singing and the
sound of the waterfall. Then, a naked figure appears and starts to
swim in the river. Some moments later, more naked figures join in
the swimming. One of them turns towards Maryanne and she sees her
own face again!

Astounded, Maryanne runs to the next mirror. What event is she going
to see this time? She sees clouds, no, they are not clouds. Is it
the sky? No, it seems more like space. Yes, it is like outer space.
Just like in the science fiction movies. Out of the blue, some
bright lights appear. They seem to be flying in all directions. They
are flickering. They are happy, Maryanne thought. One of the lights
flies very close to Maryanne. She blinks as she seems to see her
face smiling back at her!

Astonished, she immediately runs to the next mirror. She sees
nothing. There is nothing. It is empty. She is disappointed.
Suddenly, she sees many events happening in the mirror. They swirl
around, many events, many people, many things, she is going dizzy.
She holds her hands to her ears and screams.

Terrified, Maryanne speedily runs to the next mirror. Again, there
is nothing. Afraid that the same dizzying scene may swim before her
eyes, Maryanne wants to run to the next mirror. A voice stops
her. "Why are you running away? Be glad, my child. What you have
seen is your life. Always remember to be happy in whatever situation
you find yourself. Be happy even when things seem hopeless.
Especially when things seem hopeless. Be positive. SMILE and the
whole world smiles with you." A face of a smiling Maryanne appears
in the mirror.

Stunned, Maryanne smiles and answers, "Yes, I promise I'll always be
positive, whatever happens."

"Be on your way, little one, you need not view any more mirrors, you
have learnt the secret of life," the smiling Maryanne in the mirror
waves at her and disappears.

Chapter seven
Kooni And His Mistakes

Koonii has run away from home again. Yesterday, he was involved in a
street fight. It was all the other boys' fault. They would not leave
him alone. They always tease him about his sister, Sulii who is a
cripple. Koonii cannot suppress his anger whenever anybody mentions
about his sister or his family's poverty. He flies into a terrible
rage and strikes at whoever is in the way.

His father does not understand his defensiveness. Koonii was beaten
up by his father for ruining the family's reputation by street
fighting. His father prides himself as a strict disciplinarian. They
may be poor but honest and self-worthy. Even though his father
regrets later that he had beaten Koonii too harshly but he
supposes that Koonii needed the beating badly.

Koonii spends the night under a huge maple tree. He uses the leaves
as a mattress and blanket. Fortunately, the weather is moderate as
it is autumn. He does not sleep well. He tosses and turns the whole
night through. Some nocturnal animals come out to peep at their new
neighbour. After a while, they get tired and go back to their
respective hideouts. Koonii feels lonely without his new-found
friends but he is very tired and falls asleep amidst troubled

The next morning dawns bright and clear. Koonii's street friends
find him asleep under the big tree. They begin to disturb him which
aroused him from his sleep. Kooni cannot contain his anger and
punches out at the nearest unawared face. The startled boy falls to
the ground, stunned, holding his hurting jaw. Two other boys punch
Koonii repeatedly as another boy helps his injured friend to move
away from the scene. After more punchings, the boys run away leaving
Koonii to nurse his additional new wounds.

"Why don't they leave me alone?" Koonii asks between sobs, "What
have I done to deserve this?"

He limps painfully towards a pool of water where the animals use
for drinking purposes. He wets his dirty handkerchief and dabs at
his wounds. The birds chirp cheerfully as Koonii sobs

"What happened to you?" Koonii looks up to see the face of his
neighbour, Gallii, who is old and shunned by most of the people in
the neighbourhood. Normally, Koonii does not bother about Gallii
either. Today, he feels so lonely, Gallii is welcomed as a friend.

"I don't understand why all these bad things always happen to me! I
don't understand why everybody likes to ridicule my sister and my
family. I hate them! I hate them!" Koonii shouts as he continues to
nurse his wounds.

"Why do you think they like to ridicule your sister and your
family?" Gallii asks.

"Because my sister is a cripple! Because my family is poor! That is
why!" Koonii shouts into Gallii's face.

"Isn't it true that your sister is a cripple? Isn't it true that
your family is poor? These are facts. What is there to be angry
about?" Gallii asks persistently.

"But I don't like others to ridicule me because my sister is a
cripple and my family is poor. I hate it!" Koonii hisses defensively.

"Why do you hate it, Koonii?" Gallii enquires calmly.

"When they ridicule my sister, I feel that something is wrong with
my family. Either my parents or my sister or somebody in my family
must have done something wrong. Or else my sister will not be
crippled. When they said my family is poor, I feel that my father is
useless or else we won't be poor. I feel that my father is not good
enough. Even though I know he works very hard but still we are so
poor. That is what I don't like," Koonii's voice is softening as he
replies and he feels his own defensiveness weakening.

"You are defensive and unhappy because of your pride and not because
of the ridicule on your sister and your family. Your sister is a
cripple and your family is poor. Many of the families in the
neighbourhood are poor. I am poor. It is because you cannot accept
this truth that makes you so angry and rebellious," Gallii explains.

"I've never thought of it this way," Koonii looks wonderingly at
Gallii. He has always looked down on this old neighbour previously.
Now, he is seeing something new. Gallii does not look old or pitiful

"Now, you understand your anger, admit honestly to yourself all the
reasons for flying into uncontrollable rage each time. Admit them to
yourself one by one. Face the truth. Continue to admit your mistakes
until they disappear totally from your mind. If you continue to
dwell in the past, the past will continue to haunt you. When you
face them, admit all your mistakes and you are free," Gallii says so
soothingly till Koonii has forgotten his pain.

"Alright, let me try," Koonii closes his eyes and mentally counts
all his mistakes. Some moments later, he heaves a sigh of relief,
smiles and opens his eyes.

He finds himself sprawling all alone beside the pool of water.
Gallii is gone!

Chapter eight
Kenneth’s Activities

Kenneth was caught punching one of his classmates again. His
punishment was to stand outside the classroom till classes were

One of his classmates, Cheryl happened to walk by him on the way to
the toilet. Kenneth pulled her hair as she walked pass. Cheryl
screamed and Kenneth laughed. Their teacher and some of their
classmates ran out from the classroom and saw Cheryl crying while
Kenneth tried to pull a serious face.

"Why are you so naughty?" the teacher asked Kenneth, "You punched
Ramesh just now and you bullied Cheryl now! What's wrong with you?"

Kenneth just smiled and stared at the floor.

"Naughty boys will grow into wicked men. The wicked will go to jail
and when they die, they will go to hell, I want to go to hell,"
Kenneth looked straight into the teacher's eyes.

"What?" the teacher almost screamed.

"Hell is more interesting than heaven. They said that lots of things
will happen to you in hell but if you go to heaven, you just float
in the clouds and play the harp the whole day," Kenneth reflected.

"Hell is only in the mind," the teacher explained.

"But according to them, there are lots of activities in hell. I like
activities not a boring life," Kenneth maintained his stand.

"Is that why you always get yourself into trouble so that you can go
to hell?" the teacher looked kindly at this 10-year-old boy.

"Yes, I like to experience a lot of things. I don't like to be a
goody-two shoe and have an even more boring life in heaven." Kenneth

"Your life now is for you to experience as much as you want while
alive on earth. You may choose any activity you like whether
positive or negative. If you choose positive activities, you are
already in heaven. If you choose negative activities, you are making
it hell for yourself and others," the teacher told Kenneth gently.

"All right, from now on, I will try to choose positive activities.
I'll try to make it more heaven than hell, teacher, I promise,"
Kenneth answered solemnly. "Sorry, Cheryl, I will not pull your hair
again. Tell Ramesh I'm sorry I punched him. I also apologise to all
the others I have bullied"

"Good, remember this, both heaven and hell are chosen by you," the
teacher answered. "You don't have to do anything, you don't have to
go anywhere, you don't have to be anybody, just be who you are."

Chapter nine
Edward’s Journey

Edward is late for work again. It has been a long night. He only
staggers home at about 4.00am. He has tried explaining to Mandy
repeatedly how important she is to him. He has sworn his eternal
love for her, yet Mandy is set on leaving him. He has to finally
give up when Paul threatens to beat him up if he pesters Mandy
again. He is forced to stumble home a dejected man.

What has he done wrong? What does Paul has that he does not have? In
fact, he is employed but Paul is just a hooligan, unemployed most of
the time. Even whenever Paul is employed, the jobs never last more
than two weeks. Moreover, Paul is constantly involved in fights. The
problem is Mandy adores Paul. She says Paul is compatible with her
and Paul has taste. Taste? Pah! What is taste?

"Edward!" his boss, Steven shrieks as he stands at his office door, hands upon hips,
looking indignantly at Edward.

Edward stirs reluctantly from his reverie and realises that the
telephone on his desk is ringing. He braces himself and picks up the
telephone. Steven gives him a threatening look and disappears into his

It is a long day. Edward struggles to slog through the piles of
paperwork making numerous mistakes in the process. He is screamed at
by Steven a number of times. He finds himself running into Steven's
office repeatedly and has to scurry out to amend his mistakes. His
colleagues are watching him, amazed at the commotion. They are
puzzled as Edward is normally an exemplary worker.

Devi, one of Edward's colleagues buys him lunch as Edward is still
struggling to alter some of his glaring mistakes.

"Is something the matter? You look flustered!" Devi asks as she
counts the lunch money Edward gives her.

"No, nothing, just that I woke up late and I had to hurry here and I
have lost my cool," Edward smiles limply as Devi offers him a
sympathetic look.

The second half of the day continues with Edward receiving more
scolding and more rectifications in his work. The more he worries,
the more mistakes he makes. He just cannot calm down. In fact,
matters are getting worse. Isn't he glad when it is time to leave
the work place. There is no more spring in his steps and certainly
no happiness on his face.

Wearily, he sits down at a bench in a park, deep in thought. He is
wringing his hands in despair and is sighing frenziedly. He is still
evaluating over last night's occurences. What has gone wrong?

"You must be hungry. Here, have some buns," Devi's soothing voice
rings in his ears.

Edward gratefully accepts the bag offered by Devi. He suddenly
realises that he is famished. How long has he sat here? He smiles
weakly at Devi. He has always thought her bossy, interfering and
loves to meddle in other people's business. Today, he feels only
gratitude for her. Nobody else realises he has missed lunch. Nobody
bothers. In a crisis, you know who your friends are.

"There are ups and downs in this life," Devi sits down beside him
and seems to be talking to herself but Edward can hear her. "We are
here to experience the highest, the lowest and the in-between of
every event. Yesterday's great is today's loser. Similarly,
yesterday's goner is today's winner. Many people just have a
mediocre life."

"I didn't ask to be great, I just asked for Mandy's love, I didn't
ask for anything more," Edward suddenly blurts out.

"Mandy has the right to choose her love, once it was you, today it
is no more," Devi insists.

"What do you know about Mandy?" Edward is defiant.

"I don't know Mandy. I just know that what is here today may be gone
tomorrow," Devi continues in a soothing voice. It is a salve that
rubs painfully into Edward's wound. He feels like slapping this
busybody's serene face. How dare she pass such comments? And
especially on Mandy, his beloved. He has forgotten that Mandy is now
Paul's beloved.

"You have forgotten the reason why we are here, you cannot remember
our purpose of this journey," Devi looks intently at Edward, her
eyes piercing into his.

"What do you mean?" Edward is still very impatient with this nosy

"You asked to come here to experience negative activities. Why are
you complaining now? We were perfectly happy in Tirips Mlaer. All of
us accompanied you here. See! We have multiplied and filled the
earth. See! This is the purpose of this life," Devi blinks her eyes.

"Elos, oh, yes, Elos, I was Elos," Edward shields his eyes from
Devi's glare.

"Yes, remember this, this is the journey you have asked for, bless
every event and person that enter your life, thank them for the
experience and wish them well on their chosen path, soon, you will
enjoy every facet of your experience," Devi twinkles her eyes and
Edward returns her smile contentedly.
© Copyright 2013 Jeannie Chow (jchowyl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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