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monster hunter
The feeding habits of monsters

Great Jaggi: Jaggi are raptorial bird wyverns. They are highly adaptable and can live in many habitats such as forests, deserts, and mountains. A single Great jaggi leads a pack of younger jaggi. When a Great jaggi dies the jaggi directly below him in the hierarchy chain becomes the new pack leader. When a new pack leader is assigned he will begin mating with the female jaggia, doing so triggers a massive biological change in the creature causing it to grow substantially over the months following. The female jaggia do not accompany the males on hunt but rather stay at the den and raise the young, however they will attack any intruders to the den. The males hunt, scout, and defend the den, they will also defend the Great jaggi if he is under attack. The Great jaggi leads the jaggi on hunts and is a general patriarch for the pack, he also is the sole mate for the females and will devour any younger jaggi that attempts to mate with them. Jaggi pack use a series of calls to communicate with each other, different calls mean different things. They have a specially shaped organ that they use to make these calls, it is aptly named "Screamer". When out scouting the keep the fins on either side of their head folded down but when they sense danger or spot prey they spread there brightly colored fins and call to the others. They hunt herbivores such as Aptonoth, kelbi, and Rhenoplos. The younger jaggi will also fish. Once they have killed there prey they will drag it back to the den in which they reside stockpiling it with previous kills. They also quite often scavenge kills from other monsters they share habitats with sometimes attempting to fight them off. Although they are a force to be reckoned with for the herbivores, they are still below most carnivores of the food chain. Larger monsters such as Rathalos may be scared off by a jaggi pack not because of power, but by an overwhelming number of foes to face.

Quropeco: The Quropeco a peculiar bird wyvern. It has several evolutionary adaptations to defend themselves from hunters an other predators. It has a large red inflatable sac on its chest that it puffs up with air to appear larger to predators, and a trumpet like crest on the tip on its upper beak that inflates to create a variety of sounds. It uses these vocal sacs to imitate the call of larger monsters to scare off smaller monsters. They will also imitate the call a large monster in danger or in pain, summoning a monster of the same species. it uses this tactic when confronted by hunters so that it may escape. The mucus its body produces is volatile and combustable. It has developed flint like bone growths on its wings that it slams together to ignite its mucus which results in a small fiery explosion. Its tail is composed of three bones linking together at either end with membrane in between, it uses its fan like tail to send smaller monsters flying or to take off quickly. Quropeco live off a diet mostly consisting of fish. They stand over a stream or fishing hole waiting for an opportunity. They strike their heads down biting down on a fish and bringing it back up and out of the water. They also hunt smaller monsters such as kelbi, jaggi, altaroth, and bnahabra.

Ludroth: Only 1 in every thirty ludroth born is male

Barroth: The Barroth is a large thick skinned brute wyvern. It it found living in or near watering holes and mud-bogs. It has a large shovel like crest on its head that it nasal passages run through. Because its nostrils are located on the top of its head it can almost completely submerge itself in the mud, concealing it from hunters, predators, and prey alike. It's feet and toes are very wide and flat to allow them to walk on top of the mud easier. It covers itself in to protect itself from heat, and once the mud dries it forms a hard chitinous armor over it's body. Although an extremely territorial and violent creature, the barroth eats mostly insects, but when in need of protein it will hunt for kelbi, rhenoplos, and aptonoth. Using the large crest on its head it smashes termite hills and feasts on the denizens.

Arzuros: Arzuros are omnivorous creatures that eat berries, meat, and sometimes insects. They hunt Kelbi, bullfango, and gargwa. They are also often see by rivers and streams catching fish. Although they have a very diverse diet, they have a voracious appetite for honey. They will go to extreme lengths to get honey including attacking larger creatures such as rathalos and zinogre.

Great Wroggi: This close relative to the Great Jaggi and Great Baggi hunts along with its younger Wroggi kin. They hunt Aptonoth, kelbi, rhenoplos, bulfango, and zowaruposu. To hunt larger prey such as aptonoth or zowarposu and armored prey such as rhenoplos, wroggis will leap onto and bite down on the creatures skin attempting to cause it to bleed. Once this is done the Great wroggi spews poisonous liquid onto the creature and thus into their bloodstream. They follow the creature until it collapses dead from the poison and feast.

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