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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1906430
i like fooooooodddd
Chapter 6

So i never told the girls or anyone about the kiss with Louis, the only person who knows is Zayn. He won't tell anyone as long as we don't do anything else. It sucks keeping this from everybody but i know it would suck more if everybody knew. So we were on the plane to Ireland and of coure my seat was between Niall and Louis. Louis sent me a text saying "Meet me in the bathroom in 5 minutes or i'm telling Jessica." I replyed saying "Fine you sick twisted sasmaster from duncaster." He got up and left winking at me, i groweld at him. Niall turned to me.
"Sami, why do you hate Louis so much?" Niall asked me.
"I don't hate Louis, he's just a pig sometimes." I told him, then sighed at the look of the time. "I'll be right back, i have to go to the bathroom."
"Okay, i'll miss you." He kissed me
"Bye boo."
I go into the bathroom. "Okay you man slut, what the fuck do you wa-" He kisses me as i pulled away fast slapping him.
"Ouch. what the Kevin was that for?" he asked.
"I don't know, maby cause u fucking kissed me." I whisperd in a yelling way.
"Oh playing hard to get now are we? Okay, i could always use a challange." He said purring
"Ew, okay, um don't do that."
"What you don't want a peice of this?"
"No!" i said reaching for the knob.
"Oh what's this? My phone with a text message adresed to Jessica saying we kissed? Oh i hope i don't 'accidentilly press send'"
I let go slowly. "You wouldn't dare."
"Oh but knowing me i think i would."
"Louis, what happened to you? You use to be fun and nice, but now you're like Lela in male version
"I like you, you rejected me, i'm back for revenge."
"You suck"
"Tanks" He said gripping me smashing our lips together so hard i couldn't pull away. "You didn't pull away." He smiled.
"Yeah only cause you pulled me so close to your body that i couldent fucking move and damn you got some grip there." I said. "Now can i please go, Niall is getting worried."
"Fine. but when we get to Ireland you and me are gonna be alone for a bit." He said winking at me befor i opened the door. I sit down net to Niall who was asleep with a peice of pizza sticking out of his mouth. i took it out and took a bite, or ate the whole thing. I reasted my head on his shoulder, as i was falling asleep Louis tapped my shoulder then winked at me. I flipped him off and cuddled up to Niall then drifted off to sleep.
I had an awful dream about Louis. It was that he raped me then told everybody and they all laughed at my dieing body, even Niall. As soon as i wake up i see Niall looking at me terrified and tears runnung down my face.
"Are you okay?" Niall asked me
"I-i'm fine, just h-had a nightmare." i told him as he wiped away my tears.
"Are you sure, it sounded bad when you were talking in your sleep." he comfirmed.
"Yeah boo, its just a nightmare, i'll be fine but do you mind if i swich places with Elizabeth, i don't feel comfotable sitting next to Louis." i asked him with puppy eyes.
"Sure baby, anything for you." He smiles "Hay Liz do you mind switching seats with Sami?" He asked her.
"Not at all, thats what girly friends are for." She giggled.
"Tanks girly." i said getting up while louis still asleep.

Chapter 7

After we landed me and Niall went to our room, Jessica and Liam went to theirs then the boys and the girls just split off into seperate rooms. Niall went off to hang out with the boys for a bit while i sat in my room and wrote down a song. Then i started going over it to make sure it was okay.
You think you know me but you don't know me
You think you own me but you can't contol me
You look at me and there's just one thing that you see so listen to me
Listen to me
You push me back
I push you back harder
You scream at me
I scream at you louder
I'm dangerous
I'm warning you
But you're not afraid of me
And i can't convince you
You don't know me
I hear a clapping. Louis was standing in the doorway "Good, good. I like it." he told me.
"Thanks? Um, how long have you been standing there?" I asked him.
"Long enogh to hear that awsome song you just sang." He told me as he handed me my guitar.
"Why do you want me to have this?" I questioned.
"Play me something." He commanded.
"I can't, i'm not advanced enough, i'm to slow."
"I was a slow beginner as well, just prractice everyday, you'll cach up easilly."
"You think?"
"Yep." He said smilingly looking into my eyes then turned that smile into a frown then put his head down. "I'm sorry, i was staring."
"Lou it's okay just don't go kissing me, i wouldn't be able to live with myself keeping secrets bigger then this from Niall."
"You're a good girlfriend, he's a lucky guy."
"No i'm the lucky one." i told him almost spazzing. "Which reminds me...." I took my guitar and started playing it.
And they'll tell you now you're the lucky one
Yeah, they'll thell you now you're the lucky one
But can you tell me now you're the lucky one
I sung in unison with Taylor Swift on my iPod. "Sorry had to get that out of my system." I giggled
"Your giggle is adorable."
"Louis stop."
"It's true."
"Okay sure just stop."
"Fine sorry."
"It's okay."
"No it's not i'm the loser who is trying to take u away from Mud Scup."
"Mud Scup, i like it. Ha how'd you get that?"
"You mentiond it when you were sleeping on the plane."
"Oh. Damnet Elizabeth and our twisted Jenna Marbles." I started laughing. Then Jessica ran in.

Chapter 8

"Okay what in hells mind is going on between you two?" Jessica yelled pasing back-and-fourth infront of us.
"Nothing, he walked in on me singing." I described to her
"She tried to fuck me." Louis kidded
"Louis shut up." I yelled "Prick." I whisperd to myself
"I heard that." He said hitting me.
"Would you guys quit flirting, how do you think Niall or Elanor would feel if they found out about this?" Jessica told us.
"Well concitering there's nothing going on..." i tried to explain.
"Oh, save it Horan." Jessica said as she got up and went over to my suit case.
"W-what you doing there Jess?" I asked.
"Oh nothing just looking for your diary, i thaught if you won't tell me your diary will have to." She said as she took out a book with all kinds of One Direction pictures on it. "Oh, yup right here. September 21st 2012, Today sucked total ass cause Niall had solo recordings erlier then i thaught so i was stuck with Louis. Everything was fine we sang 'Cups' then he kissed me?" She slamed the book with a raged look on her face. "I'm going to get everybody to come out and hunt you two." She yelled throwing the book at me.
"Please Jess if you love me you won't tell anybody, not even Niall. Please." I begged collapsing on the ground starting to burst into tears. "Louis can you please leave?"
"Sure. Bye guys." He said closing the door.
"Sami, it's okay. I won't tell." She said comforting me.
"Promise?" I asked.
"As long as you guys don't do anything else, i mean it was just that one kiss right?" she asked me cocerningly.
"Well...." I said rolling my eyes.
"RIGHT?" She yelled
"Read yeasterdays diary entry." I said handing her the book.
"October 8th 2012. Today Louis was being a pig. He made me go to the bathroom with him and he nearly raped me. And i know its rape cause i didn't like it. I wish non of this happened i hate lying to Niall like this. I love him more then anything and i sure as puppy chow knows he thinks i'm more imprtant then food to him." She looked up at me. "Awwwwww. Sami." She gave me a hug.
"You don't know the feeling it is to keep something as big as this a secret from the one you truly love." I said crying in her shoulder.

Chapter 9

So today all the girls are coming over for our Four Lights sleep over. We've been planing this for about a good solid month and thaught there is no better way to spend it then to still be in Ireland. So I pulled out all of the sheets to all the songs were doing. "What are you doing there Sami?" Niall asked being nosey.
"Nothing just getting ready for the sleep over sweety now go back to bed." I demanded.
"I can't sleep now, i'm up."
"Fine just don't be nosey rosey." i said getting the Red Cream Soda and Chips out. "Hey if you guys don't have anything planned, do you want the boys over?" i asked Niall.
"Sure i would love to have the guys over." Niall said ggrabbing his phone calling the boys. "Harry? Yeah its Niall. Do you guys wanna sleep over in my appartment tonight? The girls have this one thing going on and Sami wanted to know if yo guys wanted to come over." Niall said persuadingly.
"Sure i don't see why not." Harry said nodding to the boys.
"Okay great! be here in a half-an-hour." Niall hung up.
Im getting out the keyboard, drums, guitar and microphones.
"Woah! Are you guys gonna put on concert for us?" Niall asked kiddingly.
"Actually, yeah. Its this xFactor thing for Four Lights that we have to do. We were going to do it in america but you supprised me so the show must go on."
"Thats my girl."
Soon everybody started coming. Harry and Zayn thaught it would be the best idea to brig a few bottles of Vadca. They were telling me to drink half a bottle, at this point Niall was drunk and so was pretty much everyone else so i thaught to myself 'Why not'. after that i can vividly remember me and Niall going into our room and having sex. And Jessica and Liam went in our spare room. Harry and Gabby went to her room next door. Zayn went home and it was just Elizabeth and Louis left in our living room so they probably did something.
After that night it seems like all the girls were puking. My stoumach really hurt like hell. I started gaining back memory from the night befor so did the other girls so we went to the drug store and baught some pregnancy tests. Mine and Jessica's turned out positive but Gabby's and Elizabeths were false. When we found out we were scared to death. Gabby and Liz were happy for us but inside i was about to puke again and i could tell by the expression on her face that Jessica felt the same way.
Sadly we didn't get any Four Lights stuff done last night cause we were to buisie drinking and having sex. But we're gonna do something after the kids are born and everything. The big scary thing is I have no idea how i'm gonig to tell Niall and it is even scarier cause im still in school with this. And Jessica has it worse cause she's 17 but in the same grade. She might be book smart but she's not street smart at all otherwise she wouln't ove made such a blonde move. Of corse i don't have any smarts at all so i was most likely to get knocked up first anyways. But at leas 9 months will give me enough time to practice. I will just get distracted by food though. We have been acting crazy for the past week and its getting worse. The boys, Liz and Gabby want to help but we are being to stubborn. We feel like we can do it on our own. But really we can't. We need help. We need their dads. At night, when me and Niall are about to go to sleep he stays up and texts Liam but i feel so safe and cozy i fall asleep sometimes in the middle of a conversatin. I just feel so relaxed and secure when he's arround to help me.
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