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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1902974
Matthew is an average kid until his 14th birthday, when he discovers his true identity.
Part One

         When I turned 14, my life changed forever.
         Up until then, I had been an average kid, living an average life.
         I was an only child, my parents were happily married, and I had a decent circle of friends who cared for me, and me for them.
         My name is Matthew Gray. I have light brown hair, and dark greenish-gray eyes. I'm a little taller than average, and lean.
         The day of my 14th birthday started a little oddly, but not by much. My mother brought me breakfast in bed, beaming as she gently shook me from my sleep.
         “Happy birthday Matthew!” she chirped, kissing me on the forehead. I smiled, and bit into my buttered toast. She left the room, and I finished my breakfast quickly, and changed into a red t-shirt and jeans, then headed down the hall and into the living room.
         My father was reading a newspaper, glasses falling halfway down his nose, black, messy hair tumbling down his forehead, and frowning slightly.
         “Hey, Dad.” I called, sitting down on our tan couch, and flicked on the TV, reveling in the Saturday morning- birthday- Christmas vacation- combination of today, December 21st, 2012.
         “Hello, Matt.” he replied, a little belatedly. “Happy birthday.”
         “Thanks.” I replied, glancing at the clock above the TV set. It was nearly 9:00, and yet my father made no sign of heading off to his work in downtown Manhatten- which he should have been at two hours ago.
         “Aren't you going to work?” I asked, curious.
         “Yes. But as snowstorm Alec is blowing through town, Mr. Froden said to come in 150 minutes later.”
         “So, 2 hours and 30 minutes?” I replied, automatically doing the math, though my mind was running in the other direction. Something was wrong here. And, no, it wasn’t that my dad didn’t use 2 hours, blah blah minutes like a normal person. He always did that. My dad's boss, Mr. Froden never let his employees off, not even during the big snowstorm last year. I mean, he let his employees stay home during Hurricane Sandy, because of the transportation being shut down, but they still had to work.
         I immediately ran to the window to see what the storm had done. When I pushed the curtains aside, I stared, shocked.
         “Whoa.” I whispered. The world was completely white. I could make out our balcony, and the faint outline of the apartment building on the other side of the street, but that was all. This wasn't just a snowstorm- it was a blizzard.
         “Mom!” I shouted, running towards her room. The door was closed. “”Mom!” I called through the mahogany wood.
         “Yes?” came her muffled reply. She opened the door, dressed in a smooth, wrinkle- free pair of black pants, a nice white blouse, with a black jacket. She looked every part of the business woman she was.
         “Did you see outside?!” I crowed, pulling her down the hall.
         “Yes, Matthew.”
         An idea hit me then. “Mom, can I go to Michael's house?” I asked. Michael was one of my best friends, and my only cousin. He lived in a big house with a hill near the city limits. I would have to take a taxi there, but I didn't care.
         “I guess. Be home by 5:00 though, Matt. Promise?” she replied.
         I nodded emphatically. “Promise.” My mother then wrapped me in a warm hug before breezing over to my father, who was watching our show with an amused expression.
         “'Lo, Molly.” he called, a hint of a smile on his face.
         “Hello, Mark.” my mother responded, pecking him on the cheek. “Leaving soon?”
         “Yep. Now, actually,” my father replied.
         My mother turned to me. “Oh, and Matthew? Don't touch the letter on the counter. That's part of your present tonight.” my mom continued, heading out the door.
         “Alright. Bye, Mom.” I called, my curiosity peaking. A letter?
         My father left soon after. I phoned Michael, told him I was coming. He said to dress for sledding. I crossed the room and put my cell on the kitchen counter, next to the mysterious letter. Part of me wanted to open it at that moment, but the 'goody-goody' part of me stopped me.
         Instead, I slipped on my dad's old winter jacket, snow pants, and work boots from when he lived in Alaska, and left the apartment.
         In the elevator, old Mrs. Higgins asked where I was going, all covered in what she called, “blankets”. I suspected that she was finally going blind.
         “My cousin's house.” I replied. “He has a good hill for sledding.”
         Mrs. Higgins smiled. “When I was a little girl, I used to sled almost every day at a hill near my house in Michigan during the winter. It's nice to know that at least one city boy get's to sled these days.”
         “Thanks, ma'am.” I replied. The elevator dinged on my floor. I moved to get off the elevator when Mrs. Higgins spoke again.
         “Oh, and Matthew? Happy birthday, son.”
         “Thank you. Have a good day, Mrs. Higgins.”
         “You too.”
         Outside the building, I managed to hail a taxi through the still-thickly falling snow. I payed my $15 – cheap for a weekend, but I guess that the snow slowed business down.
         At Michael's house, we soon grabbed the old sleds our Great-Aunt Ana gave us, and headed up the hill.
         After 4 hours of sledding, and two hours of fooling around throwing snowballs, plus a break for lunch, our faces were pink, and I was ready to drop. Plus, it was 4:30, and it was time for me to leave.
         Michael grinned. “Happy birthday, Matty. Maybe you'll convince Aunt Molly to let you have a birthday party this year.”
         I was confused. “I have parties.”
         “A party that doesn't consist of just your parents, Mom, Great Aunt Ana, and us, Matt.”
         “Dude. You know my mom. There is no way she'll let Seth and those guys at my birthday party. Especially Emily.”
         “I didn't know Aunt Molly knew about Em.”
         “She doesn't But I think she's afraid what might happen between me and a girl now that we will be high schoolers soon.”
         “Yep. Just as soon as we make it through 6 months of school,plus the summer.”At this Michael shuddered.
         “Whatever, Mike.”
         Michael grinned, then tackled me, and we fell into the snow of his front yard.
         “Boys!” Aunt Ruby scolded from the safety of her porch. “Enough rough housing.” she beckoned for us to come inside. “Matthew, it's 4:30. You said you had to be home by five....”
         “Yeah, I do. Thanks, Aunt Ruby.”
         With that, I hugged my aunt, and high-fived my cousin, and headed down the street to the main intersection, where I could hope to catch a taxi, or at least a bus.

         When I got home, I instantly knew something was wrong. My father was pacing the room, fear plain on his face.
         “Dad?” I called, pulling off my soaked jacket and snow pants. I dropped them in the bathroom with the boots, and stared at my father. “What's wrong?”
         “Matthew, take the letter and read it. Go to your Aunt's. I promise everything will be okay.”
         “Dad, what's-” I stared at my father, a flutter of panic erupting in my heart.
         “Matthew, go. Take this,” he tossed a little bundle at me. “Keep it close, my son.”
         “Dad, why-”
         “Matthew, get your stuff. I packed it already. The letter is in it. There is another addressed to your aunt. Give it to her. I'm sorry.”
         I ran to my room, grabbed the big sports bag on my bed, and sprinted back to my dad. “Please, tell-”
         “Matthew. I will do my best to get back to you. I'll find your mother, and I'll es-”
         The windows exploded, and I screamed, covering my head as tiny pieces of glass pierced my cheeks.
My dad leapt into action, shoving me towards the door, and reaching under the tan couch, faster than I’ve ever seen him move.
“MATTHEW! RUN!” my dad screamed.
         “PHOENIX GRAYSTONE!” another, unfamiliar voice roared.
         I stumbled towards the door, frightened and confused. What was the voice? And who was Phoenix Graystone?
         “MATTHEW! So help me- go!”
         At this, I'm ashamed to say I ran. Maybe if I stayed, everything could have turned out different. Or I could be dead. But either way, I'll never know.
         I caught a taxi and ran to my aunt’s house, blood trickling from the cuts on my face. I knocked on the door, and waited for someone to answer.
         Aunt Ruby was surprised to see me, but she knew by the way I was shaking that something was wrong.
         “My dad told me to run. He gave me a letter, and a little wrapped thing. He has a letter for you. I think somebody kidnapped my mom and is attacking my dad.”
         Aunt Ruby gasped. “Now? Helion attacked now?”
         I didn't understand her, but I knew one thing.
         Nothing was ever going to be the same.

Part Two

         Three days had passed since my 14th birthday. In some ways, nothing had changed, other than living with Aunt Ruby and Michael. During the day,  Michael and I would sled for a while, watching in wonder at the constant falling of snow, then drink hot chocolate and play video games. But Aunt Ruby was quiet, and I stayed wide awake every night for hours, wondering about my parents.
         I still hadn't opened the package my father gave me or letter. What curiosity that had burned in me before had cooled, and maybe, if I was honest with myself, I was scared to open it and find out what was so important for me to know. After all,  it was important enough that my father had risked getting captured to get the package to me.
         It was evening on Christmas Eve. We could hear the cheers of people, and the festive feeling in the air as people relaxed with their families. The presents were bought, the food was cooked, and all that was left to do was celebrate.
         I was in the living room, watching a parade on television. This year we didn't head downtown to see the Christmas parade, and I was glad. It would be too weird and hard to go without my mom and dad. I was curled up in a chair next to the big Christmas tree Aunt Ruby had bought. Michael was on the floor, clutching a cup of hot chocolate, and Aunt Ruby was sprawled on the couch.
         When the parade had finished, I breathed in the pine scent of the tree. Suddenly, I felt as if the room was closing in on me. I stood up and could feel Aunt Ruby’s and Michael’s eyes stare at my back as I suddenly sprinted towards the guest bedroom I was staying in.
Once there, I picked up a package wrapped in brown paper. I turned it over in my hands, wondering what was in it. I had done this every night since I fled my home, but this was the first time I thought about opening it.
         I put down the gift, and pulled the letter from my bag. I hesitated, and slipped my finger under the flap.
         A gentle knock shook me from my thoughts. I put the cream colored envelope down next to the present.
         “Come in.” I said, scooting my legs around so they hung off the bed.
         Aunt Ruby hesitantly came in the door, brushing a red curl from her face. “Hello, Matthew.” She glanced at the two birthday gifts on my bed. “Are you opening your father's present?”
         For a moment, I started to shake my head. But I began to nod instead. “I guess.”
         “Do you want to open it on your own?” Aunt Ruby asked, her blue eyes earnest.
         “No.” I was afraid that I lose the courage to open them if I was by myself.
         Aunt Ruby sat beside me. I picked up the letter from where I had dropped it. I ran my finger under the envelope flap, and heard the near-silent cracks as the seal broke. With shaking finger, I extracted the letter.
         “Go on.” Aunt Ruby whispered.
         I unfolded the paper and began to read it aloud.

         We have lied to you for years, and we are so sorry. We- your aunt, mother, and I thought it for the best.
         You aren’t a little boy anymore. You have turned 14, the age where children like you become young adults. It is time that you learned who you are, and where you come from.
         You are the Crown Prince of Cassiandra, land of the Cassienen. You aren't adopted- you are still our son, no questions about that! My true identity, what I am known by in Cassiandra, is King Marcus ‘Mark’ Graystone, and your mother is known as Queen Molly Graystone. Diamond is her real name, but she hates that name. You had an older sister, two older brothers, and two younger sisters. They were named Heather, Giddeon, Drew, Emily, and Taylor. Heather would be 18, Drew and Giddeon would be 17, Emily would be 13, and Taylor would be 9 these days. Matthew, you are a shape-changer, a Cassienen, which I will explain to you more in depth after you read this. But for now, this will suffice, I hope.
'A shape-changer is someone who can turn into another animal at will. For example, I turn into a phoenix. Your mother turns into to a dove.
         Heather would be a leopard
         Giddeon’s animal was a lion
         Drew was the dragon
         Emily’s animal was a falcon.
         Taylor’s was a phoenix. She was very unique- she changed a week before we left for America. She was only a few months old.
         I do not know what you are, Matthew. But when you open the gift, and put it on, be ready to take your role as a Prince of Cassiandra. Be ready to bend reality.
I love you.
         I looked up. “There's a p.s.” The words were scrawled, as if Dad was in a hurry.
If something happens to me, go to your aunt. Ask for the ring. She'll know what I'm talking about.'”
         I stared up at my aunt, shock spreading through my veins, paralyzing me. Something was wet on my cheeks. I realized, as I brought my hand up to wipe it away, it was tears.
         I never cried. Never.
         “Prince Matthew?” my aunt said softly.
         “Is this for real?” I asked, folding the letter and stuffing it into the envelope.
         My aunt nodded. “Yes.”
         Anger flared inside me and I threw the envelope on the bed. “Why did you never tell me!? I had the right to know I was a bloody prince!”
         “They were trying to protect you.” my aunt said calmly, her voice even.
         “Oh yeah? Then why did my parents get kidnapped? Where are my siblings and what happened to them? Where is Cassiandra? How is any of this possible?” I yelled, punching the bed.
         “Prince Matthew. Calm down.”
         “Don't call me that!”
         “Calm. Down.”
         “How can I-”
         “MATTHEW GRAYSTONE!” Aunt Ruby roared.
         I stopped ranting, and realized I was standing. I sank back onto the bed and dropped my head into my hands.
         “Your siblings are presumed dead. Cassiandra is the eighth continent, between North America and Australia.”
         “What? How-” I started. What eighth continent? There wasn’t one.
         “It's hidden from normal humans, Matthew. No one but a Cassinen and a Cassinen guest can get into Cassiandra.” Aunt Ruby's voice was a little tired, but I ignored that. “Now, Matthew. There is one more thing you need to know about the kingdom of Cassienen.”
         “What's the difference between Cassiandra and Cassienen?” I blurted.
         Aunt Ruby looked surprised. “Huh? Oh, Cassiandra is the continent, and Cassienen is people there.”
         “Okay.” I replied.
         “Now, back to what I was telling you.”
         “Wait- one more thing.”
         “What, Matthew?”
         I swallowed. “Does Michael know? You are Cassienen, right?”
         Aunt Ruby was silent for a moment. “Michael doesn't know. I was planning to tell him on his birthday, in January. And of course, we are Cassienen, Matthew.”
         “We should tell Michael now.” I replied. I needed someone I could relate to that was my age, and I knew it was only fair for Michael to know what was going on.
         “He should know.” I pressed.
         Aunt Ruby pursed her lips, but gave a sharp nod. “I'll go get him.” She stood, and left the room, leaving me to my thoughts.
         How could I be a prince? How could a world like this? If Cassiandra was real, why didn't the world know about it? Why am I not there?
         And if my parents died, would I have to be king of a country I never knew existed?

         My aunt and cousin entered the room.  Michael brushed his blonde hair out of his grey eyes.
         “What's going on? I heard yelling, and-” Michael started, but Aunt Ruby interrupted him, launching into the same explanation I got, only slightly tweaked. He turned and stared at me when he learned I was heir to the Cassienen throne. When my aunt finished, Michael plopped onto the bed, next to me.
         “Holy s-” Michael started.
         “Michael James Forrest, you better end that sentence with lord or I will go medieval on your-”
         “Yes, Mom.” Michael answered meekly.
         “What's my middle name? Do I have one?” I blurted.  I knew I had a middle name- I'd seen the start of it on a form. Timmy? Tom?
         “It's Titus. Your full name is Matthew Titus Graystone.”
         “Why didn't they tell me my full name? And why are you saying 'Graystone'? My last name is 'Gray'.”
         “Your last name is Graystone, not Gray. And my best guess to why you were never told your middle name was to distance you from our world. To help hide you.”
         “I don't understand. How could that distance me?”
         “Titus is a common name for kings and princes. It would also cause you unneeded attention if you spread it around at school. Now, Matthew Gray? A pretty normal name here. But Matthew Titus Graystone? Pretty unusual, if you didn't live in Cassiandra.”
         I didn't have a response, other than, “They still should have told me.”
         “Matthew, Michael.” Aunt Ruby said, the lines in her face deepening in her beautiful face. She closed her eyes for a moment, as if the words she was about to utter pained her. “If the Cobra's Army has attacked Matthew's parents, we are not safe here.”
         “Mom, what are you talking about?” Michael whispered.
         “We must go to Cassiandra. Matthew, you must defeat the tyrant who had stolen your father's throne and your life in Cassiandra, and help your family reclaim the crown. Helion Coppertail attempted to eradicate both our family lines. He succeeded with your father's brother, and your Uncle Henrie’s family. He nearly succeeded with your family, Matt.”
         “I can't do this!” I exclaimed, fear and disbelief running through my veins. “I'm only 14!”
         “Matthew, we'll help. I know several people in Cassiandra that will help you. You CAN do this. You must, or we will all die.”
         “Why is it me?” I whispered, dropping my head in my hands. “I'm only one kid. How can I do anything?”
         “Matthew. Look at me.”
         I lifted my head.
         “You are far stronger, braver, and smarter than you believe. You too, Michael.” she added sharply, glancing at her son. “You will need your friends around you. I know two of them have the gift, and maybe a third, if I'm right.”
         “Why are you playing Dumbledore, Mom?” Michael asked. He was a huge Harry Potter fan so I was wondering when he would make a Potter statement.
         “Who are these friends? And what are the gifts?” I continued.
         A hint of a smile twitched Aunt Ruby's lips. “I'm not playing Dumbledore, Mikey. And those friends are Seth Hale, Caleb Light, and Emily Lares.”
         “Why them?” I asked. If she were to pick one of my friends for something like this, I honestly would expect her to list Caleb's brothers, Zach  and Tom, both who appear to look like the heroes from one of Michael's fantasy books. Handsome, strong, popular. That kind of thing.
         “They'll discover that in Cassiandra.” Aunt Ruby simply replied. “Tell them what I've told you. Show them what is in your package, Matthew.”
         Now Aunt Ruby hesitated. “Michael, come here.”
         Michael stood up and walked over to his mother. She slipped her hand into her pocket, and withdrew a wrapped parcel, suspiciously similar to my own. She reverently handed over the gift to Michael, then nodded her head.
         “Boys, open your packages.”
         We ripped open the brown paper. With trembling fingers,  I withdrew an  amulet stamped with a spiral and strung on a dark leather cord. A star was etched in the center of the silver spiral, bright gold, with a tiny inlaid ruby 'G'.
         Michael and I silently exchanged the amulets. His was greenish-gray, with a oak tree, and above the waving branches, an anvil surrounded by three stars stood out. In the trunk of the tree a 'F', silver, was imprinted. It was strung on the same color cord as my own. We handed the amulets back to each other.
         “When do we leave for Cassiandra?” I asked.
         “Tomorrow, or the day after.” Aunt Ruby responded. “Call your friends. Pack, and be ready to leave at a moments notice. The army could come at any second.”
         A shiver ran down my back.
         My aunt smiled grimly. “Goodnight, Matthew. Get some sleep.” she pecked me on the forehead, before gliding out through the door.
         She was so much like my mother at that moment, it made my heart ache.
         “Well, I'll see ya in the morning.” Michael said uncertainly. His face held the expression of total shock over what we had discovered tonight.
         “Night, Mike.” I replied, staring at the door, which closed slowly behind Michael.

Part Three

         When I woke up on Christmas day, the last thing on my mind was presents under a tree.
         I pulled on a clean shirt and jeans, and, after a moments hesitation, slipped my dad’s letter into my pocket and put the amulet around my neck. For some reason, the rough silver felt normal against my chest, as if I had worn it every day of my life before.   
         I snatched my bag up off the floor and left my room, and headed down the half set of stairs into the living room.
         After dropping off my bag by the couch, I joined Michael and Aunt Ruby at the breakfast table. I poured myself a bowl of Froot Loops.
         “Are you packed, Matthew?” Aunt Ruby asked, her bright red hair tied up into a ponytail.
         I nodded, swallowing my spoonful of cereal. “Yeah.”
         “And you, Michael?”
         “Mmm.” Michael responded, his mouth full of cereal.
         “Bring your bags out by the couch  when you are done eating.  We’ll open presents, call your friends, and leave for Cassiandra.” Aunt Ruby declared.
         This new Aunt Ruby was so much different than the one I had known since  I was 5. She was bolder and more serious. The reason I had only known her since I was 5 was because I couldn’t remember anything from beforeI was 5. My mother had said I hit my head really hard when I was little, but I doubt that’s what really happened, if I really was from Cassiandra.
         “Aunt Ruby?”  I asked. My aunt turned to me.
         “What?” she asked.
         “What’s your shape- shifting animal? Do you have one?”
         A grin grew on her face. “A cat.”
         Michael groaned, holding his head. “This is insane.”
         With a pop and a grin, my aunt disappeared, leaving a tabby cat in her place. Michael yelped, and toppled over in his chair, crashing to the ground.
         Aunt Ruby popped back into herself and laughed. “See?”
         I think that was the first time I truly accepted that the world Aunt Ruby had painted was very real. And very dangerous.
         Aunt Ruby helped Michael stand. “Boys, be ready to leave soon.” With that, she left the dining  room, and went to her room.
         I stood up. “I’m done.”
         “Me too.” Michael shoved one last cheerio-ladened spoon into his mouth. I walked into the living room.
         “What’s Seth’s number?” I called from the living room. I kneeled down next to my bag, and began rummaging through it.
         “Finish eating first, Mikey.”
         I snatched my phone out of the bag. “Ready?” I asked.
         “Yeah. It’s 549-3331” Michael shouted back. I entered the number into the cell phone, and pressed the green ‘call’ button.
         It rang three times before Seth picked up. “Hey Seth.” I said.
         “Hey! Hi, Matthew!”
         “I have something to tell you, but you’re not going to like it.”
         I told him everything, well, mostly everything. I left out that I may be a shape changer myself. Seth was silent for a moment.
         “I’m not lying.” I added anxiously.
         “I know.”
         That surprised me. I expected Seth to laugh and shrug it off, not to tell me he believed me.
         “You do?”
         “Matt, my parents told me about it when I turned 14 in September.”
         “And you never told me?”
         “They told me not to tell anyone! I had no idea you were a Cassienen, much less a prince!”
         “Michael, Aunt Ruby, and I are going to Cassiandra. I’m going to ask Caleb and Emily too. Do you want to come?” I asked.
         “What are we doing?” Seth asked.
         “Taking Cassiandra and saving my parents.” I said nonchalantly. “Nothing much.”
         “Very nice, Mr. Sarcastic.” Seth grew silent. Then, “I’ll have to ask my parents.”
         I waited while Seth talked to his parents. After a few minutes, he came back.
         “They said I could go, although my mother didn’t want me to go. She only agreed because she understands that I have to help you.”
         “Pack and get here as fast as you can, okay?”
         “Deal. See ya Mattie.” There was a click as Seth hanged up.
         I snapped my cell close.
         “Seth is coming.” I announced.
         Michael had come into the room from the kitchen, holding up his iPhone triumphantly. “So’s Emily.”
         “Do you want to call Caleb or should I?” I asked.
         “You.” Michael hesitated. “This is unreal. We’re seriously going to this place?”
         I shrugged. “You saw Aunt Ruby turn into a cat.”
         “Still. It’s hard to believe.”
         “Says the one who reads all those fantasy and science fiction books.”
         “Just call Caleb already.”
         I roll my eyes and dial Caleb’s number. He picks up immediately.
         “Hey, it’s Matthew.”
         “Dude, where are you? The police are at my apartment!”
         My eyes widened. “What?!”
         “Somebody reported a disturbance at your apartment! They couldn’t find you or your parents, so they were asking around, especially since they know you are by yourself.”
         “Can you get to Michael’s house?” I asked. “I have something to tell you, but pack first to be safe. Enough for a long trip, but not too much to easily carry around.”
         “Matthew, what’s going on?”
         “I’ll tell you when you’re here. Hurry!” I hung up, slipping the phone into my jeans pocket.

         Aunt Ruby stood in the doorway in between the kitchen and living room. “Catch,” she said, tossing two presents to us. We ripped them open and found yet another amulet, this one wooden. A golden crown was stamped on it, with three silver stars glittering above the gold.
“Put them on. Quickly!” Aunt Ruby commanded.
“What are they?” Michael and I asked at the same time.
“These were given to any member of the royal family. They protect you from certain other kinds of magic, and
symbolize your rank as a royal citizen.”

         Within a half hour, everyone was in the living room. We had just explained everything to Caleb, who’s eyes were wide. “Can I call my parents? Because there’s no way you are leaving me behind.”          
Aunt Ruby agreed, and Caleb went into the kitchen, where we could hear them fighting over the phone. Finally his mother agreed, who turned out to be a Cassienen herself.
         We eventually got on our backpacks, and were about to leave, when the seriousness of our mission came and slapped us in the face.

Rap, rap rap. I spun around to the door. Aunt Ruby hurried to the door. She swung open the door, and screamed, stepping back in panic.
“Hello again, Ruby Forrest.” a woman said, pushing aside my aunt. Aunt Ruby stumbled back, her face white.
“Zualie Star.”
“Where is Matthew? Where is the Crown Prince?”
For a moment I was too stunned to speak, but I didn’t have to. Zuale saw the symbol on my amulet and began stalking towards me.
I took a step back. “What do you want with me?”
The woman smiled, and said, “I won’t hurt you.”
Yeah. Like I believed that. I grabbed my bag and swung it towards Zualie. She ducked and pulled a silver knife from a sheath under her army jacket. Her black hair swirled around as I dodged out of the way.
“Run!” Emily screamed, grabbing her bag and pelting out the door. She was followed by Seth, Caleb, and Michael. Aunt Ruby struggled to her feet with a moan. I swung my bag again, and managed to knock the knife out of Zualie’s hand.
Aunt Ruby kicked the woman in the head, and Zualie crumpled to the ground. She then grabbed her bag and unsteadily ran out the door, and I followed.
Fear coursed through my veins as we caught up with the others. “Where are we going?” Emily asked, panting.
“Central Park.” Aunt Ruby huffed back.
“That’s really far.” Seth said dubiously.
“Not really.” I replied.
“By car! But running? Yeah, it is!” Seth shot back.
“We’re gonna catch a bus, dummy.” Emily answered, slowing to a halt as we reached a bus stop. “We can make it there faster by car, even in traffic.”
The odds were in our favor, as a Central Park- bound bus came our way almost immediately. We boarded, and from there it was a short trip to the park.
“Why are we here?” Michael asked as we were dropped off.
“A quick entryway into Cassiandra.” was Aunt Ruby’s only reply. She pulled a ring off her finger and shoved it into the trunk of a random tree. I had to bite my tongue to keep from screaming as the tree split in two.
“Climb in.” Aunt Ruby ordered, “Cassiandra.” she said, and the tree’s insides turned black and started swirling around. “Aunt Ruby then dived in head first.
“Who is going first?” Caleb asked uneasily.
“You.” Emily answered, pushing Caleb into the void.
We all turned to her and took a step away from her.
“What?” Emily asked. “Someone had to go first.”
“Why not you?” Michael replied. Emily shrugged.
“Whatever.” she said, before leaping into the swirling void.
“You're next, buddy!” Michael said, patting me on the back.
“Gee, thanks.” I replied sarcastically. I stared into the spiraling vortex, trying to work up the nerve to jump. With a deep breath, I leapt.
         And jumped into a new world.
         I landed on my face. For a second I laid still, not positive that I was still alive, despite the fact that I could feel grass tickling my nose.. Then I heard Emily scream.

         A group of people surrounded us, carrying knives, swords, and bows and arrows. I scrambled back, bumping into Seth.
         “Who are you?” said the tallest, a blonde haired man with blue eyes asked.
         “My name is Matthew.” I said.
         “Matthew, is your last name... Graystone?” said the tall man.
         The man bowed down on one knee, looking up at me with eyes filled with emotion. The others knelt also, looking up with reverence. I was utterly bewildered.
         “Hail Matthew Graystone, son of the king.” said the man. He then rose. “I am Uriah Vane, leader of our company. I believe this is your aunt?”
         Aunt Ruby stepped out from behind the crowd, a mischievous smile on her face. For the first time, I realized she hadn’t been on the ground when we fell into Cassiandra.
         “We are going to travel to the capital city of Cassiandra, Regis Urbe with Uriah and his friends,” said Aunt Ruby. “We must keep moving. Zuanie Starr will have realized we went to Cassiandra, and be chasing us with Helion’s army.”
         “We don’t have time to answer questions. There is a safe house about 3 miles out. Once we get there, I’ll answer any questions you have.” Aunt Ruby said.
         I nodded. “Okay. Let’s go.”

Part 4 coming soon.
© Copyright 2012 Emma McCarry (aleiaworld12 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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