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There are things that you can't change.. yet there are things that you can.. |
I am stargazing… Enjoying the beauty of those little lamps in the sky while my mind wanders in many realms. I love this moment, this time that I could think about many matters..aside from the things that I usually worried about. I've been busy . It is quite funny that I realize , that I don't know how or why I've been so occupied even though there is no need to be so bustled up. I look up at the sky again, wishing I could find the answers in the twinkling of the stars, or in the glow of the moon but I am certain is all I have to do, is ask myself. I'm trying to remember what really happened. Abrupt changes occurred , especially about the way I feel about myself. Many nights I had spent in writing randomly . My opinion, my thoughts, and my view were poured out through. I couldn't stop. I feel like, I need to spell something I don't know . My pen is my only consolation , suppose to help me find what's really going on… The truth flashes right in me like a shooting star that there is only 1 thing that I could do: WISH. I am writing because I am trying to forget something, or I should say someone. I foolishly ravage in composing many prose just to busy myself… Trying to rain my thoughts on paper, so I will not have the time to think of her. Now..for all this time I will be giving myself a chance to cherish the memories I have with her. Just for this night.. I will be with her. .My pen will help me. The stars seems a little brighter..even my tears impairs how I naturally see... I will let my self think of her.. maybe i could find what i'm looking for. Where do I begin? Memories flooded my mind so suddenly. I remember her smiles, her stares, everything I love about her. The way she laugh at me whenever I tried something serious but ended up so funny, the way she brush my eyebrows just to make me smile, the way she hold my hands, the way she says goodnight. I want to be back from that day that I first met her to start the journey again, to love and cherish her many times over. I was in a church. I was wearing a usual barong. My eyes wandered around the room. There were many people wearing white and red chattering and smiling at each other. Flowers can be seen every corner. Chandeliers shining above me like stars on earth while the stained glasses glowed as the sunlight showers above them. I was standing somewhere near the altar, so dazzled at the sight of a piano. My mom was trying to pull me back towards the center . I was so angry at her for not letting me touch the piano so I ran away , clutching a white pillow with golden rings attached at the middle. I hid under a nearby chair. And there was HER.. She was wearing a white gown and a golden tiara sparkling against the light . She was carrying a basket full of rose petals in it. She was smiling at me. She was the prettiest thing I ever saw in that place, brighter than the chandeliers, lovelier than the flowers in the room. She held out her hand . "What are you doing there?" She said still smiling like she really find me amusing. "Oh, I'm hiding from my mom" I replied awkwardly as I took her hand and got out under the chair. "Who are you?" She asked. "You're my Prince , right? My mom told me I will meet my prince in a church someday.. She always tells me about you in her bedtime stories. .. " Err.. I'm not.." .. I tried to tell her, but she wasn't listening. "Mom mom! I found my Prince! Look!"..she called out still holding my hands.. Her mom looked at me.. "Oh you made a new friend , Trisha.." , her mom regarded me " what's your name little prince?" she asked.. " and where's your mommy and daddy? "Uhm, I'm Raymond" looking at my feet . "Mom can I ask you something? Trisha asked her mom. "Yes my princess, anything.." "Is he my Prince? Can a friend be a prince? " "Yes my dear he is, so now come on and the entourage will now start , you and your prince are needed there.." "There you are!.." an angry voice came from my side. "Where have you've been, your dad and I have been searching for you!". My mom and dad got me. "Hello ma'am, hello mister, I'm Trisha, Raymond's Princess…" Trisha said while doing a graceful curtsy. "Look at our boy, learning things so early.." my dad laughed while brushing my hair. My mom immediately smiled too."It's starting ,we should get our kids ready." Trisha's mom and my parents talked while they guided as towards the center of the church. Trisha was still holding my hand. "We're getting married, .." she whispered. "and like my mom stories, we're going to live happily ever after." "Oh" the only sound I could produce because I know nothing of what she's saying. The music started playing . We marched hand in hand towards the altar. Every tiny steps we made seems to make me happier. I couldn't help but smile. |