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A lonely day leads to an interesting visit!
*not complete* |
Part I: With a sigh a set my coffee down. These rogues must forget that I’m still here to defend my land, however small it might be. I have a few square miles tucked up in the mountains somewhere in the Northeastern Americas. After a while where mattered less than just mine. My windows were open and my nose crinkled with the sharp tang of wolf. Stepping outside I shed my outer clothing and gently remove my bra and panties, setting them in a neat pile on a porch chair. I’ve learned to not be hasty, since it becomes expensive. Stretching towards the sun I let the heat soak into my whole body. Its been too long since I’ve come outside and simply enjoyed being here. I work from home, but lately my clients have become more demanding- meaning I spend more time at my computer and on my phone than enjoying the seasons. A sharp breath out and I make a small leap off the porch, front paws landing in the soft dirt and hind legs propelling me into the woods. Ears up, I follow my nose. The scent leads me through the trails I know too well,seemingly in circles. Well the trails sure have over gown. After a half hour of following the wild goose trail I decide it’s time to head back home. A whole body shake leaves me feeling content on my front steps That was a welcomed change to the norm. Feeling the warmth come over me I feel the fur slowly recede, my snout shortened and my thumbs reappeared. Honestly, I could live as a wolf if I could keep my thumbs. Scooping up my clothes I toss them onto my bed. My simple home would be generously described as a cabin, with its one large room and a small bathroom tucked into the corner. Pouring a glass of water, I gaze out of the window perched above the sink. Maybe I didn’t smell anything after all. I haven’t been quite right lately. It’s been too long since I’ve mated, and that leaves the senses heightened- almost to a fault. Dammit. My last decent fuck had been over a year ago, but when I was asked to leave the pack Michael did what any wolf would- he put his pack first and let me walk away. At night I miss his amber eyes watching me as we ran through the trees, such a serious face for such a happy man. On many occasions our runs would be brought up short as we changed briefly back to humans, my taunts having finally goading him into action. My hand running itself across his chest, his mouth needily meeting mine. A rough pairing, with my legs held up, hair getting tangled with the bushes, small rocks and soft dirt playing a melody of my back. Birds crying out from the trees and small mammals would look on, curious of our actions. Strangled cries and a sweet release. A tender kiss on the forehead. The satisfaction of knowing I was marked as his. A rustle in the trees shook me from my thoughts.A brief sniff told me a pair of rabbits had found each other and were thoroughly enjoying the act. Lucky bastards. Glancing over at my desk overgrown with papers my stomached dropped. Why suffer, they can wait... Pouncing on my bed I flip the covers back and cozy into the warmth to enjoy the moment of peace. It’s been too long... A small sigh escaped and I cupped a breast, weighing it gently in my hand. Thumb circling the nipple I allow my other hand to slowly travel down until it rested at it’s goal. Slowly parting my lips my fingers explore, dipping inside and playing around my sensitive nub.Ohh... rubbing in slow circles, gently around and around, occasionally dipping a finger inside I couldn’t help but want more. I arch my back and moan a little, hoping it would help me feel more satisfied. This just wasn’t the same as feeling full, his weight against me, someone else trying to meet their needs as I seek out my own. I picked up the speed and rubbed quicker, squeezing my breast, waiting for that moment that was just moments away. Waiting for it, knowing I was approaching a waterfall of emotion with little control of how long it took to get there. Faster... c’mon... I was getting frustrated that it was taking longer than I would have liked, arching up and flipping the covers off I feel a cool breeze across my naked stomach. I allow myself a small moan and open my eyes to find one of the largest men standing over me, and he seemed to be enjoying the show- a slight smile playing the corners of his lips. Part II: Tromping through the woods, my nose seemed to be leading me to a very isolated little area that was obviously used by a lone she-wolf.Tufts of golden fur were caught on brush along trails well loved, or at least commonly used. And she smells delicious. I had been headed north to bring a message to one of the northern packs about a virus that was headed their way when the wind brought me something I could not resist. Why would she be out here all alone? She should know that a lone female would attract unwanted, and potentially very dangerous, attention. There were very few female werewolves, and the few that existed were adored by their packs. There were never left alone, let alone allowed to live alone out in the middle of nowhere! I had managed to ignore the tempting smell for a while until I came across an area where her trail crossed mine- and my curiosity got the best of me. Dipping off my path I followed her trail through the woods, until I found myself in a clearing. Looking around I realized I was at a perfect vantage point over a quaint cabin nestled between a few trees.Interesting home choice. Not really what I expected. Werewolves for notorious for their attraction towards large and obnoxious buildings. Buildings with character. I prefered something a bit more discreet, and that was the final straw between Sarah and I. She wanted an imposing fortress and I would have been happy with a small farm, at least then I would have somewhere to really run. Living in the city was leaving me restless, and I was happy to be back in the woods, limbs combing my fur and leaves crunching beneath my feet. An open window framed a beautiful woman seated at her computer, obviously distracted by something outside. Shit! She knows I’m here. Any wolf worth her salt would have detected me the moment I stepped foot in their territory. I dropped low and hid myself out of sight but with a view of the home. I snuck a peak in time to see her step onto her porch. Nose in the air she was obviously seeking me out, good thing I happen to be downwind! I chuckled at the advantage. Glancing back I noted that she had stripped to nothing and was standing, arms in the air, obviously enjoying her freedom. What a body! Strong, lean, and supple is all that can explain it. Cascading locks poured around her perky breasts, and my eyes followed to her tiny waist. I growled to myself, knowing that I could lose it any minute. She sprang off the porch and transformed, rushing headlong into the trees. It’s been years since I’ve seen a creature so amazing. Long legs pushed the golden mass further from his sight, Hopefully she doesn’t catch me...or better yet I hope she does! I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew there was a rustle at the cottage, mystery woman’s pert little ass a welcome invitation as she sauntered back inside. I took the moment to enjoy the sun warming my back before slowly rising and picking a trail down to where she disappeared. She should have found me, but why didn’t she? Can she really be so distracted that a stranger on her land would be allowed to walk off? This left me concerned, and almost protective, of this woman who obviously had nothing to lose. Something made me stop, paw in the air, just before approaching the short set of steps to the home. Muffled sounds from inside left me concerned that she had someone else inside, did I miss a scent? I sniffed around and found- I would have laughed out loud if I could. The scent of her arousal was overpowering and drew me just a bit closer. A moan leaked out of the open door, why didn’t she close the door? Doesn’t she know someone can just...walk in? Nosing the door open I closed my eyes and just let my senses relish what was happening a few feet away. Bedding was being ruffled as she writhed, alone. I can’t simply allow her to continue alone now, can I? I crept forward and watched her hand massaging her ripe little breast. Little? Ha! It would fill my hand, and I would love to let it... She moaned gently and arched her back. Without realizing it I had transformed and was looking down at her, her face all scrunched up not seeming to get anywhere with all her efforts.I stepped forward and caught myself looking into a startling pair of green eyes, her hands frozen and panic settling into her eyes. |