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The females of the world of Xenogears find themselves gaining weight willingly or not |
The females of the world of Xenogears find themselves gaining weight willingly or not
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
if someone has already made one for Xenogears I will remove this one unless that owner of the other allows this one to continue
I claim no ownership of the game
this is a fan fiction
based on a chubby fantasies
the weight gainers are
Elly she the primary weight gainer
Margie she appears somewhat plump in the game yet she might be slender
Emeralda depending on if you did the optional quest in which Emeralda becomes an adult she is available as a child or adult
Primera and Maria the two other young female children who can gain weight as kids or young adults if you choose
Miangin my theory opinion is a entity that sentient energy that transfers from regarded human female to another she is a optional weight gainer
Weight gain availability
weight gaining is willingly or forced natural overeating unexplained supernatural events or science/technology
rule one
no nudity or suggestive behavior for the children unless you aged them to young adult versions of themselves however don't take it beyond that
for the adults complete nudity with suggestive behavior is accepted however don't take it beyond that
rule two
health beauty strength to move is to increase not decrease
Rule three
there is to be no turning into a shapeless blob of fat, no death. no pregnancy, no other version of expansion. outside of weight gain. |
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