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by Ex!
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1878629
The third part of the ongoing story.
Part 3

The sun vanishes over the horizon, carried off by the god Appollo leaving light wispy clouds gently rolling on the warm night air. Though the autumn has been reached, blades of grass sway around the camp. Even the goats and sheep display a calm that is shared evenly. Lexine and Alezander lose themselves in the ambience of the night. They sit with his arm around her for assurance and she clings to him for love. He thinks how he has no tongue for sentimental words, how he wishes sometimes he was a poet. All he can do is hold her tighter. Lexine feels his grip tighten on her body. Never has so much has been told to her with so little words. She closes her eyes and allows herself to dream of a prosperous and loving future. Her face displays her thoughts as a smile slowly appears on her face. Alezander looks down into her face and sees her smile. At first he is tempted to say something; to comment to her how beautiful he sees her, how happy she makes him but the right words eludes him. As Alezander’s thoughts are unknown to Lexine, she continues her daydream until it is interrupted by the footstep and the shout of “Lexine!” of Ozias, her father.

Her father stands in front of them. Anger and disgust fills his eyes. Out of reflex, Alezander stands and is confused by Ozias’ demeanor. Ozias lashes out at his daughter, “You dare defy my will! Your very actions bury a dagger into my back!” Lexine scurries to her father and grabs his garment, “Father, do not condemn me or curse him. We love each other.” “No!” Ozias begins, “This is a mad man from a town of mad men. I will not have blood of mine mix with such madness.” Ozias grabs his daughter and pulls her from Alezander’s touch. Alezander takes a step towards them, still silenced by the events, he says nothing. His hand reaches for Lexine to find empty air. Ozias, still clutching Lexine snarls at Alezander, “And you! be gone from my camp, my sight, and especially my daughter. I wish we had left your soul to Hades, god of the dead instead of tending your wounds.” Lexine’s eyes fill with tears as she looks upon her father, disappointed and hurt, “Father how can you say such things? Why is your heart filled with such anger for us? Alezander has great power. He can care for me.”
“Bah!” snaps Ozias, “The only power I’ve seen him use is that which turns a child against her parent. I am glad that your mother, Althea lives not to bear witness to this betrayal.” Having heard enough, Alezander steps in and pushes Ozias to the ground. Lexine, still hurt by her father’s words, drops to her knees and weeps. Alezander goes to her and wraps his arms around her. Ozias reaches into a pouch around his neck and pulls out a fist full of coins. He hurls it at Alezander yelling, “Take these, you soulless thing. Even your own brother priest would pay me to keep my daughter from you! We are all in service to Gaia!” Ozias steps back fearful that he may have revealed too much. His hands slowly reach for a dagger at his side. Being the warrior that he is, Alezander sees the attempt and issues him a warning, “Ozias, be warned that no blade will touch my body.” Ozias pauses a moment, sizing up Alezander. He then, aggressively pulls the dagger from its’ sheath and says with madness in his eyes, “I may not kill you with this blade, but my will shall be enforced, for if I cannot remove you, then I shall remove my daughter!” He quickly lunges at Lexine preparing to drive the knife deep into her chest. Lexine falls back in fright as she sees her own father bring his hand down towards her clutching the knife. Alezander instinctively acts; summoning three rocks to emerge from the ground with a hard thud. Blood slowly makes its way from Ozias’s mouth as he lay still. His chest shows signs of slight breathing. Lexine runs to her father’s side and holds his head. Ozias opens his mouth to speak slowly to her, “My daughter, you have done this to me. Though the deed is not yours, it is by your hand in which I die.” His eyes turn to Alezander as he says, “ Had I power as you, I would strike you down where you stand. I pray to the gods in Olympus that I am able to do so. I curse you!” He turns his eyes upon Lexine once more and with gasping breath, “I curse you too my daughter, that one day you will have a child that will betray you as you have done me!” Lexine sets Ozias’ head on the ground and steps back from him. Alezander touches her shoulder and she turns to embrace him. He feels her warm tears flowing down his chest. He wishes he was a poet.

Elsewhere the deity, Erebos, witnessed the tragic events unfold. As Ozias lay dying, Erebos thought it prudent to grant Ozias’s wish and fulfill his bargain with the mortal Cadmus, while not risking the ire of Hades. As Erebos was considerably stronger at night, he casted his will upon the cooling corpse of Ozias just as Lexine and Alezander considers what to do. Very subtly Ozias’ body twitches. Lexine does not see it nor does Alezander, but he feels it. Quick subtle movements, then turn into an aggressive thrashing, to which both lovers can see. Lexine’s eyes open wide in terror as she sees her father’s corpse move widely on the ground. Alezander steps in front of her with a slight sense of what this action alludes to. From the supine body, they hear bones snap, blood gurgling and the popping of muscles tearing from ligaments. His body stretches and swells with new tissue. His face distorts and neck thickens. The clothing on his body shreds from the expanding volume of the body. Human canine teeth are replaced with bestial ones. Hands transform into demonic claws. Toes withdraw on the foot forming hooves. The torso widens and deepens. Muscles form layer after layer creating a powerful looking figure. Then as if it were on a plank, it rises, eight feet tall from hoof to jagged head. To the lover’s horror, it stands in front of them with a hint of moonlight displaying the evil intent in its eyes. Where fell a frail and embittered man, now stands a powerful and vengeful beast!

To be continued.
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