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this is a story about a macrophile who finds himself mysteriously shrunk in Equestria |
Chapter Two: “Are you ready to go and see Twilight Sparkle now?” Fluttershy asked me after we had finished our somewhat awkward (for me at least) meal. “As ready as I'll ever be” I replied I admit I was rather nervous about the meeting, and it wasn't only because it would hopefully grant me some much needed closure which would probably either consist of extremely good news or extremely bad news... Just the prospect of meeting my favourite pony made me feel like two nations of butterflies had just had a territorial disagreement inside my stomach and launched a full on war against each other. I wasn't entirely sure why, I had always dreamed of meeting Twilight Sparkle. Perhaps I was just worried that I would make a bad impression, or that the meeting wouldn't live up to my expectations... Or maybe it was just because I was still mentally rattled about my whole situation. But it had to be done, and the sooner the better. Fluttershy held out her hoof so that the sole was facing upwards and set it next to the bed “Here, walk onto my hoof... That is... If you want to” I stepped onto Fluttershys hoof, the soft surface giving slightly to my footsteps. I had to resist the temptation of just laying down and hugging her hoof as she carefully moved it towards her mane on top of her head, knowing that the embarresment probably wouldn't be worth it. Not to mention that would be quite rude. I stepped into Fluttershys mane and held onto the pink strands of hair so as to not fall off. Her mane smelled sweet, like strawberries. It sort of helped me calm down, but only a little... “Are you going to be okay up there?” asked Fluttershy with concern “Yep” I replied “I'm pretty secure up here” Satisfied with my answer, Fluttershy started walking. I felt the massive being underneath me constantly jolt up and down. If I hadn't been holding onto her mane I probably would have fallen off, but luckily the trip to the library was uneventful. Fluttershy reached the door of the library and started knocking, we waited for a few minutes until the door finally opened to reveal Twilight Sparkle. My mouth dropped as I stared at her through the strands of pink hair... Now obviously I had seen Twilight many times before, both on the show and drawn by people on the internet... But now that she was standing right in front of me in the flesh (not to mention she was hundreds of times my size) I was dumbstruck by the sight, my heart fluttered as I took in her beautiful purple coat, her dark blue mane with the pink and purple highlights that make her look so adorable... And her deep purple eyes that I felt like I could literally fall into at this size. Just seeing her standing in front of me made my heart race and It felt as if my stomach butterflies had just figured out how to split the atom and where going thermonuclear... It was pretty clear what was going on, but it was hard to fathom and even harder to accept... I was falling in love with Twilight Sparkle... As if I didn't have enough to deal with! I already have to be tempted by deadly impulses and now I was falling in love with a frigging unicorn!? There was no way these feelings would be reciprocated, we were both completely different species! And on top of that I was barely the size of a parasprite, even if I was a stallion it probably wouldn't work... 'Well... There's only one thing to do about this' I thought to myself 'Absolutely nothing... I'll just bottle it all up deep inside of me in an incredibly mentally unhealthy fashion until I leave Equestria and can find a nice human girl... Or die alone and unloved in a world full of giant ponies... Yeah... I can do that... No problem...' “Oh, hello Fluttershy” said Twilight, knocking me back to my sences “what's up?” “Um... Hello Twilight” Fluttershy said, her voice vibrating beneath you “I hope I didn't interrupt you while you where doing something important...” “Oh no! I was just uh... Rearranging some books! That's right! Lots and lots of books to rearrange now that Spike's in Canterlot, seems like a perfectly credible thing for me to be doing!” Said Twilight with an inappropriately large smile plastered across her face “Oh... Okay...” Fluttershy said, shifting nervously “So... What can I do for you today? Have you finished that book already? You only got it out yesterday” “No... It's not that... Earlier today I was walking to my cottage and I... I found someone that I think needs your help” “Oh... Well, where are they?” Twilight asked, looking over Fluttershys shoulder “I don't see anypony with you” “He's right here...” Fluttershy said, lifting a hoof toward her hair and in front of me, I took it as a que to walk onto it and reveal myself. “He says he's a human from another planet, and I don't think he's supposed to be this small either...” Fluttershy explained “I think I can speak for myself you know” I said “Oh... I'm sorry...” Fluttershy apologized Twilight Sparkle looked at me, her expression completely blank “Oh, I see... Okay... Just uh... Give me a moment, I have to uh... Just a second” She said, slamming the door surprisingly hard “That was... Kinda weird” I said “what do you suppose that was about?” “Oh... I don't know” Fluttershy replied “Twilight is a very busy pony, especially since Spike is away... she probably just forgot to do something important...” Luckily she only kept us waiting for about a minute or so before the door opened again “Sorry about that, I forgot to turn off the kitchen! Silly me!” She said “Now, you where saying you needed help?” “My name is Mike” I said, deciding that I should start by introducing myself “and as Fluttershy has already told you I'm not from Equestria. One minute I was in my house and the next thing I know I was outside Fluttershys cottage at this size, I was hoping you could help seeing as you know so much about magic and, well... This seems like a pretty magical situation to me” Twilight continued to watch me well after I had finished talking, creating a rather awkward silence, then she seemed to notice that she was staring and blinked a few times “Of course. I'll see what I can do” She said, seeming to gain some composure “Here, come in” Twilight stepped away from the door to let me and Fluttershy enter. {{{}}} Twilight opened the door to see Fluttershy standing alone on the doorstep “Oh, hello Fluttershy” She said, trying to sound casual “what's up?” “Um... Hello Twilight” Fluttershy said in her usual demure fashion “I hope I'm not bothering you while you're doing something important” “Oh no! I was just uh...” She started 'Think Twilight think!' ”Rearranging some books! That's right! Lots and lots of books to rearrange now that Spike's in Canterlot, seems like a perfectly credible thing for me to be doing!” She said, trying to smile convincingly whilst mentally kicking herself for saying that last part out loud. “Oh... Okay...” Fluttershy said, shifting nervously. Great, she was being so conspicuous that she was making Fluttershy uncomfortable... Although then again, it didn't really take much to make Fluttershy uncomfortable... “So... What can I do for you today? Have you finished that book already?” “No... It's not that... Earlier today I was walking to my cottage and I... I found someone that I think needs your help” Twilight blinked in confusion, Fluttershy appeared to be standing by herself, why wouldn't she take this 'someone' with her? “Oh, well where are they?” Twilight asked, looking over Fluttershys shoulder “I don't see anypony with you” “He's right here...” Fluttershy said, lifting a hoof toward her hair, Twilights brain ground to a halt as she saw a tiny bipedal animal fully dressed in clothing step out of Fluttershys hair and onto her hoof, it looked very strange, tall and thin with unusually long arms and legs, but despite it's peculiar appearance, she found herself captivated by it. This small creature was no stallion that's for sure, and it's not like she was attracted to just anything smaller then her... But something about this creature stirred feelings in Twilight that she had never felt before... “He says he's a human, from another planet, and I don't think he's supposed to be this small either...” Fluttershy explained. 'A human?' Twilight thought, she had heard of humans before, she had read about them in a few very old books, but she had assumed that they where just an old pony tale... “I think I can speak for myself you know” Said the small human, making Twilights heart leap in excitement “Oh... I'm sorry...” Fluttershy apologized Twilight stared at the human, unable to think properly. She needed to get away from this situation as soon as possible so that she could figure out how to deal with it properly. “Oh, I see... Okay... Just uh, give me a moment, I have to uh... Just a second” She said, slamming the door much harder then she had intended. When she was alone she started to breath heavily, this was just too much too fast, just when her desires where reaching their peak along comes this tiny... Human was it? But why was it so small? What was it DOING here? And most importantly; why was she so attracted to it? She had usually only ever fantasized about tiny stallions, maybe mares on the rare occasion... But this thing wasn't even a pony! But despite this, she just couldn't stop thinking about all the awful things that she wanted to do to him... She wanted to feel those long arms beating against her hoof as she crushed him into the ground, she wanted to swallow him whole, she wanted to slide that long, thin body up her wet- 'No!' she mentally scolded herself 'this is wrong... I can't let these thoughts get the best of me! this is a living talking being here, not some plaything! I've got to keep my desires in check, and I definitely can't let him know that I feel this way... He would be terrified! he might even think that I'm the one who brought him here!' Twilight decided that she would just have ignore her feelings and do her best to help this human get back home and to it's original size and then just put the whole thing behind her. Yeah... as if it was going to be that easy. Still, someone needed her help and she was going to do her best to provide it, regardless of how she felt about the matter! With renewed vigour, she opened the door once again. {{{}}} “So you're a... Human then?” Twilight asked once the three of us had entered Twilights dining room, Fluttershy having placed me on the table “That's right” I replied “I think I might have read about humans before. There are some old tales about them visiting Equestria thousands of years ago... I always thought that they where made up but... Well... seeing as you're here I guess I was wrong” She said Although she seemed to be talking to me, she was looking anywhere but. Only giving short cursory glances at me before pointedly looking away. It almost seemed as if she was scared to look at me... Maybe she was just disgusted by my appearance or something. I guess I would look pretty strange to a pony... Even though I knew I didn't have a chance with her I still felt a pang of sadness at the thought. “The books I read described adult humans as being almost twice as tall as the average pony so I'm quite sure that you aren't meant to be so... Small” she said fixing me with a stare at that last word and making my heart flutter at the eye contact, but this didn't last long before she looked away again “I'm not sure if I can help you, but I will try my best” Said Twilight “but first I need to know more details, tell me everything that happened before you met Fluttershy” I described everything that happened, she was of course most interested in what I felt and saw right before I found myself in Equestria. “It sounds like a teleportation spell to me” Said Twilight knowingly “but that's hardly surprising, someone must have applied a shrinking spell at the same time... I might be able to send you back to Earth if I learn the spell to do it, and Princess Celestia may be able to do it already... But I'm afraid I can't reverse the shrinking spell unless we can find out whoever did this to you... The good news is that this is pretty advanced magic that we're talking about, not just any unicorn can do something like this which narrows down the possibilities. I'll write to Celestia and hopefully she can track him or her down, she knows about all of the magically talented unicorns in Equestria” I sighed in relief at that; at least now I knew that there was a fairly good possibility of me going home, and I had an excuse to stay for a while on top of that. I was about to thank Twilight for her help when suddenly the three of us where distracted by the sound of breaking glass followed by a dull thud. Twilight groaned “Rainbow Dash!” She yelled, hurting your ears slightly “I thought I told you not to practice your stunts near the library!” “Hehe, sorry Twilight...” replied a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane as she entered the room “I was just practising navigating with my eyes closed and... Hey, what's that thing?” She zoomed across the room before any of us could answer and stared at me from an uncomfortably close distance, I could see into her cavernous mouth and feel her warm breath beating down on me. Needless to say it got me rather excited, much to my chagrin. “What a weird looking bug...” She said, knocking me over with a hoof “is this your new pet?” She asked looking at Twilight. “Uh...” Twilight said blushing profusely “I'm not a pet, I'm a human!” I said, feigning anger whilst getting up and brushing myself off “and can you please not do that?” “Oh cool! It talks too?” She said, her voice rattling my eardrums due to her close proximity. “Rainbow Dash... You're scaring him!” Fluttershy objected “I am not scared!” I said, this was true of course. I knew Rainbow Dash wasn't going to hurt me, she was just being rude... Although I had to admit I did kind of enjoy being talked down to at this size, not that I would admit it to my present company... “Can you back up a bit? You're kind of invading my personal space here” I said, figuring it would be a good idea to get that mouth away from me before I lost control and jumped into it. “Jeez, fine” Rainbow said, rolling her eyes as if you where the one being unreasonable “This is Rainbow Dash” Said Twilight, “and Rainbow Dash, this is Mike, he isn't any ponies pet, he's a human... Which is a primate by the way, not a bug. He's only this size because he was shrunk and now we're trying to help him return to his own world... And his normal size of course” “Oh so he shrunk then? Did he get this from poison joke like Applejack? Why don't you just get Zecora to-” “This isn't poison joke Rainbow Dash” Said Twilight with a hint of annoyance “this is a very advanced spell that can only be reversed by the caster” “Oh, cool” Said Rainbow Dash “What?” I exclaimed “how is that cool!?” “Oh right, I mean... That totally sucks” She said with little conviction “Thank you for your sentiment” I replied sarcastically “senti-what now?” Rainbow asked scrunching up her face “I'm afraid I don't talk egghead” “So what happens now?” I asked Twilight, ignoring that statement “Well, I'm going to write to Celestia and then see if I can dig up any of those old books, maybe seeing how humans got here before might give us some clues” Twilight explained “In the meantime I suppose you should stay with Fluttershy” “Oh no Twilight... I can't” Fluttershy spoke up, albeit softly “What!? But you love taking care of small animals!” Twilight exclaimed Fluttershy shrunk in her seat “Well... Yes, but I already have too many animals to take care of! I can't keep him with me all the time... and besides, I promised Rarity that I would take care of Opalescence tomorrow, and you know how she is with mice... I don't think she would react to Mike any differently” Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash expectantly “Hey, don't look at me!” Said Rainbow Dash “I don't have time to babysit a talking monkey, I have to practice! And besides, I live in a cloud... Remember?” “Well maybe Applejack could...” “Applejack's a farm pony Twilight, you know she doesn't have time for that” “what about Rarity?” “Oh... But she works with so many sharp needles and things... It's too dangerous for someone his size” Fluttershy interjected “Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow Dash gave Twilight a rather pointed look “Right” Twilight sighed “of course not...” “Jeez Twilight” Said Rainbow Dash exasperatedly “Why don't you just look after him? All you do is read and move books around, how hard would it be to just keep an eye on the guy every once in a while? Besides, isn't this some kind of alien from another planet? Why don't you like, study it or something? Isn't that what you eggheads like to do?” Twilight did seem to perk up a bit at the word study, but she still didn't seem too thrilled by the idea. “Well... I guess it would be okay if you stayed for a while” She said, finally looking at me and forcing a rather unconvincing smile. She obviously wanted to get rid of me, she must hate me... But why? She barely even knew me! Did I really look that bad? I knew we couldn't love each other but I was hoping we could at least be friends, but she didn't even seem to want to be in the same room as me! If I was in any way religious I might have assumed that this whole situation was some kind of elaborate punishment for sexual deviancy or something... Maybe I was just over thinking this, she probably just didn't want to go through the hassle of looking after me or something... In any case I felt rather intrusive at that moment and wished that I could stay somewhere else, especially since it would be pretty difficult to ignore my feelings for her when I’m going to be around her constantly. But even with all this considered, I still couldn't help but be thrilled by the idea of spending more time with Twilight. {{{}}} “Well... I guess it would be okay if you stayed for a while” Twilight said, looking at Mike and forcing a smile. She may have been smiling on the outside, but inside her mind was swimming with fears, doubts and a fair amount of excitement at the prospect of being alone with the tiny human 'If I make a mistake and mistreat the mysteriously minuscule Mike, I might not maintain my masquerade as a non microhilic mare! Mike would be majorly mortified!' Thought Twilight to herself But she didn't have much choice in the matter; Rainbow Dash was right, she had no excuses. 'Calm down Twilight' she thought to herself 'all I need to do is ask Princess Celestia to find accommodations for Mike in my letter... In the meantime I will just have to ignore any impure thoughts' “Um... Twilight?” Fluttershy spoke up, interrupting her reverie “If you don't need me any more then I should really get home... I haven't fed Angel yet and he's going to be very angry with me as it is...” “Of course Fluttershy... Don't let me keep you” Replied Twilight, despite her brain screaming for her to stay “Yeah... I better take off as well” Said Rainbow Dash, “if I wanna be able to say that I'm too cool for vision then I'm gonna need way more practice... You should really get that window fixed by the way” “Thanks for reminding me” Twilight replied dryly “No problem!” Said Rainbow Dash as she sped out the room, oblivious to Twilights tone of voice. “It was nice to meet you Mike, I hope you make it home safely” Said Fluttershy, before leaving in a much calmer fashion. Soon enough Twilight and Mike where left alone. Twilight stared at the tiny human standing on the table, it would be so easy to do whatever she wanted with him now that there was nopony there to stop her... But she knew that she would never be able to forgive herself if she did, she eventually realised she was staring and that Mike was looking rather uncomfortable about it. 'Great, now he probably thinks I'm crazy or something' thought Twilight as she looked away and cleared her throat awkwardly “Ehem... Well, I should really get started on that letter I suppose” She said before realising that she would have to take Mike with her. She thought it would be a bit rude to just pluck him up without asking, although the idea did excite her a bit... “Uh... Do you mind if I um... Pick you up? With my magic I mean...” She asked, feeling a bit awkward about it “Sure” Mike replied “I don't think I'm going to get very far on my own at this size” Twilight smiled slightly and started to levitate Mike in the air. Lifting something via telekinesis might sound perfectly impersonal to a non-unicorn, but a unicorns telekinetic “grip” is as much a part of a unicorns body as the horn that creates it. Unicorns can feel what they touch with this grip as keenly as if they where holding it physically, and when Twilight picked up the living talking being with as much ease as lifting a quill she felt a rush of power and excitement. It took all she had to not take advantage of him right then and there... “tell me if I move you around too fast... Or something” She said, quelling the urge to shake him around like a ragdoll just to show how easy it would be. Twilight carried Mike upstairs and towards her writing desk... The very desk that she had been using just moments ago, she realised with shame. At least she had already cleared it, she thought as she placed him on the table. She was disappointed at having to put him down, she had grown quite fond of holding him. But it's not like she could just keep him in the air the whole time, that would seem suspicious. She grabbed a blank parchment and a quill and started writing: Dear Princess Celestia I am writing to inform you of a rather unusual situation. Earlier this afternoon my friend Fluttershy was on her way to her cottage when she discovered a being that identifies himself as a human by the name of “Mike” from a planet called Earth, he claims that he has no knowledge of how he arrived. What is perhaps even more unusual is that he is approximately two inches in height, This seems to be the result of an advanced spell that I am unable to remove, I was hoping you could help Mike return to his normal size before returning him to Earth, he is currently staying with me at the library but I was also hoping you could find more appropriate accommodations for him, he will obviously need constant attention as he is rather delicate at his current size, I hope to hear from you as soon as possible. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle Twilight rolled up the letter once she finished, usually Spike sent her letters to Celestia, but luckily she knew how to cast the spell herself, she sent it away in a puff of green smoke. {{{}}} After Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had left I noticed Twilight staring at me, but it wasn't like before... She didn't seem frightened or disgusted... She almost looked hungry, like she wanted to swallow me whole. I figured it must have been my mind playing tricks with me, probably because I wanted her to do just that. The sight of her looking down at me with such a hungry expression made my heart start racing again, I wanted nothing more then for her to snap her jaws around me and start tossing me around her mouth like a piece of candy... But I knew it would never happen, and that was a good thing... I had to keep telling myself that. After an uncomfortably long time of Twilight staring at me she suddenly looked away and cleared her throat “Ehem... Well, I should really get started on that letter I suppose” She said, before stopping to think for a moment. “Uh... Do you mind if I um... Pick you up? With my magic I mean...” She asked hesitantly “Sure” I replied, trying not to sound as excited about the prospect as I felt “I don't think I'm going to get very far on my own at this size” Twilight smiled slightly and I was engulfed in a purple glow. It felt warm and tingly, and I found myself enjoying it far more then I had expected to. It was almost as if the magic itself was a living entity, and I supposed it was a part of the purple mare who I suddenly had such strong feelings for... As I was raised into the air just the thought of being picked up by Twilight Sparkle and being under her full control sent shivers down my spine “tell me if I move you around too fast... Or something” She said, 'yeah right' I thought, she could probably shake me around like a ragdoll for all I cared, in fact I would probably even enjoy it. Twilight took me upstairs over to her writing desk and placed me onto it, I was disappointed to lose contact with her magic. Which I had to admit I had grown quite fond of, but I knew it couldn't last. I watched her as she took a blank piece of parchment and a quill and started to write to Celestia, I sighed as I watched her from afar. I wanted to jump off the desk and run up to one of her hooves, just to be able to touch it at least once. But that would be rude, not to mention embarrassing 'I've got to keep my desires in check' I thought to myself 'and I definitely can't let Twilight know that I feel this way... She would be disgusted! She might even think that I came here on purpose or something!' So I just sat there and waited until she had sent the message to Celestia in a puff of green smoke “She should receive it straight away” Said Twilight, looking down at you “unless she's busy at the moment she shouldn't take too long to reply” “Thank you for doing all this Twilight” I said earnestly “Oh... That's okay” She said, blushing slightly “I know I wouldn't like it if I found myself shrunk in a strange new world” 'That's because you're not a macrophile... or a brony' I thought, but wisely refrained from saying “It's not that bad, at least I'm in good company” I said instead, Immediately worrying that Twilight would take that the wrong way... Well, technically it would be the right way but it certainly wasn't the way he wanted her to take it “I mean totally platonically good company of course” I blurted out before I could stop myself 'What the buck kind of save was that?' I thought (figuring I should at least ponify my language a bit) 'Stupid brain!' Luckily though Twilight didn't seem to find that odd for some reason, probably due to her poor social awareness “Oh... Well... Thank you” She said, smiling bashfully “I think you're platonically good company too” Okay, I knew she was just repeating what I had just said to her but for some reason hearing that still made me feel like I had just been stabbed through the heart, I tried to ignore it though. “So... I was going to find those books I talked about earlier... So can I pick you up aga-” “Yes” I said, far too quickly and eagerly “I mean, that's cool... You don't have to ask” She seemed to perk up at that, at least she seemed to be warming to me “And... Maybe you could tell me about Earth while I look?” She asked “I'd be happy too” I said honestly, eager to feed Twilights thirst for knowledge that I so admired her for “Great! Let's go” She said as I once again felt the tingling of her magic wrap itself around me, much to my delight “Celestias letter should appear wherever I am since Spike isn't here to receive it” Said Twilight as she walked downstairs “So all we need to do is wait until- Oomph!” Suddenly Twilight walked face first into what looked like a giant white pillar “Hello Twilight Sparkle” Said Princess Celestia, looking down at us with an expression on her face that made me feel quite nervous “I would like to speak with this human you found” To be continued. |