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by April
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1876580
Still a very rough short chapter, I may combine it with another. Not entirely sure yet.
Chapter 6               

                Oracle Fay slowly made her way to the waiting travel party. She braced against nerves that made her want to run back to her room and shut herself away. She opened the door and walked outside. A frigid blast of cold air took her breath away. Stepping out onto the snow, she approached the teams cautiously, afraid of falling on the slippery walk. The yard was full of activity. All of the servants were helping to load and tie down the many travel trunks they would be taking. She saw Mina huddled behind Ky braced against the sudden wind that started to blow. Fay called out to them but her calls went unheard due to the gusting winds. She turned her back to the wind and waited for it to die down, before calling out to them again. This time she was heard and Mina rushed to her side.

         “Mistress, here take my arm. I’ll bring you to your canopy. I’ve added some blankets with a warming charm. Soon you’ll forget about the weather,” Mina said, as she tried to comfort Fay.

         By the time they reached her canopy, Ky was there waiting to assist her inside. The squirrel lowered to the ground and Ky pushed some stairs to its side. He took Fay’s arm and led her up to the canopy. There he held open the flap while she climbed in. Fay settled on the seat and covered up with the blankets Mina left. Ky checked to make sure Fay was settled then closed the flap securing it against the elements. Ky made his way back down the stairs barking out orders for the others to finish up.

         Once they were ready to head out, Mina joined Fay in her canopy. Ky rode the lead squirrel, Mina and Fay were directly behind him on a second squirrel with two more squirrels behind them carrying the trunks. A sharp whistle, a couple flips of a tail and the small party headed out into the unforgiving winter.

         “This is unacceptable! Can’t this thing move more calmly? It’s going to throw us off! How do we tell Ky to stop? I want off this tree rat at once!!” Fay cried out, while trying to stand-up and leave. Mina forced her to stay in her seat by holding her shoulder.

         “Mistress please, stay calm you’re going to hurt yourself! We can’t contact Ky until he stops. Just relax, here take this,”  ordered Mina. She pulled out a pill and handed it to Fay. “It will make you sleep. I brought some just incase you had this type of reaction. By the time you wake we should be at the campsite.”

         “I’m not taking any pills!” Fay said excitedly. “What if we get ambushed?! I need to be alert and ready for anything!”

         “You’re so melodramatic.” A voice said out of nowhere. “Quiet down and take your medicine.” The Goddess Imerra appeared in the now crowded canopy with Fay and Mina. “You have good protection with you.”

         “Goddess no offence, but a hired hand and a maid hardly make good warriors.” Fay replied crossly.

         “No, they wouldn’t but have you forgotten that Mina carries with her the crystal I gave her?” Imerra asked patiently.

         “What good is tiny crystal when a horde is swooping down and attacking us? And for that matter, why are you here; if not but to rescue me from this torture?” She asked hopefully.

         “I already said, stop behaving like a spoiled child,” scolds Imerra. “I’m here because I wanted to check up on you and warn you that the others have started their search. It won’t be much longer before word starts to spread about missing women and children. Take heed and don’t go to those areas until you hear from me. Got it?”

         “I understand Goddess,” Mina answered respectfully. “Is there any other news?”

         Mina heard the voice of Goddess Imerra in her head. “Yes, the bait was taken. The others are following a false trail. You may cross paths in Bean Town unless you can convince Fay to take an alternative path. You know where you need to go. I’ll leave it in your hands.”

         At the same time, Imerra carried on a separate conversation with Fay. “No, there isn’t. You must be careful and Fay stop giving them a hard time.”

         “Alright, if you’re sure it will be ok, I will take that sleeping pill. My nerves can’t take this travel.” Fay opened her hand to accept the medicine. Goddess Imerra materialized a goblet of water and handed it to her. Fay thanked the Goddess and finished the water. Within a few moments she was laying asleep across the seat with her head on Mina’s lap.

         Mina looked to the Goddess, “Thank-you, I don’t understand why she is acting like this.”

         “She hasn’t liked to travel ever since she had that accident. It doesn‘t matter how you try to get her anywhere. She is more fragile now and with her own mortality looming; it has to frighten her. Honesty, I expected her to be worse,” commented Imerra. “Once you arrive at the Valley don’t give her anymore pills. The others may travel through the Valley on their way to Bean Town. And Fay is right about one thing. She should be alert then. She will be much harder to grab awake.”

         “I’ll keep that in mind. I will let Ky know everything when he stops for the night.”

         “No need. He has heard everything I’ve been saying.” Imerra replied. “Mina, I am going to give you a gift. It will be important that you and Ky are connected at all times.”

         “What kind of gift would do that?” Mina inquired innocently.

         “The gift of telepathy, my child. It will allow you both to communicate without others knowing; now hold still.”

         The Goddess leaned across the canopy and held her hands to Mina’s head. Mina noticed a soft light glowing from the Goddess’ hands and closed her eyes in trust, all the while, opening up her emotions to receive the energy. Goddess Imerra reached deep into her soul looking for the God power. Mina felt the Goddess’ probing warmth within her; finding the right place Imerra carefully unlocked the ability for telepathy. She withdrew her warmth slowly relaxing Mina in the process. “You will need to learn to control the power. Until you do, you may hear some, um, unpleasant things. Like wise, he will hear everything you do including personal thoughts. I suggest practicing on the long journey,” she informed Mina.

         “Yes, I will do just that. I don’t want him in my thoughts,” she said aloud to Imerra. Then thought, “I don’t want him to know how I really feel.”

         Imerra having some fun, responded, “So tell me, how do you really feel about Ky?” She gave Mina a sly smile and quick wink before disappearing.

         Mina thought, “Not. Funny!” and blew a raspberry in the air. She heard the Goddess chuckle. Mina now focused her energies on hearing the exchange between the Goddess and Ky. She was disappointed to find that she was unable to connect. After a few more unsuccessful tries she gave up, content to relax and let her mind wonder. “Hm, Maybe his head is too hard and full of stones so the Goddess can’t give him the gift,” she thought, smiling to herself.

         “Now poppet, that’s not very nice.”

         Mina jumped, startled by the unexpected response to her thoughts.

         “Contrary to what you may think, I’ve had the ability the whole time. I requested that you be able to speak with me like this. It took some convincing but they finally agreed,” informed Ky. “I wanted to tell you we’ll be arriving at the camp site in about another hour.”

         “What?! We just left,” Mina said aloud.

         “Think it, don’t speak it. Others will think you’re out of that pretty little head of yours,” he reminded her. “The Goddess must’ve distorted time while she was with you. We’ve been traveling for hours. These guys are fast. We should be there early if we can keep up the pace.”

         “Just let me know when we can camp. And stay outta my head!” Mina closed her eyes thinking that would keep him out.

         They arrived at the campsite sooner then expected but still late into the night. The moon, high in the night sky, shown  brightly with no clouds to hide it. Thankful that Fay and Mina were both asleep, Ky set to putting up shelter for the three of them. If they were awake he wouldn’t have been able to use his powers. No one is to know his full strength for their safety and his own. He must keep his true identity hidden. He materialized the large tent and flashed the trunks inside with just a thought. He wrapped both women in the charmed blankets before picking up Fay and carrying her to the waiting tent. He returned for Mina, picked her up just as with Fay, only when he left the canopy did the cold air of the night cause her to stir. She briefly opened her eyes, smiled then snuggled closer into his embrace. He obliged and held her a little tighter, too. The squirrels retreated into the surrounding trees once everyone was safely within the tent.

         Mina rose early the next morning to find Ky sleeping next to her in a separate sleeping bag. She smiled at the warm feelings the scene stirred within her. While she watched, he smiled in his sleep. Before she could begin to wonder what he was thinking she got a flash of a beautiful lush garden, woman’s giggle followed by a voice saying, “Stop it Ky, you naughty boy!” Without thinking Mina hit him with her pillow and yelled, “Ugh, you’re such a pig.”

         Ky is jolted awake and confused about what just happened. He was having a wonderful dream, where he was lost in Lord Fennik’s garden chasing one of the servant girls. Now he was awake with Mina yelling at him; but for what? He shook the sleep way and tried to focus on what she was saying.

         “I can’t believe what a pervert you are. I heard everything. Well, what do you have to say for yourself?” She finished, standing in front of him with her hands on her hips and tapping her foot.

         He simply thought with a sleepy smile on his face, “Learn control and don’t go where you’re not invited. Goddess Imerra did warn you about not having control. By the way, you kept me up most of the night with your dreams….of me! So, don’t go throwing stones, Poppet.” And with that he covered his head and burrowed under the blankets, again. 

         She sat heavily on her bedroll with a thump; thinking quite loudly, “How do I control this? Wake-up and teach me!”


         “Yes, I want privacy”


         “I will sing, badly, until you agree to teach me,” she warned.

         “The answer is still no.”

         “Fine don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she inhaled deeply preparing to sing loudly in her mind.

         He continued to ignore her.

         “Big head, big head, roly-poly big head, big head, big head beat it up fun! Ky has a really, really big head, big head, big head beat it up fun!” She let him have it again with the pillow. When he didn’t respond she continued to sing, “That’s…the…on-ly…line…of the song…I know. So…I will…re-pe-e-eat it. Big head, big head, roly-poly big head, big head, big head, beat it up fun! Ky has a really, really big head, big head, big head beat it up fun!” And again she let him have it with the pillow.

         “Okay, okay, I give. I’ll teach you; please just stop singing!” begged Ky, “We’ll begin once we’re back on the road. Can I get some sleep, now?”

         “You better not have anymore of those dreams,” warned Mina. “I’m going to make breakfast you can sleep until it’s done.”


         Covered in sweat and panting, Apple woke with a fright. She searched the dark for an unseen menace. Her heart raced with no sign of calming down, she reached over and nudged Todd awake. “Todd, Todd dear wake-up. I’m sacred.”

         “Hmmm. What’s wrong Apple?” Todd asked, while sitting up and rubbing his eyes, trying to clear the sleep from his head.

         “Todd, they’re after our child.”

         This statement sobered and concerned him. “What are you talking about? I didn’t hear anything.”

         “I think it was a dream…I’m not sure. I mostly remember yellow eyes and a voice beckoning me to give him Brigid. I remember clinging tightly to a swaddled bundle in my arms and running. I was running for our lives. I remember thinking, he can’t get her, and that I had to protect her to keep her safe. Oh Todd, I’m so scared,” she said leaning into his loving embrace. He held her tightly trying to offer safety and comfort.

         “Shhh…it’s okay, I’m here. No one will harm you or the baby,” he offered. “Apple, calm yourself. It was just a bad dream. Why would anyone want our child.”

         She wiped away tears and looked up at her husband, “Todd, I-I think our daughter is special.”

         “Well of course she’s special, she’s our daughter,” he said, continuing to hold her and stroking her hair.

         “No, that’s not what I meant,” she continued, hesitantly. “I believe she will be powerful.” 

         “Now you’re just being silly. That message about Oracle Fay visiting soon has gotten you all worked up. I bet that’s where all of this is coming from. Don’t worry dear, I’m sure everything will be fine when she arrives. Let’s try to get some sleep until then, okay?”

         “Okay, you’re probably right. I’ve heard of women having bazaar dreams during pregnancy. One thing though…” she questioned.

“Anything for my Apple pie, name it.”

         “Promise me, you won’t leave me?”

         “There isn’t a force on this world or the next that would make me leave you. You’re my love and life. What would I do without you?” He lovingly replied, then kissed her on the forehead. They settled down and she curled up as closely as she could to him and he wrapped her in his arms. Just as they started to doze off again, something she said earlier resurfaced in his mind causing him to sit-up this time. “Apple, you said, “Brigid.”

         “Yes, I believe I did. Why?” she questioned, not understanding what he was asking.

         “I thought “We” weren’t naming the baby until she is born; but, just now you called her Brigid.”

         “I didn’t name her. That’s the name from my dream. We can still figure it out once she’s here,” she said reassuringly.

         “I like it. Brigid, it’s very nice. I’ll put it at the top of the list,” he said as he settled back down and drifted off to sleep.


         “Stop it, Ky!” Mina yelled at him in her thoughts. “Stop being so obnoxious.”

         “Block me and I won’t be,” he instructed. “Try again. Visualize an impenetrable wall surrounding you. Nothing can get in or out.”

         “Okay, I’m trying. An impenetrable wall.” Closing her eyes she concentrated on the seeing a wall surrounding her. Only this time the wall was made of Dwarfin ore, the strongest metal ore in existence. A few minutes passed with nothing. She waited a while longer to make sure he wasn‘t playing another trick before letting her barrier down. 

         When she did finally let down the barrier she heard Ky carrying on, “Confound it woman, did you fall asleep on me? That should’ve had you jumping from the canopy.” 

         “I didn’t hear a thing. I did it!” she exclaimed. “Yes, I told you I could do it!”

         “Good, now practice doing it quickly,” he said continuing their lesson. “The faster you can set it up without much focus the better. Soon, you’ll choose at will like flipping a switch. Once you achieve that level of control you won’t be plaguing me with those sweet dreams. I must…”

         “Stop it!” This time she saw the wall slamming down and instantly she’s cut off from his taunting. “He can be so crass,” Mina said aloud.

         “Who can be crass?” Fay asked, waking from her long sleep.

         “No one, mistress. How are you feeling? Did you sleep well?”

         “I feel fine and yes, I did sleep well. Are we almost there?”

         “We should be arriving in the valley at anytime. You can rest for a while longer mistress, I’ll inform you when we reach the inn,” offered Mina.

         “No, I’ve rested enough. I just want to stretch my legs and take a hot bath. I hate traveling and I still think this tree rat is trying to throw us off its back,” griped Fay.

         Mina stole a moment to warn Ky, “Oracle Fay is awake. Training is over. I’ll talk to you again once we’ve arrived.”

         “Ok, good luck,” he replied simply.

         A few hours later the party arrived at the Apple Gate Inn. The inn was run by a small family, the Boursins. The inn keeper Melum Boursin, his wife Peaches and their daughter Holly, all live at the inn. Located in the human’s specialty store storage room; the inn isn’t very big, boasting just five rooms. The Boursins disguise it by casting a glamour spell using crystals to renew and power the spell. To the stupid humans, the inn looked like a storage crate tucked away in a far, mostly unused corner of the storage room. The glamour is triggered by light hitting a warning crystal set-up near the door of the storage room. When light from the open door hits the warning crystal, it sends a pulse of light to the crystals surrounding the inn setting up the glamour.

         The entrance to the inn was built into the outer wall of the storage room and accessible by Muridae from the outside. The sign above the door was an ambigram ornately carved into the wood and simple read Apple Gate Inn. To the untrained eye, the Muridae’s form of writing looked like a pattern in the wood.

         The day was nearly over when they reached the inn. The sky was clear and sunny but the sun did nothing to warm the frigid temperatures throughout the day. As soon as the squirrels stopped, Fay was on her feet trying to leave the canopy for solid ground. Mina fought to keep her within the canopy until Ky could bring the stairs around. The ensuing commotion alerted the Boursins to the arrival of their much anticipated guests. 

         They’re greeted outside by Peaches who is followed by Mel and Holly. “Welcome everyone. My name is Peaches, we’re very honored to have Oracle Fay and her keepers stay with us. My husband, Mel, will help you with your things and our daughter, Holly, will show you to the rooms we have for each of you. If there is anything you need, please, don’t hesitate to ask.”

         “What I need right now is a hot bath and good food; Peaches, did you say? Make me up a hot bowl of stew,” barked Fay, as she stormed toward the inn. “I’m chilled to my bones from this blasted cold.”

         “Y-yes, right away,” Peaches replied, shocked by the gruff orders barked at her by Oracle Fay. “Every room has a private refreshing room, well stocked with soft soaps and towels. I’ll prepare your food right away, if you’ll excuse me.” Bowing, she made a hasty retreat to the inn.

         Mel walked over to where Ky was unpacking the trunks and offered a welcome. “Hello, young one, my name is Melum, but you can call me Mel, everyone does. How are you this fine day?” Mel said while offering his outstretched hand. 

         “Greetings Mel, my name is Ky,” he said, as he grasped Mel’s offered arm midway between his wrist and elbow. They shook in a customary greeting.

         “Need a hand with those trunks?” Mel asked.

         “I’ll take all the help you can give. My friends here have been kind enough to carry the load for many days now. I’m sure they would appreciate a hasty reprieve,” Ky offered. “But first, I better take the Oracle’s trunk to her straight away, before she comes looking for it.”

         “Sure thing, young one. I’ll bring in what I can until you get back,” offered Mel. 

         Ky had doubts to Mel bringing in even one trunk by the time he returned. Mel was a sizeable Muridae with a well rounded belly. It was clear that Peaches was a decent cook and that Mel didn’t miss many meals. Peaches, on the other hand, was a beautiful lady who was fit with pleasant curves. Ky had observed while carrying in the trunk for Oracle Fay, that their poor daughter Holly, inherited her father’s traits, in that she was a more on the round side, too.

         Ky carried the trunk through the entrance into the cozy reception area. Across the room, from the door, was the reception desk. To the right of the desk was a sitting area with a couch, two chairs and a table. To the left of the desk, was the stairwell leading to the guest rooms. To his immediate left, a door led into the dining room. He headed up the stairs with the heavy trunk.

         Oracle Fay’s room was the furthest room from the entrance. She likes her privacy and to be far from what she considers riff-raff. Ky knocked on the door before entering.

         “Enter,” Fay called to Ky. As he entered the room with the trunk she instructed him, “Place it over by the end of the bed. Then you may go.” Turning to Mina she continued giving orders. “Mina, I expect you to have my things unpacked by the time I’ve finished with my soak.”

         “Yes, Mistress,” replied Mina as she set to unpacking Fay‘s belongings.

         Ky did as ordered, then left to unload the rest of the trunks. By the time he returned, Mel had all of the trunks unloaded and the canopies removed. Ky walked outside just in time to thank the squirrels and see them off. “Mel, I must say, I’m pleasantly surprised,” commented Ky.

         “Oh, how’s that?”

         “If I may speak openly, I didn’t think you had it in you to handle all of these trunks by yourself.”

         “While Peaches is an excellent cook; she can be quite the task master and running an inn is no small job. Something always seems to need my attention but, thank you for the compliment. How about we finish up and get a drink from the bar to warm us up?” Mel offered.

         “That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day,” Ky answered. Working together they had the remaining trunks in the rooms, in no time.

         Ky took a quick shower and put on fresh clothing before heading to the bar. To his surprise, Mina was there laughing at something funny Mel just said. He paused at the door, captivated by her every move and lost in how her eyes sparkled when she smiled. As if she sensed him watching her, she turned and waved to him. That brought him to his senses and he walked over to the small group. “Mina, I didn’t expect to see you here,” he said while approaching the group.

         “I know, Oracle Fay is eating in her room tonight. So, I made my excuses and escaped down here. I don’t know how long it’ll be until she calls for me but for the moment I’m here.” 

         “Have you had a chance to eat yet?” Ky asked hopefully.

         “No she hasn’t,” interjected Mel. “In fact, Peaches is preparing food for you two now. Why don’t you sit over at the table near the fire place and I’ll check on your meals.”

         “Care to join me?” Ky ventured. 

         “I just might but you better behave yourself.” Mina said pointedly.

         “I’ll be on my best behavior, you have my word,” he said as he held his hand out to her in a peace offering. She slid off the stool and took his hand allowing him to lead her to the suggested table.

         The dining room was quaint, styled to have the feel of a log cabin. There were a couple booths along the wall across from the bar. The fire place was on the back wall. It took up most of the wall and had a thick rough wood mantle. Above the mantle, hangs a painting depicting a winter solstice festival. The sun set awhile ago and the only light in the room came from the low burning fire. The soft light had a calming affect, smoothing out everyone’s rough edges from the long travel.

         Ky and Mina were the only two beings in the room; for a few minutes neither said a word. She looked down at her drink turning it nervously on the table. He watched her trying to think of something clever to say. Finally, after mustering the nerve he ventured to break the ice, “You caught on to blocking faster then I expected.”

         She kept her head down while she answered him, “Thanks, but it wasn’t that hard. I just visualized the strongest thing I could think of, a wall made of Dwarfin ore.”

         He rubbed the back of his neck nervously and cautiously continued on, “Hm, I’ve never heard of that one before. Individual blocks are different for all. Some use the door closing visualization, but I haven’t heard of anyone needing to be that specific.”

         His last comment made her look up at him. “What are you trying to say? That I’m some weirdo?” She accused.

         “No, no interesting. All I meant is that…,” he paused and looked into his lap for courage. “All I meant is that I find you very interesting,” he finished.

         “Oh,” she replied sheepishly and returned to spinning her drink.

         Not a moment too soon, Peaches entered with their meal. “A little pixie told me you all could use some grub. Here you go. It‘s a veg stew with all the fixin‘s and I have a couple goblets of wine for you both.”

         “Thank you, it smells divine,” replied Mina inhaling the heavenly aroma.

         “Enjoy, I’ll be in the kitchen, just ring the bell if you need anything.”

         Mina dipped her spoon into the stew and stirred it slowly to release more of the inviting smell. Ky watched her, enjoying how she took pleasure in the simple things. They ate mostly in silence savoring the quiet and sumptuous meal. Peaches checked on them a time or two to replenish their goblets. By the third goblet, Mina was feeling the effects of the wine. “You know Ky, I could find you handsome and let myself fall for you.”

         He raised an eyebrow in response to her comment not sure how to proceed, he continued carefully, “You think so?”

         “I’d be a fool not too, you’re strong, virile and very good looking. Don’t tell anybody but I kinda like it when you’re crass, too.”

         “Don’t worry your secret is safe with me, Poppet. Can I tell you something?”

         “Well, sure you can. What is it?”

         Ky reached across the table to hold Mina’s hand. He gently rubbed her knuckles with his thumb. “I have found myself falling for you, too.”   

         She smiled at the warm feelings his statement stirred. Still holding her hand his rose and approached her from across the table. She followed his every movement. He reached her side of the table and knelt down, looking deeply into her eyes. She responded to him by leaning in closer. He leaned in closer to her preparing to kiss her. A moment before their lips meet her crystal started vibrating and a shrill scream is heard coming from upstairs.

         Ky took off in the direction of the scream with Mina trailing not far behind. They met Oracle Fay just outside her room. She was sitting in a chair in the hall breathing heavily with a hand clasped to her chest. Ky continued past into the room while Mina saw to Fay.

         “Mistress, are you ok? What happened?” She asked checking her over for any visible signs of injury.

         “There was someone in my room!” She said excitedly.

         “Do you know who it was or what they looked like?” Mina asked trying to get any details.

         “I don’t know who it was but it was a mushroom pixie. I thought he was there to hurt me,” Fay answered, fear shown in her eyes.

         Mina pressed her further, “Did he do or say anything to you?”

         “No, he…looked shocked to see me there and when I screamed he disappeared again.”

         Before Mina could ask anymore questions Mel was jogging up to them followed by Peaches and Holly. “What happened? Is everyone alright?”

         “Everything’s ok, Mel,” Ky answered as he walked out of Fay’s room. “A mushroom pixie flashed into Oracle Fay’s room scaring her. No ones here now.”

         “I wonder if it has anything to do with the couple that left this morning,” suggested Peaches.

         “You mean those cross-breeders?” Mel questioned in a disgusted tone.

         “Mel watch your language in front of Holly,” Peaches scolded. “They were a nice couple, however they choose to live their lives. He was a Muridae and she was a mushroom pixie. They kept to themselves not needing anything more then the room. They only stayed the one night and left early this morning, like I said.”

         “Do you have their names?” Questioned Ky.

         “Yes, we keep a ledger of all our quests; Holly can show you. Mel, you stay here and I’ll get everyone a drink to calm the nerves.”

         Ky followed Holly back down the stairs to the reception desk. She walked behind the counter and pulled the large book out from under the counter. Holly opened it to the latest page. Ky followed her finger in anticipation to learn the names of couple. When she stopped he couldn’t believe his eyes, Mr. and Mrs. Swiss. Ky moaned in disbelief at his poor luck. The last name of Swiss was as common and ambiguous in the world of the Muridae as Smith was to the humans. It was a dead end. After thanking Holly, he walked back upstairs to find Mina.

         “While Ky checks on the ledger, I’ll move your things to my room. You can stay with me,” Mina said, heading into Fay’s room.

         Mina’s room was smaller then Oracle Fay’s suite but not by much. The room was decorated simply with the necessities covered. There was a good sized bed, night tables, a couple chairs and a closet. The furniture was matching dark wood with the large bed located on the middle of one wall. On either side of the bed were night tables complete with fairy lights. The lights were crafted fairy orbs infused with enchanted fairy dust. To activate the lights, one just has to tap on the orbs.

         A typical fairy orb has three light settings, dawn, and daylight bright, and dusk. The walls were painted to resemble the edge of a forest with a grass green rug. The room as a whole gave one the sense of standing in a forest clearing.

         Mina moved Fay into her room and had just finished moving the last of her items by the time Ky returned to check on them. “Did you find out who the couple was?” She asked when he entered the room.

         “It was a dead end. They signed in as Mr. and Mrs. Swiss.” Ky walked around the room, pausing only to look out the window.

         “That’s not a total loss,” commented Mina, while hanging Fay’s robes in the closet.

         “How do you figure?” Ky questioned as he took a seat in one of the chairs.

         Not ceasing from her task, Mina encouraged, “Well, think about it. Why would they possibly use a pseudo name?”

         “Because of their relationship, of course,” replied Fay. “That’s just unforgivable.”

         “That’s too obvious. What if they are trying to cover their tracks?” Prodded Mina.

         “We have no way to know that and we don’t know if the two pixies are connected.” Ky reminded them.

         “How often do you hear of a mixed couple living anyplace other then the Dark. I’ll tell you. You don’t; it wouldn’t happen. Muridae won’t stand for it. They would be so shunned, it would be hard for them to eek out a living,” Interjected Fay. “I think Mina may be on to something.”

         “No matter what I may be on to, can we pick this conversation up in the morning?” Mina asked while moving to sit on the bed. “I’m not feeling well all of the sudden and I think the room is starting to spin.”

         “I think we all should sleep in here tonight,” stated Ky. “I want to be close incase there is another incident. Plus, it seems like Mina may be down for the count. Poor dear can’t handle a couple drinks.”

         “Oh, stuff it Ky,” Mina said. “I’m fine. I can handle it and if we need any help we’ll yell.”

         “No, Mina, I agree with Ky. You and I can sleep in the bed and Ky you can have the floor,” ordered Fay. “I’ll not have another word about it. This room is big enough to accommodate all of us.”

         “I’ll gather my things and be right back,” Ky said as he got up to leave.

© Copyright 2012 April (sbielec at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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