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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Other · Other · #1875724
Been there, done that, probably going to do it again. How about you?
A place to not only set your Frazzled Mom free, but to truly vent all those wondrous frustrations that make you Frazzled. Glory in your Mom-ness!

For those of visiting, welcome to our friendly little fire. *Bigsmile*

FraMoWriGro Open in new Window. [18+]
Frazzled Mom Writing Group
by cvwriter - school be crazy Author Icon

You forget you started a campfire with this same topic months ago, but time got away from your ability to add the awesome ramblings of your frazzled mind. *Bigsmile*
You get caught up in summer fun and end up writing odd bits of varied projects. I think I sunburned my already frazzled brain. *Shock*
You write an entire story in your head while your simultaniously cooking and washing dishes so you can hurry up and write it down before you forget it.
You find that you start using baby talk in your dialogue without thought, then when you read it over before posting realize you have to rewrite half the chapter. *Laugh*
When you have designated story writing time during the in order to keep your kids occupied for a half hour so you can edit a scene. Then when you read their work--complete with illustrations--you simultaneously feel proud and jealous. Why didn't I think of crossing sheep with velociraptors?
When you wait for your kid to leave for camp so you can finally get time to think and write. Might even find some new story in the brain. Maybe about a Selkie...
You forgot it's your turn again, along with almost forgetting to do your monthly review requirements for one of your writing groups, and also just remembered you still have to pay the utility bill and car insurance. Plus, you have a pool party scheduled for tomorrow for your extended family members visiting from Scotland, so you won't have time to put off all the above mentioned stuff, let alone get a chance to write until you get everything else squared away! Blargh! :::sweatin' the small stuff here:::
You wake up in the middle of the night on the couch with all of your kids on top of you and your lap top. Instead of getting up to go to bed, you go over your chapter idea until you fall back asleep.
You find yourself standing in line at the store with your note list pad in your hand and instead of marking off your food list you are writing your next chapter, only to find the person behind you is looking over your shoulder to read what you are writing and it turns out it is a mother of one of your daughter's friends. She has read your other book and was trying to get a sneak peek at your next one. Woohoo I got a fan....:)
A Non-Existent User
You finally get some great 'me' time in because the kids are out of the house, the house is clean, the dishes are done, the pets are fed, and what do you do? Stare at your computer screen for three hours, your mind as silent as the house. Of course, your brain kicks in, the ideas start to flowing, the kids walk in the door, the animals are screaming for attention, there's a mountain of dishes that mysteriously appeared, and the house must be haunted because...everything's a mess again! Gah!
When you have to delete half a chapter because you were really pissed at your hubs, and wrote five pages of revenge-laden, thems-fight-words dialogue, but then he turned around and did something sweet, like take the kids to the bookstore so you could have some 'me time'. Now the chapter has a much happier tone. Oh the fight is still there, but it is much pithier and laden with witty charm instead of ear-blistering insults and swear words.

Now about ready to kill off a dog in the next chapter because my puppy decided to roll around in deer poop and then jump on my bed. Grrrrr.
When the reason you started this whole zombie writing thing (14 yr old son) makes you so mad that you start thinking of ways to turn him into zombie chow, which means they have to get out of the thing or zombies have to get in...hmmmmm...
When your designated writing space (aka the garage) is now hot as Hades and you still sweat your tush off in there to get some peace and quiet. Though I must say, the sweltering heat hasn't been conducive to prolific writing. Right now, there's a breeze--yay!--and Wrath is on the prowl.
When you Finally feel inspired to write something and you can't find the chord that charges your lap top. After thirty minutes of frantic searching, you find your son used it to tie up an hang all of the bad guys from his Batman collection--in the bathroom--on the towel rack. Ladies an gentlemen, Ms. Inspiration has left the building!
When between changing diapers, bottles, and chasing children, you find that your muse walked out the door hours ago because even she could not take the noise. When she returned, it was to give her 2 week noice and advise you to try a deaf muse next time.
A Non-Existent User
When you finally manage some spare time to write, but you find yourself playing Plants vs. Zombies, the game you bought for your son, because you're too tired, too drained to do anything but sit there, stare at the computer, and click the mouse. The sad thing is...you feel like a traitor to your own kind every time you kill a zombie!
What with summer and ending and school beginning, you totally forget you are leading this thing and that's it's stuck on your turn until a very special friend pokes you in the ribs by requesting a invitation. THANKS JILLY-BEAN!
When your muse visits at night and you are too tired to get up and take notes or write anything down because you are busy trying to sleep and by the time you wake up...what was that again? Crap. *sigh*
When you long to write but life happens...and by happens, I mean happens to crap all over your writing plans, lol. Just thought I'd put that in for all of us struggling to get back into our groove. *Wink*
When you finally check your email and brave through the 1026 messages to see that Wdc is reminding you that it is your turn to do the campfire. Crap! Sorry, ladies. I have no excuses. I am so ashamed! *Frown*
When you check your email everyday and still over look the email from your daughter's teacher telling you that she has been reading her peoms and would like to talk. Your muse sets off all kinds of issues with this once you do read it and when the time finally comes to talk to the teacher you are prepared to defind her with all you have, only to find out the teacher would like to see if you would mind her showing a editor she knows her work. Then it hits you, she might be published before you are....lol but that is okay cause you think she is that good too. *RibbonB*

© Copyright 2012 cvwriter - school be crazy, Perish Throckmorton, Lana, LG back to the writing board, Kaelhyn, xx-xx, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
GROUP has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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