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This is my first time writing this type of story.Please rate |
Author note: Even though my story and I have the same name, it's only coincidence. SURRENDER By: Black Angel "Mr.Sinster, if you go to pharmacy Helfrank, I'm sure you'll find what you need," Doctor Jessica Sultan recommended. "Thank you, Dr.Sultan. Could you kindly remind me of my next appointment?"the voice at the other end inquired. "How about Friday at 3:00?" "No problem Dr.Sultan. See you then." ** ** ** ** ** ** MEMORIZING THESE PASSWORDS AND SECRET SAYINGS ARE ALMOST ENOUGH TO MAKE ME SUICIDAL, I thought to myself. MY REAL NAME IS CASSANDRA BAILLEY AND HERE I AM----- A SO-CALLED INNOCENT CITIZEN OF THE U.S., BY THE NAME OF DR.JESSICA SULTAN! WITH ALL THE DAMN MONEY PUT INTO OUR INTELLIGENCE CENTER, YOU'D THINK THEY'D COME UP WITH SOMETHING A BIT MORE INTERESTING. ** ** ** ** ** ** The office door opened, and secretary Ms.Martha Canos, came in. "You rang, doctor?" she asked as she neared my desk. I slowly looked up from the folder that I had been flipping through," Um...yeah. Please bring me the files on...," EVEN WHILE I'M TALKING, MY MIND IS WANDERING TO OTHER MATTERS. GUESS THAT 3 MONTHS IN ISOLATION PAID OFF."...while you're at it. And also fix an appointment for Mark Sinster for next Friday. You may go now," I finished with a dismissive wave of my hand. "Yes, doctor," Ms.Canos heads towards the door, but suddenly turned around." Oh! I almost forgot. There's a meeting at 504, block 7," she said with a look that said more than her words. I glanced up."Thank you. I'll be there." I answered with a slight frown. ** ** ** ** ** THE SO-CALLED MARK SINSTER IS ACTUALLY JOHN FELK, MY RIGHT-HAND MAN IN BUSINESS-----ANY BUSINESS. HE HAD CALLED ME TO PUT ME UP TO DATE ABOUT WHAT WAS HAPPENING SINCE OUR LAST MEETING. MS.CANOS, OR ACTUALLY IZABELL DROVY, HAD STOPPED TO TELL ME WHERE OUR NEXT 'MEETING' WOULD BE HELD. IN THIS LINE OF WORK, ANY MEETING PUTS YOU ON THE DEFENSIVE MODE. WHY WOULD MIKE TRUMAN---AN AGENT---CALL A 'MEETING' SO SOON AFTER WE'D JUST HAD ONE? HE BETTER HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE, I muttered to myself, as I walked towards my car. THERE GOES MY QUIET NIGHT TO BEGIN THE WEEKEND, I grumbled. IF HE DOESN'T, I IMA JUST DO THE DAMN MAFIA A FAVOR AND KILL HIM MYSELF. GOD KNOWS HE'S KILLED ANOUGH OF THEIR PEOPLE. ** ** ** ** ** At the secret agent meeting: "Doc,"Louis Trenton started, using the nick-name given to me by our commander, Jonathan Pierce," we cant stay on task with the FBI breathing down our necks as it is!" At 6"2', 250 pounds of pure muscle, his complaint sounded more like a threat. The others nodded their assent. I sighed and rubbed my head. "What do you suggest, eh? Kill them too?" I retorted, still pissed about my ruined weekend. I could already tell we'd have a mission in the next hour. " No, that wouldnt work---more would show up," he said matter-of-factly. I smiled at my team.No wonder we got along: none of us give a damn about a goddamn thing. As the meeting continued, I knew that what Louis had said was true. The FBI WERE sticking their nose where it shouldn't be. I sighed, because I knew they had their reasons; especially after 9/11. There had been a series of things happening that were instantly pinned as terrorist acts: Bombings, killings, hit-and-runs....the list goes on. We weren't shocked.We knew what was going on. They didn't. Which is typical of government officials. "You guys all know why we need to push them off, but what about Scott?" Izabell remarked, with a hint of a smile. " Oh goddammit: i say just put him out of the picture," I responded sarcastically." Idiot cant do shit for the life of him!" "The guys a jerk---granted. But he's still a lead player in this game---whether he knos it or not." Truman replied, lighting a cigarette. "Look, regardless of how stupid he is, this is the bottom line: without him, the main mission is fucked and with him: our mission is still fucked." I said with an ironic smile. Scott McKenzie was the FBI. My agents and I had come to New York to stop what had been labeled as minor terrorist acts, but McKenzie was screwing up big time and always getting in our way with his dumb-asses. So we actually mainly rotated in protecting him and ass---rather then 'solving' the problems. He knew nothing about the supposed terrorist acts besides the basic 'people are dying and we need answers' political point of view. But his uncle--Ron McKenzie, Senator of New York, knew it all. Ron was the head of all the killings, bombings and attempts of inner terrorism. We weren't sure on how to break the news to Scott. I mean, we got no love for the kid, but we cant exactly go up to someone and say: " Your uncle, who've you been living with since your parents died is a drugdealer, murdurer, and head of the most crime gangs in over 37 states---- we're still counting. He arranged for your father to be killed, and your mom was poisoned by his command.Your little sister, Sara, who all think is in boarding school in Switzerland, is being held hostage--by him--in Venezuela. Common sense would have us know that you're certainly the next victim...which isnt exactly a bad thing----cuz you'd probably be more helpful dead!" Trust me---we wish it was that simple! ** ** ** ** ** As we sat there, I came up with an idea. "I've got it! Louis-- call the rest of our people from Base 4. Arrange with them to distract the FBI. Something---they'll fall for anything. Izabell, get me a nondescript car ready to roll." Pointing to Melanie Grotych, I continued" Mel-- come with me!!" I ordered, already on my feet and striding towards the exit. "You know, I might say i liked the plan---IF i actually knew what the hell you just said right there?" John said with a smile." Goddammit woman, you the leader and shit, but you gotta break things down REAL simple for me here." Laughing, I turned around." Damn. Sorry, guys. Okay, here's the plan: Our problem: McKenzie. So we gonna solve our problem." Looking up quickly, Izabel interrupted, " Can i be the one to kill him?" I shook my head slowly," Would be my pleasure to let you do it, but Pierce would have our asses. Our goal--kidnap Scott. He needs to know what's going on before he makes things worst then they already are with his agents." Pacing around the room, i ran my plan by them. " Louis and his pals will spring up some action near Denhalm Street. Knowing the FBI, they'll be there in 10 seconds flat 'cuz they've had New York crimes up to here," I said, pointing to somewhere above my head." Anyways, Izabell will give an even more frantic call to the police which will have Scott and his idiots running straight to me and Mel. Bel will mention, terrorist, Arabs---anything will do it. Thinking that something big has happened he'll be there in a flash. Mel will handle his friends while I take care of Scott. I'll be bringing him to our base, and there we'll try to fix his lack of brain cell problems, aight?" I took a deep breath, and looked around at my agents' shocked faces. "Me like! It's brilliant!" Frank Gelth exclaimed, grinning. I grinned in reply. " I know. That's why I'm the head of ya'll." I teased. Frank's handsome face gave me one of his enchanting smiles. Frank was very useful. Starting from his intelligence with bombs and mechanics to his talent of distracting women when needed---he was great! He was a Irish--pure Irish----and he had the looks,the brains and everything inbetween. ** ** ** ** ** "Is everything ready?" I inquired through my state-of-the-art cell. And i do mean that: it has radar, access to all and any personal files of anyone, stunner that knocks a man out for 24 hrs, microscope and more. "You bet, Doc." Louis replied instantly. "Then let's get moving." I said, loving the thrill of being in action. "Here we go, baby!" Louis muttered ** ** ** ** ** " It's good to know we have back-up," Mel commented nervously. I looked over at her worried face." Hey, chill girl. Just calm down. Everythings gonna work out fine...k?" I soothed reassuringly. "Sorry, Doc." she said with a grin after awhile. " No prob, hon. I was worst then you on my first few weeks. Your doing fine." I smiled at her, and continued. You shouldve seen me---sittin in a corner moaning bout bein shot---and it was only a fire drill." We both laughed. CELL PHONE RINGS. "Doc, here." I answered. "McKenzie and 2 others on their way to you." Martha reported. "I'll be waiting."I replied with a grin. "Over and out." Martha stated. "Over and out." I copied. I turned to Mel." Get ready for 2 others---i want them out cold. I'll handle Scotty-baby." I said with a grimace. "He's all yours!" Mel chuckled. ** ** ** ** ** From our hiding place, I could see Scott and 2 others approaching. As we had thought he would, Scott sent the other 2 to check out the basement, while he looked at the other parts of the house. I sent a silent signal to Melanie to follow the other two 'gents down to the basement. In the meantime----I'll handle Scott, I contemplated. As Scott tentavily entered the master-bedroom, which was where I was hiding, I switched the light off. On reflex, he swiveled around towards me in the dark. But too late. I'd already back-flipped to the floor, falling feet first behind him. But before he could turn again, I had shot him through the back with the tranquilizer releaser. He went out like a piece of card-board. I'd thought of hitting him over the head, but that didn't sound too well 'cuz that would only waste our precious time while he nursed his head-ache. It would only add to our problems and who has time to waste on mentally challenged FBI agents? As I zipped up the bag that had his unconscious body in it, Mel came running. Looking up,I asked"Where are the other 2?" She grinned. "Also fast asleep. The only thing they're missing is a bottle of milk." I laughed. " Good. Now how about you help me with THIS baby? he's kinda heavy ya know. I'm guessin hes made up for his lack of brains with muscles." She regarded Scott before I finished zipping him up." Cute though, huh?" We both grinned."Fine as hell."I said. ** ** ** ** ** "He's waking up," John pointed out. " It's about time."Louis grumbled."He's mussing up my bed!" " If that freakin' so-called baby snores any louder....I'm borrowing your earplugs, Doc." Truman added crossly. " I swear. Someone would think a cute guy like that would wake up looking pretty cute----he looks like he's just had a visit from Godzilla!" Martha stated. Scott groans and roles over, trying to block out the voices. WHERE THE HELL WAS HE? THE ONLY THINK HE REMEMBERED WAS SOME TYPE OF CAT LANDING BEHIND HIS BACK. AFTER THAT, ONLY DARKNESS. ** ** ** ** ** When Scott finally got oriented, we filled him up with who, what, where, when, and why facts. We talked for hours before he finally fell asleep again, letting us know that Louis had put a bit too much tranquilizers in the releaser/gun. Scott was let go in the morning, after a propmise of keeping quiet. OUR FIRST MISTAKE. A VERY serious one, too. Let it be a warning for all---never take an FBI agent's promise seriously---it's bull. ** ** ** ** ** Dr.Sultan at her office. I hear a squeal from my secretary before my door is burst open. To my horror and shock, it seems that the whole damn FBI has disembarked. At the head comes Jack O'Dea. We knew him, but he didn't even know we existed, but what could you expect from supposedly professionally trained FBI agents? After him came....yes..after him came Scott McKenzie. I let my hand caress the gun camouflaged as my armrest, knowing that no one knew about it except my agents. Ms.Canos was limp in the arms of an FBI agent, but I knew she was just faking it as she started crying. Due to the professional disguise and lack of light in the room the night before; Scott didnt recognize her, so she was set free, running out of the room in what seemed a hysterical fit. I slowly got up from my desk and looked silently at the men. Turning to O'Dea I raised an eyebrow. " And who may I address for this wonderful imitation of Men in Black?" I inquired innocently. Before Jack could reply, Scott cut in."Cut the crap, Dr.Sultan...or should I say---Cassandra Bailley?" turning towards his fellow agents he continued" She and her people kidnapped me yesterday and tried to brainwash me." Looking over at me he said"Some hogwog about my uncle, the Senator, being a drugdealer, wasn't it?" His facial expression changed into something better explained as disgust." Arrest her!" He shouted. I turned a face void of emotion to head of the FBI and said,"Come again?" Jack O'Dea intervened fast."McKenzie, shut up!"trembling with anger, he composed himself as he faced me"My humblest apologies, Dr.Sultan. I had no idea he was about to do that---but don't worry, he'll pay for this disturbance!" O'Dea soothed, his gaze hardening as he re-faced Scott. " Damn it, Jack! Do you think I wouldn't know my own kidnapper?" Scott shouted at O'Dea. "I'm not sure you know anything at the moment!" Jack said as he headed for Scott. Taking a step forward as Jack took another threaghtening step towards Scott, I spoke up" I don't want to get anyone in trouble, you understand, I hope. I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but obviously this is not a pleasant drop-in between citizens. Also it seems I'm being accused of kidnapping a man who seems capable of fighting a gorilla. Common sense would have you asking whether a young woman like me would be able to even THINK of kidnapping such a muscular man. But let's just skip such obvious and unquestionable facts, shall we not? ."straightening up, I lifted my head higher and concluded indignantly,"I want my lawyer!" Jack took a quick step towards me and took my hand in his."No need to, Dr.Sultan. This was just a mistake,as I said before, and we will be leaving now. And don't worry, Mr.McKenzie won't be bothering you again. Now please, let us all forget about this unpleasant meeting....okay?" he said, trying to get me to agree to keep this private. "But if he feels he must press charges.." I started. "Don't worry, doctor. He WON'T !" O'Dea assured me desperately. I doubtfully looked at Scott who was glaring at me. IF LOOKS COULD KILL, I'D BE FRYING IN HELL BY NOW,I thought to myself with an inside laugh. After reassuring me a bit more, Jack practically dragged Scott out by the hair. As soon as they were gone, Ms.Canos a.k.a. Izabell, came running into my office, all trace of supposed crying gone. She was the only one in the building besides me, since it was Sunday, and who worked on Sundays? Us of course, we'd been spying through our telescope on the building across, which happened to be one of Senator's many meeting places. As soon as she was in the office and the door was closed she started swearing." That pig-headed, idiotic, ass-hole thought we were playing. My goodness, I could kill him!" I started laughing. Izabell looked at me and after awhile, she also started laughing."You handled them great, Doc! You should've seen Scott's face when you pointed out his size!" she reminiscenced. Right then a part of the wall seemed to open up, letting in the rest of my major agents in. John, Louis, Frank, Mel, and Truman sat around my office as we told them what happened. At the end of the story, John instantly looked up at me and asked me what were we going to do. I looked up slowly at him and grinned."You don't wanna know." ** ** ** ** ** In O'Dea's office. "That was real smart, Scott."Jack commented. Without waiting for a response, he continued."You obviously need a vacation, Scott. We'll give you 3 months to get a hold of yourself....k?" he asked, though it sounded more like a command. "O'Dea..no..I--" Scott started. "Don't even try, Scott. I mean it, but if it makes you feel any better, I personally pulled every string concerning this Cassandra Bailley of yours and there is no such person." Jack sighed," As for Dr.Sultan----she's clean as a whistle. I'm sorry Scott, but you need a break. Jack said firmly though sympathetically. And so Scott was fired temporarily. ** ** ** ** ** Scott McKenzie enters his house and heads for the livingroom, not turning any lights on. It's totally dark. Scott enters the living room, slams his hand into the wall and curses out loud. A voice speaks mockingly. "For someone going on vacation----you dont seem too happy." Scott whips around with his gun drawn and pointed at the voice. The lights get flicked on, revealing 7 very armed familiar faces. "Fast with a gun----slow with the mind," I say smoothly, recrossing my legs. "I'd put that gun down if I were you,"John Felk says, getting more comfortable on an armchair. "What the hell are you doing in my house? How the hell did you get past security?" Scott grinds out, his gun still pointed at me. As 6 people (my agents) reveal their guns, he swears and slowly lays his gun on the floor, surrendering. I pull out my own gun, point it at his head, cock my head to the left, smile my devils smile, and say" That's for us to know baby and you to just wish you knew. Now sit!" I commanded. * * * * * * "You know, Scott...you disappoint me. I had actually started to think you might have a brain----but you never fail to surprise me with your retardedness, do you?" I crossed over to the chair he was tied to." A shame,isn't it, that you can't even be trusted with the simplest information? Tell me---what unfortunate mistake created you?" Scott shook his head violently, trying to talk through his mouth plug. Grunting and making threatening movements with the only bodypart not restrained and tied, he didn't seem too happy about his dilemma. I bent down close to his face and mockingly said to him, "I'm sorry...I can't understand a word you are saying...---what was that?" Chuckling, I stood up straight and turned to John who sat on the couch with his feet on the coffee table. " Think we should untie him yet?" John looked up from the gun he was caressing, "Nah...let him sit and cool off for a couple more hours." he said, smiling evilly. I laughed out loud, looked back at Scott who was shaking his head and grunting louder to show his disagreement with John's advice. I turned back to John, winked, and said,"This torture part has always been one of my favorites, ya know!" I walked out of the room, leaving in my wake a laughing John Felk but a nervous, disgruntled, and anxious Scott McKenzie. ***~~~*** to be continued... P.S. there was an original version, and some like it better. I'll put it in another time. do not hesitate to criticize,please. I'm still working on it. |