Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1835436-Ways--To-Acheive-Success-In-Life
by Ajay
Rated: E · Article · Spiritual · #1835436
Success is relatable to personality devlopment and the nature helps in the endeavour
For every person ,success means a lot and everyone tries his level best to achieve success.In this endeavour,ethical values are often ignored.With success comes attitude and inflated ego.The failure gives disappointment which may lead to psychological disorders such as suicidal tendencies.Such success or failure adds to the negativity in life and in no way helps in personality development and infact it is self destructive .

The real success helps to develop personality of the people.The nature and  God guide and help a person to achieve near perfection.If such person believes in positive thinking and fair means and makes efforts for it,then a  kind of self- confidence can be evolved which will  reflect in  ultimate success.

A refined personality may be developed,which will have the sense of better  grace and gratitude.Such person becomes aware  of the contribution of the nature and God in the challenging circumstances of struggle for the success.

The God gives inspiration and positive thinking and encourages for continuous efforts and help in taking right decisions. By God`s inspiration,maximum support and co-operation starts coming through  the least expected corners. God does warn against the evil powers and helps fight the evil forces.

The success of a person depends on the fact that how much the nature co-operates in his endeavour.When a person develops such magnetic attraction in the personality that the nature bends forward to help and co-operate such person in his efforts to achieve success,then all doubts dissipate and the nature ensures that nothing goes wrong.

Success is about realising dreams in life.Luxury cars, expensive penthouses, designer labels—in other words, high material viability is not the real success. Yet we see many people trying to do more than that by trying to find a common fomula for success.

The success is an equilibrium between material and spiritual satsfaction.The success is not merely a socio- economic phenomenon in a highly competitive society. Today success means a totally positive attitude to life.Attitude is everything. If you believe that you can do anything, you can certainly do with the right kind of attitude. Material achievements alone do not improve the quality of life. We do not appreciate the sports stars for the products

they endorse but for their spirit of achievement and mental strength they possess. In the abundance of positive attitude underlies the magnificence of a happy and rich life.

According to old Hindu mythology,for a person there are four important goals of life i.e. Dharma (Duty), Artha (Money), Kama (Sex) and Moksha (Salvation).

The last of the these has been termed as Param Purusthartha to be the final (salvation) attainment of the human life.According to Vedic traditions, for a balanced, systematic and meaningful life, all the goals should be attained gradually by the human being. One without the other is incomplete.

Dharma is the codified form of social life containing morals and harmony as well as peace as the main ingredients of culture and religion,and Dharma can not be achieved without the Artha (money). Artha comprises Sri and Samridhi (prosperity) which enrich an individual, a community and a nation as mentioned in Vedic recitations and prayers like 'Srisukta'. Kama (Sex) which is also part and parcel of humanity, incorporating all the drives, motivations

and urges, opening the doors of worldly luxuries. The moksha, Kaivailya or Param Purushartha (final salvation) is the ultimate goal,last but not the least.These four pillars of life are to be maintained simultaneously. Some part of person's destiny is regulated by present

deeds(Karma) and some spiritual measures adopted with conviction and honesty can also change the mould of our Sanchit (Accumulated past deeds) and Prarabdha(destiny).Ancient Hindu wisdom believes that the success lies in following the four Purusharthas( tenets) of life. The Purusharthas are based on the four tenets of artha (wealth), kama (desire), dharma( principles)and moksha (salvation). Wealth or artha means material possessions and gains.Desires(Kama) is motivating force behind all action that manifests as success. High moral ethos or dharma is based on spiritual principles. However the ultimate glory to

successful life is moksha or freedom from all desires.However, the cultural background definitely influences the success expectations among the people.

When we are spiritually integrated and possess a unified mind, and are creatively functional, we are fully alive and our actions are most beneficial.

The spiritual Inspiration integrates the mind and provides vigour to the body.It allows us to explore possibilities and improve powers of intuition.

One may feel inspired spontaneously when we read a religious book, listen to a song, hear someone speak, or see something that appeals to the inner consciousness of the mind.

Inspiration expands  awareness of mind and it draws from within us the best of what we are capable of. When our goals and aims are clear, inspiration pushes us forward to accomplish them.An inspired mind gets clear of all confusions and  pessimism, evokes self-confidence, and strengthens our resolve to perform to the best of our abilities.A positive attitude,regular prayer and meditations using spiritual methods helps achieve high levels of inspiration.

Inspiration occurs more frquently when the mind is unified in a healthy physical body and is receptive and responsive to the goals and aims.

A regular practice of spiritual methods of inspiration integrates the mind,improves intuition,recharges the body, and enables to  perform actions wisely and


To aspire to achieve meaningful goals and aims in life, one has to raise oneself to a higher level of thinking and action.

To accomplish the primary objects of life,one should learn to play well one's constructive role in life making useful contribution to the society and using one's knowledge and skills wisely.

Everyone has come in this world to live happily and to enjoy good health.Everyone has a right to fulfil one's basic needs and everyone must have some spare time to enjoy the success.

Everyone is entitled to grow to one's total potential and enjoy the learning and growing experiences.One should evolve and  sustain prosperity consciousness by wisely making the efforts to take appropriate actions. One should develop  spiritually awareness and aspire to achieve the Self-realization,

One should remind oneself that everyone is basically a spiritual entity and is pre-destined to be free,healthy, happy,prosperous and successful.But one should endeavour to develop strong will power to change the way of thinking and social outlook.Do visualize the circumstances as one desires them to be and one should use the powers of imagination to get ideas to do something to fulfill one's objects.

If any creative idea comes to the mind,one can immediately begin to do something to apply it to achieve the object.But concentrate only on essentials and avoid irrelevant thoughts, feelings,emotions and conversations.One should use positive approach to express one's aspirations with conviction.

One can make right choices,using one's mental strength for possibility thinking and visualising ideal circumstances.

Using spiritual methods,one can raise the level of performance to get the desired results on the basis of one's past experiences.

Unfavourable circumstances can be changed by proper adjustment of viewpoint and by creative thinking.

A practical knowledge to be healthy, to work to interact with people, and to use one's money and resources, can be acheived by acquiring a degree of spiritual growth. To acquire a spiritual education, it is best to learn from people who have attained the superconscious state of unified and integrated mind.

If a person is emotionally mature to accept the responsibility for the mental situations, personal behaviors, and the results of one's actions,such person

does not blame others or external conditions for the adverse circumstances and incidents of misfortune. They will acknowledge that self-improvement can only change circumstances for better.

More knowledge helps to improve skills and results in expanded awareness, competence and success.
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