Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1833261-Money-chapters-2-and-3
by rocker
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1833261
a man and his group of well-skilled slueths steal money from unlucky banks.

Chapter 2: Time is our enemy
The heavily-armored truck, which was carrying quite a large sum of money, had finally made it to the parking lot at its designated time of 8:05 AM. The man driving the truck was one of those fat-ass people who looked like they could barely stand on there own two legs,and hold themselves up by their own weight. And as we all know, those kind of people don't move too fast. That was quite unfortunate for us, because we didn't have much time before the owner of this bank comes by at his regulary scheduled time of 8:30 to see how things are going. Also, as we've unfortunately noticed, the first thing he checks is the vault. A few minutes had passed, and that old fat-ass was barely even beginning to open the door to his truck! He finally swung open the large door and began to step his fat legs to the ground. Though this truck was a bit far off from the ground. So, as he tried with all of his might to get out, he accidentally fell off the seat of his truck, and landed flat on his face on the hard, concrete pavement. One of the more immature people in our group, Jesse, started to chuckle loudly. He thought it was funny when the fat bastard landed on his face, though i have to admit, it was quite humorous. I was just holding it in to not seem disrespectful. Finally, the fatty got to his feet, and glqnced over at our rather large group, all wearing suits, and lined up in a perfect row in front of the bank, all looking right back at him as well. He came up in front of us and said, "are you the guys that are in charge of putting this here money in the vault?" I replied, answering for all of us, "yes sir, that would be us." He says back to us in an almost jolly voice "well, if you guys would come help me, you can get this money in that there vault real quick!" I, yet again speaking for all of us, said "yes sir!" After that we proceeded to the back of the truck. He opened the big doors, and we saw all that money, just sitting their, waiting to become all ours. He took a roller out of the truck, and sat it on the ground. He then began to stack all the money on top of it After the roller was full of large stacks of money, I told him "i'll take this one." I then grabbed the handles, and began to push the money in front of the door. He got out one more roller, and stacked the rest of the money on it. Jesse took this one,and followed behind me. The rest of the group then got behind jesse. After that, the fat-ass closes the back-doors, comes back around to the front of the truck, and opens the front-door. Before he gets in, he says "ya'll have a good day now, goodbye!" He then waved his hand, got back in the truck, and started to drive off. We all waved goodbye as the truck finally left. I checked my watch, and noticed that it was 8:20!" We didn't have much time left thanks to that slow, fat-bastard! We needed to hurry, so i quickly opened the doors to the bank, and we all went in.
Chapter 3: All downhill from here
Me and Jesse, rolling our big stacks of cash, went up to a good-looking lady in front of the door that led to the vault. "excuse me ma'm, we need to get in the vault." i said with a bit of noticeable nervousness in my voice. It wasn't because i was about to steal a million dollars, or even the fact that i was carrying concealed weapons. No, i was just very shy around beautiful women, as she was. "oh of course, right this way gentlemen!" Me and jesse then started rolling the large stacks of cash towards the door. The kind lady opened it for us, though just as jesse and i made our way in, she slammed the door the door behind us. Through the door i could vaugely hear her say "the rest of you fine gentlemen can sit down and wait for them to get out. after all, we only need two people in the vault at one time." I then looked in front of me, and saw a long, greenlit hallway. And at the very end of it was the large, steel vault. There was a man who guarded the vault at all times. He began to approach us. He then said "right this way. " We followed him all the way to the vault. He then punched in a long code, and the door slowly came open. He motioned for us to go in, and we proceeded accordingly. We got into the vault, though there was one problem. He did'nt close the door behind us. He just left it wide-open and stood there. " you know what you have to do." i whispered to jesse. He shook his head in recognition, and slowly snuck up on the man from behind. He then wrapped his arms around his neck, and began to choke him out. The little fucker was trying his best to get free of jesse's chokehold. He almost did, which startled jesse, and it made him tighten the grip on his small, feabile neck. And then...SNAP! The bones in his neck cracked, and the violent sound echoed through the vault room, and large hallway. " what the fuck jesse! we weren't suppose to kill anybody!" Then, just after i said those words, two rather large men walked in the door at the very and of the hallway. As they made it all the way in, i could recognize them. They were tom and casey, the two people who usually guard vault door. I guess it was the end of this scrauny bastard's shift, and it was time for them to fill in for him. I guess this bank doesn't expect mich trouble in the morning time! Anyway, they had yet to notice the body, and we were friends with these two guys, so tom started to say " hey guys, what's u....... wait, what the fuck is that guy doing in the floor?! He isn't dead is he?!!" "no, he's just sleeping!" i said in complete and total fear. "seriously, what the fuck's going on here?!!!" said casey furiously. They both then noticed all the money we were stacking in the vault, and tom said "you guy's aren't actually thinking about stealing all this money are ya?!" "well..." said jesse. "you double-crossing pieces of shit! I'm gonna go tell the boss!" said tom as he turned around, put his hand on the doorknob, and started to to slowly turn it. Out of nowhere i said, "stop right there motherfucker!" i will shoot you right in the back of the fucking head if you turn that knob any farther!" i said all of this with my small, concealed pistol in my hand, pointed right at him, while at the same time shaking like a leaf. "Oh yeah, you do know all of us guards come with our own protection as well, don't you?!" replied tom as he pulled a small pistol from the side of his pants, and aimed it right for me! Jesse and casey both followed suit, quickly getting out their pistols and aiming them right at each other. We were at a complete stand off, with me and jesse beside the vault, and tom and casey all the way at the end of the hall, all of us just waiting for someone to make the first shot. Man, what have i gotten us into?!
© Copyright 2011 rocker (shadowlight at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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