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by adamB
Rated: E · Appendix · Sci-fi · #1812365
a guide to all the wonderful things and creature found in the solis guard universe
this is the definitive guide to my universe you may add more if you like by emailing me with suggestions of the hole entry, population count is from dawning

terrabeethians: total number 1 alive
they look like a cross between a dragonfly and a human. taller than a average human due to their skeletal structure. they are a mammal-insect hybrid. instead of hair on their head they have overlapping armoured plates. on their backs they have wing that look like a dragon-flys. the armored plates extend partially onto the face and down the back of their arms. they also have armored plates going down their back.

star dragons: number alive 2
the 2 examples alive are twins called drake and andra'as, are about 500ft tall on all fours. drake is a bluey-green colour and andra'as is a silvery-white. their race was decimated during a war with the true-humans.

Orions: number alive 1
the Orions were known for their advanced technology and medical science. they were decimated during the war with the star dragons. the last true human sent out gene seeding devices to countless worlds in a hope to revive the universe after the war with the help of the last 2 star dragons. the results varied from planet to planet but they started life on most planets including new races of dragons and humans and in some places the even evolved together.

humans: number alive unknown
all human life in all its variations started long after the war the orions had with the star dragons; they all started when gene pods landed on their planet.

dragons: number alive unknown
the same story as above.

anthros: number alive ~ 100000
this race was made to replace droids upon the ark by X5 they very is form from wolf to mountain lions, foxes and rabbits. they are now an integral part of the solis guard due to being the most common race on the excalibur.

ships and locations
size 60x10x5 miles
landmarks: the great hall and the forest
population of excalibur as of dawning: 20000 out of a possible 500000

the Ark
made up of lots of domes on a moons surface that house different biomes and ship yards

Captain John Carter
Age 70
Home planet: malla prime
Enrolled into the planetary navy at the age of 20 and became captain at the age of 50 and spent 10 years as the captain of the Portsmith the retired at the age of 60 then volunteered at the start of the war to work in refugee protection and removal. 1 year prior to his personal report he found out that malla prime had fallen to the enemy.

2nd General Henry Thomson
Adam’s second in command
Age 40
Home planet: none ---born in space---
A loyal soldier

if you want pics of a Terrabeethian or the Lord General just ask
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