Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1796763-Vikings-Essence
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1796763
A fantasy fiction that twists the Norse gods mythology.
It was a harsh winter morning when it happened, Two young boys sat in the freezing winds. They were waiting and watching for the perfect moment to strike.The creature moved out of the brush and there it was, the biggest animal Tyr had ever seen and they where going to take it down.
      Ullr was the best hunter in the village and usally hunted alone. Today he was to show his little brother Tyr how a man hunts for Tyr's coming of age hunt. For the coming of age ceremony to begin the participant must hunt several animals from lemmings to artic foxes. They were Finally on the last initation hunt. They where hunting Tyr's first meat eating prey the wolverine and it was going to be Tyr's first trophy.
      Unlike his brother Tyr was not a fighter. He was small and could barely lift a hammer let alone a sword. His father Tiki was the head of the village which he also doubled with being the villages smithy. Tyr always felt inferior to his brother and always felt like a dissapointment to his father. He could not work weapons because of his size nor could he hunt or fight for the village. However, today he was diffrent, he was going to show all those at his village that he could do anything if he wanted to.
      "Now get ready Tyr make sure that you dont let it get away, we dont have time to track it again" said Ullr. "Ok, but promise me you wont tell everbody how much you helped". Ullr chuckled and said " Sure if you really want me to lie". Tyr gave a guilty smile and turned towards his prey. The wolverine now walked through the brush in front of the two brothers. Tyr tensed up and started to shake. Ullr put his hand on Tyr's head for ressurance and Tyr felt a great release wash over his body. Tyr has been traing for this day for what he felt like was forever there was no room for mistake now. Tyr lifted his bow and drew back, cold and almost instantly frozen sweat beated out of his forehead. The wolverine lifted his head into the air and took a wiff. Tyr then released the string and the arrow soared sighlently threw the just dawned sky. Then it struck, a perfect hit tyr grinned like he just killed a Nidhogg  himself.
      Ullr checked the kill and seemed quite impressed with his little brothers work. Ullr called Tyr over, "See I told you I could do all by myself" Tyr gleefully speculated. "Yes you did it you killed your first living creature" Ullr paused and turned to the kill "all your other hunts have been capture and release" Ullr kneeled next to the prey then said, "but I wonder if you can fully understand the conseqences of you actions and how deep influence runs". Ullr moved the carcas and 4 babies lie there dying without there mothers warmth. Tyr stared at the dying new borns and said, "No your right uncle Ran Always says that the weak die and strong live". Tyr smiled and looked to his brother for comformation that he was correct in his answer and to his dismay he saw for a split second a look of disgust covered his brothers face. Ullr said "I suppose your right Tyr, but whose to say who is strong and who is week". He stood and started walking to the village and stopped to say "I for one say they were strong for lasting so long even though all that loved them abandoned them". Tyr thought "but that happens all the time in the wild how can he mix humans and animals together". Then Tyr ran to catch up to his brother. They now had there kill and Tyr was about to become a man.
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