Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1785728-Veteran-Vigilante-chapters57
Rated: 18+ · Prose · Detective · #1785728
chapters 5,6, and 7 for your critique.
Since we were working the military connection and we all noticed that the age range was beyond the ‘active duty’ span. We decided to look at the military retirement centers. Hammer took this on first, as she is much more computer savvy then I. Her first try got about twenty-one hits in just as many states, which was not very motivational. So Lurch and I started checking out this list while Trish kept up on the retirement centers.

After about twenty minutes we all realized that there were only two of these centers left in operation, one in Washington D.C. and the other in Ohio. Now we could really start to dig. Or so we wanted to believe. What we had was two places to look for these perpetrators for whom we had no consistent description. As we had only two places to go and investigate, we decided to split up. Hammer and I would travel to the D.C. Veterans Home and Lurch would go check out the one in Ohio.

Being as it was late summer, Hammer and I planned an early start the next day, and I was at her door at 5 A.M.. I grabbed her bags and followed her out to the parking area waiting for her reaction to my choice of transportation. Sitting at the curb is a 1956 Chevy convertible, cream over bronze with a white top that I had just picked up from the restoration shop. All I heard from Trish was “Wow!” We loaded up and headed out, but not too far as my first stop is for a good breakfast at ‘Traveler’s Diner’ an old hang out for both of us.
“Damn, Harry this brings back some memories, though it is a first for breakfast” remarks Trish.

To this my reply is “Not because of a lack of ‘want to’ on my part Irish”.

Hell Hammer looked like one ‘Hot Mama’ this morning as she was in off duty attire of Daisy Dukes, showing great tanned legs, and one of those tie tops which showed her brown belly and it’s ‘button bling’. I hadn’t seen her like this since just before I left for the Air
Force and she had definitely improved over time.

“Yeah right Harry, let’s eat”.

I couldn’t shut down my thoughts but I could sure curb my mouth so I opened the door for her. I opened the door to the diner, like Momma taught me, and we found a booth to enjoy our meal. With our hunger for food sated and a thermos full of hot coffee we got back into the car. I had selected a more scenic route then the Jersey Pike so we headed south down Route 206. When we got to Trenton, the State Capital, I caught I-295 which would eventually take us to I-95 and D.C.

As we drove I answered Hammer’s questions about the ‘new’ car, explaining that it was a replica of a car I had when I was growing up. I had owned the original ‘drop-top’ twice, once as my first car and then after my joining the Air Force. Back then(1966) my dad made me sell a 1963 Ford Fairlane Sport Coupe that I was making payments on ( dad wouldn’t believe in the “Sailor’s and Soldier’s Act” which would have allowed me to afford the payments) so I bought back the ’56. While I was waiting for my summer leave to go home and drive it back to Texas, dad sold her for $75.00. That was the past and now I have another one even better. She looks completely original but the two part AM radio is now an AM/FM with CD changer, “Vintage Air” put in an all but invisible air conditioning system, under the hood is a Turbo Charged 600 horse power motor backed by a six speed automatic transmission with overdrive. The suspension is all-pneumatic so she drops at highway speed. All the seats are heated, with vibrators. The original was a six passenger but this new ‘ride’ only has seats for four, with reclining buckets in front and a custom couch in the rear.

All the time I'm telling Trish about the car I’m snatching glances at her lounging in the passenger seat and seeming to look like she did back in high school. The more I looked, the more I could see she had improved, with a bit of maturity. Her muscles were more defined though still sexily smooth and nothing was even hinting at sagging. I was sure happy when she dozed off so I could make some adjustments to the discomfort rising in my shorts. My mind was having problems concentrating on driving as my thoughts of investigating the case and Hammers feelings were fighting for control. I grabbed a piece of bubble gum and tried to get my thoughts sorted.


After about an hour nap Hammer woke up and stretched. I about came out of my skin when she rested her hand on my bare knee, giving it a squeeze.

She spoke “Hedge, you’re a sweetie to let me grab a nap.”

My reply was “All my pleasure.” I asked “Are you hungry yet?”

“Hell yes” she replied “and I need a little girl’s room too!”
After about ten miles I found a burger place that had a nice shaded area with picnic tables and restrooms. While Hammer took her restroom break I ordered for both of us and chatted with the owner’s wife as I waited for Trish and the food. Both Trish and the food arrived at the same time.

The burgers were awesome, as advertised, but the onion rings were the best that I had ever had. Telling this to Trish she asked me if she could get a taste so I fed her a nice, juicy big one that caused some juice to run down her chin. I wiped the juice from her chin with my napkin. After she slowly chewed, then swallowed, she licked those ‘Cupid Bow’ lips and she agreed with me.

We both ordered soft frozen yogurt cones for desert and had to eat fast as they melted. As we were getting in the car and I was holding the door for Trish she pulled out a napkin, touched it to her tongue then wiped the corner of my mouth. I was a bit stunned. Next she pulled herself up on my shoulders and put a quick kiss where she had wiped. Now it was more like shock that had set in. The next thing that registered was Hammer asking me if I was going to close the door and get on the road. I know I did it but can’t remember anything until about fifteen miles down the road.

Recovering I said to her “That was real nice”

And all she said was “I wasn’t asleep all that time.” As she ran her hand along my thigh again continuing “We’ll talk about it after supper if you would like.” At that she turned up the volume on the radio and reclined her seat, all the while having the cutest smirk on her lips.

We finally arrived at the motel in D.C. about 6:30 in the evening. I asked Hammer to go in and get our room keys while I went and gassed up the car. She replied she wanted to tag along and pick up some things in the little quick store, so we both went. I pumped the gas while Hammer shopped. I also checked the oil and transmission fluid, then cleaned the windshield and headlights and was just walking up to the door when Trish popped out with her purchases. She put a couple bags on the back seat and some drinks in the cooler that was stashed behind her seat then jumped in next to me like we were two kids going steady.

I just grinned and drove back to the motel. We both went in and then it was I who needed a restroom. So Trish said she would sign us in and for me to hurry. I found the men’s room and finished my ablutions as quickly as possible. As I got back to the check-in counter Trish said everything was good to go and we needed to pull the car around to the back of the building. In the back I found a spot close to the door, parked and started to take our bags and put them in the luggage cart by the door. Trish helped so we were quickly waiting on the elevator.

We rode to the top of the five-floor building and found our first room at the end of the hall. Trish opened the door and told me to push the cart in; when I saw the room I did a double take, as it was a suite. I turned and nearly tripped over Hammer she was standing so close. She hugged my waist and looking up told me she had swapped two single rooms for a two-bedroom suite so we could be closer and work better. My mind was reeling and my thoughts were not about work but definitely about getting closer. Trish broke the quiet by saying I needed to get the stuff off the cart and the cart downstairs. I unloaded everything and went for another elevator ride.

When I got back to our suite I opened the door and looked around not seeing Trish so I called her. She called back that she was in her bedroom and needed some help. I crossed the sitting room and opened her door. “Have a seat, I’ll be right out” Trish called from the open bathroom.
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