Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1779977-Evie-Chase-the-quest-to-the-Apocalypse
Rated: E · Draft · Fantasy · #1779977
Evie was born a shaman, she will learn about how to control magic, and learn her quest...
Chapter One A Tragic Accident

Mr and Mrs Baryn, of number eight, Elcross Avenue were proud to be perfectly normal. They were not ever considered anything but perfect.
Mr Baryn was a CEO for a corporate company that sold and bought stocks. He was an average size man with balding hair and a very small handlebar mustache. Mrs Baryn was a fit woman with long brown hair that was past her shoulders and bright hazel eyes. She spent her spare time away from her children, jogging and running. Together the Baryns had two children named Cedric and Allana. Nothing came on top of their children.
The Baryns were well off and had everything that pleased them. But everyone has secrets. For this picture perfect family held a secret that would cause a world-wide panic. They knew about the five great Elders in the wizarding world. If more humans knew about the wizards.....

Mr Baryn woke up on a beautiful Monday morning in September. He was just getting out of bed when Mrs Baryn yelled, "Honey! Come downstairs right now!" He rushed out of bed still in his pajamas to find his wife at the front door pointing at a man outside. This man was wearing a blue robe, and his long grey hair was in a French braid. His eyes were glowing black. He stood on the sidewalk of their neighbor’s property, standing still not moving an inch.
"They’re here...watching us." Spoke Mrs Baryn. Mr Baryn nodded and closed the heavy oak door.
"We should just assume that my brother sent them to check up on us. Is that okay?"
Mrs Baryn nodded and walked away into the kitchen. Mr Baryn walked back upstairs to get ready for work. He put on his uniform and walked downstairs into the kitchen for breakfast. His lovely wife was cooking eggs and making coffee for the family. "There is another one outside, in our back yard. This one is in a white robe." Mrs Baryn said abruptly.
Mrs Baryn poured her husband a cup of coffee with one sugar and one cream, on the kitchen counter. As she turned to put it on the island, she dropped the mug on the granite floor. She had a shocked look on her face. There was a man with a brown robe standing in their living room.
"What is it?" Asked Mr Baryn. Mrs Baryn was still in a state of shock, so she pointed to the living room.
"Okay, maybe something has happened with my brother and his girlfriend. I'll give him a call when I get home from work."
Mr Baryn made his own cup of coffee and left for work. As he got into his own Rolls-Royce, he saw another. This one was wearing a green robe, but had the same beady eyes and hair as the others. Mr Baryn ignored the man and started his car. He drove to his workplace in Toronto with no troubles on the road.

Mr Baryn arrived home at exactly four fifty eight later that day. When he stepped in the house he was greeted by his two children who gave him hugs and kisses. His wife who heard the noise came out of the kitchen and gave him a kiss on the cheek and asked him the usual question, "How was work, were there any problems?" and just as he said everyday he answered, "Work was work and there were no problems." But he knew his wife meant to ask if he saw anymore Watchers (the men in the robes) today. He walked upstairs to his office and started writing his reports for his manager, just as he did every day. He took a quick glance out the window to look at the sunset and saw the third one. This one was watching him intently through the window; his grey hair was loose, unlike the others. He wore a white robe, and his black eyes contrasted his chocolate coloured skin. This is out of hand, he thought. I must give my brother a call. Mr Baryn grabbed the phone on his desk and dialed a number that he had not called in a long time. He stopped talking to his brother after he left him to take care of their dying mother, ten years ago.
Only one ring was let through before he answered.
"Hello, brother."
"Oh how long it has been brother, ten years to be exact." the voice replied.
"Yes, I too have been counting the years, but that is not why I called. I would like to know why they are watching us."
"Who is watching you brother?"
"The Watchers are disrupting are lives. They made my dear wife drop a very expensive mug this morning."
"If the Watchers are watching you it means that something will happen to you very soon, good or bad. You will find out soon."
"What does bad mean, does it mean death dear brother?"
"Death is not one of the chances...good means life will come to you. I have some news for you to hear. It’s very good news." Mr Baryn sighed quietly, he did not need to hear any news from his brother.
"I have had a child with my new wife, her name is Evelynn Rosalie Lilly Lisa-Anne Chase. I named her after are Mother."
"You shouldn’t have the right to name a child after her, you’re the reason she’s dead. She died of grief..." He hung up the phone.
As Mr Baryn was eating his dinner he told his wife news of his brother. "That is cruel, very cruel. To name her after Lilly... He has guts." Mr Baryn nodded and continued eating his dinner of roast chicken.
"Father, will we ever get to meet our uncle?" Asked the Baryns son Cedric.
"I do not know Cedric, he is a very busy man."
"Oh that is so sad. I think that all people should put time aside to visit relatives." Said their younger daughter Allana.
"I think that too." Replied Cedric.

Later that night at six twenty two, darkness came upon Elcross Avenue early. It was no natural darkness either, it was the dark of a great shadow shaman, he was known as Oughan. He was one of the five Elders, the top Elder known as The Krinl.
The five Elders met upon Elcross Avenue, as they met, their sacred chant of the Elders began. Only the five Elders have heard the sacred chant and can speak of it.
Back in the Baryn household, Mr and Mrs Baryn noticed the dark outside and knew what it was. They knew that the Elders were having a meeting outside, deciding the fate of the Baryns. "Can we play outside, please?" Asked Cedric. "No. It is too dark outside for play. You may play in the gym if you want." Replied their mother. The children ran to the gym quickly. Soon after there was a crash in the gym. Both parents went quickly to the gym. When they reached the gym, the sight was disturbing, no parent should ever have to see this. The children had got the weight set out and started playing with it. Allana was laying on the weight bench with a very heavy weight on top of her neck. The metal of the weight had plunged through into Alana’s neck, there was blood all over the bench and it was draining on the floor. "She said she wanted to try lifting it, she couldn’t make it budge. But all of a sudden the weight slipped and fell on her neck, and then blood started streaming out..." Cedric was crying. He had witnessed his sister’s death, at age eight. Alana’s face was in perfect condition, her blond ringlets were laying off the bench out of reach of the blood. Mrs Baryn went over to Cedric and picked him up. Everyone in the Baryn household was mourning their lost family member Allana.
Outside in the middle of the darkness, the five Elders finished their chant. The deed was done, the child had died peacefully. The Baryns had faced the pain of loss, so they were ready to have another life in their hands. "The child will be with them soon enough." Spoke the Earth Elder. "Was the death of their second child necessary?" Asked the Air Elder. "The death was needed to prepare them for Evelynn." Spoke Oughan. "It was a sacrifice for Evelynn's mother. If Evelynn had met the second child, it would have met a painful death. We all know that it was... for the better." Those words had hardly gotten out of Oughans mouth. He knew that the death of the child was absolutely necessary for Evelynn to live there; he knew deep inside that The Elders shouldn’t have killed the child, for that wasn’t what they stood for. The Elders stood for balance of the elements.
Out of the darkness, walked a man named Henningsworth. He was carrying a child named Evelynn and was dragging a prisoner by a rope behind him. He was told that he was to meet the Elders on Elcross Avenue at exactly six thirty, so he did. He walked into the darkness of Elcross Avenue to find the Elders in the middle. "Right on time Henningsworth. I hope you read the whole letter before coming." The man called Henningsworth nodded. "I know that another child needed to be sacrificed for this child to live in that household. That household needs a new name from now on...no child goes to the underworld without being noticed." "Agreed." Said all of the Elders. "The house shall be known as Alana’s Necrum." All of the Elders nodded in agreement. "Have you wrote the letter as we requested?" asked the Water Elder. "Yes. I have not explained the reason of Alana’s death. But I did request that Evelynn become their new child." Henningsworth had never had children, so he could not have written the letter with any emotion. "We shall bless the child so she has a chance of destroying our creation." Spoke Oughan. “Come with me Henningsworth, bring the prisoner too." Oughan walked into the darkness, Henningsworth followed. He gave the child to the Fire Elder and walked into the darkness in the same spot as he did. He appeared in another circle of darkness, this one was smaller than the other one. He pulled the rope and the prisoner drudged through the darkness.
Oughan had his back turned to him. "Is it really true? Does the Dhli still allow the dead through into our world, while she is sleeping?" Henningsworth knew it was true but he didn’t want to admit it, the Dhli was a huge threat to the Elders when active. But now that it was open, even in the creations sleep, the Elders would need to be at the portal daily to prevent a war between the dead and shamans. "Yes. It will only be open for another couple of hours, but next time the creation wakes up, it will be open forever, she won’t be sleeping anymore." "Making our creation... It was my greatest pride, now it weighs me down. She came home from the school one day, she said she had found a spell in the library that would make one immortal. She asked me to cast it on her so I would never have to handle the grief of her death. On her nineteenth birthday, I cast the spell on her. But I didn’t know that she would use the spell in that way. When I cast it she went up in flames and asked the heavens for three powers, all the elements, the one power of the universe, and... That all of the Elders would become immortal. From that day on I knew that she would use her powers against what I had taught her, she wanted the universe destroyed. She felt that I betrayed her because I didn’t approve of her powers. So she tried to kill me and all of the Elders, forgetting that we too are immortal. The Elders cast a spell on her that caused her to fall asleep for fifteen years." Henningsworth nodded. He had already heard this story before. "When she wakes up she tries to find me and the other Elders. She wants to undo the spell she did thousands of years ago. But she can’t leave the location without a human present. Fifteen years ago we told a young man her location. He didn’t believe that she existed, so he went to the location and found her. He was astonished by her beauty and fell in love her instantly. She felt the same way. When she had Evelynn earlier today, I knew that Evelynn would be the only way to destroy her, so I went to the location and stole her from her parents." Henningsworth nodded. He looked at the prisoner he had caught earlier. "What are we doing with her?" He asked. Oughan turned around. "I killed her years ago, and she deserves the same death she was given. My daughter Telani, feel the wrath of the Shadow." Henningsworth took her hood off to show her face. Her grey hair was cut short and spiked, showing her rebellion to her father. Her face was scraped and bruised badly from her battle with Henningsworth earlier.
Telani knew what she was going to face, she had been killed by this fifteen years ago, today. The Wrath of the Shadow was the worst death you could imagine. The Shadow went into you and put a deadly poison in your system, then your lungs would fill with a liquid making you unable to breath. Then your stomach tore apart, making acid spread into your body. Then Shadow tore the skin off of your body, and dropped you twenty feet in the air. It was a painful death that only the worst criminals were punished with. I’m ready for this, she thought.
Oughans staff rose from the ground, made of pure Shadow it was ready for its master’s command. Oughan summoned Shadow to do his bidding. It rose from the ground, a mass of darkness. Telani flinched, seeing this beast twice was not something to be proud of. The huge mass of darkness seeped into Telani. She let out one last scream. Oughan watched silently, as his daughter was killed by his hand a second time. He felt no remorse for his daughter, she was the one who had betrayed the Elders fifteen years ago. His daughter rose from the ground, ten feet, twenty feet. He knew that it was almost over.
Henningsworth knew the fate of Telani when he captured her, but he was not prepared for this. Telani was floating twenty feet in the air, her muscles were showing, with no skin Telani looked at him. Her eyes were filled with fear, 'save me!' they screamed. Then the end happened. She fell the twenty feet and landed on the pavement. There was blood flowing from her body everywhere. A bone from her spine was sticking out through her chest. It was a gruesome scene. The Shadow then came out of her body. It cleaned up the blood on the pavement and transported her body to the underworld.

The Baryns heard a knock on their door. Mr Baryn walked to the front door slowly, still mourning his daughter. He opened the heavy oak and no one was there. Very funny he thought. Then he heard a cry from a baby. He looked down and saw a baby in a crib. The baby had just woken up and had a letter addressed to him on top of it. He grabbed the letter and opened it. It read; Dear Mr Baryn, this baby is of your brothers. If you could please care for it as your own we would be pleased. Her name is Evelynn Chase. We ask that you have her name changed to Baryn, for reasons unknown.
Mr Baryn grabbed the baby and walked to the gym. "I understand what they wanted." He showed his wife the baby. She nodded. They both knew that Evelynn was supposed to be a replacement for Allana.
© Copyright 2011 SheldonChase (skyedawson198 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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