Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1778827-Boiling-Points
Rated: 13+ · Sample · Drama · #1778827
Boiling Points is a story that I'm very interested in developing.
I could tell u a story… A story of chance… A story of romance… but what are those stories worth if you didn’t see the pain that taking a chance on love made… or the emotion called such has caused. Whether it’s love or infatuation, its turned the lives of many upside down. Often causing the destruction of souls of men (and women). Turning even the purest people into even the heinous of souls.
Believe me I know because this is my story. This is my heart confession of every sin I have committed and some of those that have been committed against me. So relax, clear your mind and pay attention because this all is going to go fast. So fast to when you think your head spins and hurts and you breath is taken away just like that very day when I saw her. Yes, her. As I gazed toward her presence and admired her from afar she became my Eve and me her Adam. It was the stuff you only see in movies and dreams. It was if time and space had frozen to strike my heart with this feeling that was all to unfamiliar with me.
Hmm… I thought to myself play it cool. I’m Trey Wilks, Mr. Stewart-Burke. I run this school. Superstar track player, super smart, I’m preparing to be a Rhodes Scholar, extra active in my school, and got mad respect for and from everyone. Why I’m I tripping over this one girl? When I have so many ready and willing to give anything and everything to be with me. She looks like she’s ready for this mack but not at the same. As she started walking toward us, I felt this hold over me and for the first time in my life I was completely speechless. Then she spoke.
It was like angels talking painful hurting my ears but the I couldn’t stop listening. Then my homeboy Kyle gets up, hugs her and I’m like WHAT THE FUCK?!?!.. this nigga all up on my shawty... wait she ain’t mine she don’t even know my name. “Trey !!! ” she says. Then I snap back into reality. The fact she knows my name makes me feel a little good but I feel bad I don’t know her’s . I wanted to ask so bad but you know how most females can be. If you so playa, playa to even remember my name get the fuck on then…You know all that bullshit. So we continue to converse then it hits me I love this chick. Not just from this current experience but I fell in love with her long before I knew what love was. She was my first boo, my childhood best friend Lena.
Lena was that chick that you were in love with but didn’t know why. I mean she was beautiful. But that beauty didn’t matter because it was her soul that I was in love with. I know its crazy to fall in love as a toddler but those are the things that you just know. Their presence makes you feel indescribable. When they’re near your aura just glows, then your smiling for no apparent reason other than their existence in your life. Then they leave and you learn how to deal without them. Never really getting over them nor realizing until the moment when they step back into your life. Then you’re like me now, dazed and confused with no idea what move to make next.
“Come on Trey. Snap back… this look aint cool at all dawg.” I say to myself. Next thing I know I’m in Chemistry class about to damn near blow up the school when my partner catches me. “Trey , what the hell are you doing? Mix that shit and you gone blow up half the city.” She said. I replied, “ My bad, I’m sorry, I don’t know where my mind is.” Then our teacher cuts in. “ Well, Mr. Wilkes, maybe your mind will be in detention. Don’t worry. If you complete this assignment correctly and its correct in the morning I won’t put it on your record.” Turns to class. “The rest of you are dismissed have a great day. You, two prepare to start over from.“
As everyone else left class, I gazed out the window, hoping to see Lena before she left campus. After enough wishful thinking and I got what I wanted and more. I looked up only to see her getting in the car with a bunch of random niggas. Some I knew, some I didn’t. My thoughts were going from extreme to extreme distracting from my important pressing goal, my chemistry work. But I couldn’t focus. I started to feel anger, jealously, and rage all at the same time only to be broken by this weird but good feeling. My partner had started rubbing on my leg. Apparently searching for my dick. I quickly snap out of my trance.
“ Chill out, girl” I say jokingly.
“Well, It seems to be the only way I can get your attention. Its your fault we still here anyway.” Kayla says. She then gets up and proceeds to the back store room for more supplies
“Yea, My bad, I’m sorry so much going on” I reply. “ Where’s Dr. K? I thought she was gone be here with us.”
“ Well if you was listening, you would know that her son broke his ankle , so she asked us to just be quiet and clean up after we get done.” She replies.
“Ok… so how long you think this is gone take? I gotta lot of work to do tonight.”
She remarks. “Boy , bye… You not the only one that got shit to do. I do have a life contrary to popular belief. Any ways come back here and help me.” I get up and head to the toward the storeroom and to my surprise this bitch is butt booty ass naked laying on the counter. Legs spread in eagle position. Pussy so wet it’s leaving a puddle on the counter and I ain’t even touched her. So at this point I’m like damn… this bitch is bad. And aint nothing like a thick butter cream freak but is this the “right” place? or the right time? Luckily, my conscience prevails so I go toward her and try to convince her this is not the time nor the place and I’m honestly not up to it. Long story short it was an #epicfail. She wouldn’t take no for an answer… then she proceeded to grab my dick and suck the fluid out of it then fucked me like she was trying have my baby. I mean honestly what was I suppose to do. I learned a long time ago its best to give a woman what she wants when she want and nobody is gonna get hurt.
“Yea, girl how that feel” I asked while she continued to shake and moan. “ Ooo daddy … Jesus…uhh” she exclaimed. “ What you know Jesus (Hay-sus), guh? I chuckled and I pounded harder and harder. She replies “ He’s alright” “Huh? I asked teasingly. Right as she climaxes she screams, “He’s ALRRRRIIGHHHTTTTT !!! Lawddd “

Chapter 2
*starts off in church; choir singing being lead by leader ( in background)
“What cha know about my Jesus?”
“He’s alrighttttt. “
“I said what cha know ABOUT my JESUS?”
“Ooo OOO…He’s alrightttt.”
“Trent, Man I’m telling you. That was Lena the other day at school I ain’t trippin” I tell my lil brother.
“ Man, stop lying, see you’ve been smoking that stuff from Snookie and them, I told you stop messing with them fools. They gon get you caught up.” Trent replied.
“ I’m serious, bruh it was her and you know Mr. Stewart-Burke don’t get down like that. I gotta rep to protect. I’m a public figure now. I got fans.”
“ Yea, fans…hoes… groupies… stalkers it’s all the same thing. As long as you share the wealth with ya lil bro.” Trent said.
“You know I got ya brodie.”
“Fa sho, I know.” He replied.
“ Question, Let’s just saying she was back. Don’t you think Miss Caroline would’ve told Miss Nadine who would’ve told Mama? You know they started planning ya’ll wedding when yall where 6 months.” He said jokingly.
“ Ha, Ha ” I said. Then popped him in the back of his head.
The song ends and we all sit down. The pastor stands for his announcements but before he could he’s interrupted.
“Today’s text will come from… ” Rev. Marsellis said.
“Passa.” she mummered.
“1 Corinthians 13 and…” Rev. Marsellis continued.
“ UH…PASSSSAAA” she spoke louder.
“YES, Sister McAlister” pastor replied irribitably.
“ I would just like to announce that my grandbaby, Lena, is back home to stay and take care of her granny. You know I named her Lena cuz I just knew that she’ll have a beautiful voice like Lena Horne. In fact, baby get on up there and sang a song”
“ Granny, I don’t know…” Lena said reluctantly.
“Trey, darling come on up here and sing with her”
“Granny!” Lena said.
“ Don’t you sass me girl… ”
Lena looks at me. We both look at the pastor. Scared of Mama Mac like we were he invites us down to the front to sing. I’ve never been so nervous in my life. Ever step I took toward the piano seemed as if it got longer than the first. I sat down any ease on the piano seat. We glance into each other eyes for only one moment and then she starts to sing.
“I pray you'll be our eyes. And watch us where we go”
I’m still sitting. Frozen in time. I have sung in years and to be put on spot like this with her. I just don’t know what to do next.
“And help us to be wise, In times when we don't know.”
God, she’s beautiful and that smile. That body. Lord, forgive me but thank ya Jesus. That smile just warms my soul.
“Let this be our prayer when we lose our way…”
Lord, help me now. I need you.
“ Lead us to a place” I sing weakly.
“Guide us with YOUR gracceeeee “ Lena comes in strongly.
“ To a place where we’ll be safe” we sing in unision.
It was then in that instant that my voice seemed to have transformed. I was filled with this spirit and energy that just overwhelmed me. Our voices seem to have become one. Complementing each other while we sung praises to our God. It was truly an very unique experience it was obvious that it had overwhelmed us and the whole congreation. Everyone was just full and full of tears. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room.
“If yall didn’t feel that then there is nothing I can do for ya” Pastor Marsillis proclaimed. “Amen, the doors of the church are open”.
Chapter 3 – The Fool Card
It’s amazing the things God does to show us his power. When everything seems to be so simple and so perfect he can send one thing (or person) that changes that completely. Less than a week ago, I sat at this very table for Sunday dinner thanking the Lord for everything he had blessed me with. Eager and earnest in my prayer saying, Lord keep it just like this. This is right. This is perfect. Change nothing.
What a fool’s prayer that was. I had been vain and arrogant and didn’t even realize it. Now God was about to punish me for it. In an instant, the peace I had or at least thought I had would vanish and chaos and confusion would begin to reign in my life. Less than a week ago, my life was at it’s zenith. I knew what I wanted and who I wanted but now I sitting here at this table I realizing that I don’t know anything anymore. My head has been spinning all week. Confusion is an understatement. For days and nights, I’ve been in a complete zoned out daze practically dead to the world. Then my daze breaks. I look up and see the one thing that caused me to be in the state of being. Lena had set down directly in front of me.
“Hey yaallll” Lena spoke.
God her voice sounded like heaven. I was so shock that my lips didn’t move and my eyes spoke for me. Sadly that didn’t work for my mama.
“Trey !! Did you hear Lena speak to you? Boy, where your manners? Don’t get knocked out in front of your little friends.” My mom complained. “ Get your act together. Before I get it together for you.”
“Hey” I said, dryly “ I’m sorry a lot on my mind lately”
“ Boy...now you know I taught you better than that. What wrong with you? Lately you’ve been here, there and everywhere. I just don’t understand.” Mom continued.
“ Oooo hush up, Carolyn and leave that boy alone.” Mama Mac said coming to my rescue. “ Now you know those kids have a lot going on. He smart but he ain’t no superman. You know he’s a good boy.”
“ But Bessie…” mama replied.
“But what…? ” Mama Mac responded. “ But what about the time, you and your husband pretend to be sick and snuck to the jamboree game, kissing and juking around when yall was suppose to be at that sing competition.
“ Bess…”
“Yea, that’s what I thought now pass me some of that dressing and don’t be stingy with the cranberry sauce and gravy. If I’mma die , I’mma die happy.”
As my parents and Mama Mac begin talking all Lena and I can do is stare and break away at each other back in forth tell finally it ends when my mom tells me to go wash the dishes. I break my glance and head to the kitchen. I became so distracted that I started fumbling and dropped a few pans.
“ Lena MAE… gone in there and help that boy out. While you in here trying to listen to grown folks conversation.” I hear Mama Mac belched.
As the adults continued their usual Sunday evening gossip, my breath got shorter and nervousness came over me as every second passed. Each second brought me closer and closer to her presence. This was the first real time we’ve actually had alone since she’s been back. I don’t know what I’m feeling but it has me feeling like a lil bitch. Not my style, Ju..
“ So, Trey what’s up dude? You know you been real funny acting since I got back. What you afraid I’m show some of those pictures they took of us when we you to play dress up? Lena said jokingly. “ I don’t know what u talking about.” I replied know good goddamn I did. “ Oh you know.” She replies and starts poking me. “ Chill out cuz... Forreal. Stop.” I said knowing good goddamn and well I didn’t want her to I wanted more.
“OOOO, what cha yall doing?” my little sister Erica comes in interrupting.
“What you want little girl?” I said kind of irritatingly
“ Trey, leave that girl alone” my other older little Janine sister comes in to her defense.
“She’s just doing what mama told her. Chill out.”
As if my life isn’t already complicated enough with everything I have to deal with not just my mom but three sisters. You can imagine the intensity of estrogen that my dad and I have dealt with. These women are crazy point blank period. We only recently evened the score with the birth of my little brother but honestly how much can a two year old do except be cute. Cuteness don’t last forever...then again… we do have some good genes. But lately things have only seemed to have become stranger. Erica, who is seven, is running around beating up every little boy she sees. Ironically, she’s very prissy. I think it’s something about the power.
As for Janine, I don’t honestly how to deal with my baby sister anymore. I mean I love her but since she’s returned back from this gifted school things are different. I’m close with all my siblings but me and J-boogie have always had that connection. Being away at school didn’t change that. We’re still close to this day. Problem is baby sister has grown up. All the boys…white…black…asian…jewish, all want to try to wife her and I’m be real. Big Bro aint having it. Real talk. Especially, if he gone be disrespectful. I tell them all the time I got an alibi and a shovel. You won’t be missed or remembered. Think it’s a game. I’m not crazy. If your where in my position wouldn’t you do the same. Yea, she can handle herself (girl got a black belt in judo) , but some times big bro gotta ‘Trim the fat, and fry the bacon.’ if you catch my drift. But in all seriousness, y’all pray for me because having her at my school and everybody seeing her in the spotlight like I am is seriously bothering me. I know how I am. I know how people can be. I don’t want her to go through that ya know. That’s something I really have to work on.
Now about my big sister, Abby, and I are about 3 years apart. She’s forever traveling. As soon as she graduated she dipped out to China for the summer. After that she spent a semester at Emory, then spent the following spring and summer sessions in Uruguay. Believe it or not, she spent a her whole sophomore year in the States. She actually was somewhat a typical college student that year. Eat. Sleep. Partied. Pledged. For the first time, I remembered she was actually acting her age. Summer came and for the 1st time since we we’re little we all were going to be home. Or at least we thought we where. She wasn’t home three full days, I kid you not, and the next thing I knew Dad was waking me up 3 in the morning, talking about come on we’re headed to the airport. She dashed off for Spain. That was five months ago. We get the occasional Skype calls. But last I heard she was in Italy working for some billionaire.
“So, how’s Abby you guys? Lena asks. Obviously trying to break the tense state currently between me & my sisters.
“Girl, somewhere in Asia.” Janine responds.
“She’s in Europe.” I corrected.
“ Same difference, Trey. Why you always gotta correct me, damn? Said Janine.
“Those are two completely different continents.” I rebutted.
“ I KNOW.” She said getting louder and ignorant.
We started to argue. Lena and Erica started to talk and play together.
“Lena girl, I talked to her one Skype all the time and she should me her boyfriend girl he is Justin Beiber cute.” Erica said.
“Is he girl? Lena said while she was clearly tickled.
While all this is going on, Janine and I are still going at it. That is until my dad walks in.
“Y’all have really lost ya’ll minds hollering in my house.” He said sternly.
My dad is about 5’8 and probably weighs a buck fifty. Dude, looks like a straight up nerd. But don’t let all that fool you. He’s got the strength of twenty men and can be country as all get out. Don’t get me wrong my dad is no ordinary country hick. This man at age 8 won the Texas Instruments Young Intern Challenge with the highest score ever to be received, even unto this date.
You would think a young Creole Muslim boy from Bayou Le Batre would use that opportunity to intern with and eventually work for them. Common sense right? Well, long story short he didn’t. Some where down the line the political croonies recruited my dad and now he does their bidding as state representative of District 23 of the great state of Louisiana. Why my dad decided to run I could never understand. He’s not the arguing type. It’s all about order and structure with him.
“ No, they aint Jamison, I just know they are not raising their voices in this house.” my mom chimes in.
“ Janine, go get your sister ready for bed. Lena, honey Mama Mac, Mr. Wilks and I are going to Le Pone for a few hours to visit with some old friends, so Trey is going to take you home in a few hours.”
“ I’m what? But Ma I ain’t got no gas. Gas $20.00 a gallon she better walk.”
“ Boy, quit playing and use my car. Keep getting smart and you gonna be the one walking” Mom snapped back throwing me her keys.
On the way to Mama Mac’s there was this really tense akward silence in the car. This is the first time since she’s been back we been completely by ourselves with no interruptions. I have so much to say to her. I wonder if she has anything to say to me. As time passes we sit there in silence until we finally pull up to the house and she turns to me and prepares to get out.
“ Dang , you just gonna set there and not help me? Some gentlemen you are.”
“Girl, chill out can you at least let me turn off the car before you start tripping?” I replied.
“I ain’t tripping on nothing little boy, and you don’t have to help me I got it.” She stated.
She say she got it...So I let her handle it. Watched her struggle up the driveway till she dropped it all. And of course your boy was dying laughing the whole time. But me being the gentleman I am I put my humor aside, and head to help her. Of course, my help was met with some resistence.
“ I said I got it!” Lena snapped.
“ You clearly don’t.” I laughed. Which made her even more mad. She then got up and opened the door. I followed behind and she continued to rant and rave about not needing or wanting my help.
“ Lena, It’s not even that serious. You haven’t changed one bit. Still stubborn and bossy.” I told her.
“ And your still a know it all smart selfish spoiled ass.” She snapped.
While we continue to argue, I’m glancing over at the TV, and something big seems to be going on. Then the phone rings. Lena answers. That’s my cue to leave.
“ Iight LeLe, I’m out, deuces…”
“Trey…wait…” she hands me the phone.
Looking all dazed and confused I grab the phone. It’s my mom. Apparently, something big is going on and they shut down the whole city and all the highways. Some type of weird summer storm is happening. She tells me that she’s talked to Janine and her and Erica and the baby are fine. She also instructs me to stay with Lena, because its been more crime activity in the area and if would put Mama Mac at ease to know that I’m here with her. I reluctantly oblige and hang up the phone. As soon as I did, the power cut off and the weather got worse. Luckily, Mama Mac’s house is full of candles. Candles were everywhere down stairs and we lit every one of them.
Lena started looking at some old pictures, and I started tweeting and trying to see what was going on in the real world. I don’t know what I was thinking. Any other chick and I’d be trying fuck. But I just sat there tweeting.
“You still got service?” she asked.
“Yep.” I replied dryly.
“Must be nice, who you got? ”
“Ahhh yea I’m need you to come raise the bar and leave punk ass Metro along” I said.
“ You gone pay my bill?” she asked.
“ Hell naw, but I might need to help u out though your phone raggedy as shit.”
She grabs my phone throws it and breaks it.
“Now, yours raggedy as shit too” she chuckles and sticks her tongue out. So I push her over and pin her down.
“ You play too much. Why you always got to try to get under my skin?” I asked.
“ Cause you let me, duh” She responded laughing. “ You know this is kind of romantic.”
“ I don’t know what you talking about. I don’t even see you that way. You’re like a sister to me…play cousin.” I said lying through my teeth. I want her real bad.
“Well, your lips say one thing...but your dick says another.” She said grabbing it, and fondling my balls. At this point, honestly what’s a man to do . We start kissing and rubbing then we got naked. All we could do is stare at each other’s bodies. She was perfect in every form. For the first time, that I could remember I feel something I hadn’t felt since I lost my virginity. No fucking just straight lovemaking our spirits becoming entwined and twisted together just as our bodies had become. I can’t even describe all the positions we made up or even begin to tell you were all that energy that sustained those acts came from. But I can say laying here, trying to catch my breath, and figure all this out, I have never felt so alive and judging by her heart beat neither has she. Next thing I know its morning, and Lena’s still fast asleep so I decided to get up and fix a little breakfast. Yea…It was that good.
“ So, when you learn how to cook? “ said Lena coming into the kitchen looking all sexy making me wanna give her the dick all over again on this counter.
“If, memory serves me correct I taught you? I replied.
“ Is that right?” Lena leans over kisses me then breaks off a piece of French Toast. “ Hmmm…. Good kisser….Good dick… Damn Trey keep this up and I might have to put u on lock.”
“So what u saying? How was the ‘Trey’?’, I smirked.
“ The ‘Trey’ is good… but the Toast is better.” She joked. “ But serious you was… whew yea… I ain’t had none like that since my first.”
“ Oh really… You know I should’ve been your first.” I replied.
“ Yea, but if its any consolation I was thinking of you the whole time. I don’t even remember what he look like. Don’t judge me. I was fucked up and I regret it a little but at least I had the memory of you.” She said.
It gets quite for a minute and we both look around. So I break the silence.
“ Well…Real talk… my first time I was thinking about you too and being fucked up. I can’t even judge you on that. I was drunk and had a mask on.”
“ A mask?”
“Yea, I was in Dallas at my cousin birthday party. It was a costume party and they got me fucked up for real and there was this one chick. I think her name was Ariel let me hit. Now that I remember that was the best I’ve ever had too. I probably should have given her my real name though.”
“ What name you give her?
“Eric” I replied.
“Oh my God, nah…Can’t be… I would’ve known…” she explained.
“ Known what? Lena what are u talking about?
“You took my virginity”
“How so you where in Denver?
“I was with my god-sister at that party weekend. I was only there for a few day. But she got me a costume and begged me to come with her. I started drinking and the shit tasted like Kool-Aid so I kept drinking. Next thing, I know you popping my cherry.” She explained. “I thought it was all a dream. Guess it wasn’t. Thank God. He sholl work in mysterious ways. ”
“Don’t bring God in this for you being unchaste…”
“ Why not did he not bless me when this pussy? …right ok you better recognize.” She joked and started tickling me.
“Hmmmmm something shollll smells good in here” Mama Mac said as she walked through the kitchen door. “ Y’all finally behaving yourselves and getting along. Good. You did a good job Trey everything looks good. Your mom sent you some clothes. Y’all hurry up and get ready so y’all can go to the school house. Granny got company coming for brunch.”
“Company?” Lena asked.
“ Girl, what I tell you about being in grown folks business? Ain’t got a pot to piss in and a bed to put it under. Now get ready for school.”
“Yes, ma’am”
Next thing you know I’m sitting in 6th period lab thinking about last night. It’s crazy how we both lost our virginity to each other. The chances of that are ridiculous. Its amazing how that happened. I’m trying to recapture and picture all that happened last night and my homeboy Kyle is sitting up here talking about how he really like this chick and he wanna wife her but he scared because he might catch feelings. I’m really not even listening. All I can think about is Lena and all of this and to top it all off her saying that she loves me. I just want to sing “ To be loved…To Be loveddd oooo what a feeling to beee loveddd.” You know like Eddie Murphy did in Coming to America. Next thing, I know am at practice all smiling and distracted can’t focus for shit and before coach goes in on me for being so distracted, Dr. K. comes to my rescue.
“ Trey…Trey…Come here son” Dr. K shouted it. “ Coach…Can Trey help me move some stuff for the fair tomorrow?”
Had it been any other teacher Coach T would have said no. But Coach got this thing for Dr. K . I don’t know what it is. But what ever it is. Thank the Lord for it.
“ I got you out of there because you seemed distance. I want to talk to you. You have so much potential in so many fields. But you can’t let these girls keep you from doing those great things” she began to lecture me. “ Just here me out ok, You think I don’t know the game. Hell I changed it. I look at these little girls running around giving up they lil dunny, getting nothing for it and causing nothing but trouble. Just giving it everywhere.. Back storage rooms…Alleys all of that. Trust me. None of that is worth giving up what you’ve been blessed with. You know kids been having sex all up and through the lab. That why I got that big bottle of Clorox and that Fabalouso burning in the back.”
“ I know and thanks doc. People be having sex in the lab for real… That’s a shame..” I replied reminiscing about my own encounters in there.
“Yea, it is…” She said dryly as if she knew otherwise. Her phone rings. She steps to the side and starts talking.
“Trey, honey, be a doll and go to the lab and get the measuring tape off the back counter and meet me in the gym”
“Yes, ma’am” I responded and started heading down the hallway to her classroom. As I walk down the hall all I can think about is Lena. This girl really sits on my heart and now that I know how she feels about me everything is perfect. I think it’s time to settle down. I mean what more could any man want. I head into the room and start searching for the measuring tape and other supplies. I get further to the back and I here somebody in the storage room getting it in. I pause for a moment. The dude starts talking and I realize its Kyle. I pull out my phone and get ready to text him then I see I got a text for Lena asking for a ride. I know it’s a little cheesy but I started smiling and asked what kind of ride? Lol smiley face. See this girl got me gone. Then I hear a loud smack. Damn. Kyle in their on beast mood aint it. I wonder if this is ‘ol girl he was talking about earlier. I move closer to the cracked door and peaked in slowly. All I saw at first was this nigga ass so I quickly turned back up. Then he told her to turnaround and reverse cowgirl. So I saw this as the perfect opportunity to catch a glimpse. I peer around the corner and look at this girl. She bad. Thick, Slim waist. Light caramel. Supple breasted. Giving my man the ride of his life. Who is she? Then she moves her head down to be leveled and I realize I know that chick. That’s Lena…
* Cue music * * It takes a fool. To learn. That love don’t love nobody*
© Copyright 2011 Shaun McCoy (senatorjd at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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