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Rated: E · Poetry · Family · #1769332
Actions speak louder than words - An Earth Day celebration
The Bequest

Time lay upon him like a shroud
as he bent working in the earth.
Though years pressed down, he was unbowed;
his eyes glowed with a hidden mirth.

Time weathered hands moved with love's care
as he set out the fledgling tree.
His head was bowed, as if in prayer,
yet he moved with a certainty.

I watched him struggle to arise,
from where he knelt upon the soil.
An inner strength shone in his eyes
as he rested from his toil.

He took his grandson by the hand
and, in the small copse, patiently,
explained that each tree in the stand
had been planted by his family.

"This is a statement of belief,
though I won't live to see it grow,
that we can give the earth relief.
This is the gift that I bestow."

An entry for "The Earth Day ChallengeOpen in new Window. [ASR]
Prompt: Write an Earth Day poem
Line Limit: 20
Line Count: 20

Thank you for taking time to read my words. I would appreciate it if you took a moment and left a comment. Your reaction, impressions, criticisms, - yes, even praise *Smile* - are all equally welcome.

April 22nd is Earth Day!
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