Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1767456-tiny-ello-wants-to-grow-up
by geri
Rated: E · Script/Play · Children's · #1767456
a children's story
Tiny Ello was playing with his toy koala, and having a swell of a time, when his Mommy called him…

ELLA:          Ello, get down here and have some dinner, it’s almost bed time!
ELLO:          Okay Mommy, I’ll be right down!

         Quickly, Ello ran down the stairs as fast as he could, but being careful not to trip because his feet were yet too small for the big stairs.

ELLO:          Oh, when will I grow up?! So I can run down the stairs and zoom around the house!

         When Ello was at the kitchen, he tried grabbing the cereal box on top of the fridge so he can fix himself up some dinner, but he couldn’t quite reach the box.

ELLO:          Just a little bit more… just a little more… I can get the cereals…
ELLA:          Here, let me help you with that Ello, you’re too small to get that yourself.

         Ello just frowned and sat on his usual place at the table, while he watched his Mommy pour some cereals on his bowl.

ELLA:          It’s dinner time and you’re not supposed to eat cereals, but I’ll let you have some, just for tonight, okay?

         When Ello’s Mommy was done putting cereals on his bowl, Ello tried to grab the milk carton on top of the carton, but still he couldn’t reach it.

ELLA:          I’ll grab that my little one, you’re not big enough to do these things.

         This made Ello upset, he was sulking as his Mommy poured some milk on his cereals and on his cup.

ELLO:          But I don’t want to be a little one anymore! I want to be a big boy, so I can run down the stairs, grab my cereals and get my milk. I want to grow up, Mommy! Tell me how can I grow up fast?
ELLA:          Well, of you drink your milk, and then you’ll grow up into a big boy.

         Then quickly, Ello grabbed his cup and drank the milk one big gulp after another up to the very last drop. Then, Ello waited…

ELLO:          Mommy, did I grow up yet? Tell me! Am I bigger? Huh? Huh? Huh? ...Mommy, the milk isn’t seem to be working! I am not big!!! You told me I was going to grow up into a big boy if I drink my milk!!!!

         Ella was about to explain, when Ello burst into tears and ran towards his room. Ello was in his room crying when his toy koala began to speak.

KOALA:          Don’t be sad Ello, I know a place where you can be what you want to be, a place where all your dreams will come true…
ELLO:          Really? Where is this place? I want to go there!
KOALA:          Come with me…

         And Ello followed his toy koala as it opened the door of the closet where a very bright light came out from it. Ello was a bit scared, but he did want to grow up, so he decided to follow his toy koala and step inside the closet.

         And then, they were transported to a whole new world…

KOALA:          Welcome to dream land Ello, where all your dreams come true.
ELLO:          Wow!!! It’s a very pretty place… but tell me, how can I grow big?
KOALA:          Go to the Chocolate Fountain, Ello, and beside it you will see the Milky Way where lots of cows graze. Ask the cows what you want and they will grant you your wish.

         Ello excitedly ran towards the Milky Way where lots and lots of cows were grazing and spilling milk all over the place.
         Ello then asked a cow…

ELLO:          Uhm, excuse me ma’am…ahem…
COW:          Moooo. What do you need? Mooo…
ELLO:          Uhm, I was wondering, can you help me grow up into a big boy really, really fast?
COW:          Moooo, why, of course, just drink the milk here and you’ll grow up big…Mooo

         And Ello quickly drank his milk up.
         Then suddenly, Ello was growing, growing, growing and GROWING. He was growing really, really fast that everything around him seemed like the size of a pea!

ELLO:          Help! Help! I’m, I’m growing into a giant! No! Help me! Make it stop! Help, Mrs. Cow!
COW:          Oh I thought you wanted to grow up? (The cow shouted so she could be heard by the now giant Ello).
ELLO:          No, not this way, and not this big. I want to be tiny Ello again, I want to be me. Not Ello as a giant, but Ello as the little boy.
COW:          I’m sorry, I can’t help you with that, the milk just makes you grow big, it doesn’t make you small again.

         Hearing this, Ello began to cry, and as his tears fell like giant raindrops on the Milky Way, the other cows were also frightened.

KOALA:          What’s the matter Ello? Didn’t you want to be a big boy?
ELLO:          No. not anymore. I want to be small again. I promise I’ll wait for my time to grow up.
KOALA:          Very well, just close your eyes and count from one two three.
ELLO:          Okay…one…two…three…

         And Ello was back in his room hugging his toy koala.

ELLO:          Oh thank you! Thank you so much! I’m me again, I’m tiny Ello!

         Ello ran down the stairs as fast as he could, but being careful not to trip because his feet were yet too small for the big stairs. He ran towards his Mommy and gave her a big hug. His Mommy was quite surprised with her tine Ello’s hug, but she was happy; but not as happy as Ello was…
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