Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1764431-Reunion
by Tilia
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1764431
Playing the part at a high school reunion finally takes the tension to the breaking point.
"Well, I'd say you hit the jackpot," Kristen said to me, taking a swig of cheap sparkling wine out of her plastic flute. "Far sight better than Rich Casey, anyway."

"Though they both play saxophone," I winked, taking a step closer to her to catch sight of my date, obviously regaling the former baseball team with a heavily-gesticulated story across the ballroom.

If possible, the decor for the ten year reunion of Arden Bay High School was worse than it had been for that long ago prom, which was supposed to resemble a night in Paris and had felt more like a night in the Tent City on 7th and Bayside. Jerky strobe lighting spun over the hotel carpeting in time with some horrible 90's love ballad. At least my date had improved since the formidable Rich Casey, now seen sporting a pot belly and a wife who still thought it was okay to tease her bangs.

I had to admit, Dane looked great. He'd really risen to the occasion of being my fake lover. Even my former best friends were buying into it. He'd been so excited by the prospect of deceiving my entire hometown that he'd wanted to run multiple scenarios by me regarding how we met, when we first kissed, what he bought me for dinner on our first date, etc.

True to form, he hadn't bothered to follow through with that ... or get a haircut, though the dark blonde curling around his ears only added to his disheveled appeal. He'd gone for a slate gray suit that I'd had the absence of mind to compliment during one of our bitch-about-life-in-general nights out a few months ago and this ridiculous blue tie with giant brown triangles that every one else probably found charming.

I could tell he was amused by something one of the ex-jocks was saying. His eyes crinkled just so and he bit the side of his plump bottom lip. Christ, but he did look good.

"So, how did you two meet, again?" Kristen said, snapping me out of my moment.

I turned back to her and went with the truth. "When I was tending bar in college. He used to come in and harass me, until a day came when he came in so we could harass each other."

She was silent for a second. "He is hot."

I beamed, unresponsive. I wonder what she'd say if she knew that I'd turned him down the night we met, and it was probably the only reason we'd become so damn close. He'd tried, good naturedly (and I've always suspected half-heartedly), to talk me into the sack for years, and all we'd developed was an endearing friendship. It didn't matter anyway, he was serving his purpose here. Let her imagine steamy passion in the big city.

"Shit, I'll be right back," she said, gently squeezing my arm. "Looks like my date is about to get into another confrontation."

I would eventually tell her the truth. Probably some time after she dragged Chris Bailey, her platonic date and an old member of our gang, out into the parking lot for an ass-kicking and a reminder that he no longer need hold grudges against people who hadn't done a thing against him since puberty.

I watched her hurry over to him, and tug at his arm. One day they'd realize they were madly in love. We'd all banked on it happening by junior year. Now here we are, eleven years later and the realization had still never crossed their minds.

"How are the wolves?" a voice said, accompanied by a warm pulse of breath in my ear. I shivered briefly from the contact, feeling his stubble brush against the back of my neck. I spun around and flashed Dane a smile.

"Puppies," I said, taking a step backward. "Have I told you yet how much I hate your tie?"

He grinned, ignoring me, and taking a step forward to restore the original distance between us. "have I told you how much I like your dress?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows like a perverted cartoon character. "I'd almost forgotten you had cleavage."

I tugged self consciously at the hem of my wine-colored cocktail dress. It was low cut, but I'd wanted to look like a knock-out for this. It doesn't matter what anyone says, these events are all about superiority and revenge.

He swatted at my hands. "Stop it. I said I liked it, not that you need to rip it off here on the dance floor." He paused. "If you're going to do that, we could at least go up to the room--"

"Hush," I cut him off. I still couldn't believe that he'd only booked one hotel room, in the effing hotel that was hosting the reunion. 'For appearances,' my ass, he just loved unsettling me. Hope the pull out couch is comfy.

"Ooh, here comes that stud you used to date again," he said, pressing his warm hand into the small of my back, and gesturing toward Casey, waddling his way through the crowd. "What'll it be, should we put on a show for him or escape onto the dance floor?"

I hesitated, weighing the two evils. Casey dabbing the nervous sweat off of his upper lip or the carpeted dance floor and Everything I Do (I Do it For You).

"He must've seen you trying to pull your dress off. I think he still believes he's got a shot at you," Dane muttered, close to my ear.

"Dance!" I decided, grabbing the sleeve of his jacket and pulling him into the throng of my fellow alumni.

"I don't know what you were so worried about," he said, spinning me effortlessly, then drawing me unnecessarily close to his chest. That same hand creeped a bit lower down the small of my back, if only because he knew I'd reach around and place it back up to a decent level again. He gave a self-satisfied chuckle before continuing. "Everyone seems pretty decent."

"I'm not justifying that with a response." I slid a hand over his shoulder and through the lapel of his jacket. "You're having way too much fun with this."

He smelled great and was dancing wonderfully to this awful tripe. He spun me again, enjoying how easily I pivoted on my new silver heels. Yet another splurge for confidence. I knew that they caught the light as he pulled me back into his arms. I knew that we looked great together. It was intoxicating.

"So what?" he whispered.

His hand moved up to the center of my back, pulling me almost cheek to cheek as the lights dimmed and the music got slower. I could hear the even beats of his breathing against my ear. For some reason, maybe the spinning lights and the bachelor pad music, it made me light headed. His lips were a whisper away from my ear again. The heat of his breath was incredibly pleasant.

Without really thinking, I dropped my head onto his shoulder and let him meld our bodies together, swaying to the beat. Tentatively, his fingers tripped over my bare shoulders, raising goosebumps. When I didn't stop him, they slid down the exposed top of my back, sliding along my spine. Oh, my.

My nipples hardened, pressing against his chest. I knew he knew it. I heard his breath catch. Should've worn a thicker bra.

I pulled away slightly with the intention of lessening the intimacy of the moment, but instead ended up looking directly into his eyes, seeing years of tension boring into me through those baby blues.

He looked at my lips, parted slightly in breathlessness, then pulled me back into him. I could feel the beginnings of his arousal against my stomach. Part of me wanted to run away, and the other part wanted to toss him under a table and have my wicked way.

Both parts suddenly felt hot and tingly though. He looked so damn good tonight. I slid my hand from his lapel down his chest and stomach, allowing it to brush lightly against his hip before falling to my side.

"Anna," he said my name like a warning. I glanced up at him with my big eyes, wondering if it was time for the dance to be over, but he didn't break the motion. He brought his hand up to the side my neck, wrapping his free arm tight around my waist, and trailed his thumb down my jawline to the hollow of my throat. It felt so possessive, his eyes never breaking from mine, my skin burned where I felt the remainder of the untouched flesh down below the bust of my dress. The flesh I knew he was thinking about touching.

My fingers curled around the pockets of his jacket, jerking him a bit closer. I angled my head up to get the sensation that our lips might brush, but didn't dare close my eyes. I caught Kristen standing a few feet away with her jaw on the ground, but it wasn't enough to distract me from the dizzy boiling sensations pulsing through my skin.

That thumb brushed upward this time, over my jaw again, and up to my cheek bones, dragging down over my bottom lip. I darted my tongue out to flick against the pad of his thumb.

He made a sound like a growl, like he was restraining himself. I slid my hands up to rest on his firm chest, completely falling into his strong body for support. I wondered how long the elevator ride to the room would be if I were to suggest it just now. If I dared suggest it.

He wouldn't turn me down, I was sure. There was nothing partial about the arousal pressing into me at this stage as his eyes scraped over my face; dropped down into my ample cleavage. He dropped his hand from my face and slid his fingers down either side of my body, taking in the feeling of my curves before wrapping each strong hand around my hips and pulling me into him, hard.

I looped my arms around his neck, keeping my eyes fixed up on his, every pore in my body tingling. His fingers dug into the soft flesh around my hips, a last attempt at control, and I could feel how much he wanted to let go of that control. The very size of him pressed against my stomach made me exhale sharply, struggling to keep myself upright.

If the DJ hadn't interrupted us with the most obnoxious squeal imaginable at that very moment, I'm not sure what would've happened. As we were going, it was about two seconds to dance floor coitus. The lights flashed a bright, unwelcome white, startling the two of us out of our moment as our former class stoner started rambling some nonsense about reuniting the prom king and queen.

I stumbled backward, twisting out of Dane's grip to shield my eyes from the light. He didn't stop me. He muttered some variation of "fuck!" and also made to cover his eyes. We ducked out into the banquet area as quickly as possible.

When we finally came to a stop, I couldn't even make eye contact with him. What the hell had just happened? I could hear him breathing in a labored sort of way as well, dragging a hand through his hair.

"I, um ..." I said, fumbling with the fabric of my dress, trying to make it smooth again.

He dropped his hands to his sides and looked at me expectantly. A beat passed and he raised his eyebrows, hoping for something. An explanation, I imagined.

"Gotta use the bathroom," I muttered, lamely, quickly spinning and hurrying away.

"Anna!" He called after me, but I didn't answer. "Anna, stop!"

I could feel my face burning and it was imperative to get to the ladies room as quickly as possible. Without slowing, I slapped the door open with the palm of my hand and walked immediately to the stalls, bracing myself against one of the doors, allowing my shaken breaths to come out hard and heavy now that I was safe ... and, mercifully, alone.

Deliberately, I turned and took slow steps toward the sink. I turned the tap on and looked at my flushed face in the mirror. My eyes were glowing an aroused green and the flush on my cheeks went all the way down into my cleavage. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that the woman in the mirror had just come from her lover's bed. Shit.

I reached into the water, preparing to splash my face, when the bathroom door swung open again, revealing an angry looking Dane, whose eyes darted around for a moment before locking on me.

"Dane, what are yo--" I started as in one smooth motion, he stepped inside, locked the door and came toward me in three long, deliberate steps. Without stopping, he wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me up to his mouth, his momentum slamming my back against the tiled wall as he pressed his full body against me.

His soft, warm lips dragged over mine hard as his tongue pushed into my mouth. Hardly able to think, much less react, I yielded, letting his delicious assault overtake me, letting his tongue probe and graze against mine as he held me against the cold tile wall, his hands loosely around my neck.

His teeth scraped against my bottom lip, pulling it and giving it a light nip as his hands dove south, sliding around my breasts and squeezing them together in the tight red silk of my dress. He groaned, kneading them, doing what I knew he'd wanted to do for years when he first checked out my tits behind a bar in college.

When he slid his thumbs roughly over my hard nipples, I moaned into his mouth. My hands wrapped around him and digging into his hair. With great reluctance, he let his hands drop away from my breasts, letting them bounce back into place as he dragged his hands down my body and dug into my hips again. With impressive strength and absolutely no warning, he hoisted me up onto the sink. I didn't even have time to gasp in surprise, because his lips never left mine.

My legs wrapped around him almost of their own accord as he continued to assault my mouth. His hands slid down my back and over my ass, pulling me against his still impressive arousal bulging against his slacks. I locked my new heels together so he could better grind into me.

My dress rode up around my hips, presenting a visual for him of my damp, delicate satin panties as he ground his cloth-clad cock against me. The roughness of it sent sharp waves of pleasure through me as I bucked against him, rubbing my breasts into his chest as I let him devour my mouth. Just when I thought we'd reached the point of no return, he abruptly broke away from me, panting. I let my legs drop from around his waist as he pressed his forehead against mine for a second before drawing away completely.

I didn't know what to say, and managed only to sit there limply, touching my bruised lips and catching my breath. I watched him, speechless, as he leaned against the tiled wall he'd just had me against just a moment ago and dragged a hand over his eyes. We sat for a moment before he peeked up at me.

"Sorry," he said, simply, with a boyish half grin.

I swallowed. "Um. No problem." I tugged my skirt down, unsure if I should hop off the sink or beg him to come back. He solved this dilemma for me by quickly reaching over and assisting me down by the hips, making sure to let me drag against his body as I slid to my feet.

I started to speak a few times, but realized I was completely unable to think of anything to say. This seemed only to satisfy Dane, who grinned, smug, as he watched me try to gather my thoughts.

He opened the door of the bathroom and slid out, leaving me in there to put myself back to rights. It took a few minutes to get my hair back to anything resembling controlled, though I couldn't entirely get the color in my cheeks to go down.

I stepped back out into the party, the strobe lights flying as the former prom royalty had their dance. Dane slid up next to me out of nowhere and snaked an arm around my waist. "Maybe," he whispered, bending down close to my ear and letting that warm breath of his pulse tantalizingly into it. "You should say goodbye to your friends and let me take you upstairs."

My throat went entirely dry as the implication of that spread through my fingers and toes ... and unmentionables. I managed to stiffly nod, somehow unable to remember when and how I'd once held the ability to turn him down.

He smiled against my ear and gave me a slight nuzzle. "Good girl."

The fact that my knees didn't buckle from under me at that was a blessing. After all, having to call a paramedic to get me off the floor may have killed the mood. I practically sprinted over to Kristen to say my good nights, where she was loitering over by the guest book.

She took one look at me, my mussed up hair, then to Dane leaning languidly against the wall near the exit, giving me a wolfish look and seemed to understand completely. She allowed herself to give him a thorough once over, then patted my shoulder and said, "damn."

I kissed her quickly on both cheeks, making vague promises of a lunch tomorrow, and walked back over to him as he hit the button for the elevator. He said nothing, but was smiling as though he'd said it all.

When the doors to the elevator closed he stood behind me, breathing softly against my neck, and ran his hands down my bare arms. "Do you still hate my tie?" he taunted.

"Yes," I shot, and then managed a small smile. I turned slowly and gripped the offending object in question, pulling him out of the elevator by it as we reached our floor.

He'd had the room key ready and he backed me against the door as he slid the little electronic key into place, smiling down at me as it swung open and we both slid in. I ducked under his arm as the door eased itself shut and crawled onto the bed, feeling a bit unsure of what was supposed to come next.

I didn't have to decide.  He was on top of me before I had time to even consider positioning myself, his hands pressing my hips into the soft mattress as his heavy, warm body pressed onto mine, his lips slanting over my mouth, his shoes being kicked off onto the floor.  I slid one foot up his leg to wrap around his waist, my silver heel pressing into the small of his back.

He tugged down the top of my dress as I wrapped my arms around his neck, digging my fingers into his hair.  His eyes locked on my breasts as they bounced out of the confines of the dress, and then locked onto mine as he lowered his head, wrapping his warm mouth around my nipple. 

I threw my head back with a moan, dragging my fingers down his back and pulling at his shirt.  The electric sensations of his clever tongue swirling around my hard nipple clouded any rational thought I may have otherwise had.  My sole motivation was to get his skin onto my skin as quickly as possible.

His hand was under my skirt, pressed firmly against me, his thumb rubbing sexy, slow circles around my swollen clit.  I could feel how hard he was against my thigh, but any logical motion I could make to get his clothes off was impossible through the spasms overtaking me while he devoured my tits, feeling me up like a horny teenager.

He shifted to push himself against me, his hips digging into mine.  I wrapped my legs around his waist, grabbing a handful of his hair and dragging his mouth back up to mine.  He happily obliged me, hungrily rubbing his tongue against mine and nipping at my lips while we ground our naughty bits together through our clothes.  His free hands were all over, touching my breasts, my ribs, my hips.  I felt totally powerless to do anything but let this delicious assault take its course.

I managed to get my hands down to his sides and tugged at the back of his jacket. He smiled against my lips and sat up for a moment, shrugging the jacket off.  He bit his lip on a smile as he slid his tie off, tossing it above me onto the bed, and began to unbutton his shirt, revealing his beautiful, broad chest covered in a dusting of golden hair.

Watching his big hands drop to that belt buckle and begin the process of revealing himself made my breath catch.  He didn't miss it either.  I was frozen in place, watching him approach the point of no return as his eyes scraped over my revealed breasts and the skirt ridden up around my thighs, caught just over my little satin panties damp from all of the grinding we'd been doing.

When he was finally exposed, thick and throbbing, I swear I almost passed out.  He was grinning, fully aware of how impressed I was, and crawled over me, sliding his hands into mine pulling me up to my knees and against his bare chest.  He licked my collar bone, taking tiny bites of the skin along my neck up to my ear.  He whispered as he pinched the top of the zipper against my spine, "I have wanted to do this for such a long time."

"God, me too," I said, my hands tripping down his gorgeous stomach and wrapping around his big cock.  I heard him inhale sharply as he jerked the rest of my zipper down while I began to pump my soft hand over his erection, feeling every contour of him.  I slid down before he could react and slid my warm mouth over the head of his cock, my tongue pushing against the head.

As I lowered my mouth onto his cock, I heard him mutter, "Christ Jesus," and he slid his hands down the sides of my dress, attempting to get the rest of it off.  I lifted one knee at a time as I sucked on him so he could remove what was left of my clothing, leaving only my pulled down bra and little slip of panties, which he managed to also get off of me between gripping my back and arms in response to the motions of my mouth.

When he'd finally gotten me naked, I slid off of him, easing myself back onto the bed.  My eyes locked onto him as I could see he was close to entirely losing control.  He locked a big hand on one of my hips and dragged his tongue from the contour of my pelvis up to the valley between my breasts, over the hollow of my throat and up to my mouth, which he promptly ravaged as he put his weight on top of me, our skin burning up between us.

My shoes were still strapped to my feet and he could feel the cold metal of the heel as I slid them up his thighs, spreading my knees under him.  He lifted up from our kiss to look into my eyes, his expression beyond serious as he eased himself oh so slowly into me.  I kept my own eyes trained onto his for as long as I could manage before I had to drop my head back with a moan.

He lowered his lips into the crevice of my shoulder and I put a hand to the back of his neck as he began to thrust into me at an excruciatingly slow pace, making sure I felt every inch of him.  I slid my hands down his back, raking my nails over his broad shoulders and the muscles on either side of his spine while he did this.

"Dane," I moaned.  "Please …"

He lifted up, looking down at me with a smirk as he gave me a particularly hard shove, deep into me.  He pushed the hair out of my face, digging his hand into my hair and reached down with his other hand to grip my hip as he started to speed up, giving me hard, fast pulses of his cock slamming inside of me.  I cried out, loving it and he continued to pick up speed, slipping in and out of me and staring down at my bouncing tits.

He lowered his head so he could suck on one of my nipples while he pounded me, digging his fingers into the soft white flesh of my hip.  I rocked my hips hard against him, intensifying the momentum by pushing back.  He sank his arms under the middle of my back and lifted me up to where I was almost straddling him as we rammed against each other, my nipples still receiving an absolutely delicious amount of attention from his hot tongue.

"Fuck, Anna," he managed, his hands supporting my ass and back, his mouth against my tits.  "There is so much I want to do to you."

"We … mmm," I grabbed his shoulders, my body tensing from the build up.  "We have all night."

Before he could respond I felt my body lock up in response to our frenzied pace.  I released a loud moan, my nails digging into his shoulders as my entire person clenched down on him while my orgasm rocked through me.  I heard him groan as he watched and felt me climax.

This seemed to tip him past the point of control as he shoved me back into the soft pillows and began to thrust as fast as he could, his hands gripped around my waist.  I was limp, unable to move but loving the sensation of such intense friction post orgasm.  His body was damp with exertion, his breathing ragged with every push inside me. 

I slid my hands over his chest, feeling his heartbeat pound against my fingers.  I dragged my fingertips over his sexy, plump lips.  He opened his eyes and looked at me in the final moment before I felt him explode, crying out and collapsing forward, his body weight sinking decadently into mine.

We laid there like that for a while, catching our breath, still wound up in each other's limbs.  Finally, after I spent an immeasurable amount of time staring at the dusting of his eyelashes on his cheeks, he opened up those baby blues to look at me. 

"You know I'm not done with you yet, right?"

I didn't answer him.  Instead, I leaned forward to kiss him, my arms winding around his neck. 
© Copyright 2011 Tilia (tilia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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