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Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Comedy · #1763432
A rock star teams up with his bandmates to stop FBI agents from taking over rock music.
Derek the Rock Star
By Nate Spidgewood

Genre: Comedy/Action/Adventure

Published on: March 29, 2011

This is part 2 of the story. Enjoy!

(At nighttime, Derek and the gang walk down the sidewalk and saw a brick wall. It turned out to be an entrance to Babyface's Country Music Partners corporation.)

Janet: Oh man, look at this. This is a place that Babyface works for.

Herbert: Yeah, and he uses computers to sabotage rock stations.

Derek: So THAT'S what caused my job all this trouble.

Manny: Sure. It's madness.

Steve: Indeed. I know this may be crazy talk, but Babyface must have been a mad scientist or something. Jeez, I almost died and went to heaven.

Derek: Exactly. We'll have to enter that place and change everything back to normal.

Herbert: I'm all ears.

Derek: Good for you. And how about you, Aston?

(Aston's eyes get wide and then he nods.)

Derek: Good.

(Derek walks to a door on the brick wall and tries to open it, even though it's locked.)

Derek: Man! It's locked.

Janet: Locked? Why?

Derek: It can't be. Maybe we're not allowed to enter. How would we?

Steve: Hey Derek, I got an idea: Let me tell you, dude. I brought some dynamite with me and we're using it to break through in case you're not able to open the door.

(Steve shows Derek a box full of dynamite.)

Derek: Oh yeah. I changed my mind. Good idea.

Steve: (Nods)

(Cut to Derek putting some dynamite out next to the wall.)

Derek: We're almost getting there, so we're going to step away from the dynamite before it explodes.

(Derek's friends step far away from the dynamite and sit next to a garage door.)

Janet: But it's too dangerous, Derek. We're about to get killed. Please don't stay near the match.

Derek: I won't, Janet, I'm going to run away from all this dynamite as soon as I light it, so don't worry.

(Derek pulls a lighter out of his pocket and uses it to light the dynamite fuses. He then runs from the match and sits next to his friends near the garage door. Just as he does it, Roland and his henchmen arrive.)

Babyface: Look Roland, why is there dynamite sitting next to my place's entrance?

(Roland notices the match.)

Roland: What the...?

Bradley: Correction. This will be a sad day for ol' Gordon.

Roland: What makes Derek even think of this?

Philip: I can't tell that we're gonna blow up sooner or later.

Roland: Of course not, you idiot! That kid knew he's going to kill us thanks to the dynamite! So let's move it before it explodes!

(Just as Roland and his henchmen start running, the dynamite explodes. Derek watches the explosion while his friends are shutting their eyes. The agents' car explodes due to the dynamite. Roland, Bradley, Philip and Babyface are running away from the explosion, which also catches Roland's rear end on fire that causes him to scream and cover his butt. Finally, the explosion destroys the brick wall and disappears.)

Derek: This is it. Let's go.

(The gang runs up to the entrance. Roland is running around screaming while his butt is still on fire.)


Bradley: I'll put it out! Now where can I find a fire extinguisher?

(Philip runs up with a fire extinguisher.)

Philip: Got it!


(Philip and Bradley extinguish the fire on Roland's pants. Roland stares at them with a frown. Philip and Bradley smile in response. Meanwhile, Derek and his friends are entering the organization's front yard.)

Herbert: Oh wow, this front yard is huge and neat. Can't you believe this?

Steve: Certainly. Mind if we play sports here?

Herbert: But we're on a mission!

Derek: Shh! We can't play sports, Steve. We're about to enter this place.

Steve: Oh, I must have forgotten. Sorry 'bout that.

(Derek tries to open the organization's door, but it's also locked.)

Derek: Great, another locked door.

Janet: Why would they lock any door?

Derek: I dunno. How could they?

Manny: Hey, I know how to open this door!

Janet: Well, what is it?

Manny: Open sesame!

(The door automatically opens.)

Derek: Hey, it works! Let's find out.

(The gang sneaks into the organization and wanders all around.)

Steve: Dude. Wow, it looks like some kind of laboratory. Weird.

Manny: It sure does.

Derek: Shh!

(Derek and his friends spy all around the organization. Suddenly, Aston spots Babyface's computer bank.)

Derek: Hey, you found it! Let's go over there, fellas.

(The gang hurries over to Babyface's computer bank, but it was locked in a glass container. The glass container has a note that reads "STOP! Do not use the computer bank, unless it was used by the CEO. If you use the computer bank, you will be kicked out. Period." Derek notices the note and looks confused.)

Derek: (sigh) This is no use. That Babyface should know better than this.

Manny: Well, what can we do now?

Herbert: Hmmm, maybe an axe could help.

(Herbert points at an axe on the wall.)

Derek: Hey, an axe is a great idea! Thanks, Herbert!

(Derek hurries over to the axe and grabs it. He squints, then glares at the container, armed with the axe. Meanwhile, Roland was walking stiffly with smoke coming out of his burned pants. His henchmen follow him.)

Roland: Ooh, all that dynamite...

Bradley: You're right, Roland. What a huge explosion.

Roland: Oh sure. Derek knew he's gonna leave us all burned and stiff.

Philip: How come?

Roland: Honestly, he's smart enough to leave dynamite that explodes near us. Heck, even my car blew to smithereens!

Philip: Pfft. Very funny.

Bradley: Hey Roland, what happened to your pants?

Roland: Huh?

Bradley: I mean, just look at your butt!

(Bradley points at a hole in Roland's pants where his butt was visible. Roland looks at it.)

Bradley: It looks like you're getting naked now!

(Bradley laughs as Roland grumbles angrily at him.)

Bradley: It looks like you are!

(Roland grabs Bradley by the shirt and makes a fist at him.)

Bradley: Hey, what are you doing?! Don't you like my sense of humor??

(Roland punches Bradley in the face. It abruptly cuts to Derek breaking the container's glass with the axe.)

Derek: Finally, I have to change the settings back!

Janet: Good going, Derek. It's nice to see rock coming back.

(Derek drops the axe, walks to the computer bank - avoiding the shattered glass - and navigates its control panel's settings. He looks at the keys and thinks. He then changes the settings and replaces country music stations with rock music stations. Derek walks away from the computer bank, relieved.)

Derek: Well...there you have it. The return of rock music.

Janet: We finally brought it back! We did it!

Herbert: Hooray!

(Herbert, Steve, Manny and Aston all cheer, granting Derek as a hero. Steve and Manny give each other a high five.)

Herbert: Derek! Your decision to bring rock back is terrific! You're a genius!

Derek: (Nods)

Steve: Well done, big guy! Bravo for you! It's very nice of you. Thank you!

(Steve gives Derek a handshake.)

Derek: Uh, you're welcome.

Manny: Hey dude, you did a great job on bringing rock back. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Derek: Well, you're welcome.

(Janet walks over to him.)

Janet: Well Derek, what do you think of this fantastic plan?

Derek: You know, Janet...it's just wonderful. I think my citizens are satisfied now that we've saved rock, anyway.

Janet: You're the best, sweetie. I love you.

(Janet gives Derek a big hug.)

Derek: I love you too.

Janet: I know.

Derek: Okay everybody...let's go back home.

Herbert: I'm with you.

Steve: Me too.

Manny: And me three.

(Derek and his friends leave the organization and run up to their car. They drive away. Meanwhile, the agents watch them.)

Roland: Grr. Those kids ruined everything.

Babyface: So, are you going to change your pants or what?

Roland: Yes. And I have extra clothes in my brief case.

Babyface: Oh.

Roland: I don't know where it went. Maybe it's because my car exploded.

Babyface: I have it right here.

(Babyface picks a brief case up. Roland snatches it.)

Roland: Good, now give me that.

Babyface: But...

Roland: No buts! Those darn little pests invaded the museum first, and now they've invaded your corporation!

Babyface: Oh god.

Roland: This is why rock and roll came back! Now I'm losing it! This is stupid.

Philip: Okay, you don't have to yell. Sheesh. So what are we gonna do now?

Roland: We have to get another car and go after 'em.

Philip: Okey-doke.

Roland: Perfect! Let's move it!

(Roland and his henchmen steal someone's car and drive away.)

(The sun rises, as Derek and the gang were in their car driving down the highway.)

Herbert: Man, I can't wait to tell these amazing news to Peter!

Derek: I hope so. The whole town must have been happy.

Janet: Definitely, Derek. I wonder where our studio is.

Derek: Let's see.

(Derek looks at the map. Suddenly, a car was driving behind the gang.)

Manny: Hey, who's following us?

Derek: Who?

(Derek turns to see the unknown car, which was unfortunately speeding up. The car is revealed to be Roland and his henchmen driving the car they stole.)

Herbert: The agents! They're gonna kill us!

Derek: Holy cow! Those agents are mad at us! I'd better drive away from them!

(Derek speeds his car up, but Roland's car is still reaching for it.)

Roland: Almost got 'em!

(Derek frantically stares at the other car and tries to escape, but Roland catches up and collides with the gang's car. They then both swirl around as a result. They stop and the gang and antagonists get out of their respective cars.)

Derek: What are you doing here?!

Roland: We're here to sabotage your career SOME MORE, little guy!

Derek: You can't do that! My agent Peter will call the lawyers!

Roland: Lawyers? Do they have to sue me for this? HA! What a joke. Too late, you fool. Time for some sabotaging!!!

(The agents grab Derek and try to abuse him. Derek struggles with them and tries to make it out of their wrangling arms.)

Janet: DEREK!

Derek: Lemme go, you dumb agents! Lemme go! Help!

Herbert: I'll save you!

(Herbert tries to pull Derek away from the agents, but Roland punches him.)

Herbert: Ow! My kidney!

Manny: Oh, crap!

Steve: Herbert! Are you okay?

Herbert: (referring to Roland) He punched me in the kidney! That big meanie!

(Derek is still fighting with the agents. Afterward, they drag him and shove him onto the stolen car. Roland, in a menacing manner, holds him on the car.)

Roland: You know how much I hate rock and roll, Derek.

(Roland pulls a pistol out and aims it at Derek.)

Roland: It's the stupidest music genre I've ever heard. And it makes my ears bleed. Sure, country music is much better. Mmm hmmm.

Derek: That's not true!

Roland: Oh yes it is, little guy. Pete will never see you again. EVER, all right? If you spout out about rock and roll one last time, I'll shoot you in the head, and it will be my finest moment.

(Roland chuckles evilly just as Derek, still being held on the car, watches him in horror. Suddenly, an idea came into Derek's head.)

Derek: Aston!

(Derek whistles for his dog, who wakes up and jumps out of his car.)

Roland: Huh?

Derek: Sic 'em, boy!

(Aston charges at Roland and the other agents and attacks them. The gun flies out of Roland's hand and shoots at the sky. The agents land on the ground and Aston walks up and growls at them. Roland steps backward which makes Aston step forward.)

Roland: (whimpering) Oh, hello there, dog. I'm trying to be nice to you...please don't growl at me. Okay? Hee hee hee. Take it easy. C'mon, I won't hurt you. Easy, boy...easy.

(Aston barks furiously, attacks Roland and starts to bite him. They both struggle. Roland screams in pain.)


Philip: Oh no! Let me get it off of you!

(Philip touches Aston, who bites his arm in response.)

Philip: OW!

(Philip walks over to Bradley while Aston bites on a few portions of Roland's clothes and rips them off. Roland hops around with Aston clutched to his leg.)


Bradley: All right, you dumb mutt, get off of him!

(Bradley and Philip tackle Aston and try to grab him. Then the agents fight over him. Aston was barking in frustration because he felt the agents abuse him.)


Derek: Hold on, Aston!

(Derek runs up to the agents.)


Derek: Let go of my dog!

(Derek tackles the agents. Suddenly, Aston jumps out of the agents' arms yelping.)

Derek: No! Aston!

(Aston runs away from everyone howling. Derek tries to run after him, but he doesn't catch up.)

Derek: Come back!

(Derek stops running, exhausted. Then he talks to his friends.)

Derek: Okay, we have to split up. Manny and Steve, you have to find Aston and catch up with him, and we have to drive away from the agents.

Steve and Manny: Okay, we'll do it.

(Derek, Janet and Herbert run to their car and drive off. Manny and Steve run off to find Aston. Meanwhile, the agents, feeling hurt and abused, watch the car drive away.)

Philip: What now, Roland?

Bradley: What can we do next?

Roland: Let's go get them.

(Roland and his henchmen run to their car and drive off.)

(The chase scene. Derek was driving down the street with relief.)

Derek: Well, I've finally outsmarted those agents, so they'll just keep away from me.

Janet: But it's too late. It looks like they're trying to get us.

(Derek turns to see the antagonists driving behind his car.)

Derek: (frantic) They're chasing us! You're right! I'll just speed up!

(Derek speeds up his car.)

Roland: Damn!

(Roland speeds his car up. Then he catches up with the gang's car. At the same time, the cars get on a freeway.)

Roland: You lousy, pathetic rock star!

(Roland steers his car next to Derek's car and both of them get their wheels stuck together in a Ben Hur-style chase scene. Derek steers his car and pushes the agent's car at the left side of the freeway, but the other car pushes it at the right. The two cars continue driving on hot pursuit.)


(The cars crash into a random car that falls off the highway. The guy who was driving this car screams.)


(The car tumbles down a hill and crashes into a random tree. After that, the car's airbag inflates and pushes the guy aside. Then the car falls down clockwise from the tree and hits the ground, which makes the guy jump. He groans and hits the car's other seat. Back at the freeway, Derek finally manages to drive away from Roland.)

Roland: Hey!

(Derek's car drives off, with the agents' car following it. Meanwhile, Roland picks up his pistol, which he had retrieved shortly before the chase, and shoots at his car's windshield. The glass then shatters thanks to the gunshot and Roland starts shooting at the gang's car.)

Derek: (frightened) They're shooting us!

(Roland continues shooting at the gang's car while Derek dodges the bullets and tries to drive away, but he misses several times. Meanwhile, the two cars escape the freeway and drive to a pier at the docks where speedboats were being handled. Derek, Janet and Herbert get out of their car, run up to one speedboat that was floating in the water, and jump into it. Derek starts the speedboat up and drives away from the pier. After that, Roland and his henchmen hurry out of the stolen car and run up at another speedboat in the water, but there's a guy sitting in its seat, trying to figure out how to drive it. Then they jump into the speedboat from the pier. Roland punches the guy, who then falls into the water. Roland starts driving the speedboat with the other antagonists and speeds up after Derek's speedboat. Both speedboats were racing through the ocean and Roland catches up with Derek.)

Roland: I have you now, rock star!

Herbert: Dang!

(Roland steers next to Derek's speedboat and pushes it. Derek speeds up and Roland pursues him on the water. This cuts to a scene where two random fishermen are in their small wooden boat fishing.)

Fisherman #1: So uh, did you catch the fish yet?

Fisherman #2: I'm trying.

(Fisherman #2 uses his fishing pole to pull a fish out of the water, although it turned out that half of its tail was torn off.)

Fisherman #2: Wow, that's weird. Hey Jerry, look at this. The fish's tail is ripped off.

Fisherman #1: Ah, I see. And there's blood on his tail, so this means we won't be having this fish for lunch.

Fisherman #2: Great, I have to toss him back to the water.

Fisherman #1: Are you kidding? Nobody throws dead fish back to the ocean. Maybe we'll keep it.

Fisherman #2: Pfft, someone told me if I catch a dead fish, I'll just toss him back.

(Suddenly, Derek and Roland's speedboats, stuck together, charge at the fishermen's boat and crash into it, knocking the two fishermen out and breaking the boat apart.)


(The fishermen fall into the water. The two speedboats continue driving through the ocean and push each other.)

Roland: This is the last time I get you, kid!

(Roland tackles Derek and tries to drag him to his speedboat.)

Derek: Hey! Stop! Lemme go! Lemme go!

Roland: I'm not stopping! I'm not stopping!

(The speedboats suddenly charge at a large quarter pipe-esque ramp in the water which sends both of them flying over the ground and right at a random warehouse. Derek, Janet, Herbert, the agents and Babyface all scream in terror.)


(The two speedboats crash into the warehouse and burst through the wall, bouncing on and off the ground, and everybody jumps out of them. The gang and the agents were left unconscious, lying on the ground. Janet wakes up and runs up to Derek.)

Janet: Derek? Derek? (grabs Derek's arm) Derek, wake up!

Derek: (coughing) Huh? What is it?

(Roland, along with his henchmen, wakes up. He rolls his sleeves up and threatens Derek.)

Roland: Ooh, you're history NOW, boy!

Derek: What happened here, Janet?

Janet: (pointing at Roland) Look out!

(Derek turns around and sees Roland with a horrified face. Roland was making fists at him.)

Roland: I'm gonna fight you for this. You're in big trouble now. REALLY big trouble! C'mon!

Derek: NO!

(A person suddenly hits Roland in the head from behind with a guitar. Roland falls to the ground and the person who hit him was actually revealed to be Peter himself.)

Derek: Peter!

(Derek happily runs up to Peter and approaches him.)

Peter: Derek! It's good to see you again!

Janet: It's good to see you too!

Herbert: Yeah!

Peter: How's your journey, Derek?

Derek: It's been a great adventure. And Peter, how did you find us? I'd like to know.

Peter: Well, I was talking to a friend of mine at the street, but I saw your dog running past us, and Manny and Steve helped me catch him by his leash. They told me you were running away from the agents, so we've been searching for you.

Derek: You found Aston??

Peter: Uh huh. And here he is.

(Peter shows Derek and his friends Aston, who walks up from behind.)

Derek: Aston!

(Aston pants as Derek hugs him.)

Derek: I missed you so much!

(Manny and Steve walk up and see Derek and Aston.)

Manny: Awww, that's so cute.

Derek: Manny! Steve! You're back!

Steve: It's awesome to see you again too, dude!

(Suddenly, Roland gets up in a threatening way.)

Roland: I'm gonna get you all, losers.

Peter: Let's get out of here!

(Derek, his friends, Aston and Peter start running away from the warehouse.)

Roland: After them!

(Roland and his henchmen start chasing after the gang, who were running to Peter's motorcycle. Peter and Derek hop onto the motorcycle, along with Derek's friends.)

Peter: Hop on, everybody!

(Janet places a motorcycle helmet on Derek's head and the gang rides off. The agents hijack another car and race after the motorcycle.)


Derek: No way! We've had enough with country music! Period!

Herbert: Same here with Derek! Rock music is much better, so nyah nyah!

Peter: We know WHERE you're going, Roland!

Roland: WHAT?!

Peter: We're luring you to the canyon!


Peter: The Grand Canyon!


(The chase ensues throughout the city. Roland catches up with the motorcycle and drags Derek and Aston to his car. Derek was kicking his legs with fear inside the car.)



(Peter reaches his hand out to Derek, who was still being neglected by the agents in the car. Derek reaches his hand out of the car's window, but he barely reaches out to Peter's hand. Peter finally manages to take Derek's hand and drags him out of Roland's car, but Aston was still in the car, feeling so scared that he whines.)

Roland: AAARGH!

(Peter plops Derek back onto his motorcycle seat to safety. The gang starts chasing the agents, and they were both driving like crazy, always crashing into certain cars and dodging others. Finally, the gang rides up to the Grand Canyon.)

Derek: We're almost there!

(The motorcycle races throughout the canyon, chasing the agents' car. Aston manages to jump out of the agents' car and fiercely pursues it.)

Philip: No! The dog's chasing us!

Roland: Shut up, Philip!

Philip: Hey! Don't tell me to shut up!

Roland: Oh yeah?! Well, I'm gonna bump into those idiots' stupid motorcycle and destroy it so I...HUH?!

(Derek rides up to the cliff and the motorcycle triumphantly soars from one cliff to another in slow motion, much to the agents' surprise. During this, the map flies off from Derek and floats down between the two cliffs. At the same time, Aston jumps off the cliff and follows the motorcycle, also in a triumphant way, and eventually lands onto the other cliff. Derek takes his helmet off. Roland's car drives up to the cliff.)

Roland: WHOA!!!

(Roland puts his foot on the car's pedal and puts on the brakes, but at the same time, the car topples over the cliff's edge.)


(Roland and his henchmen almost jump out of their car, which still wavers on the cliff's brink. The car eventually falls off the cliff with the agents still inside. The agents did jump out of the car, but they also fall above it. The agents scream as they and their car fall to the bottom of the ravine. At the time, Derek and the gang run up and watch the agents fall to their doom. Just as the agents and the car hit the ground, the car explodes massively. During the gigantic explosion, Derek and the gang shut their eyes, still watching the car exploding a bit. The explosion finishes minutes later. After that, Derek sighs with relief.)

Derek: Phew.

Janet: We did it!!

(Derek's friends rejoice in a celebration. Herbert, Steve and Manny were mainly cheering wildly.)

Herbert: Yay! We've defeated those darn agents!

Steve: That's right! Country music is awful! AWFUL I say! You know that, dudes? Thank goodness for rock!

Manny: (calling out to the ravine) So long, you suckers!

Steve: (nudging Derek) Way to go, big guy! Thanks for saving rock music once again!

Derek: Uh huh.

Peter: Congratulations, Derek! You finally got rid of the annoying agents! Now they can never stop rock music again!

Derek: Thanks a lot, Peter. I'd like to...Wait!

(Derek's friends stop cheering as Derek realizes the map was missing.)

Derek: Where's the map? I mean, I had it in my hand hours ago, but it somehow disappeared. What happened to it?

Peter: Well, my friend...I'm afraid we dropped the map and it fell to the river by the time the agents died.

Derek: What?

Peter: Yes, and the car explosion burned it.

(Derek becomes sad. Tears come to his eyes.)

Derek: Great. I did keep my guitar, but for some reason, I lost the map. Now we'll never get back home.

(Derek kneels on the ground and looks down at the river with a sad face. His friends gather around in silence and stare at Derek in a dramatic way, looking pretty glum.)

Derek: I knew I'm lost in the canyon now. Without the map, I'll never go back to my studio.

(Peter pats Derek's back.)

Peter: Don't worry, Derek. I know where the studio is. We'll just head back home now.

(Derek looks at Peter with a concerned face.)

Derek: (sigh) Okay. (to Aston) C'mon, Aston.

(Peter and Derek walk to the motorcycle, which was a few miles away, along with Derek's friends. After that, they take a seat and start the motorcycle up. Then they fly to the other cliff - with Aston following the motorcycle - and ride off.)

(Back at Derek's town, the gang was walking down the sidewalk. Derek was seen walking with a guilty face, and he has his hands in his pockets.)

Janet: You know, Derek, I'm glad you brought rock back, but I think we're all tired now. That's a long trip.

Derek: I know, Janet.

(Derek stops walking and closes his eyes.)

Derek: Jeez, what an adventure.

(Derek moves his head down and looks tired. Suddenly, there's a radio sitting in the grass, and a radio announcer was heard discussing about how Derek saved the day.)

Announcer: In other news, an eighteen year old teenager named Derek Finn, whose brand new rock band was called Insane Brats, helped save rock music and get rid of the pesky FBI who has a desire to replace the music genre with country.

(Derek opens his eyes. He then turns to look at the radio.)

Announcer: In fact, Mr. Finn's concert was neglected by the FBI, but then he begins his journey to save the genre. However, after the FBI was killed at the Grand Canyon, Mr. Finn was described by the citizens as a hero.

(A joyful guy was abruptly heard shouting off-screen.)

Guy: Hooray for Derek Finn! He's the guy who saved rock and roll!

(Derek, while being startled, turns around to see the guy, who was just standing there with very happy people behind them.)

Guy: (to Derek) You've saved rock and roll! You're a hero!

(The people starts yelling with joy and Derek's eyes get wide.)

Derek: (smiling) I'm a hero?

Guy: Yes you are! You're one of the best musicians who ever lived!

(Derek jumps up and starts shouting happily just as his friends run up to him.)


(Everyone starts celebrating wildly, with a lot of cheering going on. This cuts to two of Derek's fans watching the news on TV.)

TV Newscaster: Today, Derek Finn, the Insane Brats founder and lead singer, has revived the beloved rock music genre that has been really popular. In addition to that, Derek is restoring his old Insane Brats concert that was already sabotaged before.

Fan #1: What? Rock actually came back?

Fan #2: I can't believe that. It helped remove country! YAY! LET'S DANCE!

Fan #1: Ok! Let's do it.

(The fans dance together wildly because they were happy about the revival.)

(Derek and his friends are restoring their Insane Brats concert inside the auditorium with the help of Peter. Meanwhile, Derek's parents see him doing this.)

Mom: Derek! Over here!

Dad: Derek!

(Derek turns to see his parents calling for him.)

Derek: Mom! Dad!

(Derek runs up to his parents and hugs them.)

Mom: Oh Derek! Where have you been? I've been searching everywhere for you!

Derek: You know, Mom, I was out on an adventure with friends...and got my job back, rescued my guitar back from the museum, changed the radio stations back, and got rid of those terrible agents.

Mom: Agents? What kind of agents?

Derek: FBI agents. They really wanted to replace rock with country music, which is pretty terrible in my opinion.

Mom: Oh. Oh my. The FBI agents should learn a lesson.

Derek: Well actually, they're dead.

(Derek's dad sees him and his mom talking.)

Dad: I've been looking for Derek. Where was he?

Mom: He had an adventure with his friends.

Dad: Oh. I see what you're saying.

Derek: Mom, Dad...I'm now devoted the guy who saved rock music.

Mom: Oh, you're a wonderful rock star, son.

Derek: Thanks.

(Janet taps on Derek, who then turns around.)

Janet: You're one of the most amazing people I've ever met.

Derek: Well, thank you! I'm glad!

Janet: You're welcome.

(Janet kisses Derek's cheek and walks off.)

Derek: (to himself) Well, what do you know. I'm a hero...and a good rock star.

(Derek goes back to his friends and continues to restore the concert. Moments later, Derek’s “Insane Brats” audience buys tickets and watches the newly restored concert. The band starts playing a reprise of “Soar High in the Sky” and Derek sings it. After that, it cuts to a shot of the field and theater and the camera zooms out far away from the theater.)

(At the Grand Canyon, Roland and his henchmen, now all a little burned with their clothes ripped up because of the car explosion, are climbing up the cliff. It turns out that they survived the fall. They barely could climb.)

Babyface: Hey Roland.

Roland: What?!

Babyface: I've been hearing so many people cheering that the kid saved rock and roll.

Roland: Grr! I hate that kid now!

Philip: You don't have to scream!

Roland: Oh yeah?? I'm gonna get those liars right now and this will be...AAAAAUUGGHHHH!!

(Roland slips and then falls down again.)

Philip: Oopsie!

Bradley: Ooh, are you okay there?

(Roland starts shouting offscreen.)


(Roland's henchmen look down at him and smile sheepishly.)

Philip: Heh heh.

© Copyright 2011 Nate Spidgewood (natespidgewood at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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