Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1760988-The-Invasion--Operation-SuperHuman
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1760988
The planet Destiny contains a secret that could change the tables of the Invasion war

The engines vibrated underneath his bed, creating a low humming that could put any soldier to sleep except Pfc Jones Mirrors. He layed in his bed aboard the U.S.S WarMachine. Crammed in a small room with thirty other soldiers, Jones was forced to get some sleep for the big mission on the planet Destiny. What bothered Jones the most is that no information was given on the mission except that there would be the Vapor army, which is an alien race that’s main purpose is to destroy the human race and take all of their colonies in the galaxy. Destiny was taken about six months ago and is rumored to have a secret underground labatory that contains a huge project for the benefit of the human race. Of course though, details were not explained to the troops so for all they know there just going down to Destiny to attempt to recapture the planet.
Shaking off the thought, Jones tried to focus on getting sleep. His frustration was getting the best of him and he just wanted to do something active like workout or clean his rifle. Slamming his pillow over his bald head, he engaged his mind with the low rumble of the engine. Soon, his worries of the mission faded and his eyes drooped and he got the sleep he needed

Dr. Hughes Stephen was the lead scientist of the Destiny labatory and maybe the only one who survived the invasion of the planet. After it was taken, the U.S.S WarMachine made a daring move and plotted a search and rescue mission to save him. They were successful but not in saving the planet.
What worried Dr. Stephen the most was his precious project in the Destiny Labatory. He had shared details with no one, not even the ships general, General Kinh Veen, who was sitting across from him at the conference table. A third cup of coffee was given to Dr. Stephen when the general finally decided to ask another question.
“Dr. Stephen please, we must know whats going on in your labatory that’s so important to send more then one thousands troops down there?”
The doctor thought about the question for a second while he took another sip of the bitter coffee then responded “General let me make this clear, whats down there is more important then all the men on this ship combined. My project will bring down the Vapor army and push them back to the RedStar galaxy, isn’t that what you want General?”
General Kinh rubbed his tired eyes, it was already two thirty and the general has still failed to get Stephen to talk about the project.
After a full minute of silence, General Kinh raised his head and stared directly into the scientists eyes. “Whatever’s going on down there Doctor, it better be worth it. I’m risking allot of lives for your plan.”
A smile broke over the Doctors face “ Don’t worry general, its worth the cost. Now, what kind of teams will I have?”
“You will have an Eagle team to get you inside the labatory while four infantry battalions will secure the labatorys perimeter. The rest of the troops will try to take back the planet and distract the Vapors from all regrouping on the Labatory.”
Dr Stephen relaxed in his chair, he was happy with the fact that a Eagle team will be with him. The Eagles are the best infantry unit in the military. They have a reputation to win battles and show no mercy to the enemy. There simple motto, “mess with one Eagle, prepare to mess with the rest“, shows that they are a force to be reckoned with.
“Good, thank you General now if you will excuse me. I must get ready for tomorrows mission. Goodnight general.” Getting up from his seat, Dr. Stephen left the room without waiting for a reply. He walked down the long corridors and looked out a window on the ships deck. Dead ahead was the planet Destiny. The green planet consisted of 89% forest and 11% ocean, with a low population, it was easily taken by the Vapor army, but tomorrow was a new day. A day where the Vapor army will meet his project and bow down with mercy, Dr. Stephen thought with a smile.
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