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How some teachers can drive certain students including me insane.
Teachers Driving Children to Insanity

                In every country, there are students whose very lives are in danger; not from war, famine, or even suicide; the danger comes from the classroom where their teachers reside, plotting out a way to make the students suffer. The past, present, and even future teachers have, are, and going to drive every student they come across into insanity, since these teachers do not care how different she or he is as learners are pushing the students into fits of frustration. The first group would be the springers, for they would spring tests and quizzes with no warning. The second group, is called the slugs, since they walk and talk extremely slowly. The third and final group is called the robots, for they talk in a monotone. Students stand no chance of escaping the clutches of these groups of teachers. Every country has to deal with teachers who have completely not helped but helped their students lose their minds.

         The first group loves to spring, as a jack-in-the-box, with the plastered smile stretched across their face. Students would think that some of these teachers are genuine. However, they soon realize that it is a trap set out for new students to suffer under the clutches of the communist teachers. Right when the students get comfy in their seats, these teachers spring into action, with a quiz or a major test with no warning. The students cannot even argue, since the teacher usually says, ‘you should always be ready and prepared for every class.’ For example, I had a teacher named Mrs. Merion, who taught Psychology-she fits perfectly with this group. She loved to give test and quizzes with a smile; then hover over us like a helicopter, ready to swoop down and snatch up our papers. She made our whole class nervous wrecks by the end of the semester. I am surprised that I survived all the tests that were sprung on me. However, the other students gave into insanity by the end. In every country, there should be at least one decent teacher fit for the position of being a teacher. However, most deserve to be put into a mental institution for driving their students insane.

         The second group would be considered the slugs for the school institution. These types of teachers drag their heavily leathered feet and speak in such a way that would drive most students’ bananas. The slugs lack the zeal and emotion in their voice which might otherwise make what they are teaching more enjoyable. I am sure that most students end up with failing or close to failing grades in a class like this, since they would be falling asleep or dying of boredom. For instance, I had a teacher Mr. Hill who taught Algebra two who resembled a slug for the entire semester. He would literally trip over his own feet,-and had a voice that would lullaby anyone to sleep. I usually ended up with drool falling off my face with my hands propping my head upon the desk- good thing I sat in the back- for I usually jerked awake when someone started talking in normal voices. That told me that class was about over. I got the notes from other students who were loaded with a sugar rush to be able to stay awake during the whole class. It is surprising that no reports from around the world have had any reports of students transformed into the walking dead from dying of boredom or of their brains just shutting off. This group of teachers would drive every student to the nuthouse or to be locked up somewhere to try to recover the brain matter that has disappeared.

         The third group is the robotic group of teachers. These teachers are more common in some countries than others. The characteristics of these teachers would be that they are extremely strict with teaching from the textbook instead of personalizing the material. There are many speeds when it comes ot the robotic teachers, for he or she would go super-fast, sending spit in a frenzy during a lecture or go really slow to where the students’ body would freeze up from the tension of trying to not fall asleep. Do not try to debate or question the robotic teacher for he or she only has one way of thinking; his way. These teachers would reward memorized work instead of the students putting the information in their own words. For example, I had a teacher who acted the same way as a robot would; his name was Mr. Tucker, who taught American History. He always wanted the work done in one way and lectures were always in one very fast speed. Mr. Tucker left the students with cramps and fried brains by the end of the term. By the end of the semester, this group of teachers would leave most students mindless robots or completely insane, since, for their brains would be fried from the sparks of the robotic teachers.

         In conclusion, in every country, students have suffered for the insanity of the teachers. The springers, slugs, and finally, the robots are what most students have to face every day. These teachers have been around for generations, and there is no stopping the insanity of the teaching institution that is befalling the next generation or generations to come. The School Boards around the world should examine each teacher thoroughly; this may stop the insanity to spread to the kids who will be soon running this country.


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