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Violent & graphic short story.About a young man who commits some very violent acts. |
A winter alone This story is about a young man named 'Kozmo' This man is 23 years old. He is tall and has a built complexion. A white male only known by a few. A loner but a happy one. He lives on a farm but doesn't like animals. He chose to live on a farm just to get away from the people. He hates the grass that grows. Sometimes he wish's that grass didn't exist, So he wouldn't have to jump on his lawn mower. He works from home he is a hacker. Not the Hollywood kind, But rather he hacks for top business corporations to find loop holes in their defense. Rumor has it he works for the government. He lives by himself with his pet dog Tim. He doesn't really have all that much in his life but what he has he loves. He has a big vegetable and fruit garden which he maintains very well. He doesn't spend all to much at the supermarket because of it. He enjoys the company of some women, But thinks most of them are selfish and to materialistic. There is one girl who he likes a lot called " Lauren Kozmo loves guns, Just loves guns. He has a AR-15 which he loves nearly as much as his dog Tim. He has a underground firing range, Where he can fire all night long if he wants to and no one can hear a thing. He also carry's a pistol in public. He is a little bit paranoid of people and the government. Kozmo started to grow bored of day to day life , Hacking away at night, sleeping during the day. He started firing his rifle more and hacking less. He started watching a lot of documentary's on the computer, He became obsessed with the Vietnam war.The psychological impact it had on the American soldiers that fought it. He himself had a lot of stored anger from his past. He started looking into more and found some Vietnam veterans to talk to. He began spending a few hours a day speaking to war veterans and becoming obsessed with the aspect of looking down the sight of a rifle and squeezing that trigger. He wanted to know what it felt like to pull that trigger and see that person drop. He started to play a lot of First person aspect video games, And shot people. He shot people all night. And hacking became less. He loved his dog dearly, He made sure he was fed until he was full. He never let the dog inside. But one night he did. Tim was so happy. Tim sat next to Kozmo as he watched documentary's as the moon light shined through the window. Kozmo wanted felt like he had a obsession with the Vietnam war, He bought Vietnam era military uniforms. A helmet and a knife. One night he dressed exactly like a soldier during that war, He went down into his firing range and pretended he was shooting the Vietnamese. Screaming "GOOKS" "CHARLIE BY THE RIDGE LINE" "WASTE THOSE FUCKERS" He felt happy , He felt thrilled. This obsession appeared to be taking over his life.. He wanted more. One morning Lauren came over, But the door was unlocked by accident. She hadn't been in contact with Kozmo and was worried. She walked in yelling Kozmo! Kozmo! Kozmo was sleeping on the couch snoring in full combat uniform and his AR-15 on his chest. She slaped him and laughed and said "What are you doing? Kozmo woke up and said " What.. What.. Why are you in my house?"" Lauren replied" The door was open and I was very worried about you"Kozmo replied "Well fuck. Youre not my wife"Lauren became angry and felt like Kozmo was being ridiculous she said "Excuse me" Kozmo told her to get out the house. Lauren told Kozmo he had a screw lose. Kozmo raised his rifle to his eye and said , Get out or I shoot. Kozmo felt very powerful at this point and he wanted to feel what it was like to point a rifle at someone. Kozmo said , Hey I was only joking!! Lauren said "Phew" Then Kozmo pulled the trigger " BANG" One single bullet right between the eyes, Lauren fell to the floor dead. Kozmo couldn't believe he done it. He was so upset and angry at himself. He dug a hole out in the backyard and put her in it. He knew that he had messed up and there was no way he was going to get away with it. He stocked up on ammo. He knew the police would come to his door sooner or later. His dog Tim, Knew something was wrong. Kozmo felt like he had lost his mind. He started to smoke weed a lot trying to relax. He also snorted cocaine at night. The cocaine made him feel a lot better. Kozmo knew shit was going to hit the fan. He rigged his house with old dynamite that he stole years ago. He stored the dynamite all over the house mainly at the front door. He was prepared for the worse. He stocked up on ammo. One week later. The TNT was set. Police arrived at his door. He ran around the back of his house and raised his rifle once again, Fired three rounds , two hitting the police officer in the stomach. The police officer fell to the ground and bled into the ground. The other officer ran and hid behind the car firing his pistol at Kozmo, But it was no match, Kozmo was firing an assault rifle. The officer took five bullets to the head and died. Kozmo buried the body's next to Laurens. Kozmo started snorting cocaine to keep awake. He obtained meth, He felt he needed to stay up in order to fight these people coming to his house trying to take him away. He lived miles from anyone so no one heard the sounds. The body's where buried , He cleaned the blood the best he could. His house was rigged with TNT but that was for the worst scenario. He felt like his house had become his enemy , So he decided to leave it, He set senors so if anyone came in they would be blown up. He was very smart when it came to that sort of thing. He emptied all his cupboards food,clothes and his dog Tim. He threw the dog in the back and took off. Away he went in his old Cadillac. He slept in his car for two days. He woke up one morning to a helicopter. It was a police helicopter. He immediately jumped out his car and fired at it , Firing at the pilot. The helicopter flew away , His rifle was cracking rounds at it. Then he seen five police cars in the distance. He started cracking away. "BANG" "BANG" "BANG" BANG" Firing in semiautomatic . He wasn't sure if he hit them or not, But he sure scared the shit out of them. They started speeding at him and firing . He took cover and fired back. "BANG"" BANG"" BANG""" One police car veered off into a tree crashing. The other police cars came steadily. He fired and fired. The police cars rolled towards him ,But when he went up to them the officers where dying. One officer went to fire his pistol then Kozmo shot him in the neck. Blood gushed out. Kozmo was so happy , He couldn't believe that he managed to take them all out, He thought he was going to die. But he lived on. He took his combat knife and cut an officers head off, Cutting it around the spine making sure it came off. Blood was gushing all over him and his knife. He put the head in the back of his car. Tim the dog , Sniffed it. Kozmo took his 9mm and fired at all the officers and made sure they where dead. He heard radio chatter so he answered them and said " This is Kozmo bitch's You're officers just got fucking OWNED" "HAHHAHA" Chapter 2 Kozmo then took off in his car and set towards a small area named Chillie. He felt so scared but contempt. He seen a hitchhiker by the road she looked very beautiful. He picked her up and said. Whats a pretty girl like you doing wondering ? She replied "OMG ' And ran. She seen all the blood on Kozmo. Kozmo then took his combat knife and charged at her, He stabbed her in the spine as she was running and twisted the knife. She groaned in pain. He kept twisting it and said "DON'T RUN BITCH" He pulled the knife out and started slicing her back she was screaming and tryed to run . Kozmo then stabbed her in the face. Blood gushed out everywhere. Tim's dog jumped out the car running at Tim barking. Kozmo told Tim that everything was OK. Tim continued to bark. Kozmo started raping the girl in the ass as she was crying and groaning in pain. As he was fucking her in the ass he stabbed her in the back. He could hear her gasping for breath. And took his pistol and as he was about to cum he fired. His blew his gun and his load all at once. She was dead with a ass full of cum. Tim pulled his trousers up grabbed his AR-15 and fired at her back and her ass. Her ass looked like cheese, with the holes in it. She was very well dead. Tim the dog was barking. Kozmo told Tim to "Shut the fuck up". Kozmo cut her out her vagina and tryed to feed it to Tim. But Tim sniffed and walked away. All of a sudden Kozmo felt like a demon was inside him. He started jumping and screaming in happiness on top of the hitch hiker. He cut her head off and kicked it like a football and took off in his Cadillac. So Kozmo is driving away in his Cadillac, With a police officers head in the back and his dog. Kozmo drives away into the sunset feeling very nervous. He is very confused what to do, He pulls over and reloaded his AR-15 and 9mm. Kozmo can see a house in the distance so he heads towards it finally finding a road to go onto , he comes to the house gets his AR-15 and comes to the front door. "KNOCK KNOCK' No one answers. He decides to do a combat house assault. He gets a run up and jumps into the door doing a flying dutchmen , He falls to the ground hurting his back. The door was to strong. A man suddenly opens the door with a shotgun and points it to Kozmos face. Kozmo is in shock and feels delusional about everything. The man puts the gun to Kozmos face and has his finger on the trigger, The mans wife strips Kozmo of his weapons. The man then tells Kozmo to get up, Kozmo tells him that he came to the wrong house. The wife looks in Kozmos car as the man is talking to Kozmo and screams. OMG there is a head in the car! OMG " RING THE POLICE " Kozmo tells the women it is only fake, he is working for a movie company and the head is a prop. The man smashes Kozmos face with the butt of the shotgun and puts him in the dirt. The women runs back inside vomiting. The man knows that Kozmo is making story's up and is obviously insane. The man ties Kozmos hands up with some rope inside the shed. Kozmo is bleeding from the nose and is visibly distraught. The man goes inside and sees his wife phoning the police. The Police tell them that some squad cars got shot up by a madman and this must be the guy responsible. The police said they will be there within 30 minutes, They also told them to remain calm and keep an eye on the crazed man. The man goes into his shed and asks Kozmo if he is the man responsible for shooting up police vehicles. Kozmo tells the man that a movie was being filmed and he was apart of it. The man "laughs" and told him that the cops are coming to get you, Kozmo starts yelling at the man " FUCK YOU , YOU OLD BASTARD I HOPE YOU DIE ' The man becomes angry and punches Kozmo on his nose. Kozmo has a broken nose and is bleeding a lot , The wife comes out and yells at the man saying STOP STOP. You stop hitting him obviously he is a sick man, The police will deal with him and will get his time in prison!! The man yells at his wife, Listen bitch I don't give a fuck this man came to our house with an assault rifle we have children that could of been killed. The wife then reply's I know I understand but violence isn't the answer he isn't harming us right now ! We have him bound. 30 Minutes have passed and the Police still havnt arrived. The man and wife go back into the house. Kozmo has his hands and feet tied by rope. Kozmo starts biting and calling his togs name out "Tim Tim" The man and the wife come running at Kozmo , The man tells him to shut up and stop making so much noise. Kozmo reply's 'Help me help me a man has bound me' The man reply's "That was me mother fucker" I done that to you, Now stay put and shut youre fucking mouth like a good little boy. Kozmo starts hurling abuse saying every swear word under the sun. The man starts punching Kozmo breaking his nose and making his face red, The wife holds her husband back the man keeps punching. Kozmo spits blood in the mans face. The man becomes very angry and goes to get his shotgun, The wife tells the man to stop. He push's his wife and she fells over, The man grabs his shotgun and points it towards Kozmos face he is in a rage. The wife is very angry and throws herself at the man they both fall to the ground wrestling each other. The wife bites the mans nose, The man punch's his wife three times bloodying her face. She starts crying and yells "You're crazy you have gone crazy!! you are no better then him!!' The man tells them both to shut the fuck up or else he will shoot them both. The man is obviously in a big rage and goes inside and skulls some whiskey. The wife stumbles and tries to get to the phone but the man throws his glass of whiskey and it smash's across her head she falls to the ground in a head full of blood. The children come running down , They where told to stay put in there rooms, But The two came down and started yelling at their father, "DAD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MUM!!" The man tells them that she had fell over, The kids didn't believe him and started crying falling to the ground, The man started sculling more of his whiskey and became very drunk. Meanwhile Kozmos dog had come to his rescue whilst this drama was going on. The dog had chewed threw the rope that was tied to Kozmo, Kozmo smiled and patted the dog. Kozmo didn't have any weapons because they where all taken away by the man. Kozmo put the dog in the car being quiet as possible, He could hear the man yelling at the wife, and smashing sounds. Kozmo went back into the garage and looked for a object he could use as a weapon, He grabbed a Axe that was sitting in the shed. He walked quietly into the house and seen the man snickering and laughing as he was drinking whiskey out of the bottle. He seen the kids cuddling up to the mother. He held the axe as firm as possible and was ready to make his move. He rushed towards the man! Startling him, The axe was raised and Kozmo leaped and smashed it straight into the mans face, Right on the forehead, Blood started pissing out everywhere , running like a tap. The children ran out of the house , whilst the wife was unconscious. He grabbed the mans shotgun and made sure it was loaded he went up to the wife and said "I know you saved my life, But there comes a time when everyone has to go, And Iam afraid its you're time" And pulls the trigger" BAAANGG" The shotgun blows right in front of her face and sends flesh and blood across the wall. He couldn't believe the power of the shotgun. Kozmo ran outside looking for the children, But he knew there wasn't anyone else in miles so he got his dog Tim and sat and watched the News. As he was watching the news he seen a presenter was talking about a man hunt, It was actual footage from the helicopter that Kozmo shot at! They had a full night dedicated to the story , Kozmo felt like his time was up. As he was watching the he seen a story about a house exploding. That was Kozmos house. Five S.W.A.T officers entered the house and where killed by a massive explosion. Kozmo smiled. He knew his time was up but decided that he would make this house his last stand. He knew it was only a matter of minutes before the police arrived with assault weapons. Kozmo fed Tim and cooked himself a nice hot meal with candles. As he was eating he flicked some food at the deceased wife and said "Heres some food bitch" The food landed right in the blood puddle in her face. Kozmo kept watching the news and it started talking about the pentagon the presenter said "The Pentagon has been hacked, And this is major security issue , documents have been stolen and systems corrupted. Kozmo laughed and told his dog Tim 'I done that shit" Kozmo had fallen asleep for an hour and woken up with a knife still in his hands, He felt dazed and he snorted some cocaine and became awake. As Kozmo was glancing outside through the window he noticed that the two kids had started walking towards the house. He ran and grabbed a old rifle that he stole from the man, He opened the window and sat it on the ledge, He only had iron sights, But he was determined to make a great shot, He focused with his eyes, making his breath really steady, He fired "BANG" and again "BANG" He seen one of the boys fall to the ground, He shot the kid directly in the middle of the chest. The other kid went running he fired and fired, But all missed. Kozmo was so angry with himself he ran and jumped in his Cadillac, and chased the kid down, He was closing in on the kid , He ran over the dead kid and laughed. The kid smashed into the front of the Cadillac sending him flying overhead into the dirt. Kozmo laughed and reversed back up and hit him again. He threw the bodies into the boot and drove back to the house. Chapter 3 -Final Chapter He went back into the house and seen the wife sprawled on the ground in a huge bit of blood that was running out the front door. He joked and said "Must be that month eh?" He skidded in the blood to reach the kitchen. He grabbed the biggest knife he could find and said "Its autopsy time bitch's He went over to the wife and bent down over her dead body, He positioned her on her back and began slicing her breasts off, Blood was everywhere , He proceeded to cut her breasts off, He put them aside. He proceeded cutting her, He cut her right open like an autopsy. He could see her rib cage and organs. He cut out the heart and smelt it and said , So this is what keeps us going, he stomped the heart with his combat boots and slipped over into her body , his face landed on her opened corpse, he laughed and started licking and biting the organs. He then started skinning her from head to tow, Tim the dog walked over and started sniffing the corpse. Kozmo could hear cars in the distance traveling at a high speed, He knew his time was up he told himself "Well this is it , I guess my life is over now, I might aswell get my rocks off before I die' He pulls down his trousers and starts fucking her vagina, He push's and thrusts his hips and makes love to the corpse, He kiss's her rip cage and continues humping the corpse. The cars are coming very close, Kozmo blows his load inside the dead corpse and runs leaping and falling over with a bloodied penis. The police arrive , Kozmo grabs his 9mm and shotgun. He hears the police announce over the radio speaker "We know you are in here , We seen the child you killed , We know you are in here" "We see you're Cadillac out front we know who you are " "If you don't surrender we will come in with force" Kozmo puts the 9mm in his mouth and thinks. He takes it out. He knew there was dynamite in the garage , he goes inside the garage and sticks dynamite under his belt , 5 sticks. He feeds the dog and lights the dynamite covering them with his shirt, He walks out the front with his hands up and tells them he is surrendering. The Police have their assault rifles firmly aimed at him and say to get on the ground, Kozmo keeps walking and they repeat. Kozmo then charges towards the police , the police all fire. Kozmo dies at their feet, then BOOOOOOM!!! Kozmo's dynamite exploded, Kozmo was blown to nothing and the police where blown 5 meters away, There where three police officers , Two of them lay very badly wounded and the other one was dead . One police officer tried to crawl into the car to talk on radio , But Tims dog came running out and started biting the officers arm. The Officer was yelling which made the dog bite harder. The Officers where both betting attacked by Tim. He then bit onto their face and they both lied there dying bleeding to death. The Sun went down and Tim found himself some food for the night. A Helicopter came over with a spotlight, Tim went running. The helicopter spotted the scene. They called for backup and a priest. The End. Not every story has a happy ending. Author: Cory |