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by Dragon
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1751343
This is about a teen who's best friend has been kidnapped by the evil Darkray. First story
Josh was enraged. Darkray, who had been watching him, has kidnapped Britney right from under his nose. Plus, the council has denied all rescue attempts. But Josh had a plan B. He was going to rescue her himself. As he packed the last of his traveling pack and was heading out the door, Charilizard was there waiting for him. "And where are you going?" The creature asked Josh. "Just going for a walk." he replied. "Oh then allow me to assist you." Charilizard said. "No need for that." Josh replied. "Josh, I know what you are up to." said Charilizard. "you are going to save her from Darkray, aren't you?" Josh chuckled alittle. "You know me all too much, my friend. But you must stay here. I don't need to lose another friend." "Now hold on a second." said Charilizard. "If I am not mistaken, I am your soul creature aren't I? Then we must stick together. I gave my word that if we were to die fighting, we would die together. Try all you want but I am going with you." "As am I." said a new voice. Lucasio, Josh's master, jumped down from his perch and landed next to them. "Josh, you will need our help. You can't do everything yourself." Josh sighed and looked at the two creatures. "Allright. Let's get a move on then." Josh transformed into a Dragonknite and Lucasio climbed on top of Charilizard and they all flew off towards Darkray's hideout.
The castle was really damp. Josh could feel it on his skin. But that was the least of his worries. He was in the hideout of his worse enemy. He walked with his two companions through the long, dark hallways of the dreaded castle. At least he didn't have to do it alone. They reached the end where the throne room lies. They knew Darkray was behind these doors. All that was left was to enter those doors and prepare for the horrors inside. As they entered, where the throne sat was a dark creature who they can reconize anywhere. Beside it was a girl with brunet hair who Josh knew to be Britney. Darkray chuckled as they entered. "Well, well. Look who came to join the party." he said with the sheer cold in his voice. "I hope you don't mind but I just love guests. What about you Britney?" he said as he turned towards the body on the floor. She looked up to see Josh and tried to tell him it's a trap but she couldn't say anything due to her gag. Josh yelled "Let her go!!" "You will have to get through me first!" responded Darkray. They started to circle each other around the room and Darkray was the first to attack. He shot out thousands of dark shards toward Josh which he dodged. He shot blasts of water at Darkray who deflected them. This continued as Britney watched wide eyed as Josh fired blasts of electricity, fire, and several other kinds of blasts. She felt a claw on her shoulder and looked up to see Charilizard untieing her gag. Once it was off, she seemed worried. "Shouldnt we help him?" she asked. "We are by getting you out of here." he said. Darkray saw that she was untied and screamed in rage. "Now you will die, Joshua!!" he yelled. Out of his hands came a sword so dark that it made darkness look like light. "Thats the Sword of Darkness!" said Lucasio. "It is the most dangerouse sword of all!" Darkray got ready to strike when Josh made a sword of unbreakable steel and tried striking the evil sword. When his made contact with the black sword, it disintigrated to dust. Darkray laughed as he got ready to strike Josh. What he stabbed, though wasn't a boy but a foolish creature. Lucasio, who jumped in front of the sword, was lying on the floor with the dark sword stuck in his chest. He looked at Josh with a dying face. "I am going to feel that one in the morning." he said. He then brought Josh close to him and whispered something into his ear. "There is a sword far more powerful than his behind the throne. You are the only one who can use it. This sword is your destiny sword." with that said, Lucasio fell limp in Josh's arms never to move again. Darkray sneered at the dead body. "What a foolish creature." he said. "He could have lived a longer life if I had stabbed you." He tried pulling the sword from the body but it was stuck. Josh took this chance and yelled to Charilizard. "there is a sword behind the throne!! Go get it!" Charilizard went to the throne and found the sword in a large stone behind it. He tried pulling it out but to no luck. "Foolish boy." said Darkray still trying to get the sword out of the body. "No one has been able to pull the sword out for thousands of years. Not since king Aurther himself." he finally pulled the sword out of Lucasio and put the point at Josh's neck. "Now you will die!" Darkray said with fire in his eyes. He pulled back ready to stab when Josh rolled out of the way and ran staight to the throne. He got behind it and found the sword that was in the stone. Before he could try to pull it out, though, Darkray pushed aside the throne exposing Josh to the dark sword in Darkray's hand. Darkray started laughing as he raised the sword of his head. Josh quickly pulled the sword out of the stone and used it to protect himself from Darkray's attack. All stared at Josh holding a sword like no other. It was so bright that it made the sun look like a match. Darkray stared at it and backed away from it. "The Sword of Light!!!" he exclaimed. "How did you pull it out of the stone when everyone else failed?" Britney, though seemed like the only one with an anwser. "Well there are two possiblitys." she explained. "Either he is destined to become a king or leader. Another reason may be because of his strong will to fight darkness and bring light and he has trust not only in himself but also in his friends." Everyone stared at her with disbelieve on their face. Darkray then looked back at Josh. "No matter. I still will kill you." He lunged at Josh but Josh somehow shot a beam of light towards Darkray and hit him square in the chest. Darkray flew backwards and went through the castle walls and kept going untill he was out of the castle and out of sight. They all cheered at the remarkable victory. Then Josh went to the body on the floor and looked deep into the eyes that could no longer see. Charilizard went up to Josh and put a hand on his shoulder. "He would be proud of you." he said with a smile. "I know he would." replied Josh. He gently closed the creatures eyes so that he may seem as if he were sleeping. Britney came forward and hugged Josh. When she let go of him, he got up holding the body and transformed into Dragonknite once more. "Let's go home." Josh said. Britney got on Charilizard's back and together flew out of the castle. Josh knew that the team won't like that Lucasio is dead but they will have to deal with it. As they flew, Josh looked at the rising sun and knew that with this death, there will rise a new challenge and a new hope. But this war has just begun. Little did Josh know that dark times are coming his way soon.
© Copyright 2011 Dragon (bees at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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