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Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1735488
The Ninja Nation "Theory" (Written for the Dialogue 500 Contest Entry)
“Let’s make a toast!â€

“What are we celebrating?â€

“I am a ninja!â€

“A what?â€

“I am a ninja.â€

“What do you mean by I am a ninja?â€

“I discovered that I am a ninja.â€

“Don’t be ridiculous.â€

“I am.â€

“OK. OK. Alright. You are a… ninja. But… tell me, why?â€

“What is a ninja? What does a ninja do? Tell me.â€


“Come on. Think. Ninja. N-i-n-j-a.â€

“Hum. A ninja, to me, is a person that is specialized in unorthodox arts… right, like a covert agent? A Martial Arts person thing?â€

“What else?â€

“Well, let me see… a ninja is a man that functions in open combats in special and certain situations. He overcomes everything and everybody. He is strong. He is smart. It is the opposite of a samurai, right, because a samurai has strict rules about honor and conduct.  A ninja is a loner. Am I going in the right direction? A ninja discovers gaps and inveigles his way into the midst of the enemy!â€

“You are so… close.â€

“Hum. Ninja. It’s kind of obscure to determine, right now. You caught me off guard. I don’t really understand what you want from me.â€

“Go on, you're OK. Ninja.â€

“Hum. Ninja. I once read that a ninja is a real survivor. It is alleged that ninjas have shape-shifting and invisibility abilities and that they even have the ability to split into multiple bodies.â€

“Interesting. Good. So, for you, a ninja is a kind of a supernatural or superhuman person? A man that understands fanciful information, a man that manages to succeed no matter hell or high water?â€


“You’re doing great, man. I think you understand me now. I think you got the idea.â€

“Are you thinking of becoming a ninja? Is that what you mean? Are you going to learn Martial Arts? If so, I will learn it with you, too. We’re pals.â€

“Of course we’re pals but… maybe you are a ninja, too!â€

“Yeah right. Me? A ninja? A real ninja?â€


“Come on.â€

“Think of it, man. Listen to me. Last week I read an interesting book written by a guy called Taibbi. He said that we are the so called Ninja Nation now.â€

“Why? Are we being invaded by the Japanese or something? Are they changing our country?â€

“No. Yes. No. Well, maybe. But it’s not this.â€

“Well, what is it then?â€

“Listen. We work hard. We struggle. We adapt. We survive. We survive in this troubled, confused world, even without jobs, without an income; without being able to do the things we dream of, don’t we?â€

“Oh yeah.â€

“We manage to sit here, in the end of the day, no paycheck, no matter what, and have a beer together. We are surrounded by problems, unpaid bills, foreclosure and inequality, and we still survive it all. Do you know why? Because we aren’t humans anymore, we’re ninjas!â€

“I am a ninja!â€

“Yes. Ninja: no income, no job, no access. Got it?â€

“Oh yeah.â€



Words: 500

© Copyright 2010 ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams (chrisdaltro at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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