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Finding a strange Machine in an abandoned warehouse was the Highlight of my day |
Pokèmon World I am a 20 year old individual who want's to find a place better then where I am now, the only place better then here is in my head, at least thats what I thought. Two years ago I found an abandoned wear house near my home town, it looked like it was used for science experiments so I decided to have a look around. Nothing seemed to interest me untill I spoted a strange machine in an empty room, the machine was about Six-feet high and about three-feet wide, more then enough room for a person to fit in. I decided to look inside, it was empty however there was a console on the one side of the machine, I pressed a button and a dash board lit up, a Message appeared on a screen above the dash. :Science experiment 7XY10: Me:What the Hell is this thing? :Preparing for experimental test run in 5 Minutes: Me:Um this ain't good! :Sealing hatch door: Me:Not good! Deciding not to stick around I bolt for the exit, but before I could the door slamed shut. Me:Crud (tries to open the door)I'm locked in. :Please select destination: Me:Any where but here! :Please select destination: Thinking things couldn't get worse I decided to chose a specific destination, the one I thought would be impossible. Me:How about Kanto? :Destination Kanto Selected: Me:...... The machine starts to shake a little and a blinding light, It felt like hours had gone by, I passed out for some reason, all I know is I was stuck in this machine. Me:Ugh what a headache...........wh......where am I? :You have reached your destination: Me:At least the shaking stopped(looks out the window of the door)Ok this is not my home. The machine some how teleported to Kanto, the world Of pokèmon. :Door will now be released, watch your step: Me:I might as well take a look at the world I dreamed of seeing, before I wake up. I step out side the machine and find my self in a large forest, it reminded me of Viridian forest, Perhaps I really am in another world. Me:Ok this is not possible, Woah! ???:Hey watch where you're going! ???:Yeah you almost knocked us over! Me:Sorry, I'm in a bit of a daze. ???:I can see that, try being more careful, you might have steped on a wild Pokèmon like a Weedle, and you don't wanna do that. Me:Ok thanks for the heads up. ???:One more thing, got any good Pokèmon on you? Me:May I ask why you would ask? ???:No reason, just wondering. ???:Yeah it's not like we plan to steal them from ya. Me:Good because I don't have any even if you did. ???:Really you don't have a single Pokèmon on ya? Me:Nope, but I find it suspicious you would ask and also mention about stealing them, care to tell me who you are? ???:Tch, I guess this kid's not gonna cooperate with us. Me:Hey buddy I'm 20 years old, and I don't like the idea you would think of stealing any thing from me! ???: I think you made him mad Hahahaha. ???:Ok wise guy you wanna play with team rocket fine, Go Arbok, make this kid wish he never came to Viridian forest! Ok so my first time in Kanto wasn't what I hoped it would be. Me:What's the matter, you don't wanna settle this man to man, you have to use your pet to do the fighting? ???:Heh this Pet, Is going to put you in the morgue, Arbok, use wrap! Things were going from bad to worse, I was getting squeezed to death and I only just arived in my ideal world. Me:Gah.....Can't.......bre.....ath.......Ung. ???:Well look at that Mr.tough guy ain't so tough after all, Arbok return. ???:What should we do now? ???:Boss Want's us To find valuable Pokèmon, let's not waste our time with this kid. An hour past before I woke up in a hospital bed, next to me was a plump pink being with a nurses hat on it's head. ???:Well I see our patient has finally woken up. Me:Ugh.....I still have a headache......where am I? Nurse Joy:You're in a Pokèmon center of course, my name is Nurse Joy, what's yours? Me:William I was in the forest when two guy's asked me about Pokèmon, then one of em attacked me with an Arbok. Nurse Joy:Sounds like you ran into Team Rocket, you're not the only one they have attacked today. Me:I see, can you tell me what town am I in, and who brought me here? Joy:You're in Viridain city, as for who brought you I can't say, they never gave a name or stayed around Me:One more question, I don't have Pokèmon of my own, is there some one who can help me out? Joy:Would you like some one to escort you to Professor Oak's lab, it's just in the next town. Me:That would be nice, thanks. The next day I met up with a trainer from Pallet town, he seemed rather nervous about something, maybe it was me. Me:Ok so were heading to Oaks lab correct? Jack:Yep, it's not to far as Joy said to you before, however there are a lot of wild Pokèmon on the way, and not the kind you wanna run into with out a Pokèmon. Me:So have you been a trainer long? Jack:Been a trainer for six month's, there were two other boy's from Pallet who happen to be the greatest trainers ever known. Me:Really? Jack:Yep, hey that looks like a wild Weedle! Me:I take it Bug Pokèmon appeal to you? Jack:Sure do, Mind if I try you catch this one? Me:Not at all, I could learn something from you. Jack:Gee thanks. Jack sends out a Metapod, the Weedle seems to be some what ignorant to the trainer. Jack:Ok Metapod Use tackle! The Metapod jumped at the Weedle and knocked it four feet away. Jack:Ok let's try this, Go Pokèball! The boy tossed a red and white ball at the Weedle and it got sucked in, the ball started shaken a little, for the third and final time the ball stopped. Jack:Alright, I always wanted one of them. Me:Uh Jack, I don't think it was alone. Jack:Huh, what do you mean? Me:look up. Above the two was a tree, full of wold Kakuna's and Beedrill. Jack:Oh no we better RUN! The two ran as fast as they could, They almost ran right into a tree trying to avoid the swarm descending them. Me:I hate bee's and this is not funny. Jack:Were almost to Pallet we can find shelter in Oaks lab. Me:I hope we get there before they get to us. The two run and run until they finally arrive in Pallet town, with a posse of enraged Beedrill behind them even still. Me:What I wouldn't give for a can of repel right now. Jack:Were almost there, see there's Oak's lab. The two run through the door way and slam the door shut fast. Me:ha...ha....ha...whooo....that.....wa...was c...close. Jack:yeah....ha....ha....I know.....what....you....mean. ???:My, my what have we hear, are you two Ok? Jack:hello Professor Oak, we just barely escaped a swarm of Beedrill. Me:Yeah and that was the most ground I have ever covered on my feet in one day. Oak:Jack, you and you're friend must be warn out take a seat please. Me:Professor I came to this town looking for some one who can help me with a problem. Oak:Oh and what kind of problem would that be? I explained everything to Oak and I hoped he would not laugh me out the door. Oak:I see so this machine some how sent you to this world and you have no way to protect your self from wild Pokèmon or Team rocket? Me:Yes, I was hoping you might be able to help me some how. Oak:I can, I will give you a Pokèmon to protect you, however you must prove to me you are capable of raising one on your own. Me:by what means did you have in mind? Oak:A simple battle will do. Oak took me to a small building out side of the lab, it was made for training new Pokèmon moves in battle. Oak:Now I have three Pokèmon here you may choose one. :Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur: Oak:These are you're choices. Me:I'll take Charmander, please. Oak:Ah you have good manners as well, a good choice, care to give your new Pokèmon a nick name? Me:No, I'm not good with nicknames any way. The lights in the stadium were turned on and a Pokèmon walked into the arena. Me:What kind of Pokemon is that Oak? Oak:That is a Sandshrew, this Pokèmon is wild, so becarefull. Me:Ok, Charmander use Tackle! The Charmander rushed in to attack the Sandshrew, but the Pokèmon evaded the attack by digging underground. Me:Great, Charmander Stay still. The Charmander stands perfectly still awaiting an order from it's trainer, The Sandshrew pop's up out of the ground and fly's at the stationary Pokèmon. Me:Charmander play dead! The Charmander drops to the ground while the Sandshrew misses the target by inches. Me:Good now tackle! The Charmander charges at the Sandshrew and it connects, the Sandshrew is knocked off it's feet and knocked out. Me:That was close, Good work Charmander. Oak:Not bad for you're first battle, you could use some more training however. Me:the only way to train is to battle real trainers. Oak:Not only that but catching and raising more Pokèmon would help. Me:Tell me something Oak, is you're Grand son around or even Ash? Oak:How did you know I had a grandson? Me:Hard to explain. Oak:my Grandson -Gary- is fine he happens to be the gym leader of Viridian city, Ash has been away for some time. Me:I see, may I send the night in town somewhere? Oak:You may stay at my place, untill you are ready to go. Me:Thanks. I spent the rest of the night at Oak's Home, the next day I Gathered my things and said my good by's and was off for who knows where with my Charmander. Me:I guess I should stock up on some Items at the mart in Viridian before I go to the forest. ???:WAIT! Me:Huh, Jack? Jack:Oak wanted me to give you this before you left. Me:What's this? Jack:It's a Pokedex. Me:Why would Oak want to give me a Pokedex? Jack:For two reasons, one it containes your ID, and two you need it to gather information on the Pokemon you catch. Me:Hmmm thank you, please give my thanks to Oak for me. Jake:We can tell him when we reach Pewter city, I'm going with you, I wanna see all the kind's of bug Pokemon I can in the world. Me:OK, I wouldn't mind the company any way. The two walked down rout 1 and encountered a few trainer's, William was able to take care of a few on his own, but when Jake offered to take on the next few, he didn't argue with him, it was tough to be a rookie trainer . Me:I think I had my fill of battle's today Jake, we should rest some where. Jake:I agree with you, My Metapod is wiped out. Me:Charmander isn't at 100% either, they need to rest as much as we do. The two wandered around and found a small shack, it was off the beaten trail but would do for shelter against wild pokemon, one such species. Me:Better let me check is out first Jake. William Opened the door and looked around, a few boxes here and there but nothing that would be considered a threat to the two. Me:Looks abandoned, we can spend the night here, hope you brought a sleeping bag though. Jake:Yeah, I always have one with me. Jake rolled his sleeping bag out and looked over to William Jake:What will you use to keep warm? Me:Charmander, since he is a fire type, it would make sense to sleep with him close by, besides, he might like the freedom. Jake:You must love you're pokemon, huh? Me:I do, I'm an animal lover, in my world a pokemon would resemble an animal so in a sense, I love Pokemon. Jake:Oak would be over joyed to hear you say that. The two boy's rested till morning, William's Charmander had rolled over, hugging it's trainer, and at some point kissing him by accident causing it to jump up as soon as William woke up. Me:OK, that was awkward, uh...Charmander, I'm sorry, I tend to roll around in my sleep. The pokemon looked at him, only able to say it's name and look a bit embarrassed it self. Jake:What happened, did team rocket steal something from us while we were sleeping? Me:No, but it's best you didn't know any way. Jake shrugged, he packed up the sleeping bag and tossed it on his back, he then walked out side to see it was raining. Jake:Oh, that's not good, Charmander's don't like rain. Me:Yeah, I think you should go into the pokeball until it stop's. He returned his Pokemon to the ball and walked off with Jake into the down pour, they walked through mud and wet grass and even found some wild bug Pokemon, which Jake was all to happy to stop and battle then catch, the two finally made it to Viridian city again, by this time William's Charmander was at level 9. Me:We should head to the Pokemon center and get them both rested up for the trip into the forest. Jake:Smart thinking, you might become a great trainer at this rate. William couldn't help but smile at that thought, but he knew that he would never measure up to the other two from Pallet, namely Ash and Gary....at least not for some time. Me:Also, i wanna get some things from the mart. The two walked into the Pokemon center and saw the nurse joy from before, he smiled to her and gave her his only pokemon to heal up, Jake did the same, having almost six in his party. Joy:It's great to see you again young man, I trust you have been well? Me:Yep, even got to meet Oak, he gave me a Charmander to defend my self against wild pokemon, or idiot's in black. Jake and Joy snickered at the remark, she took both trainer's pokemon and healed them up to perfect health. Joy:You're pokemon have been healed, I hope to see you again, but not to soon. Jake:Yeah, the forest is full of Roket's and wild Pokemon, even tougher then the ones we met so far, I heard a rumor a fearsome pokemon roams the forest at night, they say it's a psychic type too. Me:Psychic....what does it look like? Jake:No one know's they never seen it up close before they find them selves back in Viridian city or Pewter city. Joy:Rumor's say it resembles a cat. William perked up at the word "cat". Me:What color did the rumors say it was, if there was any? Joy:Sorry, that you would have to find out on you're own, no one is brave enough to walk through the forest any more, they take the side path instead. Me:Interesting. Jake:Uh-oh, I don't like that look, we are taking the side path...right? Me:Wrong, we go into the forest, no rumor is going to scare me away from anything. Joy:I hope you'll be OK, most trainer's who go into the forest come back, without their Pokemon. Jake:*gulp* that's not good to hear. Jake hugged his pokeball's tight in his arm's while William only smiled. Me:All the more reason to check it out, it might be team rocket's doing, they love to spread rumors to keep trainer's away. The two looked at him and nodded Jake & joy:That's true. Me:Come on Jake, let's get going. The two took their Pokemon and said good by, William also went to buy some supplies at the Poke mart. Me:OK, let's see what is in that forest, aside from the machine that brought me here. Jake:Oh yeah, I forgot about that, but still what if it's not team rocket and a very angry Pokemon who eats children for dinner? Me:If it's that bad, I'll go first just to make sure he has no room for you. Jake:Gee that makes me feel a whole lot better. The two walked to the edge of town, as they reached the entrance they heard some kind of a moan from within. Jake:W-was-th-th-tha-a-that a gh-gh-ghost? He stuttered, but William looked around and laughed it off. Me:Only kind of Ghost's around would be Other pokemon, come on Jake, let's go. He had to grab Jake and pull him into the woods, but unknown to them, something was watching them ???:~I see my attempt to scare them off failed, I guess I have nothing left but to deal with them the only other way I know~ William and Jake continued to wander in the Forest, no trainer's, no wild Pokemon, just a forest. Me:This is creepy, I admit, but I still don't see that wild Pokemon people were going on about. Jake:It might be waiting for us to get lost then pounce us when were at our weakest and eat us whole. Jake shivered at the thought, he also cried out at each twig they stepped on Me*Sigh* Jake, why are you so afraid, a trainer should have more courage then that. Jake:I know, I'm ashamed of my self but~ Jake's sentence was cut off as a tree almost fell on him, William pushe dhim out of the way only to be trapped under it him self. Me:Jake...you alright? Jake:Yeah but what about you, you're stuck under a tree? Me:I need a hand. Jake tried to pull him out but couldn't, he slipped and fell, he tried to use his new Pokemon, but they couldn't fair any better. Me:No use, you have to...go for help. Jake:And leave you here alone? Me:Yeah, leave me here...alone, I don't mind, just go and get help...please? Jake looked at him, a bit scared, but nodded and ran out of the woods and looked for help. Me:Arg, this thing weigh's a ton. The tree wouldn't even budge as he tried to move it. ???~My my, what have we here, a trainer stuck under a fallen tree?~ Me:Who's there, and why can I hear you in my head? ??~You're not a bright one, you can't tell when some one is speaking through telepathy?~ Me:......What do you wan't, are you here to help me, or.... ???~Or?~ Me:Or eat me? ???~I wouldn't be able to fit you in my mouth, so no, I am not here to eat you, but I may not be here to save you either.~ Me:What do you want then? ???~Nothing, just to see you suffer, like I suffered from the hands of you're kind, when I think you have suffered enough, I will wipe you're mind and send you on you're way.~ Me:And Jake, what will you do to him? ???~Hmm...I would have to think on that, does he mean that much to you?~ Me:Let him alone, he's no threat to you. ???~Indeed, but neither are you at the present.~ Me:Point taken, I'm at you're mercy. ???~............~ Me"Why grow silent, do what you will and be done with it. ???~How...interesting, a human not afraid to die for another, would you feel the same for you're Pokemon.....you only have one?~ Me:Please....just get it over with. ???~A pleader........the only one, to beg me to end them in place of there pokemon, some did't deserve their's, but....what am I to make of you?~ Me:What ever you're mind decides. ???~I......Like you're attitude, I may even let you go, under one condition.~ Me:What's that? ???~What do you want out of life in this world, power, money, slaves?~ Me:Neither, I don't need it. ???~......what then drives you to be a trainer?~ Me:I ..don't know the answer to that yet. ???~Unsure of what you want, but certain of what you don't.~ Me:So, what now? ???~.......I have made up my mind.~ The tree slowly moves off William and flies into the woods, out of sight. Me:I guess this means, I'm on you're good side? ???~For now.~ The being flew out of the trees and into the sky, leaving a blue trail of energy in it's wake, Willimam saw this and took a good look and couldn't believe his eye's, it was a feline like Pokemon, roughly six feet tall, it also appeared to be a mixture of Purple and white, or grey even, at night no one could be sure. Me:Thanks for not eating me. William walked back to the entrance where he bumped into an excited Jake. Jake:Will, you're alive, and not eaten, what happened? Me:The pokemon rumor turned out to be true, psychic, feline, but I dare not say what it may have been. Jake:What, you think you know what it was? Me:I know I know what it was, there is no mistaking that pokemon.... Jake:*Gulp* I bet it would have ripped me open and ate my intestines like noodles if it was me under that tree. |